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C) It has been proved that

2016-09-16 635 Обсуждений (0)
C) It has been proved that 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

– предвзятое мнение не ограничивается отдельными личностями.

– нападки на представителей другой группы усиливают чувство солидарности с членами своей группы.

– существует огромная разница между тем, что люди делают и тем, что говорят.

– люди появляются на свет, не имея предрассудков.

– когда ребенок начинает обобщать свой жизненный опыт необходимо научить его умению видеть как общее, так и частное.


2. Develop arguments to prove or disprove the following in the form of a written statement (a paragraph long):

1. Breeding racial prejudice is a crime against humanism.

2. Prejudiced thinking is a sure sign of egocentrism.

3. Prejudice is like a catchy disease, no one is guaranteed against picking it up.

4. In a multi-racial world unprejudiced people are extinct.

5. Being tolerant is less rewarding than being prejudiced. In the latter case you are an honorable member of a group, while in the former one you are on your own and in opposition to the rest of the world.



Write an essay (120 – 180 words) on one of the following topics.


1. How do ignorance and prejudice correlate with stereotyped thinking?

2. What kind of prejudice is more difficult to get rid of: social or individual?

3. Is prejudiced thinking a blessing or a curse?

4. Are unprejudiced people an example to follow?

5. Is education a universal savior from all kinds of prejudice?



Topic: Is Love an art?

Section 1

Target Patterns

Study the following target patterns.

1) Most people see the problem of love primarily as that of being loved.

-Большинство людей понимают проблему любви как проблему того, как стать объектом любви.

Many of the ways to make oneself lovable are the same as those used to make oneself successful.

- Многие из способов стать объектом любви такие же точно, как и те способы, которые используются для того, чтобы добиться успеха в жизни.


2) There is nothing to be learnt about love.

-Нет ничего нового, что еще можно узнать о любви.

There is little reason to be surprised that human love relations follow the same pattern of exchange.

-Есть мало причин удивляться тому, что в сфере любовных отношений людей используется та же модель обмена.


3) Love was supposed to develop once the marriage had been concluded.

- Считалось, что любовь должна возникнуть сразу после заключения брака.


4) Closely related to this factor is another feature characteristic of contemporary culture.

- Непосредственно связанной с этим фактором является и еще одна черта, характерная для современной культуры.


5) If this were the case with any other activity, people would be eager to know the reasons for the failure.

- Если бы такая ситуация сложилась в какой-то другой сфере человеческой деятельности, люди непременно захотели бы узнать причины неудачи.


Translate the sentences from English into Russian, using the patterns above.

1. There is a lot to be done, so let’s hurry.

2. The factor, raising most questions is that of love.

3. The dispute was believed to be through, but they kept talking.

4. There is something to think about, isn’t there?

5. She was thought to have been married once though there was little evidence.

6. There are plenty of things to be discussed and no time left.

7. Distantly related to the discussed issue was another one, having been thoroughly discussed but not resolved yet.

8. If this were the matter, they would not treat it so light-mindedly.

9. They are not supposed to be involved, are they?

10. There are few people to be reckoned with.

11. If she were expected to be more involved, believe me, she would be working harder than anybody else.

12. There are no grounds to discuss his disloyalty.

13. Very important was another question, raised a little later.

14. If this were the problem, he would not be so upset.

15. He is hoped to be working at the project right now.

3. Translate the sentences into English, using the patterns above:

1. Есть все основания полагать, что проблема будет решена в ближайшем будущем.

2. Если бы проблема была в этом, он бы не стал так беспокоиться.

3. Полагают, что они уже завершили работу над проектом.

4. Нет ничего такого, чтобы нужно было добавить к сказанному.

5. Этот вопрос так же важен, как и тот, который мы обсуждали вчера.

6. Есть еще много оснований сомневаться в том, что решение было правильным.

7. Надеются, что она все-таки приедет.

8. Многие из способов решить эту проблему - так же безнадежны, как и те, что предлагаете Вы.

9. Крайне существенным для нашего дела является и еще один фактор, о котором мы еще не говорили.

10. Ожидается, что они все примут участие в обсуждении.

11. Если бы он действительно был расстроен, он бы не принимал участия в обсуждении.

12. Чрезвычайно важным для целей нашего обсуждения является и вопрос о новом проекте.

13. Считается, что они влюблены.

14. Если бы этот случай был так серьезен, как Вы говорите, стали бы они сейчас обсуждать другой?

15. Нет ничего такого, чтобы мы не знали об этом случае.

Section 2.

Target words

Write the missing words in the sentences below instead of their definitions in brackets in the required form. Choose from the following:

1. Verbs:

to occur to urge to assume to consume to bargain to proceed to pursue to uphold to intensify to root to facilitate to enhance

1. She (tried hard to persuade) him to reconsider his decision.

2. The explosion (took place) just after midnight.

3. We won’t (support) the new policy of the boss.

4. They decided (to conduct) a policy of non-intervention.

5. Why does he always (accept as true before there is proof) the worst?

6. Those clothes do nothing (to improve further the good quality) her appearance.

7. Never pay the advertised price for a car – always try (to discuss in order to reach a favourable agreement for oneself).

8. Please, (go on to a further stage) with your report.

9. This car (uses) a lot of fuel.

10. 10. I’m afraid the terrorists will (make stronger) their bombing campaign.

11. A lot of his problems are ( are developed from) in his relationship with his mother

12. The discussion was (made easier) by the teacher who divided students into smaller groups.


2. Adjectives:

trashy miraculous tough overt available conventional permanent exhilarating prevalent profitless tremendous noteworthy


1. It is (deserving to be noted) that only 5% of senior managers are women.

2. I never read (of poor quality) novels.

3. She ended her letter with a (well-accepted) “Yours Sincerely”.

4. The team plays (determined and strong) when it has to.

5. I think it’s nothing but just an (open) attempt to force landowners to sell.

6. More money can become (able to be used) later in the year.

7. The burnt out buildings are a (lasting) reminder of the disaster.

8. My first parachute jump was an (very exciting) experience.

9. He has certainly had a (contrary to what is expected) recovery.

10. Drug abuse is the most (common) problem among teenagers.

11. The progress that has been made in microelectronics is (very big).

12. Many small hospitals are struggling to stay profitable, but still are (producing no profit).


3. Nouns:


pursuit coherence intensity standpoint evidence limitations faculty potentialities infatuation premise mastery assumptions


1. Let’s start from the basic (idea, on which reasoning is based) that we all have certain rights.

2. Lots of people are traveling around the country in (the action of trying to find smth) of work.

3. His arguments lack (logic and consistency).

4. The theory is based on a series of false (ideas that are thought to be true, but are not proved).

5. From a technical (way of looking at things), this is a great advantage.

6. I know my (lacks of ability).

7. The (qualities that exist, but have not been developed) of the average person are not fully used.

8. I didn’t realize the (strength) of people’s feelings on the issue.

9. It’s not love; it’s only a passing (foolish passion).

10. There is now fresh scientific (supporting data) for this theory.

11. He has shown complete (great knowledge and skill) in handling difficult situations.

12. She has a great (ability) for learning languages.



intermediary thrill domesticity coyness commodities bargain asset consummation carpentry engineering luxury confusion


1. They conducted all their business through an (a person who acts as a link).

2. He gets a (feeling of being excited) from rock-climbing.

3. I hate people purposefully demonstrating scenes of cosy (family life)

4. Her (shyness and modesty) is a put up job.

5. Trading in (products that are bought and sold) was brisk.

6. I’ve done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the (deal).

7. The President’s greatest (valuable quality) is his reputation for honesty.

8. Marriage is a (moment of completing, making perfect) of one’s life.

9. This is the finest piece of (art of making or repairing wooden objects or structures).

10. The new bridge is the triumph of (practical application of scientific knowledge in the design building and control of things).

11. We can’t afford many (expensive and enjoyable, but not essential things).

12. There have been some (mistaking of one thing for another) of names.

Section 3


Reading comprehension


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C) It has been proved that 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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