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Класс гуманитарного направления

2019-12-29 226 Обсуждений (0)
Класс гуманитарного направления 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Irina Karkhina, Julia Kuznetsova, Teachers of English

If you have ever worked with senior students, you might know how it is sometimes difficult to make them become interested in reading for pleasure.

The way of life has changed dramatically since the time we were at their age. Once Russian people were among the greatest book-lovers in the world. Unfortunately, now the situation is a little bit different. Modern sources of getting information have completely eliminated the traditional ones. Going to the library is not a common thing to a big number of students.

Having worked with the young generation for many years we have always tried to do our best and change the situation some­how. We are definitely lucky to be the teachers of English at the Humanitarian faculty of lyceum № 1525 as most of the students there are really bright. They enjoy reading in Russian. But we desperately wanted to reveal them the beauty of the English language. Four lessons of English a week might not always give much chance. Nevertheless, there are some fields in which we succeeded. Poetry has become one of them.

The idea itself is not new. Some of our Moscow colleagues do use it in their work from time to time. We decided to go even far­ther, and arouse students' interest with the help of their own creativity.

At the beginning of our work the students were given some well-known poems written by W, Shakespeare, R. Burns, R.L. Ste­venson, R. Kipling etc. At the same time they were provided with the brilliant translations by S. Marshak, V. Brusov, N. Gumilev etc. made in the previous century. The only aim at this stage was to teach them gradually to admire it. Learning poems by heart turned out to be not an easy thing. It took the students time to start reciting poems properly before they got used to the process and started enjoying it.


Having succeeded in this activity we decided to make the task even more complicated. The students were supplied with less-known verses which had been carefully selected according to the students' age and ability. This time the students had to think on their own translation not being limited by any models. We started our work with reading a poem together and trying to give word by word translation first. After the general meaning was clear the students continued working on the poem at home so that we could discuss their version later.

The result was overwhelming. The students demonstrated their desire and what is more the ability of expressing the idea in verse form. The more they succeeded the more they wanted to be in­volved into the work. Bright students were always ahead. But little by little even less-talented ones got interested.

Our efforts were totally rewarded. Not only did they begin reading for pleasure, but started discussing some philosophical ideas and the problems connected with the meaning of life.

We would be glad if our experience could be useful to other teachers.


TO A FALSE FRIEND Thomas Hood (1798-1845)

Our hands have met, but not our hearts;

Our hands will never meet again.

Friends, if we have ever been,

Friends we cannot now remain:

I only know I loved you once,

I only know I loved in vain;

Our hands have met, but not our hearts;

Our hands will never meet again...

* * *

Мы встретились рукой, о сердце же забыли,

Пусть так, но нам придется навсегда расстаться,

Друзьями более не можем мы остаться,

Пускай когда-то ими мы и были.

Но мне любить тебя – напрасно лишь стараться,

Но я люблю тебя, и в этом я бессилен,

И нам придется навсегда расстаться,

Мы встретились рукой, о сердце же забыли.


Хитров Антон, 8 класс


Рука в руке, но в сердце места нет.

Увидимся ли вновь? Ты знаешь мой ответ.

Ты другом был мне? Может быть, и да?

Но больше таковым не будешь никогда.

Пусть даже без надежды на ответ,

Любила я тебя однажды, о, мой свет.

Рука в руке, но в сердце места нет

Увидимся ли вновь? Ты знаешь мой ответ.


Михур Настя, 9 класс

Лживому другу

Встретились руки, но расстались сердца,

Не будем мы вместе с тобой никогда.

Друзья, если ими когда-либо были...

Мы дружбу свою насовсем позабыли...

Я только знаю, что любил тебя страстно!

А также знаю, что любил напрасно!

Встретились руки, сердца разошлись...

И тихо шепчу себе я: «Крепись...»


2019-12-29 226 Обсуждений (0)
Класс гуманитарного направления 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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