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Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive. Translate the sentences.

2019-10-11 725 Обсуждений (0)
Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive. Translate the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. In Paris today, the streets (crowd) with automobiles. 2. Two ropes (attach) to the bumper of a car. 3. Air (supply) to the brake system from the main reservoir. 4. Some areas (congest) with both cars and people. 5. This colourless gas (emit) mainly from cars and trucks. 6. Over 12 million cars (recycle) in the U.S. every year. 7. If someone (injure) in a car accident, you should not move him or her. 8.  The doors of all Ferraris (make) from aluminium. 9. The ship (propel) by steam and (light) by electricity.


8. Read the text. Complete the sentences in par. 3-5 with the words (1-8) from ex.5. Listen to the recording to check your answers.


1. It is hard to imagine what life was like before there were automobiles, or cars. Cars and other motor vehicles have made it easy for people to travel within a city or across a continent. They have also affected how people live. People once had to live near their jobs, but now they can live farther away and drive to work.

2. Yet automobiles have brought problems as well. Tens of thousands of people are killed or injured each year in traffic accidents. Cities are often congested with huge traffic jams. And gasoline is a limited resource that pollutes the atmosphere.

3. An automobile is a four-wheeled vehicle designed mainly for passenger transportation and usually propelled by an internal-combustion 1___ using a volatile fuel.

4. All automobiles have certain basic parts. The 2___ of an automobile is the outer shell that encloses the vehicle’s mechanical parts and its passengers. Most auto bodies are made of steel, but some are made of strong plastics or fiberglass. The body is attached to the 3___. This consists of a frame that holds all the other major parts of the automobile together. Those other parts include an engine, a steering system, 4___, and four 5___. The 6___ controls the direction in which a car moves.

5. A driver operates a car by pressing on 7___ to make it go and stop and by turning the 8___ to guide where the car goes. The pedals and steering wheel work because they are part of a larger system [1].


9. Find a word or expression in the text which is similar in meaning to:


a) a device for carrying persons or objects (par. 1); b) a colorless liquid used as a motor fuel (par. 2); c) a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward because there is too much traffic (par. 2); d) to do physical harm or damage to someone (par. 2); e) to overfill or overcrowd (par. 2); f) an engine which generates power by the burning of fuel with air inside the engine (par. 3); g) to direct the motion of a vehicle (par. 5).


Complete the statements with the appropriate information from the text.


1. It is impossible to imagine our life …

2. An automobile is a …

3. The common auto body material is …

4. The automobile basic parts are …

5. A driver presses on pedals to …

6. A driver turns the steering wheel to …

7. The advantages of automobiles in our life are …

8. The disadvantages of automobiles in our life are…


Match the words having a similar meaning.


1) an advantage a) a congestion
2) a driver b) to devote
3) a traffic jam c) current
4) typical d) a benefit
5) present-day e) to emit
6) to produce f) a motorist
7) city g) to encourage
8) to motivate h) urban
9) to give i) average


The United States is a prime example of a car-centered nation. Complete the text below with the appropriate words and find out how transportation affects the life of people in the USA.


air pollution, congestion, motor vehicles, motorists, environment, accidents, injure, maintenance, parking lots, climate-changing


1___ ___ offer a convenient way to get people around. They are also symbols of power, social status, and success for many people. And much of the world’s economy is built on producing motor vehicles and supplying fuel, roads, vehicle 2___ and repairs.

Despite their important benefits, motor vehicles have harmful effects on people and the 3___. Every year, automobile 4___ in the United States kill about 44,000 people and 5___ another 2 million.

Motor vehicles are the world’s largest source of outdoor 6___ ___, which kills about 100,000 people per year in the United States. They are also the fastest-growing source of 7___ carbon dioxide emissions. The average car in the USA emits about 2.2 tons of CO2 each year. In addition, half of the urban land is devoted to roads, 8___ ___, and gasoline stations.

Widespread use of motor vehicles causes traffic 9___. If current trends continue, U.S. 10___ will soon spend an average of 2 years of their lives in traffic jams. Building more roads may not be the answer because more roads usually encourage more people to drive [2].

2019-10-11 725 Обсуждений (0)
Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive. Translate the sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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