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Before buying a car you should always try and test drive it. Arrange the words in the proper order to make questions you should ask yourself during the test drive.

2019-10-11 340 Обсуждений (0)
Before buying a car you should always try and test drive it. Arrange the words in the proper order to make questions you should ask yourself during the test drive. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1) the engine / does / of / start / the car / instantly?

2)     comfortable / the car / is / to drive?

3) quiet / the engine / and / is / smooth?

4) the gears / to find / are / all / and / easy / engage?

5) handle / of / does / well / on / types / different / it / road?

6) easily / the driver’s / adjust / steering / are / able / seat / and / you / to / wheel?

7)    the brakes / to make / smooth / do / allow / you / stops?


13. Listen to the conversation between a car salesman and a woman. Answer the questions. Make sure you know the words in italics below.

to give a tap – хлопать ( дверью ), a bargain  - выгодная покупка , extended warranty - расширенная гарантия , продлённый срок гарантии , a brake drum – тормозной барабан , a light bulb – лампочка , trim – отделка , molding – молдинг , декоративная накладка , upholstery – обивка , price range – ценовой диапазон

1. How old is the car?

2. What is its mileage?

3. What vehicle problems has the woman faced during its inspection?

4. How much is the minivan?

5. What does the warranty cover? What doesn’t it cover?

6. Has the woman decided to buy the minivan?

Listen again and complete the sentences below with the missing words. Can you unscramble the words in brackets?

1. Do you want to take her a test ____ (iedr)?

2. Ah, just give her a little ____ (atp).

3. It sounds a little ____ (ugroh) to me.

4. It's a real ____ (gabinar) today and tomorrow only at $15,775, plus you get the extended ____ (rawatyrn) covering defects, wear, and ____ (eatr) beyond the normal maintenance on the vehicle for an extra $500 for the next 30,000 miles.

5. It covers everything except for the ____ (atrybte), and light bulbs, and brake ____ (rudms), exhaust system, trim and moldings, upholstery and carpet, ____ (atpin), tires.

6. Well, almost $16,000 is a little out of my price ____ (geran).

15. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form using the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense (Active Voice). Listen and check your answers.

Police in the Northern California 1___ (arrest) a man who 2___ (travel) on a road near San Francisco early Friday morning while sleeping behind the wheel of his Tesla Model S.

At 3.40 a.m. police officers 3___ (notice) that the electric luxury sedan 4___ (drive) at 70 miles per hour, above the speed limit. When the officers 5___ (drive up) next to the vehicle and 6___ (look) inside, they 7___ (see) that the driver 8___ (sleep) in the driver’s seat. The officers 9___ (turn on) their car’s warning lights and siren but the driver 10___ (not/wake up). In order to stop the sleeping driver’s Tesla, the officers 11___ (block) traffic behind the vehicle. While another officer 12___ (travel) in front of the speeding Tesla, he gradually 13___ (start) to slow down his car, forcing the semi-autonomous Tesla, which can respond to varying traffic speeds, to a complete stop.

 After that the officers 14___ (can) wake the driver and 15___ (place) him in a patrol car. The car owner was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (управление автомобилем в состоянии опьянения или под действием наркотиков).


Imagine you would like to sell your car. Write a brief (three- to four-line) description using the text below as a model. Include information about the age and condition of the car, price, and contact information. Exchange your description with a partner.

Students can post their advertisements on Padlet (http://padlet.com) or Linoit (htpp://en.linoit.com) interactive sticky boards.

17. Work in pairs to do the following role-play. Search https://www.buyacar.co.uk/ for more car options if necessary. You can also use the information from your advertisements (Ex.16).


Student 1 Student 2
You want to buy a used car. You have £10,500. Ask for information about the following: · Make and model of the car · Mileage · Price · Colour · Year of the car · If it has ever been in an accident · Warranty You are selling a Honda Civic SE hatchback for £11,280. Year 2015. It has 20,000 miles and comes with an extended warranty up to 30,000miles. · The car is black. It has body coloured bumpers, front fog lights, a rear wiper, a tinted rear windscreen. · You have never been in an accident. You want to sell the car because you are moving to Asia. · You have kept up the maintenance on the vehicle (regular tune-ups ( регулировка двигателя ) and oil changes).



2019-10-11 340 Обсуждений (0)
Before buying a car you should always try and test drive it. Arrange the words in the proper order to make questions you should ask yourself during the test drive. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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