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Pre-Reading Activities

2019-11-22 1414 Обсуждений (0)
Pre-Reading Activities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Study the active topical vocabulary for your dictation:

a) Institute – институт; tо enter the Institute – поступить в институт.

b) to graduate from the Institute – окончить институт.

c) Student – студент; first-year student (freshman) – первокурсник; second-year student – второкурсник.

d) Lecture – лекция; seminar – семинар; class – занятие; in class – на занятии; to give a lecture – читать лекцию; to attend (miss) classes (lectures) – посещать (пропускать) занятия (лекции); to be attentive (inattentive) – быть внимательным (невнимательным).

e) Assignment (homework) – домашнее задание; to do (ignore) assignments – выполнять (не выполнять) домашние задания.

f) Notes – записи; to take notes of the lectures – записывать лекции; to underline important points – подчеркивать важные моменты.

g) Responsible approach to study – ответственное отношение к учебе.

h) Exam (credit) – экзамен (зачет); to take an exam (a credit) – сдаватъ экзамен (зачет), to pass (fail) an exam (a credit) – сдать (не сдать) экзамен (зачет); to fail in history – провалиться на экзамене по истории; to read for exams ... – готовиться к экзаменам.

i) Grant/scholarship – стипендия; to get a grant – получать стипендию; to stop someone's grant – лишить кого-либо стипендии [6].

2. Make questions using word phrases from ex.1:

1. Do you like to… ?

2. Have you ever… ?

3. Do you want to… ?  

4. Would you like to… .


3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian in written form:

l. We have lectures in various subjects this year. 2. I have been working hard lately. 3. The subjects I work at most are English and Pedagogics. 4. I study them very hard because I find them very interesting. 5. Some people work hardest at the subjects which they find difficult. 6. I’m not always attentive at the English classes. 7. I find that I have to spend less time on my homework if I'm attentive in class. 8. Students have to take notes of the lectures. 9. If you study well, you get a grant. 10. Students must have responsible approach to study and to do assignments.


Find the equivalents in the text, write them down and learn them by heart:

1) ведущий университет; 2) был основан; 3) выдающийся ученый; 4) управление образовательным процессом; 5) научный центр; 6) специализированные лаборатории; 7) научная библиотека; 8) хорошо оборудованные корпуса; 9) высококвалифицированные сотрудники; 10) сдать международный языковой экзамен; 11) аспирант / аспирантура; 12) сертификат переводчика в сфере профессиональной коммуникации; 13) программы академического обмена; 14) возможность использовать источники Интернет; 15) проводить международные и региональные конференции; 16) условия для занятия спортом; 17) место для творческого развития личности [6].



5. Read the text . Match the headings and the parts:

1. Academic staff C
2. Dates of Foundation  
3. Education Plan  
4. Scientific Activities  
5. Regional Resource Center  
6. Sport and Creative Facilities  
7 Language Test Center  
8. Institutes of SSU  


Think! Do! Achieve!

A. Surgut State University is one of the leading and largest Universities in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. Surgut State University was established on the 26th of May in 1993 as the first classical university in our region. Nowadays Surgut State University has become a significant scientific, educational and cultural center in Surgut District and the whole region.

B. Today Surgut State University comprises 6 Institutes: Medical Institute, Polytechnic Institute, The Institute of Humanities and Sport, The Institute of State and Law, The Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences, The Institute of Economics and Management. The university research complex includes dozens specialized laboratories, scientific and research centers, the innovation infrastructure and research library. SSU is housed in 5 well-equipped educational buildings. The University campus includes 3 comfortable dormitories for students and staff.

C. The highly qualified academic staff of Surgut State University includes 600 lectures; among them there are about 110 Doctors of Science and Education and about 300 Associate Professors, PhDs (Candidates of Science). About 9000 students get higher education at SSU.

D. The University Education Plan provides academic programs to get Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. Students have an option to get full-time or part-time education. Diploma programs focus on developing practical, scientific and language skills. Students can get significant career prospects in the chosen industry or profession. Surgut State University also offers postgraduate courses in various specialties for postgraduate students and young scientists.  

E. Surgut State University gives an opportunity to its graduates to get a Certificate of English language translator in the sphere of professional communication, that can be very useful in their future career. Lecturers and students of Surgut State University have a great chance to learn foreign languages and take international language exams at the university Language Test Center. Here the students can also find the information about various educational exchange programs.

F. The university scientific library contains more than 400 thousand volumes of academic books. It is the largest regional resource center. The library’s 9 reading halls can host about 520 people at once. Here professors and students have an opportunity to use the Internet resources, visit online libraries round the world, and find a lot of information for scientific research projects, read rare books and journals.

G. Every year Surgut State University welcomes international and regional conferences, seminars and workshops. The scientists of Surgut State University implement a great number of Federal and Regional Scientific projects. Every year the scholars publish up to 30 monographs, thousands of articles, reports and theses in various fields of sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Ecology, Medicine, Mechanics, Information Technologies, Psychology, Linguistics, Theory of Education, History and Politics, Law, Economics and Management, Physical Training and Tourism.

H. The University's extensive sports facilities provide opportunities for students’ sports teams to train and compete at sport complex “Druzhba” and the swimming pool “Vodoley”.

Surgut State University is not only the place for academic study, but, as well as the place for creative personal development. For instance, Debate club «Speaker» helps students to improve their speaking and soft skills.  There is a unique student theatre where different artistic groups, dance teams, fashion and plastic theatres perform at SSU. Every year a lot of interesting activities take place there, for example “The First-year-students’ Debute”, the city and regional student festival – “The Students’ Spring”, “Sport festival” etc.

Surgut State University has its own emblem, hymn and motto: “THINK! DO! ACHIEVE!”

In conclusion, studying at Surgut State University means getting good education and high qualification to make a future career successful! [6]


2019-11-22 1414 Обсуждений (0)
Pre-Reading Activities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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