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Do you know the computer parts and accessories? Complete the text

2015-12-15 1467 Обсуждений (0)
Do you know the computer parts and accessories? Complete the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The most important parts of a computer are the 1)……………………..which powers your computer, the

2)………………………………. which you use to type, and the3)……………………….. which lets you see what you are doing. You will also need a 4)…………………………………………… to print documents, a 5)……………………..to click on icons and a 6)……………………………………….. to connect to the Internet. If you want sound, you

need to buy some 7)……………………………………… too. A 8)………………………………………………. can be useful to scan documents and photos into your computer.

DVD drive •monitor/screen • speakers • keyboard • mouse • tower • scanner•modem Memory/flash stick • printer


Reading I

Computers in our lives

ü Isaac Asimov, a science fiction writer, once said, "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." These days, most people cannot work without a computer. However, is it true that the use of computers is always beneficial?

ü Without doubt, there are several advantages to using computers at work. First of all, they help people to work faster. For example, word- processing is much faster than writing by hand and can help you avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. Moreover, employees can organise their work better with a computer. They can save their work and organise their files into folders so that they can find what they need easily.

ü However, using computers at work also has some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that it is not safe to store all your work on a computer. Documents can get lost if the computer crashes or breaks down. Also, people are losing their jobs as computers replace people at work.

ü To sum up, using computers can be both advantages and disadvantages. Despite the problems, however, I believe that they are an important tool at work and we should try to make the best of them.



Reading II

A) Read the dialogue in pairs.


Mark:What's wrong, Steve?

Steve: This computer is driving me crazy!

Mark: Well, maybe I can help you. There isn't much I don't know about computers!

Steve: OK then - take a seat...

Mark: Right. What seems to be the problem?

Steve: Well, I've finally finished this document, but I just can't get it to print.

Mark: I bet you didn't switch the printer on, didyou?

Steve: Of course I did! I'm not that stupid!

Mark: OK, OK, I was only asking. Right then, let's see. If you just click on the 'start' icon, go into the 'printers' folder, check the settings... oops!

Steve: What?

Mark: Well the monitor's gone all funny.

Steve: Mark! Don't tell me it's crashed! That report took me all morning to write!

Mark: Don't worry. We'll restart it. You saved the document, didn't you?

Steve: Erm ... actually I don't think I did. Oh, Steve!

Mark: Oh, Steve! You should save your work every few minutes!

Steve: Well, there's no point saying that now, is there?



B) Write the correct word from the dialogue.

1 You do this when you switch off the computer and switch it back on again, r_ _ _ _ _ _

2 A group of files stored together on a computer, f_ _ _ _ _

3 Keep a file or document on the hard disc until the next time you need it. S _ _ _



And what does a computer mean for you? Share your ideas about it.Tick the ways you use computers. Compare with your partner.

· do homework

· surf the Net

· collect information

· chat online

· play music

· play games

· do online shopping

· send emails

· type/print letters

· store pictures


A: I usually use my computer to surf the Net and do shopping.

What about you? В: I prefer to use my computer to send emails and chat with my friends.


An electronic magazine has asked readers to write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using some gadgets. Write your essay using the following linking words.

to begin with, in addition, furthermore, on the other hand, in spite of, for instance, in conclusion, because.

Reading III

Before you read.

Look through people’s opinions about mobile phones. Which ones are advantages andhich ones are disadvantages? Do you agree with them? Add some more.

ü Anti-social

ü Useful in the emergencies

ü Cost!

ü You are never alone

ü People know where you are

ü Public phones are terrible

ü They can easily break

British phone users want simpler phones

New phones are more difficult to use and have too many applications that a lot of us are not interested in. Many users are only interested in texting and making calls. Functions like taking photos and listening to music are popular but not essential. Most of us are more interested in good sound quality, good coverage and, most importantly, checking the time!

However, there’s the other extreme – the minority that loves these new applications. Did you know that now you can get a device that allows you to identify birdsong, another that tunes a musical instrument and even one that repels mosquitoes (the phone produces a noise that scares them away!) Can you believe it?

Do you think mobile phone users in our country think the same?

And what applications does your mobile have? Do you use all of them?


Match the functions to the instructions, put them down into your copy-book.

1 making a call A Click here – see where it says “MORE”?
2 sending a photo B Click on “MENU”.
3 checking the time C Press that button on the side.
  D Press that button with the green phone.
  E Select “CAMERA”.
  F Select “SEND”.
  G Key in the number

2015-12-15 1467 Обсуждений (0)
Do you know the computer parts and accessories? Complete the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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