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Activity 13. Read and learn the words and word combinations.

2019-11-13 456 Обсуждений (0)
Activity 13. Read and learn the words and word combinations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

An aircraft/airplane                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


To take off        


To land  




Forced landing

вынужденная посадка

To be on the runway

быть на взлетной полосе

To taxi in/out


To put back / to delay

задерживать (о рейсе)

To register/ to check in

зарегистрироваться на рейс

To have one’s luggage checked in

зарегистрировать багаж

To announce a flight

объявить рейс

To board the plane

садиться на самолет

On board the plane

на борту самолета

To cancel


A flight


A stewardess/a steward


A flight attendant/ an air host


To fasten seat belts

пристегнуть ремни безопасности

An aisle

проход между рядами

An aisle seat

место у прохода

A window seat

место у окна

A boarding pass

посадочный талон



A cabin

салон самолета

A cockpit

кабина пилота

An emergency exit

аварийный выход

A gate

сектор посадки на самолет

A baggage claim

получение багажа


Activity 14. Airline Vocabulary Quiz

 1. I’ll assign you ………….seat to give you more room to stretch your legs out.

a) cabin     b) a baggage c) a cockpit d) an aisle

  2. The captain and his co-pilot sit in the ………….

        a) emergency b) cockpit     c) overhead compartment d) wheel chair

  3. Passengers must stay seated on the plane during the 1 hour …………

        a) stopover    b) baggage claim c) gates    d) runaway

  4. When you paid for your airfare online, you should have printed your …….

       a) excess baggage b) passport c) e-ticket d) refreshments

  5. You are seated in ……….. 30, seat B.

       a) an aisle   b) compartment c) row d) counter

  6. …………… will be served before we begin the in-flight movie.

       a) Luggage b) Jet lag c) Refreshments d) Oxygen

  7. In the unlikely event of a water landing, ………… can be found underneath your seats.

       a) life vests b) motion sickness c) seatbelts     d) headsets

  8. Please fasten your ……….. while the captain prepares for take off.

       a) runaway  b) steward c) co-pilot d) seatbelts

   9. In about five minutes time we will get ready to ……….. to the runway.

       a) taxi in b) taxi out c) taxi up  d) taxi off

  10. We are about to go through a large pocket of ……….. so prepare for a bumpy ride.

       a) stopover   b) touch down  c) turbulence    d) complimentary

Activity 15. Replace the underlined words with another word or phrase.

1. The plane stops off in Dubai, but the final place where it is going is Kuala Lumpur.

2. As the passengers were getting on the plane, the air steward said ‘Good morning’ to them.

3. When he arrived at check-in, they took his suitcases and checked his ticket.

4. The flight attendants were extremely helpful and professional.

5. When we got to Athens, we decided to rent a car for the week.

Activity 16. Read the following text, translate it and retell.

A Trip by Air.

I like to spend my free time travelling. If I am not limited in time and I am not in a great hurry, I prefer travelling by car. But if I want to reach my destination as quickly as possible, I travel by plane, of course.

I’d like to share my experience with you as I am a frequent traveller. You’d better book a ticket in advance. That’s what I usually do. Sometimes it lets me save some of my money. On the appointed day, having packed my luggage, I call a taxi and proceed to the airport. As soon as I arrive at the airport I look for my flight check-in desk. The airline representative checks my ticket and passport, gives me a boarding pass and weighs in my baggage. So I am through with registration. That means I am ready to board the plane.

For some time I have to wait in the departure lounge for the end of check-in. Then the boarding is announced. I join the other passengers at the gate. And, finally, we board the plane.

In a few minutes the plane is going to taxi out to the runway. At last, we are taking off. Next moment we are already above the clouds. I prefer a window seat. If the weather is on our side, the land could be seen below. It looks like a geographical map. During the flight the passengers usually have lunch, watch an in-flight movie or just quietly doze.

In some time the plane lands. All the passengers disembark. Having left the plane, I go to the baggage claim and pick up my suitcases. Now I am ready to leave the airport, as I reach my destination. What a saving of time!


Activity 17. Answer the comprehension questions to the topic ‘Trip by air’.

1) Have you ever travelled by air?

2) Do you feel nervous before the flight?

3) Where do passengers get tickets for air trips?

4) Do passengers go straight to the plane?

5) What does “check-in” mean?

6) What information is usually given to the passengers on board the plane?

7) Where do passengers pick up their cases?

8) How can passengers spend their time during the flight?

9) Who meets passengers on board?

10) Are the flights sometimes delayed?


Activity 18. Translate the given sentences from Russian into English.

1) Обычно я покупаю электронный авиабилет.

2) Вы бы хотели сидеть у окна или у прохода?

3) У Вас есть ручная кладь?

4) Стюардессы были чрезвычайно внимательны и профессиональны.

5) Начинается посадка на рейс АН5248 до Парижа. Пассажиры приглашаются в сектор С17.

6) Рейс был задержан из-за плохой погоды. У меня было две пересадки и в конечном пункте я не нашел свой чемодан.

2019-11-13 456 Обсуждений (0)
Activity 13. Read and learn the words and word combinations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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