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Answer the following questions.

2019-08-13 525 Обсуждений (0)
Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. What is teaching? In what way does it benefit society?

2. What is a lesson? What stages does a typical language lesson involve? What is a ‘presentation stage’? What is a ‘practical stage’? What is a ‘warm-up’? What does successful language learning require?

3. What is learning? Who is ultimately responsible for students’ motivation?

4. In what way does a teaching system called ‘tutorials differ from most commonly used methods?

5. How long does a university course last in England, Wales and Scotland?

6. What is the difference between a ‘university and a ‘college’?

7. What is a) a ‘major’, b) a ‘minor’?

8. What are ‘grades’ and ‘points’?

9. What is a) a ‘freshers’ fair’, b) a ‘campus’?

10. In what way are British and American universities different from Russian universities? 






          Teaching and Learning


    People Who Teach People Who Study
 advisor  lecturer  school teacher  trainee teacher  university teacher  applicant / candidate full-time student part-time student undergraduate student postgraduate student student by correspondence


What They Do


advise arrange exam(ination)s carry out teaching conduct a lesson do corrections educate/train students encourage and assist evaluate students experiment and innovate explain smth to students give/deliver/read a lecture maintain discipline test one’s knowledge       leave / finish school apply for admission take entrance exam(ination)s take / do a course in (history, etc) attend classes (lectures, etc) get knowledge of smth advance in one’s studies miss classes (lectures, etc) disturb the class make notes (of lectures, etc) prepare / revise for classes participate in class discussion write an essay make a report (speech) read / get ready for exams do research in (the field of …) take final exam(ination)s (finals) pass an exam(ination) fail (in) an exam(ination) repeat the year graduate from a university


                                          Qualities They Have


dictatorial experienced even-tempered orderly patient pedantic qualified selfless strict Capable cooperative creative hard-working / industrious polite promising subordinate


Subjects They Teach and Learn
Natural Sciences: Biology Biotechnology Chemistry Mathematics Physics, etc    Social Sciences Business and Management Ecology Economics Finance  Journalism Law Politics Psychology Sociology Statistics, etc The Humanities Anthropology Archeology,                                                            Geography History Languages Linguistics (Applied Linguistics, Grammar, History of Language, Lexicology, Phonetics, Stylistics, etc)


    Additional vocabulary: an admission application; a school-leaving certificate; a post graduate course / school; a full-time department; a part-time department; the dean’s office (the faculty office); a compulsory subject; an optional subject; a tuition fee.


Mind the preposition:  to be admitted to a university; to be enrolled in a university; to be at college; to be admitted to membership of the university;  to get expelled from a university; to go into teaching (to enter a teaching profession); to have a test on smth; to make good progress in English; to teach smth to smb;

a lecture in English Literature, etc; at (in) the examination; in one’s mother tongue; in the original; at random; on a regular basis; in writing (written form).


Learn it by heart:

1. I’m in my first year.    1. Я учусь на первом курсе.


2. What courses are you 2. Какие дисциплины вы

taking (doing)?                изучаете?


3. I’ve got to prepare for 3. Мне надо подготовиться к   

my Grammar lesson.       уроку грамматики.


4. Go on to the next       4. Приступайте к следующему

question.                        вопросу.


5. No prompting, please. 5. Пожалуйста, не подсказывайте.


6. Hand in your papers, 6. Сдайте работы, пожалуйста.



7. The time is up.            7. Время закончилось.


8. How long is it before 8. Сколько времени до звонка?

the bell?


9. There goes the bell. 9. (Вот) звенит звонок.






1. Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with the dictionary.

1. Systematic training (especially of the young in school, college, etc) is - education - invention - qualification.

2. Devotion of time and thought to getting knowledge of, or to a close examination of, a subject, especially from books is - leisure - pastime - study.

3. Someone who has formally asked for a university place is – an applicant - a scholar - a trainee.

4. A fixed charge or payment for enrollment in a university, lessons, lectures, etc is a scholarship - a tuition fee.

5. A testing of one’s knowledge or ability is – examination - inspection - sightseeing.

6. Subjects offered for choice are called - compulsory – optional.

7. Activity, drill, etc designed for mental training is - an exercise - a motion – a movement.

8. Familiarity gained by experience, range of information is

- acquaintance - consideration - knowledge.

9. A wrong opinion, idea or act is - an expression - a mistake - a point of view.

10. The study of people in society, which includes politics, is

- natural science - social science.

11. An advanced stage of education that takes place after a student has finished a university degree is called – a post-graduate school – a professional school.

12. To do a test or exam is – to pass a test (an exam) - to take a test (an exam).

13. A teacher who cares about his/ her students more than about himself / herself is - orderly - pedantic - selfless.   

14.  Someone who gives lessons to just one student or a small group of students is – a coach - a lecturer – a tutor.

2. Compare the meaning of the following words. Give their Russian equivalents.

advanced – backward; approving – disapproving; correct – incorrect; certain - uncertain; convincing - unconvincing; critical - uncritical; distinct – indistinct; essential - unessential; experienced –inexperienced; forgettable -unforgettable; motivated – unmotivated; necessary – unnecessary; patient - impatient; possible – impossible; promising - unpromising; qualified – unqualified; quick-witted – slow-witted; regular – irregular; respectful – disrespectful; satisfactory – unsatisfactory; significant – insignificant; skillful - unskillful; sociable – unsociable; subordinate – insubordinate; thoughtful – thoughtless; worthy – worthless.


 3. Explain the meaning of the following compounds. Give their Russian equivalents.


audio-visual (equipment); end-of-term (test); extra - curriculum (activities); fellow-teacher; head-master; head-mistress; know-all; know-how; know-nothing; note-paper; notice-board; paper-back; research-based (university); self-teaching (textbooks); school-fellow; school-leaving (examination); school-master; sound-recording; sound-barrier; time-table; training-college; training-school; vice-rector; vice-dean.



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