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Activity 19. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

2019-11-13 339 Обсуждений (0)
Activity 19. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

advanced    booked     delayed   departure   rounded         missed     routed
   scheduled    stopped over    taxied    touched down   upgraded

1)The flight departure has been advanced from 9:30 to 11:00am.

2) He ………….. a ticket on the 19:00 flight to Zurich.

3) Because of bad weather, all flights via Vienna will be ………..

4) The plane …………….. from Paris at 11:15.

5) The meeting finished late and he ………….. the flight.

6) Because of mistake in the booking, he was ………… to the first class.

7) After the crash, all planes were …………. until their engines were inspected.

8) They are charging $1,389 for flights ………….. London-Vienna-Bangkok-Taipei-Los Angeles-London.

9) We ………….. in Hong-Kong on our way to Australia.

10) The plane ………….. across the runway to the finger.

11) After a twelve hour flight the plane ……………..…………… in Sidney at 3:00am local time.

12) The flight is …………….. to leave at 19:35.  


NB! In English any marine vessel is always ‘SHE’

Activity 2 0 . Learn the following words and phrases concerning ‘Trip by ship’.

A vessel/ship судно/корабль
A boat лодка
A cruise liner круизный лайнер
To board the ship садится на корабль
On board the ship на борту корабля
On the shore          на берегу
To set sail отплывать/отчаливать
To sail away уплывать
A team команда
A captain капитан
A steward    стюард
Accommodation on board the ship: a stateroom (a cabin) размещение на борту корабля: каюта
An inside cabin каюта без окон
A cabin with a porthole каюта с иллюминатором
A balcony cabin каюта с балконом
A family cabin семейная каюта
Sea sickness морская болезнь
A dining establishment ресторан на борту
To dress up одеваться нарядно
A swimming-pool бассейн

     Activity 21. Translate the following sentences into English .

1) В прошлом году мы были в круизе по Средиземноморью.

2) Мы всегда стараемся прилететь за день до отплытия корабля.

3) Пассажиров поселяют в комфортабельные каюты.

4) Вы должны зарегистрироваться на круиз как минимум за полтора часа до отплытия.

5) Имейте при себе удостоверение личности с фотографией, например, водительские права.

6) На ужин нужно одеваться нарядно.

7) Больше всего я люблю проводить свой отпуск на борту круизного лайнера.

8) Корабли бороздят моря и океаны, доставляя пассажиров и грузы в самые отдаленные точки мира.

Activity 2 2 . Read and translate the text on ‘Travelling by sea’

Travelling by Sea.

       Large passenger ships, also known as cruise ships or cruise liners, have become a very important part of our life as we know it. Early cruise ships were built with more functionality in mind than comfort or leisure. Their purpose was to travel the oceans and the seas, delivering passengers and goods to distant places. Transatlantic crossings took several days and were often perilous. The introduction of steamships made the trips safer, faster and more reliable.

       As cruise ships are becoming a more popular and viable form of travel, the ships are being built ever more luxurious.

       If you have never taken a cruise before, here are some tips that will make your trip less frantic, more enjoyable and organized.

       It is important that you have two ID forms. You must have your travel passport and also carry a photo ID like a driver’s license. Print these papers after you have made a final payment and take them with you when you check in. You must be checked in at least one and a half hours prior to the ship’s departure.

       There are two kinds of accommodations on board. They are called ‘a stateroom’ or ‘a cabin’.

They both have the same meaning. If you or someone in your family is claustrophobic, do not choose an inside cabin, as they

are small with no windows. Try a cabin with a porthole. Balcony cabins are also a good alternative, as they are usually bigger. If you are with your family, most new ships have cabins that are family friendly. You cabin will include very nice amenities (private baths, refrigerators, large closets, phone and TV) that will make it seem more like home.

       Sea sickness should not be a concern for you. Modern ships have stabilizers that keep the vessel from rocking side to side. To be on the safe side pack some medicine in your bag. If you do have sea sickness, go to your cabin and lie down with a cold washrag over your head or neck.

       No cruise is complete without fine dining. Dress up and go to a fine dining establishment where you can sit at the same table and be served by the same steward every night. You can even enjoy 24 hour room service.

       When you are packing your things, do not forget to put in a small bag that you can take with you: comfortable shoes (you will do a lot of walking), plenty of clothes, a swimsuit and your travel documents. This will eliminates the anxiety of waiting for your belongings to show up in your cabin.

       Above all, take advantage of the activities they offer on board. Get a massage at a massage parlor, work out at a fitness center or relax by the pool. You can even watch movies, go skating and more! Also, do not miss the shore excursions.

       If you are bringing your children, take advantage of the activities for kids. Every cruise liner has children’s programs. They are usually grouped by age. Take advantage of the baby-sitting service available. You will have to pay, but it is worth it, if you and your spouse/partner would like to enjoy the night life on board.   

Activity 2 3 . Answer the comprehension questions on the topic ‘Trip by Sea’.

1) What kind of ship accommodation do you know?

2) What is the best kind of cabin as to you?

3) How long did it take to cross the Atlantic Ocean?

4) What was the purpose of the early cruise liners?

5) What is the best way to get rid of sea sickness?

6) Which activities are available on board the ship?

7) What service is worth being paid for?

8) How is the rocking motion eliminated on modern ships?

9) What is the latest check-in time for cruise liner passengers?

10) How many travel documents is the cruise passenger suggested to have? 

2019-11-13 339 Обсуждений (0)
Activity 19. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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