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2015-11-18 792 Обсуждений (0)

Упражнение 307

1.Мы не знали, куда ходят наши друзья каждый вечер. 2. Мы не знали, куда ушли наши друзья.

3. Она сказала, что ее лучший друг — врач. 4. Она
сказала, что ее лучший друг был врачом. 5. Я не знал,
что вы работаете в Эрмитаже. 6. Я не знал, что вы рабо­
тали в Эрмитаже. 7. Я знал, что вы больны. 8. Я знал,
что вы были больны. 9. Мы выяснили, что она выхо­
дит из дому в восемь часов каждое утро. 10. Мы вы­
яснили, что в то утро она вышла из дома в восемь
часов. 11. Когда он узнал, что его сын всегда получа­
ет отличные оценки по всем предметам в школе, он
был очень доволен. 12. Когда он узнал, что его сын
получил отличную оценку в школе, он был очень до­

Упражнение 308

1.My uncle said he had just come back from the Caucasus. 2. He said he had spent a fortnight in the Caucasus. 3. He said it had done him a lot of good.

4. He said he felt better now. 5. He said his wife and he
had spent most of their time on the beach. 6. He said
they had done a lot of sightseeing. 7. He said he had
a good camera. 8. He said he had taken many photographs


while travelling in the Caucasus. 9. He said he would come to see us next Sunday. 10. He said he would bring and show us the photographs he had taken during his stay in the Caucasus.

Упражнение 309

1. Mike said he was sure Ann and Kate would be excellent guides. 2. He said they had made good progress in English. 3. Oleg said that in a day or two several English students would come to pay a visit to their school and he would probably have to act as an interpreter. 4. Ann said she had just met Boris in the street. 5. She said Boris had told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the south. 6. Nick said he was going to the hotel to see his friends who had just arrived in St Petersburg from the United States of America. 7. He said they had not been in their beloved city for a long time. 8. He said they had been friends at school. 9. He said he would take them to the theatre on Sunday. 10. They said they would write him a letter when they returned home.

Упражнение 310

1. was playing. 2. would come. 3. had posted. 4. will be, will not change. 5. was. 6. has bought. 7. had seen. 8. was staying. 9. had lost. 10. studied. 11. should finish. 12. worked. 13. was.

Упражнение 311

1. were waiting. 2. had already wound. 3. would not be, went. 4. knows. 5. had not come. 6. remembered. 7. would arrest. 8. did not want. 9. will send. 10. would leave. 11. has already found. 12. was striking, 13. could, was. 14. had ever travelled. 15. was running. 16. had just gone, would be.

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Упражнение 312

1. Iwas afraid that you would fall and break your leg. 2. I knew that my friend had never been to Wash­ington. 3. I was told that she never drank milk. 4. We were told that he was a very talented singer. 5. We knew that they lived a happy life. 6. She thought that the children were playing in the yard. 7. She hoped that her friend would come to see her. 8. He thought that father had repaired his bicycle. 9. I supposed that she knew English very well. 10. We were sure that our sportsmen would win the game. 11.1 found out that he did not know German at all. 12.She was glad that she had made no mistakes in her dictation. 13.I knew that he worked at his English hard. 14. I was told that she danced better than anybody else. 15. I learnt that my cousin had received a very interesting offer from his firm. 16. My aunt wrote in her letter that she would come to stay with us. 17. We heard that he was paint­ing a new picture. 18. We were sure that his new pic­ture would be a masterpiece.

Упражнение 313

1. Iknew that Ann worked at a plant, that she had a husband and two children, that her family was very friendly and she was happy. 2. He told me yesterday that he had studied at the university before. 3. Last week we decided that next summer we should all go to the Crimea. 4. My sister said that she wanted to come to our place herself. 5. I knew that she was very busy. 6. Nobody knew that you were waiting here. Let's go into the house. 7. The guide warned us that in this part of the town the traffic was rather heavy. 8. The secre­tary did not notice that the headmaster was speaking with somebody. 9. We all knew that her family was in St Petersburg again. 10. Lena said that she was giving us that picture. 11. She said that her colleagues always


gave her very good advice. 12. He said that he liked that play. 13. Last year they thought that they would never read English well, but yesterday they saw that they read texts rather well. 14. He told me yesterday that his father was a professor and lived in Moscow.

Упражнение 314

1. I was afraid that I should lose my way in the for­est. 2. She knew that we had never seen her picture. 3. The scientist was sure that he would find the solu­tion of the problem. 4. I knew that you had come to St Petersburg and supposed that you would visit me.

5. We did not think that he would be so angry.

6. We learnt yesterday that she was ill. 7. He thought
that she would not come to school. 8. I knew that my
sister was studying French and thought that she would
go to Paris. 9. I was told that you had rung me up.
10. I thought that you were in Moscow. 11. I did not
know that you had already returned to St Petersburg.
12. We hoped that we should go to London. 13. The
teacher said that our friends had sent a letter from
London. 14. She said that her friend had invited her to
the theatre. 15. We were afraid that we should not buy
(be able to buy) a ticket to the theatre. 16. We saw that
the children were playing in the sand. 17. She said that
she would not bathe any more because the water was
cold. 18. My cousin said that she liked opera and would
be glad to go to the theatre with us, although she had
already listened to La Traviata twice.

Упражнение 315

1. Everybody was sure that Boris would pass his exams well. 2. He said that Lev (Leo) Tolstoy was his favourite writer. 3. I knew that you lived in Moscow, but I did not know your address. 4. He said that he would give up smoking. 5. Everybody knew that she

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would go to Rome. 6. We are sorry, we did not think that you were waiting for us. 7. I did not know that you liked football, too. 8. I was sure that he would be an outstanding actor. 9. I was afraid that you would not follow my advice. 10.1 did not know that you would work in the reading room. 11. I thought that he would wait for me. 12. He was afraid that it would be difficult for him to make a report. 13. Andrew told us that when he had entered the room, his friend was already sitting on the sofa. He was reading a newspaper. 14. We hoped that she would come soon. 15. He said that he did not know when the conference would begin. 16. I was sure that if we hurried, we should not miss the train. 17. He asked me what I should do in the evening. I answered that I did not know if I should be free in the evening, but told him that if I was free, I should ring him up •about eight o'clock.

Упражнение 316

1. My friend asked me to explain to him how to solve that problem. 2. The doctor told Nick to open his mouth and show him his tongue. 3. The man told Kate not to be afraid of his dog. 4. The librarian told the boy to take that book and read it. 5. The doctor told Pete not to go for a walk that day. 6. Nick's mother told him not to eat too much ice cream. 7. The teacher told us to go home. 8. My mother asked me to buy some meat in the shop. 9. My mother told me to sit down at the table and do my homework. 10. Granny told Helen not to forget to clean her teeth. 11. The doctor told Mary not to sit up late.

Упражнение 317

1. The teacher told me to hand that note to my parents. 2. Oleg told his sister to put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate. 3. Robert asked Henry to help him


with that work. 4. Не asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup. 5. She told me not to worry over such a small thing. 6. Mary asked her friend not to mention it to anybody. 7. Jane asked Alice to promise to come and see her. 8. He told us to come there the next day. 9. I asked Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he ar­rived. 10. Father told me not to stay there long. 11. Pe­ter told them not to leave the room until he came back.

12, He told the porter to take his luggage to Room 145.

13. He asked me to ring him up the next day. 14. She
asked the waiter to bring her a cup of black coffee.
15. Mother told us not to be late for dinner. 16. Jane
asked us to tell her all we knew about it. 17. She asked
Nick not to say anything about it to his sister.

Упражнение 318

1. Oleg said that his room was on the second floor. 2. He said that he was sure she would ring him up when she was back in St Petersburg. 3. Misha said that he had seen them at his parents' house the year before.

4. He said that he had not seen his cousin that day.

5. She said that she did not go to that shop very often.

6. Tom said that he had already had breakfast and so he was not hungry. 7. He said that he had just received a letter from his uncle. 8. He told me that he was going to the theatre that night. 9. Mike said that he had spoken to Mr Brown that morning. 10. He told her that he would do it that day if he had time. 11.1 told them that I could give them my uncle's address.

Упражнение 319

1. The woman told her son that she was glad she was there. 2. Mike said that they had bought those books that day. 3. She told me that she could read my trans­lation. 4. The woman said that that man had spoken to her on the road. 5. My classmate told me that he could

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not explain that rule to me. 6. The teacher told the class that they would discuss that subject the next day. 7. Our teacher said that Thackeray's novels were very interesting. 8. She said that we should read that book in the 9th form. 9. Nellie said that she had read "Jane Eyre" the year before. 10. Alec said that his friend lived in Moscow. 11.The teacher told me that I had not done my work well. 12. The poor man told the rich man that his horse was wild and that it could kill the rich man's horse. 13.The rich man told the judge that the poor man's horse had killed his horse.

Упражнение 320

1. Masha said that she usually spent her holidays in the south. 2. She said that she had spent her holidays in the Crimea the year before. 3. Boris said that he went to the south every year. 4. He said that he was going to a health resort the next day. 5. Ann told us that they hadn't yet come. 6. She told us that they had arrived in St Petersburg the day before. 7. I said that I had been in London for a fortnight's holiday and added that my friends in London sometimes invited me to spend my leisure time with them. 8. Nick said that he had never been to London and added that he thought he would go there the following year. 9. He said that he would not stay with his friends too long. 10.He told me that they were staying at the Grand Hotel Europe. 11. He said that they were leaving the following Mon­day. 12.The clerk told them that they could leave the key with the maid upstairs.

Упражнение 321

1.The mother told the doctor that the children were in the nursery. 2. The boy told his mother that he had no time for lunch that day. 3. The woman told me that I spoke English very well. 4. My brother told me


that he was going to become a doctor. 5. My uncle told us that he bought several newspapers every day. 6. The teacher told the pupils that the following year they would have six hours of English a week. 7. He told me that he wanted to see me that day. 8. She said that she was free that night. 9. Mother told me that she felt bad that day. 10. The pupil told the teacher that he could do his homework after dinner. 11. The teacher told Jack that she knew that he worked hard and added that he was a good boy. 12. The old man told the girl that she could sing perfectly and added that he thought that she would be a famous singer.

13. My sister told me that I looked very well, much better than I had looked the day before. She added that she thought I had recovered after my illness.

14. My guest told me that I was an excellent cook and added that everything was very tasty. 15. The stu­dent said that he could not answer that question be­cause he did not understand it.

Упражнение 322

1. My friend told me that he would come as soon as he was ready. 2. My sister said that we should know that she had gone to the concert if she was not at home by eight. 3. My girlfriend said that she would come to the Philharmonic with me if I got tickets. 4. She told us that five years before there had been no people liv­ing there at all. 5. Fred said that he would go skiing on Sunday if *he had time. 6. He said that they had fin­ished building that house only the week before. 7. Mary said that it would be very pleasant when Tom came home. 8. My friend said that he would do it at once if I liked. 9. She said that her brother had been there early that day. 10. He said that it was a pity I hadn't come earlier. 11. The teacher told the pupils that there would be an interesting lecture at their school the next

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day. She added that one of their teachers would speak about Charles Dickens. 12. Helen said that the year before she had spent her summer vacation in the Cau­casus. 13. The man said that he had come to live in that town several years before. 14. Grandmother told us that she would be reading us a story until it was time to go to bed. 15. My brother said that he had read all about it in that day's newspaper.

Упражнение 323

1.I told my grandmother to listen very carefully, when her turn came, to what the doctor told her. 2. The laboratory assistant told me that if I was in a hurry, we should only do the first experiment. 3. The writer told the correspondent that he would not start any­thing new until he had finished that novel. 4. The boy's father told him that when he got a job, he would buy him a warm coat. 5. My mother told me that if I spilled the milk, there would not be any for the cat. 6. She told me that she would show me her new dress when I came to see her on Sunday. 7. Jane told Henry to bring Mary to their house if she arrived before seven. 8. The PT teacher told the pupils not to wait until he came and to begin playing volleyball as soon as they finished the exercises. 9. Mary told her mother to ask Robert, as soon as he appeared, where he had put the dictionary.

Упражнение 324

1. I shall go to see the doctor tomorrow. 2. I am ill. 3.1 have fallen ill. 4. Tom did not come to school yester­day. 5. You may catch a cold. 6. I have caught a cold. 7. While crossing the English Channel, we stayed on deck all the time. 8. I felt sick while crossing the Channel. 9.1 am feeling bad today. 10. I have pain in my right side. 11. I have just been examined by a good doctor.


12.1 shall not come to school until Monday. 13.1 spent a month at a health resort. 14. My health has greatly improved since then.

Упражнение 325

1. I asked Nick where he was going. 2. I asked him how long he was going to stay there. 3. I wanted to know how long it would take him to get there. 4. He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays. 5. Ann wondered when Mike had left London. 6. She asked Boris when he would be back home. 7. Boris asked them how he could get to the railway station. 8. Mary was interested what time Tom would come there the next day. 9. She asked me why I had not come there the day before. 10. She wanted to know what I should do the next day if I was not busy at my office. 11. Pete asked his friends when they were leaving St Peters­burg. 12. He asked them who they would see before they left there. 13. They asked him what time the train started. 14. I asked Mike what he would do after din­ner. 15.1 asked my uncle how long he had stayed in the Crimea. 16. Mother wanted to know who had brought that parcel. 17. Ada asked me where I had seen such trees. 18. I asked Becky what kind of book her friend had brought her.

Упражнение 326

1. He didn't tell anybody where he was going. 2. Did you know where he had gone? 3. Did you know where he was? 4. I wanted to know when he was leaving school. 5. Nobody knew where he lived. 6. She asked them when he would come back. 7. He wanted to know where she had bought that hat. 8.1 had no idea how much she had paid for it. 9.1 forgot where I had put the book. 10. She wanted to know who had given me that nice kitten.

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11. Не asked me where he could buy an English-Rus­sian dictionary. 12. He wondered how long it would take my brother to get to Madrid.


1.1 asked Boris if his friend lived in London. 2. They asked the man whether he was living in a hotel. 3. He asked his friend if he would stay at the Hilton. 4. He asked me whether I often went to see my friends. 5. He asked me if I should see my friends before I left St Pe­tersburg. 6. Mike wondered if Jane would come to the railway station to see him off. 7. She wanted to know whether I had sent them a telegram. 8. She asked me if I had sent them a telegram the day before. 9.1 asked Mike if he had packed his suitcase. 10. I asked Kate if somebody had met her at the station. 11. I asked her if she could give me their address. 12. I wanted to know if Tom had had breakfast. 13. I wondered if my sister would stay at home or go for a walk after dinner. 14.1 asked my mother whether somebody had come to see me. 15. I asked my sister whether Nick would call for her on the way to school. 16. She asked the young man if he could call a taxi for her. 17. Mary asked Peter if he had shown his photo to Dick. 18. Oleg asked me if I should come there the next day. 19. He asked us if we had gone to the mu­seum that morning.

Упражнение 328

1. Idid not know if they had sold the picture. 2. I wondered if they knew something about it. 3. She asked me if Jack had given me his telephone number. 4.1 was not sure if he was coming back that day. 5. She asked me if I had found the book. 6. The man asked if


there were some more books there. 7.1 wanted to know if she had gone shopping the day before. 8. He did not ask her whether she had bought the dictionary. 9. I doubted if she knew the name of the man, 10. I asked if Boris had seen the man that morning.

Упражнение 329

1. Kate wondered if Mike liked her dress. 2. Grand­father wanted to know what mark Mary had got at school. 3. My sister asked me whether I should take her to the theatre with me the next day. 4. Mother asked me if I had played with my friends the day before. 5. Kate's mother wondered why Kate didn't play with her friends. 6. My little sister asked me if I liked choco­lates. 7. Mr Brown asked Lena if she had seen her gran­ny the day before. 8. The doctor asked Nick if he washed his face and hands every morning. 9. The teacher asked Mike if his father worked at a factory. 10. Mother asked us what we were doing there. 11. Father asked Nick if he had done his homework. 12. Tom asked Ann where her friends were.

Упражнение 330

1. Have they taken the sick man to hospital? 2. Do you have a headache? 3. When did you fall ill? 4. Have you taken your temperature? 5. Has the doctor given you any medicine? Are you feeling better now? 6. How long have you been in St Petersburg? 7. Are you going to a health resort? 8. Is your father still in Moscow? 9. What sort of work does your father do?

Упражнение 331

1. Ann's grandmother asked her if she liked her pies. 2. Tom's mother told him to stop shouting and do his

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homework. 3. John's father was interested to know what they had done at school the day before. 4. Helen's aunt asked her whether she would play the piano that day. 5. My uncle said that they would visit us the following week. 6. The man told Nick not to cross the street when the lights were red. 7. Mike told his father that he had borrowed a very good book from their library the day before. 8. Lena asked (invited) Jane to come to her house the next day. 9. Betsy's mother asked her daugh­ter where her books were.

Упражнение 332

1.My elder sister told me to lock the door when I left the house. 2. She asked Robert if he had received a telegram from his wife. 3. Mabel said that nothing would change her decision and she would leave for Cape Town that night. 4. The old woman asked her nephew not to smoke in the room. 5. The girl said that she was shivering with cold. 6. The boy said that he wanted to sit in the armchair. 7. The secretary told me that the delegation had arrived in St Petersburg the day before. 8. She asked me to open the window. 9. He said that he would light a fire and make himself breakfast. 10. The mother told her little daughter not to run to the door when she heard the bell. 11. She asked me how long I was going to stay there. 12. Mary asked me if I should spend my vacation in Moscow.


* 1. Father told Jane to show him her exercise book. 2. Kate's aunt asked the boys what game they were play­ing there. 3. Tom's mother told him not to make noise. 4. Helen asked Pete if he had played chess with his father the day before. 5. Kate asked her grandmother to help her (to) cook the soup. 6. Mike told the teacher


that his sister knew two foreign languages. 7. Tom told his sister that he had seen her friend at the library the day before. 8. The teacher asked the children what they had prepared for that day. 9. The teacher told the pu­pils not to open their books. 10. Mother told me that I should go to the cinema the next day.

Упражнение 334

1. Tom's mother told him to go to bed. 2. Nellie told Pete that she had never seen his toys. 3. The teacher told Nick to give her his record book. 4. Ann asked Lena to look at her nice kitten. 5. Our grandmother said that we should go to the zoo the next day. 6. Mother told Pete not to forget to wash his hands. 7. Nick told his mother that he was doing his homework. 8. Mike told the teacher that he had learnt a long poem. 9. The man told the boys not to play in the street. 10. My mother wanted to know why I did not drink my tea. 11. Johnny told his mother that he had seen his friend at the sta­dium the day before. 12. My friend asked me when I had received that letter. 13. The boys asked Peter if he would play football with them.

Упражнение 335

1. Mike told Kate that he would buy some new stamps for her if she gave him that one. 2. Mary asked Boris if he would bring his sister to the party with him. 3. He asked me not to touch him. 4. My father said that he thought he would not go to the beach with us that day because he was very busy. 5. Tom told Ann that he was very thirsty and asked her to give him some lemonade. 6. Aunt Polly told Tom not to lie to her and added that she was tired of his lies. 7. My friend asked me if I was fond of going to the theatre. He wanted to know if I had seen some plays by Shakespeare. 8. Nellie

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asked me if I had seen "Hamlet" the night before. 9.1 asked Nellie whether we should go to the theatre together. 10. Nellie was interested to know whether Mike liked Shakespeare. She wanted to know if he was going to the theatre that night.

Упражнение 336

1. Prince John asked Locksley why he was shouting. He wanted to know what his name was. 2. The teacher wanted to know who had read "Ivanhoe". He asked us whom it had been written by. 3. One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature what novels they would read the following year. 4. The Frenchman wanted to know if the river Volga was in Russia. 5. Ann asked the girls if they were playing volley­ball. She added that she had not known that they liked it. 6. Peter told us not to touch those photo­graphs and explained that they were still wet and we might spoil them. 7. Fred asked the boys if their friend often came there. He added that he wanted to speak to him. 8. My friend asked me how I had man­aged to solve that difficult problem in such a short time. 9. The teacher told us that we should write a pa­per the next day. 10. Kate told Nick that she had seen a new film the day before. Nick wondered wheth­er she had liked it.

Упражнение 337

1. We asked a passerby whether he knew where the Browns lived. 2. Andrew told us that there were a lot of trains to his station on Sunday and added that we should have no problems getting to his country place.

3. He asked me if I often met his sister at the library.

4. Nick wanted to know if the teacher would return their exercise books that day. 5. The woman said that


her nephew was a very capable young man. She added that he had just graduated from college, but he was already a very skilful specialist. 6. The doctor told me to sit still and not to move my head. 7. Vera told Helen that she wanted to know how her cousin liked work­ing at that hospital. 8. The teacher told us not to for­get to bring our exercise books the next day and ex­plained that we were going to write a very important paper. 9. The girl wanted to know how she could get to the circus. The man told her to take tram number five. 10. Mike told Kate that he was very sorry and added that he had forgotten to bring her dictionary. 11. The neighbour wondered when my mother went shopping.

Упражнение 338

1. She said that she was busy that day and that she would be busier the next day. 2. Jane said that she would come to school early the next day. 3. They said that they would not go to school on Sunday, 4. Mr Dickson said that he would have to pay a- lot of money for the car. 5. Peter told me that he would be waiting for me at the station. 6. Mary said that she would be back soon. 7. She asked me what I was going to do when I came home. 8. She said that she hoped she would soon speak En­glish well. 9. He said that he was sure it would rain the next day. 10. They said that they would go to the river the next day if it was hot. 11. He said that he was sure she would come on time. 12. She said that she would be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary the following year.

Упражнение 339

1. The teacher told us that we should have to work hard the next day. 2. My girlfriend told me that she

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would not be able to go for a walk with me that day because she was very busy. 3. She asked me how long I was going to stay in the country. 4. He told me that he liked to go to the canteen during the break. 5. He wanted to know when I should go to the canteen. 6. John said that he had met them at the airport the day before. 7. He said that he would come to the party if he was free the next day. 8. She said that she would go to the cinema in the evening if she was not very tired. 9. My mother told me that it would be difficult for me to get up the next day if I did not go to bed at once. 10. Nina said that she liked music and added that she listened to it every evening before going to bed. 11. My aunt said that she would not be thirsty if she ate some grapes. 12. Mother told us not to go out be­fore she returned. 13. My sister said that she would be neither hungry nor thirsty if she had a cup of tea with a sandwich. 14, Mary told Fred not to switch on the TV and explained that she was working.

Упражнение 340

1. My aunt said that she would gladly go to the cin­ema with us because she had not seen that film and she wanted to see it very much. 2. The teacher asked the pupils which of them could answer his question. 3. She asked the doctor if he thought that simple food was better for children than rich food. 4. Vera wondered why their team had lost the game and added that it had always been very strong. 5. Tom wanted to know where Mary had put his book and added that he could not find it. 6. Fred said that he was very happy and explained that he had bought a very good bicycle. 7. The man asked the boys whom they were waiting for. 8. Mary said that she would not go to the party the next day because she did not feel well. 9. Walter said that they had seen a lot of places of interest when they were travelling around Europe the summer before. 10. Jane said that she sup-


posed they would go to the theatre the next day. 11. Lena asked me not to take the books from her table and ex­plained that she had specially prepared them for work­ing on her report. 12. Nick's grandfather told him not to be afraid and explained that that dog was very clev­er and (it) would not do him any harm.

Упражнение 341

1. He told me to come at nine o'clock and added that he would be free at that time and we should have a nice cup of coffee. 2. Nina asked her friend what the profes­sor had spoken about in his lecture. 3. Ann said that the man was one of the best speakers she had ever heard. 4. He said that he had not yet seen the film I was talking about. 5. He said that he had seldom gone to see his friend in May as he had been very busy. 6. She asked her brother whether he would manage to get tickets to the Philhar­monic on Sunday. 7. My friend said that they had arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day they had gone to look round the city. 8. She asked if I had lived in St Petersburg ten years before. 9. She asked me if I was going to leave St Petersburg for the summer. 10. My friend told me that the discussion would still be going on when I returned. 11. He said that he was proud of his brother who had taken the first prize at the competi­tion. 12. She wanted to know how long I had been living in St Petersburg. 13. She said that he had just left. 14. He was interested to know when my parents would arrive in St Petersburg. 15. She wanted to know if I had been present at the meeting the day before.

Упражнение 342

1. Will you be busy tomorrow? 2. Are you afraid of thunderstorm? 3. Have you ever walked in rainy weather? 4.1 prefer sunny days. 5. Are you in a hurry? 6. Will you go to the country tomorrow? 7. What do

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 159

you like to do on your days off? 8. May I speak to the headmistress? 9. Will you give me your book? 10. Will you come to the Philharmonic with me? — At what time are you planning to go? — It will take us long to get there. — Where shall we meet?


1. A friend of yours called on you half an hour ago. 2. I study at Moscow University. 3. My brother is playing chess with my grandfather. 4. It is very difficult to play this role. 5. Why are there so few people in the street? 6. Do you know where you live? 7. Don't worry and go home quietly. 8. I shall sleep in the open air. 9. Are you going to leave St Petersburg tomorrow? 10.1 bought this watch yesterday. 11.1 have just had a telephone call from home. 12. Leave the key at your sister's, please. 13. I cannot understand the rule. 14.1 bought a ticket yesterday.

Упражнение 344

1. I saw the film several months ago. 2. I haven't seen it yet. 3.1 want to build a radio set. 4. I have built a radio set. 5.1 often go to see Bob. 6.1 have seen Mary today. 7. I like Dickens' novels very much. 8. I read "Dombey and Son" last year. 9. The pupils (You) will read the text tomorrow. 10. Buy some bread on your way home, please. 11. Don't be late for dinner. 12. Have you "Gulliver's Travels"? 13. Have you read "Robin­son Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe? 14. Will you be at home at three o'clock? 15. What did you see at the museum? 16. Who is absent? 17. Who is ill?

Упражнение 345

1.Are you going to your hometown for the holi­days? 2.1 couldn't ring you up in time. 3. Wait for me,


please. 4. Does anyone else know about my arrival? 5. When will you take your last exam? 6. Did you take part in the football match? 7. Where do you live? 8.1 have joined a sports club. 9. I saw your brother yesterday. 10. Hurry up as there is little time left be­fore the beginning of the meeting. 11. Has the rain stopped? 12. It is still raining. 13. I have found the book you are looking for. 14.1 don't like the main char­acter of the book, but I cannot explain why. 15. What will you do if you don't find the book you need?

Упражнение 346

1. Have your passports ready. 2. Pass up the gang­way. 3. You will find your luggage on deck. 4. Will you go down to your cabin or stay up on deck? 5. I am a bad sailor and cannot stay on deck. 6. Take our lug­gage to cabin number eight. 7. Do you often go to En­gland? 8. I don't cross the English Channel very often for it is rough as a rule. 9. Do you know when the boat is due at Southampton? 10. Do you think it will take us long to get through the customs?

Упражнение 347

1. Vera answered (Nina) that her favourite books were "Gulliver's Travels" and "Robinson Crusoe" and added that she was reading a novel by Walter Scott. 2. Nina said that the year before they had learnt some poems by Byron and Shelly and added that they were very beautiful. 3. Vera told Nina that she knew many poems by those great poets and added that she had also read some books about Byron and Shelley. 4. Nina said that that year they wctuld read a play by Shakespeare in English.

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 161

Упражнение 348

1. My friend said, "All the pupils of our class like history lessons."

2. I said to him, "We like English lessons."

3. The teacher said, "Soon you will speak English well because you work much."

4. The teacher said, "I have

already corrected your paper."

5. Kate said, "Father is in
the room. He is read­

6. Mother said, "Don't make noise! Grandfa­ther is sleeping."

7. Ann said, "We found a lot of mushrooms in the forest."

1. My friend said that all the pupils of their class liked history lessons.

2.1 told him that we liked English lessons.

3. The teacher said that soon we should speak English well because we worked much.

4. The teacher said that he

had already corrected our paper.

5. Kate said that Father was in the room and added that he was read­ing.

6. Mother told us not to make noise because Grandfather was sleep­ing.

7. Ann said that they had found a lot of mush­rooms in the forest.


Упражнение 349

1. Yesterday our teacher asked us, "Do you read much?"

2. When he saw "David Copperfield" in my hands, he asked, "Where did you take this book?"


1. Yesterday our teacher asked us if we read much.

2. When he saw "David Copperfield" in my hands, he asked where I had taken that book.


3. Then he asked, "Do you 3. Then he asked if I knew know anything about something about the the author of this author of that book, book?"

4. Mike asked me, "When 4. Mike asked me when will you go to buy I should go to buy books?" books.

Упражнение 350

1. Peter asked Ann if they had run a race the day before. Ann answered that they had and added that Tamara had been the first to come to the finish. 2. Tom asked his mother where his bag was. His mother said that she had put it on the chair near the door and told Tom (him) not to forget to put his record book into it. 3. The children asked their mother why they could not play there. Their mother said that their fa­ther was sleeping. She added that their father had worked very much that day and told the children to keep quiet. 4. Alec asked us why we helped her and added that she was lazy and could do everything her­self. 5. Lena said that she did not want to go to the zoo and explained that she had been there the week before with her cousin and seen all the animals. 6. Nick asked his father to look at his stamps and wondered when his father would buy some new ones for him. 7. Tanya said that she could not do that exercise and added that it was too difficult. Her brother wanted to know why she had not asked her teacher to explain it. 8. The light­house keeper asked his assistant if he could see the lights in the distance. The assistant answered that he could and added that a ship was giving signals.

Упражнение 351

1. Nina suggested playing badminton. Mike agreed and added that he liked to play badminton very much.

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 163

2. Bill suggested running a race. Jack refused and ex­plained that he had hurt his foot three days before and now he could not run. 3. Tom asked Becky if she would show him their new flat. Becky said that she would (Becky agreed) and invited Tom to come to their place the next day. 4. Kate said that she would go to see her friend the next day and asked Pete if he would come with her. Pete said that he would and added that he wanted to see her (Kate's) friend. 5. Victor asked Mary if her friend always came to school so early. Mary said that she didn't and explained that her friend had come so early that morning because she was on duty that day. 6. Lena said that there was a new film on at their cinema and suggested going and seeing it. Mike refused. He said that he could not go because he would be busy. 7. Ann wondered what they would do with Nick and added that he had got a bad mark again. Pete suggest­ed helping him with his Russian and added that he was sure they could do it.

Упражнение 352

1.He said that they had forgotten to take the ball.

2. She said that she would be very glad to see me.

3. Walter suggested going to the Philharmonic and added that there was a good concert there that night. Robert agreed and added that he had not been to the Philharmonic for a long time. 4. Alec asked me if I had ever been to the National Gallery. I answered that I had and added that I had visited it the year before when we were staying in London. 5. He wanted to know who that man was and added that he did not know him. 6. I thought that he was a very clever man and (that he) could help me. 7. My brother said that in two hours he would have finished his work and then he would go to the cinema. He suggested going to the cinema to­gether. I agreed. 8. The teacher told us (the pupils) to open our (their) books and begin reading the new


text. 9. The girl wanted to know the price of that dress. 10.1 asked my father to help me with that problem and added that I could not solve it. My father agreed and suggested trying to solve it together. 11. Kate sug­gested going to Finland for the winter holidays. An­drew refused and added that they had already been to Finland. He suggested going to Greece and added that it would be very interesting to see the country they had read about so much. Kate agreed. 12. Nellie said that she had gone to see Paul the day before but he had not been at home. Nick suggested going to see him that day. He added that he thought Paul would be at home. Nellie refused and said that she could not go that day because she was very busy.

Упражнение 353

1. Tom's mother said that that was enough. She said that Tom would never go there again and added that she would see to it. 2. Grandmother asked who would read the next story and added that it was very interest­ing and that she was sure we all should like it. 3. Lena asked her friend if he would come and see her on Friday. Her friend agreed and added that he thought he would be free on Friday. 4. He asked me whether I should need the book for a long time and added that he could give it to me only for a few days. 5. Mary said that soon she would know the whole poem perfectly and added that she had already learnt more than half of it. 6. John asked me if I should be able to find their house without him and added that I had never been to those parts. 7. She begged me not to ask her any more ques­tions. She added that she was very tired and promised to answer all my questions the next day. 8. He told me that he would finish reading the book by Monday and added that I could have it then. 9. Lena said that she had not seen him since the year before and added that she thought he had grown. She suggested going and

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 165

seeing him the next day. I agreed and added that it would be interesting to see him and talk to him. 10.1 asked my friend if he thought it was really correct and added that I was afraid he had made a mistake in one or two words.

Упражнение 354

1.Don't call on me tomorrow as I shall not be at home. 2. Wait for me. 3. I have lived in St Petersburg for many years and know the city very well. 4. I am sorry you haven't kept your promise. 5. I have just come from the United States and intend to stay in St Petersburg for about a month. 6. I am not satisfied with my report and I am going to work on it for some more time. I am to make it on the twelfth of February and so I have a few days left. 7. I am quite all right. The climate hasn't done me any harm. 8. Where can I buy a video cassette? 9. Who rang you up in the morn­ing?


1.The shop assistant said that the shoe department was downstairs. 2. The professor told his assistant that he had made great progress. 3. The teacher told us that we must read that text at home. 4. Paul said that they would have to discuss that text the next day. 5. She asked me if I knew who had taken her book. 6. We asked him what had happened to him and added that he looked very pale. 7. She told me that she hoped I had not for­gotten to post the letter. 8. She asked me where I had put her gloves and added that she could not find them. 9. They told me to try that coat on before buying it and added that maybe I should not like it when I had put it on. 10. Ал unfamiliar voice asked if that was Dmitri speaking. The man said that his name was Pavlov and that he had come from Moscow that day. He told me


that he had brought some books for me from my friends. He added that he was staying at the Grand Hotel Eu­rope and wondered when and where he could see me. I suggested meeting at the Pushkin monument in Arts Square at five o'clock if it was convenient for him. He agreed and added that he would be there.

Упражнение 356

1. He asked me if I had a Russian-English diction­ary. He wondered if I could let him have it for that evening. He added that he must do some very difficult translation. I agreed and added that I should not need the dictionary that night. 2. Nellie told Lydia that she had thought about her the night before. She wanted to know if Lydia had decided to go to Omsk with her par­ents or whether she would remain there with her aunt until she finished school. 3. Mike asked Bob if he had done his homework or left it till the evening. He added that he had thought of inviting Bob to go to the thea­tre with him but had remembered that he nearly al­ways did his homework in the evening. 4. Jack said that he was fond of Dickens. He said that he had been reading "The Old Curiosity Shop" the whole week. He added that he liked the novel very much and that he was reading it for the second time. 5. Tanya said that she thought her friend had finished reading "Jane Eyre". She added that she hoped her friend would give it to her soon and explained that she was eager to read it.

Упражнение 357

It was morning. Nick's mother woke him up. She asked him if he heard the alarm clock. Nick did not want to get up. He said that he was very sleepy. His mother remarked (said) that Nick always said it. She told him to get out of bed quickly. Nick moaned. His mother told him again to be quick. She added that he

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 167

would be late for school if he was not quick. Nick told his mother that it was all right and added that he had a lot of time. Nick's mother reminded him that he had to brush his teeth and to wash his hands and face. Nick answered that he remembered everything.

Упражнение 358

Kate was ill and Jane came to see her. She asked if she might come in. Kate recognized Jane and asked her to come in. She was very glad and said that it was very good of Jane to come and see her. Jane said that she had come before but Kate had been too ill to see any­body. She wanted to know if Kate had got the flowers. Kate answered that of course she had and added that it had been very nice of Jane to send them to her. Jane asked Kate how she was now. Kate thanked her and said that she was much better. She added that the doc­tor said that she would be allowed to go out in a few days. Jane wanted to know if Kate missed school. Kate answered that she missed school very much. She added that she was afraid she would be lagging behind the group in her lessons. Jane told her not to think about it and added that they would help her. Kate thanked her.

Упражнение 359

Peter and John were classmates. One day they were going from school together. John asked Peter how he was getting along. Peter said that he was all right. He asked John what he thought about the last test in ge­ometry. John said that he had found it rather difficult and added that he was not very good at solving prob­lems. Peter wondered why John did not ask him to help him and added that he would gladly do it. John thanked him and said that he would. Then he wanted to know if Peter had a lot of homework for the next day. Peter


answered that he had. He remarked (said) that John knew the timetable and that Friday was always a bad day. He reminded John that they had six lessons the next day and that all the subjects were difficult. He added that besides there would be questions from his little sister because she was not very good at sums. John agreed and said that he would come to Peter's place the next day in the evening, if Peter did not mind. Peter agreed and suggested making it the next day. He added that he would be waiting for John.

Упражнение 360

Susan came to consult the doctor. The doctor greeted her and asked what the matter with her was. Susan complained of feeling bad. She said that she had a head­ache and added that she was afraid she was running a temperature. The doctor told her to open her mouth and show him her throat. Then he said that Susan had a bad cold and that she must stay in bed for two days until her temperature was normal and she stopped coughing. Susan exclaimed that she hated being ill and staying in bed. The doctor told her that if she was not careful, she might fall ill with the flu or pneumonia. He added that he would prescribe some medicine. Su­san thanked the doctor and said goodbye.

Упражнение 361

Michael and Bill were friends. Michael asked Bill to show him around a bit. He added that he had only come there two days before and had not been anywhere as yet. Bill answered that he would do it with pleasure. He suggested going at once. And he also suggested in­viting Alice to come with them. He added that Alice knew a lot about the places of interest there. Michael said that it was a good idea. Then Bill asked Alice if she could come with them. He told her that they were

Согласование времен. Косвенная речь 169

going for a walk and that he wanted to show Michael some places of interest. Alice refused to go with the boys. She said that she was sorry, but her mother had told her to buy some bread and she had forgotten about it. She added that she would have to do it now. She told the boys to go without her and promised to go with them some other time. Bill said that it was a pity, and he and Michael went alone.

Упражнение 362

A man entered a cafe and sat down at a table. A waiter came up to him and asked what he would or­der. The man wanted to see the menu. The waiter gave him the menu. Looking through the menu, the man said that he wanted chicken soup for the first course. As he was not sure what to order for the second course, the waiter recommended him to take fried fish and added that it was very good. The man agreed. Then the waiter asked him if he wanted some vegetables, and the man asked for some potatoes.

He also ordered cheese, coffee and fruit.


Упражнение 363

1. to. 2. to. 3. Л 4. •. 5. Л 6. Л 7. to. 8. to. 9. Л 10. to. 11. Л 12. to. 13. to. 14. to. 15. •. 16. ^. 17. •. 18. to. 19. to. 20. £. 21. to, •. 22. to. 23. ^. 24. to. 25. to. 26. to. 27. •. 27. •. 28. •.

Упражнение 364

1. to warm you up. 2. for you to clean your teeth with. 3. to prove that your theory is correct. 4. to rub on your hands. 5. for you to fasten the shelves to the wall. 6. to relieve your headache. 7. to be translated for tomorrow. 8. to write with. 9. to read now. 10. to be considered (for us to consider). 11. to take care of. 12. to read. 13. to help you with your spelling. 14. to take care of. 15. to say on this subject. 16. for him to do. 17, to explain these words to you. 18. to take soon. 19. to serve him.

Упражнение 365

1. The problem is too difficult to solve. 2. The box is too heavy to carry. 3. The baby is too little to walk. 4. He is too weak to lift this weight. 5. She is too busy


to talk with you. 6. She was too inattentive to notice the mistake. 7. The rule was too difficult for them to under­stand. 8. He was too stupid to see the joke. 9. She is too fat to wear this dress now. 10. The accident was too terrible to talk about. 11. They were too empty-headed to learn. 12. The window was too dirty to see through.

13. She was too foolish to understand my explanation.

14. I have too little wool to make a sweater.

Упражнение 366

1. To begin with, she opened all the windows. 2. My neighbour is difficult to deal with. 3. To tell you the truth, I am very tired. 4. His behaviour leaves much to be desired. 5. To put it mildly, you surprised me. 6. These children are pleasant to look at. 7. To cut a long story short, they got married. 8. The most fa­mous book by Jerome is "Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog." 9. You are hard to please. 10. To say the least of it, we were surprised. 11. To put it mildly, she was impolite. 12. Your work leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell you the truth, I don't like boxing. 14. Your sister is hard to please. 15. To begin with, I am busy. 16. He was pleasant to look at. 17. To cut a long story short, he did not pass (he failed) the exam. 18. We were all glad, to say nothing of Mother: she said it was the happiest day in her life. 19. Your composition leaves much to be desired. 20. It is very strange, to say the least of it.

Упражнение 367

1. To tell the truth, I don't like it. 2. They had nothing to eat. 3. Who is to blame? 4. To cut a long story short, he hasn't done his homework. 5. Mother is always the first to get up in our family. 6. She is pleasant to look


at. 7. То translate this article, you must use a diction­ary. 8. In summer I have nowhere to go to. 9. It was out of the question to bathe in this river.

10. He had nobody to discuss this problem with.

11. Yesterday Kate was the last to come to school.

12. To get a good mark, you must work hard. 13. She is difficult to deal with. 14. What is to be done? 15. To begin with, he is ill. 16. To read Dickens in the origi­nal, you must know the language well. 17. To put it mildly, he is wrong (not right). 18. She was not to blame. 19. The child has nobody to play with. 20. To see is to believe. 21. To catch this train you should (must) hurry. 22. It is out of the question to buy a car this year. 23. The book leaves much to be desired.

Упражнение 368

1. Играть в шахматы было его самым большим удовольствием. 2. Ребенок не любил, когда его мыли.

3. Не правда ли, это естественно, что мы любим, когда нас хвалят, и не любим, когда нас ругают?

4. Что более приятно: делать подарки или получать их? 5. У природы есть много секретов, которые пред­стоит открыть. 6. Чтобы улучшить ваше произноше­ние, вам следует записывать и анализировать вашу речь. 7. Это книга, которую надо прочитать во время летних каникул. 8. Проходить обучение у такого хо­рошего специалиста было большим преимуществом. 9. Он очень забывчив, но не любит, когда ему напо­минают о его обязанностях.

Упражнение 369

1.Ребенок был счастлив, что его привели домой. 2. Джейн вспомнила, что ей много рассказывали о мистере Рочестере. 3. Дети были в восторге от того,


что их привели в цирк. 4. Я сожалею, что испортил вам настроение. 5. Мэгги была очень обеспокоена тем, что забыла покормить кроликов. 6. Я ужасно рад, что встретил вас. 7. Простите, что поставил вас в такое неприятное положение. 8. Я очень счаст­лив, что имел удовольствие познакомиться с вами. 9. Я сожалею, что заставил вас ждать. 10. Клайд был ужасно рад, что возобновил свое знакомство с Сонд-рой. 11. Извините, что я не заметил вас. 12. Я сожа­лею, что добавил неприятностей тем, что рассказал вам. 13. Когда Клайд посмотрел на девушку внима­тельно, он вспомнил, что видел ее в компании Сонд-ры. 14. Я вспомнил, что был растроган сценой, кото­рую наблюдал.

Упражнение 370

1. It is certain to rain if you don't take your umbrel­la. 2. Don't promise to do it if you are not sure that you can. 3. He was happy to be praised by everybody.

4. He was very proud to have helped his elder brother.

5. She was sorry to have missed the beginning of the concert. 6.1 am glad to see all my friends here. 7.1 was afraid to go past that place alone. 8. My sister will be thrilled to be wearing a dress as lovely as that. 9. We must wait to hear the exam results. 10. She is happy to have found such a nice place to live in. 11. I should be delighted to join you. 12. He hopes to know everything by tomorrow.

Упражнение 371

1. to read. 2. to be reading. 3. to have been reading. 4. to have read. 5. to take. 6. to be taken. 7. to help. 8. to be helped. 9. to see. 10. to be. 11. to be helped. 12. to have been playing. 13. to have done. 14. to have been working. 15. to have broken. 16. to be getting.


Упражнение 372

1. to be bothering, to be given. 2. to appear, to be talked. 3. to tell, to know. 4. to earn, to be read, not to be forgotten. 5. to have been, to have seen. 6. to know, to have spent. 7. to have overthrown, to be advancing. 8. to be reading, not to have heard. 9. to be looking. 10. to have been snowing. 11. to be quarrel­ling. 12. to have been working. 13. to be heard. 14. to be lost, to find, to have been dropped. 15. to have been waiting.

Упражнение 373

1. I am glad to have told you this story. 2. I am glad to have been told this story. 3. I want to introduce you to this actress. 4.1 want to be introduced to this actress. 5. I am glad to have met her at the station. 6. I am glad to have been met at the station. 7. We are happy to have invited him to the party. 8. We are happy to have been invited to the party. 9. He will be happy to visit this famous art gallery. 10. He was happy to have vis­ited this famous art gallery. 11. Children like to be told fairy tales. 12. I did not intend to stop at this station. 13. I did not expect to be stopped. 14. I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble. 15. He hates (can­not stand) to be told lies. 16. I remembered to have come across this word in some book. 17. I am very sor­ry to have missed this interesting lecture. 18. She is happy to have heard the concert of the famous Ital­ian conductor. 19. She is glad to have been present at the lecture. 20. He is very glad to have finished his book. 21. Our sportsmen are proud to have won the cup. 22. I only want to be allowed to help you. 23. I was grateful to have been given a room with a large window.


24. Не was happy to have returned home. 25. He was happy to be at home again. 26. I am sorry to have in­terrupted you. 27. I am sorry not to have found you at home. 28. Jane was happy to be leaving Mrs Reed. 29. Rochester was glad to meet Jane. 30. Rochester was glad to have met Jane.


Упражнение 374

1. Все смотрели на танцующую девочку. 2. Ма­ленькая полная женщина, стоящая у окна, — моя бабушка. 3. Мужчина, играющий на рояле, — Ка­тин дядя. 4. Войдя в комнату, она включила свет. 5. Придя в театр, она увидела, что спектакль уже начался. 6. Выглянув в окно, он увидел свою мать, поливающую цветы (...увидел, что его мать поливает цветы). 7. Услышав звуки музыки, мы перестали раз­говаривать. 8. Она вошла в комнату, оставив дверь открытой. 9. Работая за своим письменным столом, он слушал новый (компакт-)диск. 10. Выбежав на до­рогу, молодой человек остановил такси. 11. Просмат­ривая газету, она заметила фотографию своего бос­са. 12. Применяя химические вещества, пожарные вскоре потушили пожар в лесу.

Упражнение 375

1. All the people living in this house are students. 2. The woman speaking now is our secretary. 3. The apparatus standing on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man helping the professor in his experiments studies at our university. 5. People borrowing books from the library must re-


turn them on time. 6. There are many pupils in our class taking part in all kinds of extracurricular activi­ties.

Упражнение 376

1.Feeling now more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice. 2. Knowing who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance of talking to him. 3. Thinking that it was his brother at the window, Steve decided to open it. 4. Being afraid of falling into a ditch in the darkness at any moment, the people felt their way about very carefully. 5. Needing a shelter for the night, Peter decided to go to the neighbours' house.

Упражнение 377

1. You must have much practice when learning to speak a foreign language. 2. When speaking English, pay attention to the word order. 3. When copying En­glish texts, pay attention to the articles. 4. When be­ginning to work with the dictionary, don't forget my instructions. 5. Be careful when cros

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