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Is a Career in Clinical Psychology Right for You?

2015-12-15 464 Обсуждений (0)
Is a Career in Clinical Psychology Right for You? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Clinical psychologists need to have excellent communication skills. It is also important to be creative when developing treatment plans and approaches. Before you decide on a career in clinical psychology, contact local human services providers about volunteer opportunities that may be available. Clinical psychology can be both a demanding and deeply rewarding field and volunteer experiences can help you decide if a career in clinical psychology is right for you.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Career in Clinical Psychology?

Benefits of a Career in Clinical Psychology

· Helping people overcome problems can be extremely rewarding.

· Differing client needs and challenges allow clinicians to search for creative solutions.

· Opportunities for self-employment.

Downsides of a Career in Clinical Psychology

· Insurance companies require that clinicians keep extensive client records, so there is a considerable amount of paperwork.

· There is a risk of burnout due to the demanding nature of therapy.

· Clinical psychologists often work long hours with clients who can be demanding, argumentative, or unstable.

Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behavior and psychiatric problems. This field integrates the science of psychology with the treatment of complex human problems, making it an exciting career choice for people who are looking for a challenging and rewarding field.


3. Answer the following questions:

1) What is clinical psychology? What are its the main purposes?

2) Who and when introduced the term for the first time?

3) Can clinical psychologists prescribe medicines?

4) What do clinical psychologists have to do at work?

5) What does the clinical assessment include?

6) What are the interventions of clinical psychology? How can they be conducted?

7) Where do the clinical psychologists work?

8) Is a career in clinical psychology right for you? Develop pro and contra to prove your opinion.


4. Mark these statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct the false sentences:

1) Clinical psychologists deal only with assessment and therapy.

2) This subfield of psychology is very young, it was developed in the last decades of the twentieth century.

3) Professionals in this field often work not only in medical settings.

4) Clinical psychologists usually do not work with children.

5) Clinical psychologists deal with mild psychological disorders.

6) Examples of intervention techniques include interviews, behavioral assessments, and the administration and interpretation of tests of intellectual abilities, aptitudes, personal characteristics etc.


Check your vocabulary

1) Fill in gthe gaps:

1)American psychologist Lightner Witmer was a former student of ________________.

2)All clinical psychologists are interested in _______________.

3)Practitioners of Clinical Psychology work using a wide range of ___________ and _________ methods.

4)Marital and family therapy are examples of _____________.

5)Helping people _________ ________ can be extremely rewarding.

6)Clinical psychologists often work long hours with clients who can be _____________, _______________, or ______________.

3) Match the coloumns:

forensic rewarding

mental goals

therapeutic social problems

empirical health

promote base

wide range behavior

substance satisfaction

severe problems

prevent testimony

abnormal of methods

extremely abuse

overcome disorders



GRAMMAR: Active and Passive Voice. Действительный и страдательный залог.

Залог - это форма глагола, которая показывает, является ли подлежащее предложения производителем или объектом действия, выраженного сказуемым. В английском языке имеется два залога: the Active Voice (действительный залог) и the Passive Voice (страдательный залог).

Глагол в действительном залоге (the Active Voice) выражает действие, которое производит само лицо (или предмет), являющееся подлежащим:

Jane gives food to her cat. Джейн дает еду своему коту.

Таблица 1

Таблица времен в активном (действительном) и пассивном (страдательном) залогах.

    Active Активный залог Passive Пассивный залог
Present Indefinite He delivers the parcels. Он доставляет посылки. The parcels are delivered. Посылки доставляются.
Continuous He is delivering the parcels. Он доставляет посылки. The parcels are being delivered. Посылки доставляются.
Perfect Continuous He has been delivering the parcels the whole morning. Он доставлял посылки все утро. - -
Perfect He has delivered the parcels. Он доставил посылки. The parcels have been delivered. Посылки были доставлены.
Past Indefinite He delivered the parcels. Он доставил посылки. The parcels were delivered. Посылки были доставлены.
Continuous He was delivering the parcels. Он доставлял посылки. The parcels were being delivered. Посылки доставлялись.
Perfect Continuous He had been delivering the parcels the whole morning yesterday. Он доставлял посылки все утро вчера. - -
Perfect He had delivered the parcels. Он доставил посылки. The parcels had been delivered. Посылки были доставлены.
Future Indefinite He will deliver the parcels. Он доставит посылки. The parcels will be delivered. Посылки будут доставлены.
Continuous He will be delivering the parcels at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Завтра в 8 утра он будет доставлять посылки. - -
Perfect He will have delivered the parcels. Он уже доставит посылки. The parcelswill have been delivered. Посылки уже будут доставлены.
Perfect Continuous He will have been delivering the parcels. Он будет доставлять посылки. - -
Future in the Past Indefinite He would deliver the parcels. Он доставил бы посылки. The parcels would be delivered. Посылки были бы доставлены.
Continuous He would be delivering the parcels. Он доставлял бы посылки. - -
Perfect He would have delivered the parcels. Он должен был бы доставить посылки. The parcels would have been delivered. Посылки должны были бы быть доставлены.
Present Infinitive He must deliver the parcels. Он должен доставить посылки. The parcels must be delivered. Посылки должны быть доставлены.
Perfect Infinitive He must have delivered the parcels. Он уже должен был доставить посылки. The parcels must have been delivered. Посылки уже должны были быть доставлены.
Simple -ing form I object to his delivering the parcels. Я против того, чтобы он доставлял посылки. I object to the parcels being delivered. Я против того, чтобы посылки были доставлены.
Perfect -ing form Having delivered the parcels, ... Доставив посылки, ... The parcels having been delivered, ... Доставленные посылки...
Modals + be + p.p. He should deliver the parcels. Ему следует доставить посылки. The parcels should be delivered. Посылки должны быть доставлены.


Как видно из таблицы, в страдательном залоге НЕТ времен Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Future Continuous in the Past.

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы страдательного залога образуются по тем же правилам, что и соответствующие формы действительного залога.

2015-12-15 464 Обсуждений (0)
Is a Career in Clinical Psychology Right for You? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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