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The verb to have (Present Simple)

2015-11-27 809 Обсуждений (0)
The verb to have (Present Simple) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


I have (got) a son He has (got) a son
You have (got) a son She has (got)a son.
We have (got) a son It has (got)a tail.
They have (got) a son  


HaveI (got) a son ? Has (got) he a son ?
Haveyou (got) a son ? Has (got) she a son?
Havewe (got)a son? Has (got)it a tail ?
Havethey (got) a son?  


I have not (got) a son. He has not (got)a son.
You have not (got)a son. She has not (got) a son.
Wehave not (got) a son. It has not (got) a tail.
They have not (got) a son.  


Have you a family?

John has (John’s) a flat.

I have (I’ve) got a nice dress.

We have not (haven’t) got children.

Mary has not (hasn’t) got a husband.


Exercise I. Read the sentences.


a) 1. I have a brother. 2. He has a sister. 3. She has a son and a daughter. 4. We have two children. 5. You have a niece. 6. They have an uncle and an aunt. 7. Mary has a nice house. 8. Bob has a new car. 9. I have parents. 10. She has a nephew. 11. You have a pretty baby. 12. They have a beautiful garden. 13. We have a small house. 14. He has a nice wife.

b) I don’t have a red pen. 2. He doesn’t have a new car. 3. She hasn’t got a flat. 4. We haven’t got a garden. 5. They haven’t got children. 6. Mary hasn’t got a child. 7. Bob hasn’t got a niece. 8. They haven’t got an aunt. 9. We haven’t got English books. 10. I haven’t a sister.

c) 1. Has he a family? 2. Has she a sister? 3. Have you a brother? 4. Have we an English classs on Monday? 5. Have they a nice house? 6. Has Mary a baby? 7. Has Bob a new car? 8. Have we an uncle? 9. Have I a nephew? 10. Has he a wife? 11.Has she a husband? 12. Have you a flat?


Exercise II. Change these sentences according to the model.


I have a sister. (Mary).

Mary has a sister.

1. They have a nice house (Mr. Brown). 2. Mr. Smith has a nice car (I). 3. We have breakfast at six o’clock (Mr. Black). 4. He hasn’t parents (she). 5. Have you English classes on Friday? (the students). 6. Has she a boy-friend? (he). 7. Have you an uncle? (he). 8. Has she a baby? (Pat).9. Have they two children? (Mr. and Mrs. Blake). 10. When has he breakfast? (they).


Exercise III. Fill inhave (got), has (got), then write questions and negations as in the example:


  1. Betty has got a cat. Has Betty got a dog? – No, Betty hasn’t got a dog.
  2. Pete…. a car (a bicycle).
  3. Katy …… a computer (a camera).
  4. My friends …. a nice house (a flat).
  5. A girl …. blonde hair (black hair).
  6. They …. a calculator (a video camera).
  7. We …. a fireplace (a CD player).


Exercise IV. Ask questions.


  1. I’ve got three children (How many)
  2. He’s got a nice flat (What).
  3. We’ve got English classes today (When).
  4. They’ve got many toys in the box. (Where).
  5. Susan’s got a dog and a cat. (Who).


Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
I my
You your
He his
She her
It its
We our
They their


Exercise V. Read and translate.


I am a teacher. I like my job. You are young and your elder sister is twenty. He’s got a wife. His wife’s nice. Betty’s got a son. Her son’s small. We are at the room. Our room’s big. They are at home. Their children are at the University.


Exercise VI. Read the text and speak about Bob’s family.


This is Bob. His family is not big: his wife and his son. Bob is an engineer. He is thirty. His wife Pat is a teacher. But now she is at home. Her son is only two years old. His name is Robert. Bob has got parents. Their names are Ann and Pete. They are fifty-five. They have a big house not far from Bob. They are very busy in their garden. They have got a lot of beautiful flowers in their garden.




Единственное число Множественное число
Ann has a cat = Ann’scat [ ] children have toys = children’s toys
Pete has a hat =Pete’s hat my sisters have cats =my sisters’ cats
Bess has a dress= Bess’s dress = Bess’ dress  
Max has a wife = Max’swife =Max’wife  
Ben Page has a dog = Ben Page’s dog  

BUT !!!yesterday’s news

today’s menu

the town’s oldest part

the world’s best chocolate


Exercise VII. Read and translate


  1. Ben’s nice ties; Bill’s black pens; Em’s nice face; Pete’s black caps; Nick’s fine maps, Eve’s bad hat.
  2. Tess’s neat flat; Bess’s dark car; Max’s bad knife; Page’s six lamps; Nash’s nice face.
  3. His brothers’ books; these students’ parents; men’s caps; her sisters’ apples; our teachers’ magazines; their pupils’ copy books; these painters’ pictures; the girls’ coats.
  4. Yesterday’s news is very exciting. Bring me, please, today’s menu. The town’s oldest part is very quiet. Russian chocolate is the world’s best chocolate.


Exercise VIII. Translate into English.


1.Ручка моего друга. 2. Комната моей сестры. 3. Сын наших друзей. 4. Преподаватели нашего университета. 5. Учебники студентов. 6. Письма матерей. 7. Квартиры врачей. 8. Дома рабочих. 9. Имена детей. 10. Диктанты студентов. 11. Слова этого урока.



Exercise I. Translate into English.


1. Комната вашей сестры большая? – Нет, она небольшая. Она маленькая и очень уютная. 2. Тесты этого студента всегда хорошие. Он очень трудолюбивый. 3. Вопросы учителя очень трудные? – Да, но у меня есть все ответы. 4. Чьи это учебники? – Это учебники моих друзей. 5. Жена мистера Блэка врач. Она хороший врач. 6. Тетя мистера Брауна в Париже. У нее там друзья. 7. У меня есть адрес дяди Тома. – Отправь его (адрес) Пэт.




PHONETICS : IV тип слога (гласная + r +e); ph, wr, qu+ гласная,

GRAMMAR:указательные местоимения; количественные и порядковые числительные.




Сочетание гласных букв a,e,i, y, o, u + r +e принято называть IV типом чтения гласных.


a+r+e [εə] Mary, hare, care, parents


o+r+e [o:] more, store,


e+r+e [iə] here, deer, engineer


i,y+r+e [aiə] fire, tyre, tired, mire


u+r+e [uə] pure, during, cure, mure, sure


ph [f] phone, photo, phloy


wr [r ] write, wrong, wrist


qu+гл. [kw] queen, quite, quest



Exercise I. Listen, repeat, read.


Mare, bare, dare, fare, hare, stare, chair, hair, pair, mere, beer, deer, steer, mure, pure, cure, mural, question, quick, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter, quiet, photograph, phrase, physics, physicist, wrap, writer, write, wrote, written.


2015-11-27 809 Обсуждений (0)
The verb to have (Present Simple) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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