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EX .2 . Составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам

2019-12-29 262 Обсуждений (0)
EX .2 . Составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Everybody knows that animals can save people’s lives. St Bernard dogs can find people who are lost in the snow, for example. But did you know that seals could stop people from drowning? Last week a lady fell into the sea. She couldn’t get back to the beach. She was drowning. Suddenly six seals swam towards her. They made a circle round her and held her close to some rocks. When the lifeboat people arrived they couldn’t believe their eyes. The lady was rescued and the seals swam away.


    EX.3. Составьте предложения, используя Past Progressive и While :

1. ask the way/ flirt with the girls

2. have a shower/ have dinner

3. rent a car / pay the bill

4. go up stairs/ carry the suitcases

5. book tickets to Paris/ call our friends

6.  look through the map/ plan an excursion

7. wait the train/ read the newspaper

8. discuss the problems with the customs/ look at the planes

9. check the luggage/ show my documents

10.go shopping/ go sightseeing


EX .4. Раскройте скобки, употребив, где необходимо Future Simple :


1. Trips to Florida (cost) about 2000 dollars.

2. The tourist industry (be) soon the largest industry in the world.

3. If I (lose) a quest on an excursion I (ring) to the hotel.

4. They (earn) more money if they (work) long hours.

5. What you (do) if you (become) a manager of Forte hotels.

6. If you have completed the registration form, I (give) the key.

7. If you (buy) a travel pass, you (pay) less.

8. Cheques (be) not accepted if they (be) accompanied by a check guarantee card.

9. As soon as they (reach) the resort call us.

10.When you (go) to the beach take a towel.

EX .5. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык.

1. Менеджер по туризму распланировал всю нашу поездку.

2. Раньше у нас в офисе был переводчик, а сейчас Джейн совмещает работу менеджера и переводчика, так как хорошо знает немецкий.

3. В прошлом году я работала гидом переводчиком в крупной туристической компании.

4. Вы занимались организацией автобусных туров?

5. Вчера мы заказали два билета до Киева.

6. Когда Ник был в Москве, то посетил Красную Площадь.

7. В прошлом году мы отдыхали на курорте Карловы Вары.

8. Я постарался объяснить прохожему, как пройти к Казанскому Собору.

9. Вы оплатили билеты неделю назад?

10.Передо мной лежали две сумки и чемодан Фреда, сам он исчез.

11.В поездке у нас возникли трудности с общением. Никто из нас не знал французского языка.

12.Мы не знали что выбрать. Рынок в Турции был полон разнообразным товаром.

13.Когда я вошла в свой номер, то обнаружила свой чемодан открытым.

14.Она намеревалась купить в Китае сувениры для своей семьи.

15.Мы загорали, купались и играли в волейбол на пляже.

Ex .6. Расположите части текста в правильном порядке. Переведите текст на русский язык:


Riding through Europe.

Doing it easy way.

1. The trip started just outside of Frankfurt, in a town called Hanau. Once everyone had arrived at the hotel, we had dinner together and got to know one another. We also got to meet our two tour guides, Rainer and Roland, as well as a trainee guide, Heiner.

2. Soon, however, we were back on the bikes, tooling down the autobahn to Austria. Each new road and vista was more incredible than the one before. Ausrian Alps, what a wonderful place! At this point I was really wishing my wife Ali had been able to come. She would have loved it here.

3. Last summer I took a wonderful tour through Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland on a rented 2001 Road King. These countries are rich in gorgeous vistas, outstanding secondary roads, centuries-old towns, and great places to stay and eat. Tat is, if you know where to go , which is why I went on World Tourer’s Central Europe Tour. Through I usually travel on my own, I went with a tour company this time for a number of very good reasons and they all have to do with the way World Tourer runs things. But the World Tourer sidebar will tell you all about that. What I want to talk about now are some of the roads I traveled and places I went.

4.  Once we went the autobahn, we headed south at a comfortable pace through rural Germany on well-paved back roads. It was a perfect day for riding: sunny and in 70s and low 80s F. In short order, we were used to European road signs and driving habits, even through most of us didn’t bother to note what roads we were riding.

5. Our first stop this morning was at Mespelbrunn, which is one of the most picturesque castles in northern Bavaria and the home of the town’s mayor. After the castle tour we were back on the road and winding our way across Germany.

6. The next stop was the medieval town Miltenberg, along the river MAIN, where we had lunch and strolled the streets on our own, or with others of the tour. After a bit souvenir hunting, it was back on the road south to where we would spend the night: Rothenburg .Much of our afternoon riding was done on the Romantic Road which is wonderful to travel on!

7. The next morning, Monday, after we had breakfast and went over our route and stops for the day, we packed our day gear and assembled in front of the hotel. Then it was onto the autobahn ( German for a four-lane highway) to get away from the city and into the countryside. Rainer was leading today, with Heiner at the tail and Roland in the support van.

8. The next day, Friday, we quickly passed through Liechtenstein and into Switzerland. Unfortunately for me, this is my trip ended. I had to get back to the USA. So after breakfast, we said goodbyes and Roland and I headed on to Zurich in the support van, where I had to catch my plane home.


Вариант B.


2019-12-29 262 Обсуждений (0)
EX .2 . Составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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