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Read and translate the articles with the help of the Active Vocabulary list

2015-11-12 893 Обсуждений (0)
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1. Peace Accord Signed in Congo.Brazzaville, Republic
of Congo — The Congolese government has signed a peace
accord with militias backing the dismissed president, P. L.,
and his prime minister, В. К., official radio announced

The agreement to cease hostilities was signed Tuesday by the Congolese Army and militia officers in Pointe-Noire, the ra­dio said. Radio Congo said the militias agreed to lay down their arms under the accord, which calls for a law to amnesty those who surrender.

2. IRA Talks Verdict Soon.Belfast, Northern Ireland
(AP) — The British government will announce Friday whether
the IRA-allied Sinn Fein party can join other parties in negotia­
tions on Northern Ireland's future.

Northern Ireland Secretary M. M. will make the announce­ment Friday morning, rather than Thursday afternoon as had been expected, her Belfast office said.

Government officials would not indicate what the verdict will be, but observers considered a thumbs-up for Sinn Fein's participation to be a formality. In a June letter to Sinn Fein, M. said the party could join talks within eight weeks of a renewed Irish Republican Army cease-fire.

The IRA began observing a truce in its violent campaign against British rule of Northern Ireland on July 20.

§ 5. The Peace Process

3. U. S. Lauds Cease-fire.Washington (Reuters) — Presi­
dent В. С on Tuesday welcomed the acceptance by Ethiopia
and Eritrea of a cease-fire agreement under the auspices of the
Organization for African Unity, or OAU, as a 'significant step
toward peace'.

"We have worked intensively with the OAU in recent weeks to help bring an end to this devastating conflict", C. said in a written statement.

The OAU said Monday that Ethiopia and Eritrea had con­firmed their acceptance of the cease-fire agreement aimed at ending a border war that has reportedly killed tens of thousands of soldiers from both sides since last May.

Both countries are to send representatives to Algeria, which currently holds the OAU chairmanship, on Wednesday to work out the technical details of the cease-fire.

4. The prospects of a cease-fireaverting a battle for Kabul
rose yesterday for the first time since the Taliban takeover, but a
wide gap remained on the terms of any deal.

After several rounds of shuttle diplomacy by Pakistan's inte­rior minister, General N. В., a spokesman at the Taliban head­quarters in Kandahar said the movement's leadership had provi­sionally accepted a ceasefire offer from the Uzbek warlord. General A. R. D., in the northern city of Mazar-il-Sharif.

5. M. H. said prisoners would have to be exchanged and
peace talks could follow. The ceasefire should be monitored by
a commission comprising six members of the Taliban and six of
the opposition.

The apparently open-ended ceasefire of offer from Gen D., who has sent tanks and artillery against the Afghan capital, seems to fall short of the conditions laid down by his ally, A. S. M., the former defence minister.

5. C. Plansa Mideast Push.President В. С plans to meet with Prime Minister E. B. of Israel and the Palestinian leader, Y. A., in Oslo in an effort to promote a final peace settlement, the White House said Wednesday.,

50__________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

The three leaders will take part in a ceremony Nov. 2 com­memorating the Oslo accords that propelled the Middle East peace process forward in the early 1990s, the White House press secretary, J. L., said.

Mr. C.'s personal involvement underscores his determination to see a comprehensive Middle East peace in his remaining 15 months in office.

This week, S. В., the national security adviser, said Mr. В., Mr. A. and President H. A. of Syria appeared willing to tackle hard issues remaining. The 1993 and 1995 Olso accords involve commitments by Israel to turn over West Bank land to Palestin­ian control in exchange for security assurances.

6. An international peacekeeping forceprepared to arrive
in East Timor today, as rising tensions threatened to damage
trade and investment between Indonesia and Australia, which is
leading the force.

The peacekeeping force and a planned relief operation to help "hundreds of thousands of refugees are designed to restore some order to the Indonesian territory of East Timor, after a two-week rampage by Jakarta militias in which an unknown number of civilians have been killed. Up to half the population may have been forced out of their homes, fleeing either to the hills or shipped to West Timor and nearby islands.

7. Y. A., the Palestinian President,said that his landmark
meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister B. N. was positive but
that the issue of Jerusalem would either make or break Middle
East peace.

The Israeli Foreign Minister, D. L., who was also in Rome but did not meet A., said the Jewish state would continue the peace process while safeguarding its own security. In his speech at Rome's city hall, A. took a firm stand on Jerusalem, saying the issue of its status "could either make the peace process fall or become a symbol of co-existence and harmony between Mus­lims, Christians and Jews".

§ 5. The Peace Process

8. Sri Lanka Parties Agree.Colombo, Sri Lanka (AP) -An
agreement between Sri Lanka's two main political parties to
work together for peace with the Tamils was hailed Friday as a
major step toward ending the 14-year war.

In the British-brokered accord reached Thursday, President C. K. and opposition leader R. W. agreed to consult one another and that the opposition would not undermine negotiations with the rebels.

Any agreement made with Tamil rebels would be binding, even after a change of government.

"This is the first step on the long road to peace", Foreign Minister L. D. told reporters Thursday.

9. Tajik Peace Uneasy.Tajik President E. R. on Sunday
said the resignation of the chairman of the national reconcilia­
tion commission would not endanger the peace process that be­
gan with a treaty signed two years ago.

S. N., leader of the United Tajik Opposition, said Saturday his decision to leave the commission was related to R.'s failure to appoint an opposition member as defense minister.

The peace agreement, which ended five years of civil war, called for 30 percent of federal and local executive bodies to be filled by opposition members, who now hold 12 senior govern­ment posts and are entitled to two more.

10. Seoul Seeks Peace by Year 2003.President K. D. J. of
South Korea vowed Monday to end the Cold War on the Korean
Peninsula before his term ends in 2003.

"I solemnly promise to dedicate myself to realizing peace and ending the Cold War on the Korean Peninsula through ex­changes and cooperation between the South and North by the end of my term", Mr. K. said.

"The cold and bitter winds of the Cold War that blow be­tween out two countries must be stopped and replaced by warm rays of sunshine", h'e said in a keynote speech to a meeting of the Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific region.

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"Let us stop regarding each other as enemies and start em­bracing one another as brothers", Mr. K. said.

Since the became president in February 1998, Mr. K. has been steadfast in his so-called sunshine policy of increased cul­tural and business contacts with the secretive, Stalinist North.

The president also said he would leave the issue of political reunification to the distant future in favor of peaceful coexis­tence now.

Active Vocabulary

1. to lay down arms under the accord

сложить оружие согласно договору


2. to observe truce

ant. to violate, to break

.соблюдать перемирие


3. under the auspices

devastating (conflict, war)

под эгидой опустошительный


4. to avert a battle/a war shuttle diplomacy

предотвратить сражение/войну челночная дипломатия


5. to promote peace settlement comprehensive

содействовать, способствовать мирное урегулирование всеобъемлющий


6. peacekeeping force relief operation/aid

миротворческие силы гуманитарная операция/помощь


7. landmark

веха, важный этап


8. to hail to broker to undermine negotiations


выступать в роли посредника

подрывать переговоры

§ 5. The Peace Process

9. to endanger the peace process подвергать опасности reconciliation примирение

10. through sth путем, посредством ч.-л. peaceful coexistence мирное сосуществование reunification воссоединение

2. Find the English for the following word combinations
used in the articles of this section (the number of the arti­
cle is given in brackets)

Поддерживать (1), уволить, отстранить от должности (1), согласие на ч.-л. (2), председательство (3), министр внут­ренних дел (4), принять предложение о прекращении ог­ня (4), ставить условия (4), находиться в должности (5), ре­шать вопросы (5), восстановить порядок (6), обеспечивать безопасность (7), занять твердую позицию по к.-л. вопро­су (7), обязывающее соглашение (8), отставка (9), исполни­тельные органы (9), иметь право на ч.-л. (9), срок пребыва­ния у власти (10).

3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the under­
lined words.

1. International aid agencies estimate that up to 300 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in less than a week of fighting in Mogadishu, although no warlord has made significant territo­rial gains.

2. Israel's argument, that Jerusalem is its exclusive prop­erty, is in itself a violation of the peace accord.

3. In Bosnia, a shaky four-day-old cease-fire meant to clear the way for the peace talks came under pressure at the weekend, when fierce fighting resumed in the northwest.

4. Mr. A.'s advance, which dragged all of his most bitter opponents into the fighting, took place as all the other faction

54__________ "Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

leaders were in Ethiopia to discuss a plan to bring about national reconciliation and set up a transitional government.

5. H. called on all parties in the conflict to observe the cease-fire.

6. Alarmed at the unravelling of the peace process, the White House is hoping to broker new direct talks between Lon­don and Dublin, possibly as early as this weekend.

7. There has been no substantial movement toward a settle­ment of the conflict, and the sides remain so far apart that some fear another war.

8. Fighting eased in Guinea-Bissau after rebels announced a 48-hour cease-fire in the tiny West African country, demanding that President J. B. V. present a negotiating agenda.

9. In several hours of shuttle diplomacy Mr. M. met with the key parties — Sin Fein, political ally if the Irish Republican Army, and the Ulster Unionists.

10. The agreement is widely seen in the west as a milestone in the search for a Balkan peace settlement.

11. But Washington still accuses Tehran of seeking weapons of mass destruction, threatening its neighbors, sponsoring terror­ism and undermining the Middle East peace process.

12.As the Russian military offensive in Chechnya intensi­fies, President C. and European leaders were increasing pressure on the Russian President to accept help from the international mediators offering to find a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

2015-11-12 893 Обсуждений (0)
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