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Match the words 1- 11 with the correct definitions a- k.

2019-08-13 498 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words 1- 11 with the correct definitions a- k. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1) cardigan   a) a shiny fabric made of silk

2) costume   b) a flat folding case for money usually carried by


3) fabric  c) a sweater with an opening down the throat

4) frock   d) a set of clothes characteristic of a particular  

                 season or occasion   

5) garment  e) a woman’s or child’s dress

6) purse  f) a small bag for money usually carried by women   

7) sandals  g) an article of clothing

8) satin      h) a sleeveless garment worn over a shirt

9) suit         i ) a cloth produced by knitting or weaving

10) waistcoat j) low shoes with an ankle strap

11) wallet   k) a set of articles of clothing to be worn together

In the column on the left is a list of departments. In the column on the right are the items you can purchase in these departments. Match the department with the items it sells.

   1) Clothes         a) kerchief, gloves, wallet, umbrella

   2) Footwear          b) dressing-gown, raincoat, blouse, jacket

   3) Furs            c) shampoo, spray, nail varnish

   4) Haberdashery d) winter cap, hat

   5) Hats            e) boots, overshoes, sandals, slippers

   6) Jewellry           f) skis, tennis net, stop watch

   7) Knitwear     g) nightdress, pyjamas

   8) Perfumery   h) beads, ear-rings, string of pearls                             

   9) Sport Goods     i) cardigan, sweater, jersey

   10) Stationery   j) cotton, cotton velvet, flannel, linen

   11) Textiles         k) fox, mink, silver fox, squirrel

   12) Underwear l) pencil, paper, ruler, pen



    4. Find synonyms or words close in meaning.

a. cheap (adj), defect (n) , department (n), expensive (adj), fashionable (adj) , first-class (adj), pick  out (v), price (n), purchase (v), ready-made (adj), simple (adj), sort (n).

b. buy (v), choose (v), cost (n), dear (adj), excellent (adj), imperfection (n), inexpensive (adj), ready-to-use (adj), section (n), stylish (adj), type (n), unpretentious (adj).


Which of the following words used to describe things we buy have?


                                          a negative meaning

                                          a neutral meaning

 a positive meaning


    attractive, awful, baggy, beautiful, casual, cheap, charming, common, elegant, fascinating, fashionable, first-class, lovely, neat, ordinary, old-fashioned, out-of-date, plain, perfect, pleasant, ridiculous, shabby, simple, smart, secondhand, standard, stylish, wonderful.



Compare the following antonyms. Give their Russian equivalents.   

attractive – unattractive; acceptable - unacceptable; available – unavailable; comfortable – uncomfortable; common – uncommon; decent - indecent; desirable – undesirable; expected – unexpected; helpful – unhelpful; important – unimportant; impressive – unimpressive; lucky – unlucky; necessary - unnecessary; perfect – imperfect; possible – impossible; practical – im(un)practical; predictable – unpredictable; professional – unprofessional; profitable – unprofitable; suitable – unsuitable; usual – unusual; valuable – invaluable; well-known – unknown; worthy – unworthy.

Give the Russian equivalents of the following derivatives.

1. custom (n), customary (adj), customer (n); 2. deliver (v), deliverer (n), delivery (n); 3. pack (v), packer (n), packet (n);  4. practice (n), practical (adj), practicable (adj); 5. pay (v), payer (n), payable (abj), payment (n); 6. price (n), pricy (adj), priceless (adj);  7. purchase (v), purchasable (adj), purchaser (n); 8. supply (v), suplier (n); 9. trade (v), trader (n).



Explain the meaning of the following compounds. Give their Russian equivalents.   


bath-essence, buttonhole, double-breasted, dressmaker, footwear, hairdryer, handbag, handkerchief, hand-knitted, headscarf, knitwear, lipstick, necktie, nightdress, pullover, raincoat, ready-made, scarecrow, shrink-proof, suitcase, sweatshirt, single-breasted, overblouse, storehouse, toothpaste, sunshade, underwear, waistcoat, waterproof.



Use a dictionary to find out the difference in meaning of the words in brackets. Then choose the correct word.


1.What does your national (costume, dress) look like?2. My mother says that girls like you should be always dressed in plain (clothes, clothing). 3. I don't like this cloth, it is (rough, rude) to the touch. 4.  On Wednesday shops (shut, close) for a half-holiday.5.Many people carry their small change (loose, lose) in their trouser pocket, not in a purse. 6. My tailor says she is the (mildest, softest) woman alive. 7. It is as (mild, soft) as velvet. 8. She didn’t take a lot of things because she liked to travel light. She took just a few summer (frocks, clothes) with her. 9. Where’s my T-shirt? – It’s in the basket for dirty (garment, clothes). 10. Excuse me, where do they sell (linen, underwear)? I’d like a pair of table-cloths. 11. I won’t buy the house at that (price, cost). 12. They sell beautiful theatre (suits, costumes) in Harrow Street.   



Fill in the missing words and word-combinations in the sentences below. Choose from the following.


(alike; buy; change; customer; discount; fashion; fit; loose; match; prices; price tag; refund; shape; shopping; shopping list; style; suit; tastes; try on; wear.)


1. She is dressed in the latest … 2.  Look at the …. This dress is too expensive. 3. I must … myself a new shirt. 4.  What a queer … she is! 5. She was wearing a brown dress with gloves to…. 6. I must … these trousers – they've got oil on them. 7. That leaves much time for … 8. This coat doesn't … me. 9. … are low – buy now! 10. She likes wearing … - fitting clothes. 11. This … is much worn now. 12. I want to … the shoes before I buy them. 13. Compiling a … … takes much time and patience. 14. Does this skirt … me? 15. She has expensive … in clothes. 16. It wears well and keeps … .17. Do people dress … when they buy things in chain stores? 18. I'd like a … 19. We give (a) 10 per cent … for cash. 20. These shoes are showing signs of ….



2019-08-13 498 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words 1- 11 with the correct definitions a- k. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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