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Somali Warlords Vow To Restore Peace, Stability

2015-11-12 974 Обсуждений (0)
Somali Warlords Vow To Restore Peace, Stability 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Two leading Somali warlords on Tuesday pledged to restore stability in their country in line with a peace agreement struck in Egypt in December. H. M. A. and A. M. M., in a message to the Arab League, also appealed for urgent financial assistance that they said is needed to convene a national Somali reconciliation conference. Somali factions say they need 4.5 million of dollars to convene the Baidoa conference. Arab League Secretary Gen. E. A. M. meanwhile urged the foreign ministers to provide So­malia with the necessary assistance. Somalia has had no legal government since the overthrow of the dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in January 1991.

10. Korean Peace Talks Hit Trouble.Four-country talks in
Geneva on a peace treaty to put a formal end to hostilities on the

18_________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

Korean peninsula have run into "serious difficulties", the Chi­nese chairman said yesterday.

The talks were adjourned until late last night to enable the North Korean side to seek further instructions from Pyongyang, but China's assistant foreign minister, C. J., said it was not cer­tain that a new round of talks would be called.

"I think these difficulties come from both sides", he said, re­ferring to the two Koreas. "This has always been the case". Dip­lomats close to the talks said deadlock remained over how to set up an inter-Korean working group to agree ways of moving the process forward.

11. Likud Talks Collapse.Jerusalem (AP)— Coalition talks between E. B. and the hard-line Likud party broke down Monday, signaling a dovish path for the government B. must set up by next week.

B. ousted the Likud in May 17 elections and pledged to re­vive stalled peace talks with Israel's Arab neighbors, at the same time describing the Likud, the second-largest party, as his natu­ral partner in government. He said the Likud's imprimatur on any peace agreement would lend it weight.

That ended Monday when talks broke down amid mutual re­criminations. Former Foreign Minister A. S.'s party walked out of negotiations after Barak refused to compromise on peace is­sues.

Active Vocabulary

1. to walk out of talks выйти из переговоров
п. a walkout

to achieve a breakthrough добиться прорыва

2. deal договор, соглашение
to implement sth претворять в жизнь,

осуществлять п. implementation

§ 2. Compromise and Deadlock


3. concessions
v. to concede
to mediate

n. mediator

to break the deadlock

4. to stiffen one's stance
to carry out provisions
of an agreement

accord schedule v. to schedule

5. to make concessions

to be on the verge of collapse

6. ally

v. to settle a conflict, a dispute to reach agreement

7. to be at an impasse

8. to revive talks n. revival party

stalled negotiations

v. to stall

9. to restore peace

to strike a peace agreement

уступки уступать

выступать в роли посред­ника

посредник преодолеть тупик

ужесточить позицию

выполнять положения до­говора соглашение план, график планировать, намечать

идти на уступки быть на грани срыва


урегулирование, соглаше­ние

прийти к согласию

быть в тупике

возобновить переговоры


зашедшие в тупик перего­воры

восстановить мир заключить мирное согла­шение

20________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

to convene a conference созвать конференцию

reconciliation примирение

to urge smb to do sth призывать к.-л. сделать ч.-л.

to appeal for sth призывать к ч.-л.

10. four-country talks переговоры с участием

четырех стран
talks on sth переговоры по вопросу о ч.-л.

hostilities военные действия

to adjourn talks переносить переговоры

to call a new round of talks назначить новый раунд


11. to collapse

to break down провалиться (о переговорах)

to oust сместить с поста, отстранить

2. Find the English for the following word combinations
used in the articles of this section (the number of the arti­
cle is given in brackets):

Вялотекущие переговоры (2), насилие (5), интенсивные переговоры (6), преодолевать трудности (7), гибкость, ус­тупчивость (8), давать обещание, клясться (9), свержение диктатора (9), учреждать, основывать (10).

3. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the under­
lined words.

1. During the summit, the 54-member OSCE is expected to amend its charter to add a provision establishing the organisa­tion's right to become involved in trying to settle a conflict within a nation, provided that country sought help.

2. "These generous and visionary statements represent a fur­ther important steps towards resolution of the impasse over the

§ 2. Compromise and Deadlock

full implementation of the Good Friday agreement", Irish For­eign Affairs Minister DA. said.

3. The White House's chief objective is to prevent a humili­ating collapse in the talks.

4. The central idea which emerged from these talks was that any security arrangement on the Golan should be "mutual": that is, that both sides would have to make concessions.

5. European Union heads of government begin an eight-hour closed summit in Dublin this morning to try to break the deadlock in negotiations for a new treaty on closer union.

6. Widespread suspicions in the European Union that Israel is stalling the peace process were given voice in Naples yester­day by the Italian foreign minister, L. D.. "There is no alterna­tive to the peace process and there is no alternative to imple­menting the accords which have already been signed", he said at a meeting of Italian and French leaders.

7. R. P., the Italian prime minister, and President J. С of France predicted after meeting in Naples that today's EU sum­mit in Dublin would call for a revival of the peace process, and an EU role in it.

8. Agreement to restart talks was reached during a summit between Mr. N. and Y.A., the Palestinian leader, last Wednesday.

9. Dublin reacted angrily to suggestions that it had hardened its stance and had adopted a Sin Fein agenda.

10. The chief cause of the breakdown was continued British insistence that the IRA make a start to the decomissioning of weapons before Sin Fein be allowed to join all-party talks.

11. Talks aimed at bringing a durable peace to the Korean peninsula resumed in Geneva after a break of more than six months, with few hopes of a breakthrough.

12. With Mideast peace talks snagged, Israel made prepara­tions Wednesday to depart even as the Clinton administration put forward a U.S. plan designed to bring the Israelis and Pales­tinians together on a West Bank accord. Palestinian leader Y. A. made a telephone appeal to Israeli Prime Minister N. to stay, so they could "achieve an agreement as soon as possible."

22__________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

13.Е. said that if no settlement is reached by the Sept. 12, 2000 deadline, the Palestinians may decide unilaterally on state­hood.

14. The US mediator G. M. held fresh talks with Northern Ireland's political parties Friday in a bid to revive the British province's stalled peace accord.

15.Negotiations broke off; the Palestinians suspended secu­rity cooperation with Israel and there have been daily stone throwing riots in the West Bank.

2015-11-12 974 Обсуждений (0)
Somali Warlords Vow To Restore Peace, Stability 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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