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Specialized in Biology and Chemistry

2019-12-29 200 Обсуждений (0)
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Job for Life and Job for Love


From early age children like to dream about their future pro­fession. Boys often want to be soldiers or car race drivers, girls – to be ballet dancers or singers... But growing older they learn more about other professions, begin to understand the role of money in life. A difficult question appears: how to find a job that is interesting and at the same time profitable.

Some people don't think of this problem much. They choose security – a job that brings money. They work for the rest of their lives in the sphere that is boring and irritating for them. They don't get any satisfaction out of their work, they only spend time there. Sometimes these people have problems with their health and family relationships. On the other hand, a person can't be satisfied if he has got an interesting job which brings him money only for buying cheap food and second-hand clothes, paying rent for a flat (if he has got one) and nothing more.

Sometimes people's interests and profit coincide. We know many examples from life and literature when professionals get what they deserve (remember Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes or Maugham's Julia Lambert from "Theatre" and etc.). However we know other examples when people live just on bread and water, live in a small and uncomfortable attic and work "for love". They don't even notice their lives are hard (a great number of scientists and, men of art; from literature we can remember Maugham's Charles Strickland from The Moon and Sixpence). Many of them sacrifice their family life and the joys of ordinary people for their work.

It all depends on one's personality. I think one can find something attractive in every job. At least, if a person hasn't got any satisfaction from his work, he can get a hobby (collecting something or going in for sports). At the same time, if you are unable to earn enough money for life, you can always find another additional job or another way out.

Looking for a job for life and love you should only have a desire for it. Believe in yourself and everything will be OK!

Alyona Slinkina, 11th form

Specialized in Biology and Chemistry

Bill Bryson


Bill Bryson was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1951. A back-packing expedition in 1973 brought him to England where he met his wife and decided to settle. He wrote for the English newspapers The Times and The Independent for many years, writing travel articles to supply his income. He lived with his family in North Yorkshire before moving back to the States in 1995, to Hanover, New Hampshire, with his wife and four children. In 2003 he and his family moved back to England, where they currently reside.

Bill Bryson, the acclaimed author of such bestsellers as The Mother Tongue and Made in America, has lived in Britain for nearly two decades. But before leaving his much-loved home in North Yorkshire, Bryson insisted on taking one last: trip around Britain, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kind island that had so long been his home. His aim was to take stock of modern-day Britain, and to analyze what he loved so much about a country that had produced Marmite, zebra crossings, and place names like Chew Manga, Titsey, and Little Rollright. And it is about his book reflecting the impression he got that I'd like to speak.

Bryson makes his way through the British countryside, towns and cities by way of bus, train, or on foot. He quickly became fas­cinated with British nomenclature. One thing that bothered Bryson was that too many British buildings offended the local landscape.

He often found historical edifices being replaced by parking lots. He lamented, "You can't tear down fine old structures and then pretend they are still there." And Liverpool, which he was exceedingly fond of, seemed to him a "...place with more past than future." Then, near the end of his trip, he audaciously names off the buildings he would love to blow up in Britain.

Most of Bryson's humor comes alive when he is disturbed by what he finds, or doesn't find, or when he is mislead by travel maps and time schedules. But he does have some favorite places, such as Ludlow, Manchester, Inverness, and Glasgow.

Bryson speaks a lot about British character. He actually finds the British the happiest people on earth! The most extraordinary thing is that they are extremely easy to please! They actually like their pleasures small. Bryson assumes that that's why so many of their treats - teacakes, scones, rich tea biscuits – are so cautiously flavourful. They are the only people in the world who think of jam and currants as thrilling constituents of a pudding or cake. Offer them something genuingly tempting – a slice of gateau or a choice of chocolates from a box – and they will nearly always hesitate and begin to worry that it's unwarranted and excessive. The author finds all this completely alien to the American mind. To an American the whole purpose of living is to cram as much sensual pleasure as possible into one's mouth more or less continuously.

Bryson used to be puzzled by the curious British attitude to pleasure, and the tireless, dogged optimism of theirs that allowed them to attach an upbeat turn of phrase to the direst inadequacies. Though, having once understood and come round to their way of thinking, he made his life richer.

He understood that he loved Britain, every last bit of it, good and bad-old churches, country lanes, people saying 'Mustn't grumble' and 'I'm terribly sorry but,' people apologizing to him when he conk them with a careless elbow, milk in bottles, beans on toast, haymaking in June, seaside piers. Ordinance Survey maps, tea and crumpets, summer showers and foggy winter evenings.


With characteristic wit and irreverence, Bill Bryson presents the ludicrous and the endearing in equal measure. The result is a hi­larious social commentary that conveys the true glory of Britain.

Shipilova Yekaterina,10th form

2019-12-29 200 Обсуждений (0)
Specialized in Biology and Chemistry 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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