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The world’s highest dustman.

2019-12-29 560 Обсуждений (0)
The world’s highest dustman. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

David Clark, 25, (a)lives / is living most of the time in York with his parents, but he is also the world’s first mountaineering dustman. He (b) has already been making / has already made two trips to Mount Everest to collect rubbish left by expeditions there, and now he (c) aims /’ s aiming to be the youngest person to climb the world’s highest mountain.

It was while he (d) worked / was working in a climbing equipment shop that he (e) heard / was hearing about the rubbish left on Everest. He (f) was looking / looked for something really challenging to do and he liked the idea of being a dustman with a difference.

He is amazed at the type of junk he (g) has found / has been finding. At 17,000 ft he (h) came / was coming across cornflake packets, empty caviar tins, and hundreds of hypodermic needles and syringes. So far he (i) has been collecting / has collected enough rubbish to cover three football pitches.

For the last six months David (j) has prepared / has been preparing to climb to the summing of Everest. He (k)’s training / trains hard in the Himalayas and has been on a strict diet. If he (l) succeeds / is succeeding he will be the youngest British person ever to reach the top of Everest.


EX .2. Составьте альтернативные вопросы к выделенным словам.

 One of the most famous buildings in the world must be the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt. When you look at it, you realize that it must have been extremely difficult to build. Thousands of people must have worked on it. It’s enormous! Until the twentieth century it was the tallest building in the world. Building things now is quite easy. But it can’t have been easy for the Ancient Egyptians- they didn’t have electricity, or tractors, or lorries. So it must have taken a very long time to build, you’d think. But it didn’t- it only took thirty years!


         EX.3. Заполните пропуски словами NO или NONE:


1. _ of these telephones work.

2. I had _ difficulty understanding her.

3. “How many children has she got?” “ _”.

4. There are _ trains after midnight.

5. Did you buy milk? There’ s _ in the fridge.

6. _ of us booked tickets at the agency.

7. There are _ palm trees in Antarctica.

8. _ of you can travel without a Visa.


EX.4. Выберите правильную форму:


1. Is any/somebody at the agency?

2. I want to go any/somewhere to the South.

3. Does any/somebody understands me here?

4. You can find Coca-cola every/somewhere.

5. Can I do anything/anybody to help you?

6. I haven’t seen Ann any/nowhere.

7. Every/nobody don’t want to travel by train.

8. Has any/somebody seen the keys of my room?

9. No/anything happened at the hotel.

10. Do you want some/anything from the shop?


Ex .5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:


1. Они будут осматривать выставку по Развитию Общественного Питания сегодня в 6 часов вечера.

2. Завтра в это время я буду занята. Я буду вести переговоры с иностранными партнерами по организации въездного туризма.

3. Когда мы получим ваш счет, сразу же дадим вам знать дату отправления.

4. Объем инвестиции, выделяемых государством на развитие туризма составит 500 млрд. долларов в следующем году.

5. Специалисты утверждают, что характер иммиграции изменится к 2005 году.

6. В нашей работе ожидаются изменения: мы открываем новый офис по продаже билетов, чья работа начнется со следующей недели.

7. Я записался на курсы экскурсоводов. Когда ты вернешься из отпуска, я уже буду посещать их целый месяц.

8. Алиса должна проверить запасы топлива. Нам предстоит длинная поездка.

9. Вы должно быть наш гид.

10. Когда вы подъедите в агентство, все документы будут уже готовы.

11. К 2006 году значительно увеличится протяженность пешеходных маршрутов.

12. Если хотите, я покажу вам город, у нас много памятников архитектуры.

13. Вам обязательно следует посетить природный заповедник “Оленьи ручьи”.

14. Кто-нибудь хочет отправиться в горы прямо сейчас?

15. Вы будете свободны в воскресенье? Давайте проведём выходные на даче.


Ex .6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:

Tourist promotion.

There have been three aims of most tourist promotion in the last few years.

The first has been to retain the established marked of people for whom travel is a normal form of recreation. The second purpose of tourist promotion has been to increase the size of the market. In order for tourism to grow, it is necessary to attract people who would not have traveled much until the last few years. It is significant for tourism that trade unions now fight for fringe benefits for workers such as longer paid holidays and shorter work weeks. A three – day weekend would almost certainly cause an increase at least in domestic tourism.

The third goal of tourist promotion has been to overcome what might best be called its seasonal bias. In many countries, summer is the traditional vacation season. In France, for instance, the summer vacation has extended even to the shutting down of many stores and small businesses. Hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen leave Paris in August for the south of France or for destinations outside the country. Winter vacations have been heavily promoted to spread tourism more evenly throughout the year. There has been a big increase in facilities for winter sports.

Ski resorts have sprung up which attract not only the wealthy to resorts in Switzerland, but also the office or factory workers who want to get out on the ski slopes for a winter weekend. Many different organizations are involved in tourist promotion. They include tourist bureaus, the transportation companies, tour operators, retail travel agents and individual hotels or hotel chains.

Through their tourist offices, governments do a great deal of travel promotion, both in the form of advertising and publicity.


V Семестр.

Вариант А.

 EX .1. Раскройте скобки, сделав необходимые изменения, обращая внимание на Косвенную Речь.

1. Не said he left the renting car (here).

2. George explained that he couldn’t work any more ( today)

3. Ted hoped to see his wife (today) after so long trip across Europe.

4. I said that I could speak English and planned to learn French (next) year.

5. We knew that they had left the hotel 2 (days ago).

6. Fred explained that he was going to another trip (this week).

7. Alice said that she would phone you (tomorrow).

8. The agent was sure the plane was leaving (tonight).

9. The guide wanted to know if we agreed to see the Hermitage (next ) week.

10. He asked what I wanted to do (today).


EX.2. Выберите правильный вариант:


1. I said/told the driver I wanted to stop.

2. Everybody said/told the hotel was beautiful.

3. Ann said/told that she would wait at the bus stop.

4. Nobody said/told me the agency was closed.

5. Why didn’t you say/tell the tickets were expensive?

6. My mother said/told there was a letter from Paris.

7. I didn’t say/tell the waiter he couldn’t pay.

8. She said/told the guide she wanted to see the beach.

9. He said/told us he had forgotten the keys from the room.

10. I said/told Martin TV wasn’t working.



EX.3. Раскройте скобки , употребляя The passive voice:

Используйте: Present Simple, Past Simple, or Present Perfect.


Concorde, the world’s fastest passenger plane, (1) was developed (develop) by France and Britain together. In the 1950 s, both countries dreamed of having a supersonic plane and the project Faster (2)__________ (start) in 1962. 1.5 billion (3)_________ (spend) on developing Concorde and it that the (4)_________ (test) for over 5,000 hours, which makes it the most tested plane in history. The first passenger plane speed of (5)__________ (introduce) by British Airways and Air France in 1976. Concorde holds many world records, including the sound fastest crossing of the Atlantic from New York to London, which (6)_________ (achieve) in 2 hours 45 second! Flying at twice the speed of sound means that flying time (7)__________ (reduce) by half, which is why the Concorde flight between London and New York (8)_________ (use) a lot by business people and film starts – you can leave Britain at 10.30 and arrive in New York an hour earlier! Twenty planes (9)_________ (build) up to the present day. But there are no plans to build any more. Each plane (10)_________ (produce) at a cost of 55 million, which makes them very expensive!


2019-12-29 560 Обсуждений (0)
The world’s highest dustman. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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