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Translate the sentences from English into Russian, using the patterns above

2016-09-16 410 Обсуждений (0)
Translate the sentences from English into Russian, using the patterns above 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. There is no doubt that these are the very features he is most criticized for.

2. Who knows, probably it is that particular problem, which we have overlooked.

3. No one can say for sure now if these were those particular ideas that had made him once so famous.

4. What could be said on the matter, remained unspoken for years.

5. What people mean when they choose to say that, varies immensely.

6. What you are expected to do is to choose a wife as soon as possible.

7. A man possessed by the idea of making a quick career is blind to other people’s ambitions, focused, he notices nobody on the way.

8. Anyone extensively spoken about is far from being indifferent to it, disturbed by a gossip or flattered by a praise s/he is inclined to behave foolishly.

9. Life can not go on smoothly without ambition removed from it.

10. No one is strong enough to persist implementing the task without due regard and support received from his fellowmen.

11. They are thought to be strongly opposed to any change of plan.

12. She is known to be the proponent of ideas of the old school of thought.

13. None of them is generally percepted as a suitable candidate for the post.

14. If the job is to be soon accomplished, shouldn’t they work longer hours?

15. But as you choose a move, so you do form your destiny.

16. There are many who, lest they be condemned by their mates, abstain from contributing to the discussion, though they have a lot to contribute and might be helpful, if only they had courage.

17. No woman, lest she is totally ignored, will keep silent long there, where there are many other women present.

18. None of my feelings, whether they be connected with you or another woman, are the matter of your concern.

19. All well-to-do people, whether they be generous or mean, hate speaking about their wealth in public.

20. If he is to be elected, the priority number one now is to select some suitable team workers for him, so that to ensure the smooth running of the committee from the very start.

21. Not all emotions are worthy of displaying, nor every word is worth being spoken out.

22. And as we retrieve the unnecessary, so the essentials are crystallized.

23. He is not interested in moving ahead with the project, nor does he wish to drop it altogether, so we are stuck with it.

24. Without ideas lavishly pored on him by his assistant, he is hardly able to work at all.

25. And as we run up, so we leap.

Translate the sentences into English, using the patterns above.

1. Принято считать, что именно люди без амбиций заслуживают наибольшего доверия.

2. Что было сделано в результате всех этих споров, так и осталось тайной.

3. Люди, эмоционально неуравновешенные, часто выходят из себя без всякого повода.

4. Ничто не может измениться к лучшему, без усилий, сознательно прилагаемых каждым на благо общего дела.

5. Не каждый воспринимается как аморальный человек только потому, что занимает высокий пост, бывают и исключения.

6. Если рассматривать твое назначение как положительный фактор, то ситуация, в целом, не так уж и плоха.

7. Не стоит возражать, а то подумают, что у тебя есть собственный интерес в этом деле.

8. Всякий человек, будь он амбициозен или нет, в сущности, стремится к одному – к достижению успеха.

9. Как ни один из его проектов не был обсужден, так и ни одно из его предложений не было принято.

10. В зависимости от того, как пойдут дела с реализацией плана, и будет решаться вопрос о приоритетах.

11. Не стану отрицать, что именно эти черты Вашего характера, вынуждают меня отказать Вам.

12. Что необходимо сделать сейчас, так это оставить все распри и немедленно начать действовать.

13. Если не относится к людям с предубеждением, то можно приобрести себе множество друзей даже среди бывших врагов.

14. Я полагаю, ей следует поступить так, как ты советуешь, а то могут подумать, что в случившемся есть и ее вина.

15. Никто из тех, кого я знаю, будь он или она умнейшими из людей, не способен был бы додуматься до такого.

16. Не стоит приходить в отчаяние, как и не стоит вообще думать об этом.

17. Как Вы скажете, так мы и поступим.

18. Люди, увлеченные решением чужих проблем, часто забывают о своих собственных, направив всю энергию на благо других людей, они часто приобретают несоизмеримо больше, чем эгоистичные люди.

19. Без цели, отнятой у нее, жизнь не имеет смысла.

20. Если необходимо придерживаться такой тактики, стоит ли критиковать ее поминутно?

Section 2

Target words

Write the missing words in the sentences below instead of their definitions in brackets in the required form (some of the words should be used more than once, as may have different meanings in different contexts). Choose from the following:

1. Verbs:

to cease, to clamber, to ponder, to usurp, to wield, to quarter, to profess, to harbor, to drain, to esteem, to underscore, to escape, eliminate

1. They (climbed) slowly, using their hands and feet over the slippery rocks.

2. He accused Congress of trying to (take) the authority of the President/

3. You’ll have to (divide it into four parts) between us.

4. Never had they had before (to provide) a soldier of Her Majesty with a place to sleep and eat.

5. He (keeps) no bitterness toward his ex-wife.

6. Your towels can (hide) dangerous germs.

7. They have been trying to (protect) her by hiding her from the police.

8. No writer (is more highly respected and admired) by the British than Shakespeare.

9. The prisoner was shot as he attempted (to get away).

10. The newspaper has been forced (to stop) publication.

11. Scientists still (spend time thinking) over the origin of man.

12. Central banks (have) a lot of power in today’s global economy.

13. The man moved toward them (holding) a stick.

14. He openly (claimed) his innocence.

15. For months he had wanted (to state) his love for her.

16. In this country ninety percent of the people profess Christianity.

17. After the flood waters (flow) away, they will return to the village.

18. The report (emphasizes) the importance of childhood immunizations.

19. And now, will you please, (underline) the verb forms in the text?

20. The car maker said it will (destroy) 74,000 jobs over the next four years.

2. Adjectives:

incommensurate, unalloyed, sly, perverse, blatant, obtuse, ignoble, disparate, inextricable, egregious, superfluous, tumultuous

1. His (not mixed with anything else) joy was shared by everyone.

2. The locals take (an unreasonable) pride in how cold their winters are.

3. Maybe I am being (dump), but I don’t understand what you’re so upset about.

4. Many (different) forms of information can be linked together in the database.

5. The situation in question was one of the most (noticeable and extremely bad) examples of discrimination, we have ever seen.

6. 2005 was a (full of activity) year for all of us.

7. The (very loud) applause was heard even outside.

8. Those sanctions are (not matching) with their actions.

9. The (skillful in the way one uses tricks) Congressman knows what it takes to get elected.

10. He had a (cunning) grin and a twinkle in his eye.

11. At first I tried ignoring his (dirty) hints and stares.

12. His (shameful) actions made everyone feel embarrassed.

13. There’s an (indispensable) link between language and culture.

14. We are cutting out (unnecessary) layers of managers.

15. His words were (excessive) and boring.

3. Nouns:


rancor, condominium, prating, constellation, custodianship, benefactor, grandeur, abrasion, sham, posterity, realm, accoutrements

1. It was odd but the owner of the (conglomerate of apartments) turned out to be in debts, nearly broke.

2. That was a real (cluster) of problems one might find impossible to be solved.

3. The museum received $ 5 million from an unnamed (sponsor).

4. She was treated for cuts and (scraping).

5. The manuscripts have been preserved for (descendants).

6. Cat furniture, cat jewelry, and all sorts of other cat (attire) will be for sale at the show.

7. Their divorce was carried out with a minimum of (bitterness).

8. Your (meaningless, boring words) make everybody feel ill at ease.

9. Your (care and protection) of my property is completely out of place.

10. The (magnificence) of his victory has never been fully realized.

11. The competition has been exposed as a complete (fraud).

12. New discoveries in the (field) of science are regularly discussed in this journal.


alleviation, glory, distinction, accomplishment, goodness, longevity, cowardice, stirrings, prompting, attainment, implication, vitality

1. At 19 he won (fame & praise) as an Olympic Champion.

2. Our 15% increase in sales last year was a major (achievement).

3. The inhabitants enjoy good health and (long life).

4. It is a region already unsettled by (signs) of nationalism.

5. They all have demonstrated an exceptionally low level of educational (success).

6. There is an attractive (vigour) to John.

7. There was no (soothing) of the drought conditions despite the heavy rains in March.

8. It is important to remember the (difference) between rights and laws.

9. Neil Armstrong had (stardom) of being the first man on the Moon.

10. Ann believes in the basic (kindness) of all people.

11. It would be an act of (timorousness) to avoid the debate.

12. It took some (reminding & encouraging), but I finally got Gerald to clean his room.

13. The new admissions policy can have serious (consequences) for ethnic balances on campus.

14. The (suggestion) that “time” meant “a long time” was clearly understood by patients.

15. Sales of butter have declined because of the (involvement) of fat in cases of heart disease.

Section 3


Reading Comprehension

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