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English-Speaking Countries

2015-12-15 843 Обсуждений (0)
English-Speaking Countries 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. The United Kingdom (also called Great Britain) is known to consist of four main parts-England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a parliamentary monarchy and the state language is English.

2. It has a population of approximately 57million people and an area of about 240,640 square kilometers. London is the capital city. Britain is a member of the European Community (also called the Common Market) and its main trading partners are known to be the ES countries and North America.

3. Britain's main exports are cars, machinery, textiles and chemicals and its invisible exports include banking, insurance and tourism. Britain's North Sea oil also makes it one of the world's oil producers.

4. The USA is a Federal Republic which consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia where the capital of Columbia where the capital of the USA Washington is situated. Originally there were only 13 states that’s why the American flag (sometimes called the "stars and stripes") consists of 13 horizontal stripes and 50 stars.

5. Leif Ericsson first discovered America in about 1000AD, but the Italian, Christopher Columbus rediscovered it in 1492. Soon the British and other Europeans founded their colonies on the new continent. For example, Sir Walter Raleigh started the first British colony, Virginia, in 1585. This became one the original thirteen states of the USA.

6. The war of Independence from Britain started in 1774. Congress passed the Declaration of Independence on 4th July 1776. Every year the Americans still celebrate Independence Day on 4th July. George Washington became the first president of the US in 1789.


6. Ответьте на вопросы.

а) What English-speaking countries do you know?

б) What is the official name of England?

в) What is the official name of US?

г) Who is the leader of Great Britain?


Составьте два общих вопроса по тексту.


Составьте два специальных вопроса по тексту.


9. Образуйте Participle I от следующих глаголов: to make, to found, to discover, to call.


10. Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов: to export, to consist, to become, to know.




1. Выберите правильный вариант(задание выполняется по образцу, приведенному в варианте 1).

А. Население 1. populate
  2. population
  3. populated
Б. Модный 1. fashionable
  2. fashion
  3. fashionably
В. Первоначальный 1. original
  2. originally
  3. origin
Г. Разный 1. difference
  2. different
  3. differently
Д. Rebuild 1. перестраивать
  2. перестраивать вновь
  3. не перестраивать
Е. История 1. historic
  2. historical
  3. history
Ж. Approximately 1. приблизительный
  2. приблизительно
  3. приближаясь
З. Parliamentary 1. парламентарный
  2. парламентарий
  3. парламент


2. Определите функции – (е)s (образец выполнения см. вариант 1).

a) Today Greater London covers 625 square miles.

б) London consists of 33 districts, including the City, the West End and the East End.

в) 23. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the second largest building in Europe.

г) London houses more than 11 million people.


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Найдите в третьем и четвертом абзаце текста глаголы в страдательном (пассивном) залоге, переведите их.


Переведите текст на русский язык.



1. London, the capital of Great Britain, is the largest city in Europe with the population of about eleven million people. The old traditions, still observed by the English, make London unique. London is a very old city; it is approximately 2000 years old.

2. Modern London is one of the most important cities in the world. It is the political, economical and commercial centre of England and the whole United Kingdom. London is a strange mixture of the past, present, of the rich and the poor.

3. It is old-fashioned and very modern at the same time. It is a city of great contrasts. The city has never been planned and it consists of many parts, which are very different from each other. There is the West End and the East End, Westminster and the City. Holborn, Bloomsbury, Soho, Kensington are parts of London too. There is the Tower and the Docks, Historic London and Modern London.

4. The name of the West End is connected with wealth and luxury. The West End is the place of residence of the London bourgeoisie. Rich visitors who came chiefly for enjoyment pass most of their time in the West End. The best and most expensive clubs, restaurants and theatres, beautiful houses and parks are in the West End. The West End is a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre.

5. The working class of London is centered in the East End. It includes all the main dock areas and is heavily industrialized. Many buildings were destroyed during the war and have not been rebuilt yet. Those who live in the East End love the East End and are proud that they have the right to call themselves "cockneys". The word "cockney" means "a true Londoner".

6. The City is the oldest part of London, the financial and business centre of Britain, where the big banks, firms are situated. St. Paul’s Cathedral in the City is one of the most famous sights of London. It was built for 35 years. Tower Bridge is called the river gate of London. The University of London and the British Museum are situated here. The library of the Museum is one of the richest in the world. Also interesting is the world famous Waxwork Museum of Madam Tussaud, in which life-like figures of historic personages and famous criminals are exhibited.

6. Ответьте на вопросы.

а) What is the population of London?

б) How many years is London?

в) What is the oldest part of London?

г) Where can you find life-like figures of historic personages and famous criminals?


2015-12-15 843 Обсуждений (0)
English-Speaking Countries 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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