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2015-11-18 644 Обсуждений (0)
СТЕПЕНИ СРАВНЕНИЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ. Упражнение 125 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Упражнение 125

Hotter, the hottest; longer, the longest; cleverer, the cleverest; sillier, the silliest; greater, the greatest; redder, the reddest; blacker, the blackest; whiter, the whitest; thinner, the thinnest; thicker, the thickest; fatter, the fattest; nicer, the nicest; warmer, the warm­est; colder, the coldest; merrier, the merriest; smaller, the smallest; taller, the tallest; higher, the highest; weaker, the weakest; stronger, the strongest; heavier, the heaviest; lighter, the lightest; greener, the green­est; drier, the driest; cleaner, the cleanest; dirtier, the dirtiest; wider, the widest; deeper, the deepest; braver, the bravest.

Упражнение 126

Old, older, the oldest, the eldest, my elder brother, my old friend, farther, the farthest, the longest, shorter, happy, happier, the happiest, the best, the blackest, longer, worse, better, warmer, her best friend, her younger son, his elder son.

Упражнение 127

1. a. I know an interesting story.

b. He knows a more interesting story.

c. She knows the most interesting story.

Степени сравнения прилагательных 63

2. a. It is a long way.

b. It is a longer way.

c. It is the longest way.

3. a. Her work is very important.

b. His work is more important.

c. My work is the most important.

4. a. It is a bad song.

b. It is a worse song.

c. It is the worst song.

5. a. He is a good engineer.

b. He is a better engineer.

c. He is the best engineer.

6. a. He brought her a beautiful flower.

b. He brought her a more beautiful flower.

c. He brought her the most beautiful flower.

7. a. He told us about a happy man.

b. He told us about a happier man.

c. Не told us about the happiest man.

.** Упражнение 128

1.It is a very easy problem. Give me a more difficult problem. 2. In summer the days are long and the nights are short. 3. The 22nd of June is the longest day. 4. In July the days are shorter. 5. In December the days are the shortest. 6. A "four" is a good mark, but a "five" is better. 7. A "five" is the best mark. 8. The worst mark is a "two". 9. Your dress is very beautiful, of course, but my dress is more beautiful. 10. My father is a tall man. 11.It is a warmer coat. 12.I think our English teacher was very patient. 13. Our old doctor was very busy. Our new doctor is even busier. 14. My German teacher is the most energetic person. 15. We know your neighbour is a very boring man. 16.1 think your grandfather is the most generous person I've ever met. 17. Ronald's watch is accurate, but his aunt's


watch is more accurate. 18. She bought her watch in Switzerland because she thinks Swiss watches are the most accurate in the world. 19.That film on TV is much worse than today's. 20.What's the funniest TV pro­gramme? 21. Those were the happiest days in her life.

Упражнение 129

1. В.delicious, more delicious. A. the most delicious.

2. bigger. 3. smaller. 4. the highest. 5. wider. 6. large.

7. larger. 8. the biggest. 9. the largest. 10. the oldest.
11.greater. 12. the most beautiful.

Упражнение 130

1. Английский язык такой же трудный, как и не­мецкий. 2. Мое сочинение не такое длинное, как твое.

3. Сегодня не так тепло, как было вчера. 4. Дом, в
котором живет его тетя, такой же старый, как и дом,
в котором живет его дядя. 5. Его квартира не такая
роскошная, как ее, но она гораздо больше. 6. Джон­
ни не такой богатый, как Дон, но он моложе и гораз­
до счастливее. 7. Моя собака не такая дружелюбная,
как твоя. 8. Ты можешь есть столько, сколько хо­
чешь. 9. Футбольный матч не такой захватывающий,
как хоккейный. 10. Этот отель не такой дешевый,
как мы ожидали. 11.Его песни не такие популяр­
ные, как песни „Битлз". 12. Ее брат такой же интел­
лигентный, как и его жена.

Упражнение 131

1. as ... as. 2. so ... as (as ... as). 3. as ... as. 4. so ... as (as ... as). 5. as ... as. 6. as ... as. 7. as ... as.

8. so ... as (as ... as). 9. so ... as (as ... as). 10. as ... as.
11.as ... as. 12. as ... as. 13.so ... as (as ... as).

Степени сравнения прилагательных 65

Упражнение 132

1.Не isn't as tired as she is (as her). 2. Exercise two is as difficult as exercise three. 3. She thinks boxing is as dangerous as wrestling. 4. This house is as high as that one. 5. Today the water in the river is not so warm as yesterday. 6. You are not so clever as father. 7. In­dia is not so large as China. 8. The Thames is as beau­tiful as the Neva. 9. His grandmother is not so old as his grandfather. 10. Apples are as tasty as plums, but not so tasty as pears. 11. Is the Russian Museum as rich as the Hermitage? 12. Derzhavin is not so famous as Pushkin. 13. The Dnieper is not so long as the Vol­ga. 14. Last year August was as hot as July. 15. He isn't as old as me (as I am). 16. She is as generous as her grandmother. 17. His car is as comfortable as yours. 18. The exam wasn't as difficult as we expected. 19. He is as strong as his brother. 20. This computer isn't as expensive as I expected. 21. Her son is as polite as her (as she is). 22. This work is as interesting as yours.

Упражнение 133

1. This work is easier than that one. 2. This novel is more exciting than that one. 3. Andrew Mironov was a more talented actor than all others. 4. These peo­ple are nicer, more polite, more hospitable than those. 5. This house is higher than that one. 6. Today the water in the river is colder than yesterday. 7. Father is cleverer than you (are). 8. China is larger than In­dia. 9. His grandmother is younger than his grandfa­ther. 10. Pears are tastier than apples. 11. Our cat is smaller than our dog. 12. My brother is younger than me. 13. Last year February was colder than January. 14. The Dnieper is shorter than the Volga. 15. The Her­mitage is richer than the Russian Museum.


Упражнение 134

1.Новый кинотеатр в нашем районе гораздо боль­ше, чем старый. 2. Он является одним из самых опас­ных преступников в мире. 3. Невский проспект го­раздо красивее, чем наша улица. 4. Наш дом не та­кой большой, как ваш. 5. Это самая смешная исто­рия, которую я когда-либо слышал. 6. Ей становится лучше. А это самое важное. 7. Какой у тебя рост? Ты выше меня. 8. Она чувствовала себя такой же силь­ной, как и ее брат. 9. Мы отправились раньше вас. 10. Он был осторожнее меня. 11.Этот студент са­мый внимательный в нашей группе. 12. Мне нужно пальто потеплее. 13.Он так же устал, как и ты. 14.Он был одним из самых опытных рабочих на фабрике. 15. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 16.Она была не такая привлекательная, как ее мать. 17. Его работа не такая трудная, как моя. 18. Он был самым стар­шим в семье. 19. В море плавать легче, чем в реке. 20. Это самая маленькая комната в нашей квартире.

Упражнение 135

1. healthier. 2. clean. 3. the worst. 4. taller. 5. larger. 6. shorter. 7. the highest. 8. better. 9. higher. 10. the most beautiful. 11.better. 12. longer. 13. shorter. 14. colder. 15.more difficult. 16.easier. 17. busy. 18. cold. 19. fond. 20. colder. 21. the most interesting. 22. the coldest. 23. worse. 24. the hottest. 25. the most beautiful. 26. the best.

Упражнение 136

1. greyer. 2. the fattest. 3. heavier, heavier. 4. the tallest. 5. most attentive. 6. colder, yellower. 7. the most beautiful. 8. better, good, better, the best. 9. light­er. 10. drier. 11.faster. 12. nice, nicer. 13.angrier,

Степени сравнения прилагательных 67

angrier. 14. harder, harder. 15. the tallest. 16. more careful. 17. quiet, quieter. 18. delicious.

Упражнение 137

1. This is the most valuable painting in the Russian Museum. 2. My computer isn't as new as my friend's. 3. Our exams are much more difficult than yours. 4. The building of Moscow University is the tallest in the cap­ital. 5. Our town is not so big as Kiev, but it is as beautiful. 6. Nevsky Prospect is one of the most beau­tiful streets in St Petersburg. 7. Who is the youngest pupil in our group? — Petrov (is). But he is the tallest. 8. English grammar is difficult, but English pronunci­ation is more difficult. 9. The shops in our street are larger than the shops in your street. 10. Our TV set is as new as this one. 11. This room is lighter than that one. 12. Today the weather is worse than yesterday. It is colder today and it is raining. 13. My room is not so large as my friend's room, but it is lighter and warmer.

14. Which of these books is the most interesting?

15. November is not such a cold month as January.

16. My father is a very busy man. 17. The Crimea is one of the best places for rest. 18. Today he feels much better.


Упражнение 138

1. on. 2. in. 3. on. 4. into. 5. on. 6. into. 7. on, in. 8. in. 9. into, on. 10. in. 11. on, into. 12. in. 13. into. 14. on. 15. on. 16. into, on. 17. on. 18. into, on, in, on, on, on, on, on. 19. into, into, on, into.

Упражнение 139

1. Go to the blackboard.

2. Write the date on the blackboard.

3. Hang the picture on the blackboard.

4. She poured some water into the vase and put the flowers into it. Then she went to the window and put the vase on the windowsill.

5. The teacher is standing at the blackboard. He is writing a sentence on the blackboard. The pupils are sitting at the desks. They are writing this sentence in their exercise books.

6. Nick went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His mother was standing at the stove. She went up to the table, put a cup on the table and poured some tea into the cup.

7. We gathered many mushrooms in the woods.

8. Masha opened the door and went into the house. There was nobody in the house: the bears were in the woods. In the room Masha saw a table. She went up to the table. On the table she saw three plates.

Предлоги 69

9- Kate was in the room. She was standing at the bookcase.

10.There was a thick carpet on the floor. The chil­dren sat down on the carpet and began playing.

11. Where are the boys? — They are playing in the yard.

12. It is winter now. There is snow on the ground. There is ice on the river.

13. She went up to the blackboard, took the chalk and began writing on the blackboard.

14. The butter is on the table. Put it into the refri­gerator. And now sit down at the table. There is (some) juice in this glass. Drink it and put the glass on the shelf.

15. Where is your pen? — It is in my pocket.

16. Put a handkerchief into your pocket.

17. He jumped into the river and quickly swam to the island.

Упражнение 140

In the kitchen, at the port, at the swimming pool, in the park, in the wood, at the theatre, in the garden, at the library, in the river, at the shop, in the glass, in the room, at the cinema, in the snow, at school, in the classroom, in the house, in the cup, at the museum, in the ocean.

Упражнение 141

On the shelf, on the windowsill, on the bench, at the plant, on the wall, at the railway station, on the plat­form, on the floor, on the roof, at the exhibition, at the stop, on the ground, at the concert, on the black­board, at the lesson, on the bridge, at the stadium, on the snow, on the grass, at work.


Упражнение 142

1. Where is Nick? — Не is at the lecture. 2. Father goes to work every day. 3. Yesterday father was at work and mother was at home. 4. Yesterday I went to the library. I borrowed a very interesting book at the li­brary. 5. Kate was sitting at the table. There were books and exercise books on the table. Her father went up to the table and put a vase on the table. He put some flow­ers into the vase. 6. Yesterday we went to the exhibition. We saw a lot of paintings at the exhibition. 7. Where is Tom? — He is at the stadium. He always goes to the stadium on Sunday. And his sister goes to the swim­ming pool. She is at the swimming pool now. 8. Do you like to go to the theatre? 9. When we came to the railway station, we put our things on the platform and sat down on a bench. Mother went to the shop and bought some lemonade. 10. At the lesson yester­day the teacher said to me, "There are two mistakes on the blackboard. Go to the blackboard and correct the mistakes!" 11. Were you at the concert yester­day? — No, we worked at the library and then we went to the park. We played in the park and then we sat on the grass. 12. Put the book into the bag and go to the blackboard. 13. There are many children in the yard today. 14. There are many students at the lecture today.

Упражнение 143

1. I went to the garden. 2. I went into the garden. 3. We went to the forest. 4. We went into the forest. 5, Go to the classroom. 6. Go into the classroom. 7. Go to the park. 8. Go into the park. 9. She went to the kitchen. 10. She went into the kitchen. 11. Don't go to the shop. 12. Don't go into the shop. 13. She ran to the yard. 14. She ran into the yard.

Предлоги 71

Упражнение 144

1. In winter I usually go to bed at ten o'clock be­cause I go to school and have to get up early. But in summer, when I don't go to school and live in the coun­try, I like to go to bed late. 2. Do you like to read in bed? 3. We did not want to stay in town on such a hot day, so we went to the country. 4. It is very late. Go to bed at once. 5. Where is your little sister? — She is in bed. Mother always puts her to bed at eight o'clock. 6. In summer my mother does not go to work and I do not go to school. We live in the country. My father goes to work every day, so he stays in town. But sometimes he comes to the counry after work and goes back to town early in the morning, when I am still in bed.

Упражнение 145

1. In summer they always go to the south. 2. My father works at a plant and my mother works at a li­brary. My elder brother studies at a university and I go to school. In the morning father goes to the plant, mother goes to the library, my brother goes to the university and I go to school. Our grandmother usual­ly goes to the shop in the morning. In the shop she buys foodstuffs. 3. My friend lives in the north. 4. We spent the summer in the south. 5. It was very hot in town, and we decided to go to the country. After break­fast we went to the railway station. At the railway station there were many people. The people were stand­ing on the platform and waiting for the train. It was wonderful in the country. At first we went to the woods. It was hot, but when we went into the woods, it became cool. Then we went up to a river. We swam in the riv­er, and grandmother was sitting on the grass at the river. In the evening we went to town. 6. Vladivostok is situated in the Far East. 7. Yesterday we were at the


theatre. 8. The day before yesterday we were in the park. 9. Tomorrow we shall go to the cinema or to the museum. 10. Where is your brother? — He is in the room, standing at the window. 11. Where is your sis­ter? — She is at school. 12. Where is the child? — He is in bed. Mother put him to bed half an hour ago. 13. Where is your father? — He is at work. 14. Where is your grandfather? — He is in the park. 15. Where is Nick? — He is at the stadium.

Упражнение 146

At four o'clock, at half past five, at a quarter to three, at sunset, at a quarter past four, at midnight, at five minutes past five, at ten minutes to two, at noon, at sunrise, at twenty-five minutes past two.

Упражнение 147

1. at, at. 2. on, at, at, at, 3. on. 4. on. 5. on. 6. on. 7. at. 8. at. 9. at. 10. at, at.

Упражнение 148

Last month my aunt didn't go to work. She got up at ten o'clock and went to bed at midnight. She often went to the theatre and to the cinema. But this month she gets up at sunrise because she goes to work again. She works at our university. The academic year at the university begins in September and finishes in May. In January and June students take exams. My aunt goes to the university on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Monday she always works at the li­brary. On Friday she usually goes to the country. She gets up at seven o'clock and goes to the railway sta­tion. She spends the whole day in the country and returns to town at sunset. Next week my aunt will go to London and next year she will go to New York.

Предлоги 73

Упражнение 149

1.On the fourth of June we shall go to the country. 2. I like to go to the park in autumn. 3. This week we shall meet our friends at the airport. The plane arrives at seven o'clock in the evening. I think that we shall go to bed only at midnight. 4. Last winter he often went to the skating rink on Sundays. 5. Last week we went to the Russian Museum. 6. In summer the sun rises early in the morning and sets late in the evening. 7. Last summer we went to the south. When we were in the south, we went to the sea every day. We got up at sunrise and bathed in the sea. At noon we had dinner and rested. In the evening we went to the park. At sunset we often went to the sea and returned home at half past ten or at eleven. 8. Next year we shall go to the Far East. 9. Next week I shall go to the theatre. 10.Dickens was born in 1812.

Упражнение 150

At five o'clock, by five o'clock, since five o'clock, at noon, by noon, since noon, since midnight, by mid­night, at midnight, since last year, last year, this year, by 2019, by the twentieth of February, on the twen­tieth of February, since morning, by night, at night, by the first of November, in November, since summer, on Tuesday, by Friday, at half past two, by tomorrow, at sunrise, by spring, in spring, last spring, since last spring, by winter, next year, by next year, since yes­terday.

Упражнение 151

1.1 haven't heard this song since last winter. 2. She hasn't been to the theatre since last month. 3. We haven't spoken about it since last week. 4. You haven't approached the piano since Monday. 5. It is already


evening, and you haven't done anything since three o'clock. 6. We haven't been to Moscow since 1999. 7. He hasn't written to us since last year. 8. I haven't seen him since yesterday. 9. She hasn't eaten since morning. 10. We haven't played football since summer.

Упражнение 152

1. He will come in an hour. 2. Wait a little, please, I shall return in a few minutes. 3. We shall finish school in a few years. 4. In two or three years every­thing will change. 5. I haven't been to Estonia since 2005. Next summer I shall go there. I shall spend the whole summer there and return to St Petersburg by the first of September. 6. Last Sunday we got up at sunrise and by seven o'clock we were ready .to go. At ten minutes past seven we started. We went to the bus stop. There were few people at the stop: on Sunday people don't like to get up at sunrise. The bus came up to the stop in ten minutes. We went to the railway station. In half an hour we were at the railway station. On the platform we met our friends. In an hour we were already in the country. We went to the woods. It was hot, but when we went into the woods, it became cool. We spent the whole day in the country and returned to town at sunset.

Упражнение 153

1. to, of. 2. of. 3. of. 4. to. 5. to. 6. to, of, of, to, of, to. 7. of, to. 8. to, of. 9. of. 10. to. 11. of. 12. of, to. 13. of. 14. to. 15. of. 16. of.

Упражнение 154

1. by. 2. with. 3. by. 4. with. 5. by. 6. with. 7. by. 8. with. 9. by. 10. by. 11. with. 12. with. 13. by. 14. with. 15. by.

Предлоги 75

Упражнение 155

1.to, to, at, ^. 2.about, at, to, ^. 3. ^, at, S_. 4. of, S9 to, for. 5. of. 6. of. 7. •. 8. at. 9. to. 10. for, in. 11. to, of. 12. of. 13. to, for, to, to, of, in, to, S_._ 14. ^, of, at, by. 15. about. 16. of, •, of. 17. at, •, to, on, at, of, to.

Упражнение 156

1. Walk along this corridor, turn the corner at the end of the corridor and go into the first room. 2. In five minutes everybody was sitting at the table and listening to their grandmother. 3. He looked at the boats sailing down the river. 4. Last year we travelled about Europe. 5. He was walking along the street and looking at the faces of the passersby. 6. The dog ran up to the river, jumped into the water, swam across the river and ran into the woods. 7. He crossed the street and entered the cafe. 8. She was walking about the room. 9. They sailed across the southern seas. 10. Walk along this path across the field and through the wood, and in two or three hours you will come up to a river. 11. They were walking about the town from sunrise till sunset, talked to many people, looked at splendid palaces and monuments. In the evening they returned to the hotel tired but pleased. 12. Tom Saw­yer jumped over the fence and ran along the street. In a few seconds he turned the corner and disappeared.


Упражнение 157

1. is, is. 2. is, is. 3. is» is. 4. are, am. 5. am. 6. is, is. 7. is, is. 8. are, are, are. 9. is, is. 10, are, am. 11. is, is, is. 12. is, is. 13. is, is. 14. is. 15. is, is. 16. is. 17, is. 18. is. 19. is. 20. is, are, is, is, is, is, is, is.

Упражнение 158

1. What's your name? — My name is Ann. 2. What's your address? — My address is 45 Oxford Street. 3. Where are you from? — I'm from London. 4. Who is he (in this photograph?) — He is my father. 5. What is his name? — His name is John. 6. Where is he? — He is in London. 7. I am Lena and this is Nick. He is my brother. He is ten (years old) and I am twelve (years old). We are from St Petersburg. 8. I am a pupil. I am at school. 9. My brother is a painter. He is not an en­gineer. 10. My sister is at work. She is a doctor. 11. He is a student. 12. Are you a student? — No, I am a doctor. 13. My sister is at home. 14. We are not at school. We are at home. 15. My brother is a pupil. He is at school. 16. Is your mother at home? — No, she is at work. 17. Is your cousin at home? — No, he is at school. He is a pupil. 18. Is your sister a teacher? — No, she is a student. 19. Is your father at work? — No,

Употребление времен 77

he is at home. 20. Is your sister a typist? — Yes, she is. — Is she at home? — No, she is at work. 21. My grandfather is a scientist. 22. My mother is not a teach­er. She is a doctor. She is a very good doctor.

Упражнение 159

1.My name is Kate. 2. I am fourteen (years old). 3. I'm Russian. I'm from St Petersburg. 4. I'm a pupil. 5. My favourite sport is tennis. 6. I'm interested in music. 7. My favourite subject is English. 8. My father is a (computer) programmer. He isn't interested in po­litics. 9. My mother is a dentist. She is interested in art. 10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 11. Whose pen is this? — It is my pen. 12. Whose book is this? — It is your book. 13. Whose table is this? — It is my brother's table. 14. Whose bag is this? — It is my mother's bag. 15. Whose pencil is this? — It is my sister's pencil. 16.Is this your exer­cise book? — Yes, it is. 17. Is this your brother's exer­cise book? — No, it is my exercise book. 18. Where is your table? — It is in the middle of the room. 19. Where is your pen? — It is in my pocket. 20. Where is your exercise book? — It is on the table. 21. Where is your mother? — She is at work. 22. Where is your brother? — He is at school. 23. Where is your sister? — She is at home. 24. Whose pencil is this? — It is my pencil. — And where is my pencil? — It is on the table. 25. Whose watch is this? — It is my watch. — And where is my watch? — It is on the table.

Упражнение 160

1. Where are you? — I am in the kitchen. 2. Where is Fred? — He is in the garage. 3. Where are Lisa and John? — They are at college. 4. Are you busy? — No, I am not. Mike is busy. He is the busiest person I've ever met. 5. It is ten o'clock. She is late again. 6. How


are you? — I am not very well today. — I am sorry to hear that. 7. We are interested in classical music. 8. Vera is afraid of snakes. 9. My grandmother isn't nervous and she is rarely upset. She is the kindest per­son I've ever seen. My grandmother is really wonder­ful. 10. I'm sorry. They are not at the office at the moment. 11. Where are the keys? — In your jacket. 12. What is the time, please? — Two o'clock. 13. It is the biggest meal I've ever had. 14. Which sport do you think is the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics are not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating. 16. Debt is the worst kind of poverty. 17. The game is not worth the candle. 18. Do you have any idea where he is? 19. Used cars are cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 20. What is the weather forecast for tomor­row? 21. Art is long, life is short. 22. You are the best friend I've ever had. 23. I don't remember what his telephone number is. 24. Two heads are better than one. 25. You are right. That's a lot of money! Coffee is very expensive this week.

Упражнение 161

My aunt was very depressed last Sunday. The weath­er was terrible. It was cold and rainy. Her husband was not at home. He was at hospital because he was sick. Her children were not at school. They were not in the yard, they were in the living room. The TV was broken. The children were not only upset, they were very an­gry. The neighbours were not happy because her chil­dren were too noisy.

The house was not clean. The sink was broken. There were dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There was nothing in the fridge. There were no vegeta­bles for dinner, there was no juice for her children. There was not even bread in the house! She was tired and hungry. She was just exhausted.

Употребление времен 79

Упражнение 162

1. I am a pupil. 2. Не is a pilot. 3. She is a doctor. 4. We are schoolchildren. 5. You are workers. 6. You are a worker. 7. They are pupils. 8.1 am at home. 9. He is at school. 10. Is she at the cinema? 11. We are in the park. 12. Are they at the theatre? 13. Is she young?

14. He is old. 15. She is not old. 16. They are strong.
17. She is ill. 18. Are you ill? 19. Is he ill? 20.1 am not
ill. 21. I was ill yesterday. 22. She was not ill. 23. We
were at the cinema. 24. The weather was fine. It was
warm and sunny. My children were at school and my
husband was at work. I was in the garden. There were
many beautiful flowers there. It was in May. I was

Упражнение 163

1. The students are. 2. They were, there was. 3. They will be, they are. 4. My father is. 5. He was. 6. I shall be. 7. My sister will not be. 8. She will be. 9. Will you be. 10. Was your father. 11. My sister was. 12. She is not. 13. We were. 14. Where is your mother, she is.

15. Where were you, I was. 16. My family will be. 17. Is
your little sister, she is. 18. Will you be, I shall. 19. My
granny was, she was. 20. My friend is. 21. He will be.
22. Where are your books, they are.

Упражнение 164

Ronald Wood is a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He is always on a business trip. Yesterday he was in Geneva. Tomorrow he will be in London. Last week he was in Chicago. Next week he will be in New Orleans. At the moment he is in Amsterdam. In two hours he will be in the Hague. Three days ago he was in Paris. At the end of


his trip he is usually very tired but happy. He is with his family now. His sons are so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family is very glad to see him at home again.

Упражнение 165

1. Yesterday they were at the library. 2. They are at school now. 3. Tomorrow they will be at the theatre.

4. At the moment he is not here. 5. On Sunday he will
be at the concert. 6. Last Saturday he was at the sta­
dium. 7. My brother is at school now. 8. My brother
was at the cinema yesterday. 9. My brother will be at
home tomorrow. 10. Will you be at home tomorrow?
11. Was she in the park yesterday? 12. Is he in the yard
now? 13. Where is father? 14. Where were you yes­
terday? 15. Where will he be tomorrow? 16. My books
were on the table. Where are they now? 17. My mother
was not at work yesterday. She was at home. 18. My
friend is not in the park. He is at school. 19. Tomorrow
at three o'clock Nick and Mike will be in the yard.
20. We were not in the south last summer. We were in
Moscow. 21. Tomorrow my grandfather will be in the
village. 22. When will your sister be at home? 23, Will
you be a pilot? — No, I shall be a sailor. 24. My sister
was a student last year, and now she is a doctor. —
Will you be a doctor, too? — No, I shall not be a doc­
tor. I shall be an engineer. 25. They were not at the
cinema. 26. They are not at school. 27. They are at
home. 28. Were you in the park yesterday? 29. Was he
at school yesterday? 30. He was a worker. 31. She was
a teacher. 32. He will be an excellent journalist.

Упражнение 166

1. Timothy is feeding. 2. Mr Jones is cleaning. 3. Nancy is painting. 4. Our neighbours are washing.

5. I am washing. 6. Who is fixing. 7. What is she do-

Употребление времен 81

ing, she is dancing. 8. The children are brushing.

9. What is he doing, he is fixing. 10. They are having.
11. The boys are running. 12.1 am doing. 13. John and
his friends are going. 14. Ann is sitting, she is studying.
15. A young man is standing, he is smoking. 16. The
old man is walking. 17. The dog is lying. 18. Are you
having. 19. What language are you studying. 20. Who
is lying. 21. What are they talking. 22. It is still raining.
23.1 am opening. 24. John is playing. 25. My friend is
collecting, he is writing.

Упражнение 167

It is not raining any more, it is clearing up and the sun is shining. The jazz band is playing in the park. A lot of people are listening to the music and they are really having a good time. But they are not dancing yet. There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people are sitting there, and only five people are waiting in the queue. Some people are having sandwiches and drinking coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there are laughing and making a lot of noise. They are playing games and Tom is taking pictures. So what is going on?

Упражнение 168

1.1 am reading. 2. He is not writing. 3. We are not working. 4. Are you reading? 5. Is he sleeping? 6. Nick and Mike are playing football. 7. Kate is playing the piano. 8. She is not singing. 9. My sister is sleeping.

10. Is father drinking tea? 11. Are your parents drinking
tea? 12. I am not sleeping. 13. She is sitting at the
table. 14. We are doing an exercise. 15. We are not
bathing. 16. Are they playing in the yard? 17. Nina
and Ann are washing the floor. 18. Nick is helping his
mother. 19. Are you helping your father? 20. My sister
is reading an interesting book. 21. They are going to
school. 22. Are you going to school? 23. Is he working?


24. Is your grandmother going to the shop? 25. He is buying sweets. 26. What is your sister doing? 27. Where are the children playing? 28. Why are you laughing? 29. Where are they going? 30. What are these boys carrying? 31. I am sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds. 32. Mother is sitting on the sofa in the drawing room and watching TV. 33. This is a photo of my friends. Tom is playing the guitar and Jane is singing. 34. And here they are dancing at my birthday party.

Упражнение 169

1. My working day begins, I get, switch, do, it takes, we have, my father and I leave, he takes, my mother is, she leaves, we gather, we watch, talk. 2. My sister gets. 3. She is, she goes. 4. Jane is, she does. 5. She has. 6. She goes. 7. It takes. 8. She speaks.

Упражнение 170

1. Andrea Schatzmann lives, she gets, takes, she doesn't normally have, she catches, her first class starts, she always has, the cafeteria food is, it is, her afternoon classes are, she is, she usually has, she has, she goes, a few friends usually go, he picks, he drives, they often go, she sometimes goes, she invites, they listen, talk, Mr and Mrs Connor often take, she calls, they never talk, it is, she usually calls, it is. 2. What time does Andrea usually get up? 3. When does she catch the bus? 4. Does she take a shower in the morn­ing? 5. Does she go home for lunch? 6. When does she go swimming? 7. How does she get to the pool? 8. What does she do on Saturday evenings?

Упражнение 171

1. I work. 2. We work. 3. They do not work. 4. Do you work? — Yes, I do. 5. Does he work? — No, he

Употребление времен 83

doesn't. He studies. 6. My brother does not study. He works. 7. Do you wear glasses? 8. Do you help people? 9. Does he like to read fairy tales? 10. Does she like to play the violin? 11. My sister does not read books. 12. Our grandmother likes to sleep on the sofa. 13. Do you like to rest in the armchair? 14. We eat and drink in the kitchen. 15. My brother does not like to read newspapers. 16. We sleep in the bedroom. 17. My broth­er sleeps on the sofa in the living room. 18. My sister dresses before the mirror. 19. My uncle writes books. 20. We write exercises at school. 21.1 spend my pocket money on ice cream. 22. He reads all the time and does not like to watch TV.

Упражнение 172

1. Where do you live? — I live in Moscow. 2. When do you have your holidays? — In January, 3. What do you like best at school? 4. My brother works at a hos­pital. He is a doctor. He gets up at twenty minutes past seven. He works in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening he does not work. In the evening he rests. 5. Does your sister speak French? — No, she doesn't. She speaks German, and her husband speaks English. 6. When do you get up? — I get up at a quar­ter to seven. 7. When does your brother get up? — He gets up at twenty minutes to eight. — And does your sister also get up at twenty minutes to eight? — No, she doesn't. My brother goes to school, and my sister does not go to school. She is not a pupil yet. She gets up at nine o'clock. 8. He doesn't wash his hands before meals. 9. This boy whistles in class. 10. He doesn't play any musical instrument. 11. They play football and like to watch cartoons. 12. They like their school holidays, especially the summer holidays. 13. The girl's birth­day is the thirty-first of December. 14. That's why (Therefore) she gets a lot of presents.


Упражнение 173

My uncle is an engineer. He is very busy. His work­ing day begins early in the morning. He gets up at seven o'clock. He washes, dresses and has breakfast. After breakfast he goes to work. He works at an institute. He likes his work. He is married. His wife is a doctor. She works at a hospital. In the evening she studies French. She attends French classes. My uncle does not speak French. He speaks Russian and German. He stud­ies English. In the evening he attends English classes. My uncle's son is a pupil. He goes to school. At school he studies English.

Упражнение 174

1.1 am taking — I take. 2. He is helping — he helps. 3. They are going — they go. 4. She is playing — she plays. 5.1 am reading — I read. 6. He is sleeping — he sleeps. 7. We are drinking — we drink. 8. They are going — they go. 9.1 am not sleeping — I do not sleep. 10. She is not drinking — she does not drink. 11. We are not watching — we do not watch. 12. They are not eating — they do not eat. 13. My mother is not work­ing — my mother does not work. 14. Are you work­ing — do you work. 15. Is he playing — does he play. 16. Are they eating — do they eat. 17. Is your sister resting — does your sister rest. 18. What are you do­ing — what do you do. 19. What are you reading — what do you read. 20. What are they eating — what do they eat. 21. What is your brother drinking — what does your brother drink. 22. Is everybody having — does everybody have. 23. Is she taking — how often does she take. 24. Where are they going — where do they go. 25. Are they speaking — what language do they usually speak.

Употребление времен 85

Упражнение 175

1.Не works. 2. Does he work. 3. He doesn't work.

4. They read. 5. Do they read. 6. They do not read.
7. The children are eating. 8. Are the children eat­
ing. 9. The children are not eating. 10. Do you play.
11.When do you play. 12, What does Nick do.
13. Does he go. 14. We do not dance. 15. Kate is danc­
ing. 16.Does Kate sing. 17. Where does he go. 18. He
does not sleep. 19. My granny sleeps. 20. When do you
sleep. 21. Nina is not sleeping. 22. Where does John
live, he lives. 23. My friends from Switzerland speak.
24. Does Elvire speak. She does. 25. She doesn't only
speak (She doesn't speak only) Italian.

Упражнение 176

1.Tom plays. 2. He doesn't play. 3. I am wearing. 4.1 am not wearing. 5. My friend does not like. 6.1 am not reading. 7. Is he sleeping. 8. We do not go. 9. My sister eats. 10. She is not eating. 11,They do. 12. They do not go. 13. My father does not work. 14. He works. 15.1 read. 16.1 do not read. 17. I am writing. 18.1 am not writing. 19. They are playing. 20. They are not playing. 21. Are they playing. 22. He helps. 23. Does he help. 24. He does not help. 25. Do you go. 26. Is she working. 27. Is he delivering. 28. Do you go.

Упражнение 177

1. His father is not watching, he is sleeping, he is. 2. Pat is not cooking, she is talking, she cooks. 3.1 am not drinking, I am writing. 4. I do not drink, I drink.

5. Is your friend doing. 6. Does your friend go. 7. The
baby is sleeping. 8. The baby always sleeps, 9. My grand­
mother does not work. 10. My father is not sleeping,
he is working. 11.1 usually get. 12. What is your sister
doing, she is washing. 13. When do you usually come,


I come. 14. Where does your cousin work, he works. 15, Does your sister study, she goes. 16. My cousin goes. 17. My mother is not playing, she plays. 18. When do you listen. 19. Who is making. 20. Are you reading and thinking. 21. They are, they don't go. 22. What is she talking.

Упражнение 178

1. I am sitting. 2. I am not working. 3. Eric is talk­ing, Kenny is not listening, he is thinking. 4. My friend lives. 5. My cousin does not live. 6. The children are not sleeping now. 7. The children play. 8. They do not go. 9. She reads. 10. She does not read. 11. She is not reading. 12. I am writing. 13. I am not drinking. 14. I go. 15. I do not go. 16. He is not reading. 17. He is playing. 18. Is he playing. 19. My mother works. 20. My aunt does not work. 21. Do you work. 22. Does your father work. 23. Are you playing. 24. The clouds are moving, the sun is appearing, it is getting. 25. His health is improving. 26. Who is playing. 27. Henry usually wears, he is wearing. 28. Who is listening.

Упражнение 179

1. I do not know. 2. Do they want. 3. She thinks, he drives. 4. He understands, he eats, he always forgets. 5. Who is that man, who is standing, don't you recog­nize, it is. 6. I have, I am having. 7. Does your family leave, we always go, we all like, mother stays, father returns. 8. Where are Tom and Nick, they are having. 9. What are you doing, we are listening. 10. Do you want, I do. 11. Michael knows, he wants, he has. 12. Are you reading, it is, there are, are you, I am, I do not know. 13. We are having. 14. He feels. 15. I think, she doesn't feel. 16. Do you see, I mean. 17. Do you hear, she is saying. 18. He doesn't feel. 19. Ron is earning, they think, he is.

Употребление времен 87

Упражнение 180

There is, it is eating, it is giving, I think, monkeys like, I want, where do they live, the tiger wants, it is going, the lion is looking, do you think, it wants, when do the lions and tigers have, the keepers bring, they make, everybody knows, they are.

Упражнение 181

1. I often go. 2. We sometimes go. 3. Andrew gets, he lives, he is never. 4. It is, Victor is doing, his sister is reading, his mother and grandmother are talking. 5.1 am writing, who lives, I write. 6. It takes. 7. Where are you going, I am hurrying. 8. When do your lessons begin, they begin. 9. Where is your sister, she is doing.

10. It usually takes. 11. Where is Boris, I am looking,
he is having. 12. I am looking, do you have, I don't
want, it is, it is, it has. 13. I don't know, I am going.

Упражнение 182

1. Do you keep, I don't think, it is, I usually have, I eat. 2. He is learning, he wants. 3. The teacher knows, the girl doesn't often argue. 4. I think, she often wor­ries. 5. Barbara's boss sees, she is always late. 6. I am calling, I want, it is. 7. Do you hear, how is your job going, I am enjoying, I have, is (the only problem), the food is, I eat, I am getting. 8. Ruth is learning, she likes, she wants. 9. Do you understand, what language he is speaking. 10. Is your English getting, I think.

11. We know, he never takes. 12. They think, he learns,
he knows, he speaks. 13. He is just working. 14.1 don't
like, I am enjoying, I am. 15. Do you have, Rick is,
I don't see, he is visiting. 16. We don't have, I am
coming. 17. She is trying, I think, she always has.
18. She tries. 19. My little brother doesn't play, that
is why he is practising. 20. My grandmother is, she is
baking, she bakes. 21. Tom is, he is, he is yawning.
22.1 am, that is, I am crying.


Упражнение 183

1. I shall go. 2. Не will give. 3. The nurse will lead. 4. I'll take off and put on. 5. Dr Setton will come in, shake, and say. 6. I'll stand. 7. He'll take. 8. He'll take. 9. He'll take. 10. He'll examine. 11. He'll listen. 12. He'll take and do. 13. I'll go and wait. 14. Dr Setton will call and say.

Упражнение 184

1. I shall play. 2. I shall not play. 3. Will you play. 4. He plays. 5. He does not play. 6. Does he play. 7. They are playing. 8. They are not playing. 9. Are they playing. 10. Nick is going. 11. Nick goes. 12. Nick will go. 13. I miss. 14. Do you ever buy. 15. Do you think, it is. 16. What present will your mother receive. 17. A: The weather is.

B: It'll be.

A: It's getting, I think, it'll be.

B: You are, it is getting, my feet are freezing, you know.

A: You never know, they say, fog will cover, it will clear and become.

B: Are you kidding, I'm freezing, where is the bus, we are still waiting, the bus doesn't always come, I am going, are you coming or staying.

Упражнение 185

1. Will you come. 2. Will you read. 3. Do you read. 4. Are you reading. 5.1 shall not see. 6. What will you do. 7. What will your friend do. 8. Where will you go. 9. Where do you go. 10. Where are you going. 11. Mary is dancing. 12. She dances. 13. Will she dance. 14. He will go. 15. We go. 16. Kate is going. 17. Will you help. 18. I am not playing. 19. My brother plays. 20. They will not take. 21. Do you like. 22. Will you

Употребление времен 89

eat. 23. Nick reads. 24. Mother works. 25. He is not sleeping. 26. Will your brother go. 27. We shall not go. 28. I am not learning. 29. She lives. 30. My father shoots. 31. He is carrying.

Упражнение 186

1.My sister does not like. 2. When do you go. 3. What is he reading. 4. What does he read. 5. What will he read. 6. Will you give. 7. Where will she be. 8. Where will she go. 9. Will she go. 10. They will stay.

11. What are you doing, I see, you are not reading.

12. When will you finish, it is, it is. 13, How do you usually spend. 14. What will you do. 15. They are not drinking, I think, they are watching. 16.What does your father drink. 17.When do you get, I get. 18.My brother usually does not get, he gets, he will get. 19. Why will she come. 20. We shall go. 21. Our friends always go. 22. The kitten is playing. 23. Are your par­ents watching. 24. My sister is not resting, she is help­ing, she helps.

Упражнение 187

1.You cross. 2. You cross. 3. You translate. 4. She is. 5. You do not hurry. 6. It rains. 7. My friend comes. 8. He comes. 9. You leave. 10. You give. 11.You miss. 12. You come. 13. You do not give. 14. Mother comes. 15. You don't finish. 16. He comes.

Упражнение 188

1.1 stay, I shall call, we shall have. 2. He will go, he is. 3. I return, I shall ring. 4. You will pass, you ar­rive. 5.1 shall stay, she comes, we shall go, she brings. 6.1 shall go, I leave. 7. He returns, he will call. 8.1 see, I shall tell. 9. We shall gather, my brother comes. 10.1 shall sing, you tell. 11.You will join, we gather.


12. What will you do, you come. 13. They cross, they will see. 14. She gets, she will go. 15. What shall we do, it rains. 16. What will she do, she sees. 17. The bus is, you will be, you get. 18. It is, our car will not start.

Упражнение 189

1. The weather is, we shall probably go. 2. He still has, doesn't feel, he will not go. 3. You decide, you will eat. 4. I drink, I shall get. 5. They go, they will visit.

6. She doesn't work, her boss will fire, hire.

7. Shall I see, you start. 8. What will he do, he comes.
9. Where will they go, the weather is. 10. He will ring,
he returns. 11. It rains, we shall stay. 12. She will walk,
it is not. 13. He will come, he leaves. 14. You leave.
15. We are tired, we shall stop, have. 16. You miss.
17. She will make, she flies. 18. He starts, he will spend.

Упражнение 190

1. You spill, you don't do, you will have, you break, you will have. 2. I shall not speak, he apologizes.

3. Peter will introduce, we meet. 4. We shall go, he
comes. 5. Mother comes, she comes. 6. Will you go,
I shan't, I shall stay, help, I shall come, I finish.
7. You come. 8.1 shall speak, I see. 9. You ask, I shall
be, I am, I shall make, I make, the other students will
laugh, the other students laugh, I shall be, I am,
I shall cry.

Упражнение 191

1. It is, it often rains, a cold wind often blows. 2. The weather is fine, it is, the sun is shining, a soft wind is blowing, small white clouds are sailing. 3. It is raining.

4. It will rain, you will get, you do not put. 5. Birds
come, sing. 6. Somebody is singing. 7. It does not
usually snow. 8. What's the weather like, is it snowing,

Употребление времен 91

it isn't. 9. Shall we go, we shall, it snows, there is.

10. What will you do, we shall go, the weather does
not change, will you come, I do not have. 11.We have,
they will inform. 12. We play, it will produce. 13.We
put, they will stop. 14. We employ, they will help.

Упражнение 192

1. He will do his English exercises if he doesn't have anything to do. 2. If I don't help him, he will not write his paper tomorrow. 3. He will not go to the library tonight. 4. If he does not go to the library, he will be at home. 5. We shall be at home tomorrow. 6. If we are at home tomorrow, we shall see this programme on TV.

7. She will not be at home tomorrow. 8. If she is not at
home tomorrow, leave a message for her. 9. Tomorrow
the weather will be fine. 10. If the weather is fine to­
morrow, we shall go to the country. 11. When she comes
to school, she takes off her coat. 12. When she comes
to school, she will take off her coat. 13.As soon as he
remembers this funny scene, he begins laughing. 14. As
soon as he remembers this funny scene, he will begin
laughing. 15.1 shall come home at six o'clock. 16. When
I come home, I shall ring you up. 17. She will ring us
up in the evening. 18. If she rings you up, ask her to
bring me the book. 19.1 shall see Tom tomorrow. 20. As
soon as I see Tom, I shall tell him about it. 21.I shall
go to Paris next week. 22. Before I go to Paris, I shall
ring you up.

Упражнение 193

1.What did your neighbours do. 2. Mr Smith fixed. 3. His wife watered. 4. Their children cleaned, they played. 5. Their boys listened, watched. 6. Their little girl cried, smiled. 7. Her brothers shouted.

8. Mrs Smith worked. 9. She baked. 10. She cooked.

11.She washed, looked. 12. The children brushed,


yawned, went. 13. Their mother changed, brushed, talked. 14. Her husband smoked, talked. 15. They waited, the bus arrived. 16. They visited. 17. They danced. 18. Mr and Mrs Smith rested, they really had.

Упражнение 194

On Monday we had five lessons. The first lesson was Russian. At this lesson we wrote a dictation and did some exercises. Nick went to the blackboard. He an­swered well and got a "five". Pete did not get a "five" because he did not know his lesson. After the second lesson I went to the canteen. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. I did not drink milk. After school I did not go home at once. I went to the library and changed my books. Then I went home.

Упражнение 195

On Tuesday I got up at half past six. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and face and cleaned my teeth. Then I dressed, went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son got up and had breakfast. I had breakfast with my son. My son ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. I didn't drink tea. I drank coffee. After breakfast my son left home for school. I didn't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I didn't work in the morning. I worked in the afternoon. In the evening I was at home. My husband and my son were at home, too. We rested in the evening. My son watched TV, my husband read newspapers and I did some work about the house. At about eleven o'clock we went to bed.

Упражнение 196

Boris woke up when it was already quite light. He looked at his watch. It was a quarter to seven. Quick!

Употребление времен 93

Boris jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He had just time to take a cold shower and drink a glass of tea with bread and butter. He was in a hurry to catch the 8 am train.

At the railway station he met three other boys from his group. They all had small backpacks and fishing rods.

In less than an hour they got off the train at a small station near a wood. They walked very quickly and soon found themselves on the shore of a large lake. The boys spent the whole day there fishing, boating and swim­ming.

They returned home late at night, tired but happy.

Упражнение 197

1. His sister studies. 2. She studied. 3. Did you come, I didn't, I came, I was, I had, I was, I drank, I rested. 4.1 go. 5.1 went. 6. My brother washes. 7. He washed. 8. I do not have. 9. We did not rest. 10. My brother did not drink. 11. My mother always takes, she did not take, she walked. 12. Do you talk, I do, I did not talk, I was. 13. Does you sister go, she does. 14. Mary likes. 15. She wrote. 16. Did you tell. 17. Do you wear, I wore. 18. We like, we enjoyed.

Упражнение 198

1. Tom always eats. 2. He didn't eat, he got. 3. We like, we don't like. 4. He never shouted, he was. 5. My friend knows. 6. We rang. 7. He lives. 8. Did it take. 9. When were your lessons. 10. I had. 11. Her friends were. 12. One of her brothers made. 13. Queen Eliza­beth was, she became. 14. Do you always get, some­times I get. 15. Antonio Stradivari made. 16. Who painted. 17. She knows, she enjoyed. 18. Steven's friends came, gave, his parents cooked, his girlfriend promised, she wasn't, he tried, he was, she didn't wish.


Упражнение 199

1.1 go. 2.1 went. 3.1 shall go. 4.1 do not go. 5.1 didn't go. 6.1 shall not go. 7. Do you watch. 8. Did you watch.

9. Will you watch. 10. When do you leave. 11. When
did you leave. 12. When will you leave. 13. My brother
goes, he leaves, he works, is, he walks, he does not
take, did not go, he got. 14, Did you have, I didn't.
15. What did you buy, I bought. 16. My father did not
read, he was, he will read. 17. What mark did she get.

Упражнение 200

1. He turns. 2. He turned. 3. He will turn. 4.1 always go. 5.1 was, I didn't go. 6.1 shall not go, it costs. 7. Did they enjoy. 8. Who will take. 9. How often do you go.

10. We didn't have, we still had. 11. She does. 12. He
doesn't even know. 13. They were, money was. 14. Do
you think, you will be. 15. When will the cabbage soup
be. 16. The customs officers at JFK airport in New
York arrested, he arrived. 17. I like, I often do, they
want. 18. When is your birthday. 19. When did you
get. 20. Who created.

Упражнение 201

1. Kate cooks. 2. Kate will cook. 3. Kate is cooking. 4. Kate cooked. 5. I do not eat. 6. I am not eating. 7.1 shall not eat. 8. I did not eat. 9. He spent. 10. He did not spend. 11. Did he spend. 12. Where did he spend. 13. She helped. 14. She did not help. 15. Did she help. 16. How did she help. 17. Do you go. 18. Are you going. 19. Will you go. 20. Did you go. 21. What does your brother do. 22. What is your brother doing. 23. What will your brother do. 24. What did your brother do. 25. What did you get.

Употребление времен 95

Упражнение 202

1. I think, Nellie will leave. 2. I am, my friends are waiting. 3. You were, did you like, I enjoyed. 4. We expect, you will go. 5. Her English isn't, she is working. 6. They didn't know. 7. She is worrying, the problems are not. 8. He was, had. 9. Am I going. 10. Various kinds of sports are. 11. Both children and grown-ups are. 12. What is the matter, she is, I do not know.

13. Where are you going, I am going, which will take.

14. Do you know, a very interesting match took. 15. He went. 16. I was, I enjoyed. 17. Our football team won.

18. Where is Boris, he is playing. 19. I am, I missed,
I know, it is, I am.

Упражнение 203

1. My friend goes. 2. He did not go. 3. Why did you go. 4. We shall grow. 5. What are you doing. 6. He is sleeping. 7. Where did your father work. 8. Will she go. 9. He did not watch. 10. We wrote. 11. I bought. 12. My granny did not buy. 13. What will you buy. 14. Father is working. 15. We went. 16. Will your brother go. 17. Granny is not cooking. 18. We cooked.

19. My sister washes. 20. When do you go. 21. What
will you prepare. 22. Will you invite. 23. How did you
help. 24. I shall send. 25. I meet. 26. His grandfather
is listening, that is, he always listenes.

Упражнение 204

1. Max isn't, he is washing, he washes. 2. He will not play. 3. We saw. 4. Does your mother cook. 5. We made. 6. I spent. 7. Where did you spend. 8. Where will he spend. 9. What is your mother doing, she is cooking. 10. I did not play. 11. We went. 12. I met. 13.1 wrote. 14. Will you write. 15. I am not writing. 16. Mother cooked. 17. Nick will not go, I don't think.


Упражнение 205

1. I am writing. 2. I was writing. 3. My little sister is sleeping. 4. My little sister was sleeping. 5. My friends are not doing, they are playing. 6. My friends were not doing, they were playing. 7. She was reading. 8. She is not reading. 9. She is going. 10. What are you doing, I am drinking. 11. Were you drinking, I was not drinking, I was eating. 12. She was reading, she is reading. 13. My cat is playing. 14. The sun was shining, birds were singing. 15. Are you eating. 16. Were you eating. 17. What is your father doing. 18. What was your father doing. 19. Why is she cry­ing. 20. Why was she crying. 21. I am enjoying.

Упражнение 206

1. I went. 2. I was going. 3. I was going. 4. I was doing. 5. I was doing. 6. I did. 7. I was doing. 8. I was doing. 9.1 did not play, I wrote. 10. I was not playing, I was reading. 11. He was not sleeping, he was doing. 12. I was going, they were talking, laughing, I was laughing, I was still laughing, I told, my father and mother liked. 13.1 went, I found, it injured, I decided, I brought, I fed, took, I was doing, it left.

Упражнение 207

1. I played. 2. I was playing. 3. He was playing. 4. We were playing. 5. My brother did not play, he played. 6. My sister was not playing, she was playing. 7. Mother was cooking. 8. She was cooking. 9. We washed. 10. We were washing. 11. Did you do. 12. Were you doing. 13. Why was she sleeping. 14. He was sit­ting. 15. What was Nick doing. 16. What were you doing. 17. I was not sleeping. 18. What did he do, he read. 19. What was he doing, he was reading. 20. Was she sleeping, she was knitting.

Употребление времен 97

Упражнение 208

1.1 came, my little sister was sleeping. 2. Nick came home, his brother was playing. 3. Mother came, I was doing. 4. Father came, Pete was sleeping. 5. Mother came, the children were playing. 6. I got, my mother and father were drinking. 7. I came, he was watching. 8. I saw, they were playing. 9. I opened, the cat was sitting. 10.Kate opened, the children were dancing. 11.Tom was crossing, he fell. 12.I was going, I met. 13. We were going, we met. 14. Grandmother was go­ing, she saw. 15. Henry was walking, he found. 16. We were walking, we saw. 17. I was washing, I found. 18. Granny was reading, she fell. 19.I was playing, I saw. 20. Nick was running, he fell.

Упражнение 209

1. The girl was cooking, the lights went out, she burnt (burned). 2. The boy hurt, he was skating. 3. The woman entered, the children were feeding. 4.1 was visiting, I bought. 5. It started, we were bath­ing, 6. I was having. 7. He came, I was doing. 8. What were you doing. 9. I was going. 10. You were sleeping, I went. 11.He was reading, I came, sat. 12.1 was walk­ing, a tram passed. 13. She was looking, I saw. 14. We were answering, the headmistress entered. 15. They were drinking, I came. 16. He was walking, a boat passed. 17. The old man was thinking, he fell. 18. We listened. 19.I entered, the teacher was writing, the pupils were copying. 20.They were getting, it began.

Упражнение 210

1. Iwent. 2. I was going. 3. What were you doing, I was playing. 4. I came, the children were standing. 5. We were playing. 6.1 was preparing, I cut. 7.1 went. 8. Did you go, I went. 9. What did you do, I translated.


10. I rang, he was sleeping. 11. My grandfather was watching, he fell. 12. My friend came, I was doing. 13.1 was going, I met. 14. Nick rang, I was helping. 15. The children were walking, they saw. 16. I came, my sister was washing. 17. Mike was playing, he found. 18. I was drawing, I broke. 19. I met, he was going. 20. I looked

2015-11-18 644 Обсуждений (0)
СТЕПЕНИ СРАВНЕНИЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ. Упражнение 125 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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