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2015-11-27 793 Обсуждений (0)
PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


I amwriting you arewriting he she iswriting it   we arewriting they I am notwriting you are notwriting   he she is notwriting it   we are notwriting they Am I writing…? Are you writing…? he Isshe writing …? it   Arewe writing…? they
Time expressions used with the present continuous:now, at the moment, at present, etc.


I am reading now.

Tom is having breakfast at the moment.

We are learningthe Present Continuous at present.

The children are playingin the gardennow.


Exercise I. Write the infinitives of the following Participles.


going, reading, writing, eating, having, washing, watching, playing, talking, swimming, cooking, listening, working, walking, riding, making, tiding, painting, feeding, wearing, sleeping, driving.


Exercise II. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.


  1. I am going to market.
  2. He (to read) a newspaper now.
  3. Mary (to write) a letter to her friend at the moment.
  4. John (to eat) his apple just now.
  5. She (to have) a shower right now.
  6. We (to wash) our faces and hands at the moment.
  7. The students (to play) football now.
  8. Mrs. Black (to cook) dinner at present.
  9. They (to walk) in the park at the moment.
  10. The children (to ride) a bicycle at present.


Exercise III. Read and translate the sentences.


1. John is watching TV at the moment. 2. Mr. Brown and Mr. Smith are talking now. 3. The students are speaking English at present. 4. I am feeding my favourite cat right now. 5. You are working at this problem at present. 6. Harry is painting his house at the moment. 7. Roger is


Exercise IV. Answer the questions, as in the example.


Is Pete riding a bicycle now?

Yes, Pete is riding a bicycle now.

Are the students listening to their teacher at the moment?

Yes, the students are listening to their teacher at the moment.

Are you making tea right now?

Yes, I am making tea right now.


1. Is the man over there trying to open the window? 2. Are you looking at this picture? 3. Are the children making so much noise? 4. Is that woman looking for a phone box? 5. Are the students speaking English to their teacher? 6. Is mother shouting at her dirty son? 7. Are you wearing this funny hat today? 8. Are you working this week? 9. Is it raining? 10. Is Tony playing tennis this season?


Exercise Y. Answer the questions, as in the example.


Are you swimming this summer? – No, I’m not. I’m not swimming this summer.

Is he driving to work today? –No, he isn’t. He isn’t driving to work today.


1.Are you having a shower? 2. Is Mary staying at the Palm Hotel? 3. Is he traveling round the world at present? 4. Are the workers painting the ceiling? 5. Is Tom smoking cigars? 6. Is the patient waiting for a doctor? 7. Are the producers making a new film at present? 8. Is the editor changing the end of this story? 9. Are Jack and Mary looking fora new house in the country? 10. Are Bob and Ann getting married this month?

Exercise YI. Write sentences, as in the example.


1. The sun/ shine / brightly/ today. –The sun is shining brightly today.

2. My father/ have lunch/ at the moment.

3. His sister/ make a cake / in the kitchen now.

4. Our friends/ travel round/ Europe/ at present.

5. The gardener/ look after/ the flowers/ this summer.

6. Mr. Johnson/ walk/ to his office/ today.

7. Our neighbor / go shopping/ in the local shop/ at the moment.

8. They/ enjoy themselves/.

9. Their son/ live/ in Liverpool/ at present.

10. Mrs. Smith/ feed/ the animals/ in the farm/ now.


Exercise YII. Use the correct form of the verb “to be”.


1. Where…he living at present? – He… living in London at present. He…learning English there. 2. …you going to wash up? – Yes, I…helping my mother. 3. What…Mary looking for? –She… trying to find a birthday present for her friend. 4. It…very dark outside. It…raining. 5. You…driving too fast, I… afraid. 6. The patient…very pale. He has a terrible toothache. 7. Where…your mother? Why…you crying? 8. Why…they laughing at her? 9. The manager…speaking over (on) the telephone at the moment. 10. The students….discussing a very interesting problem now.




Exercise I. Translate from Russian into English.


1. Где Питер? – Он на кухне. Он помогает Мэри украсить торт. 2. Сегодня идет дождь и очень холодно. 3. Звонит телефон, но никого нет дома. 4. Мой друг и я путешествуем по Европе. Нам очень нравится. 5. У наших соседей сегодня вечеринка.6. Извините, пожалуйста, вы стоите на моей ноге. 7. Майк не решает задачи (to do sums), он смотрит телевизор. 8. Кет разговаривает по телефону. 9. Преподаватель объясняет новое правило и студенты слушают его очень внимательно. 10. Посмотри, на ней сегодня смешная шляпка.


Exercise II. Read the text paying attention to the present continuous tense.


It is summer. The Blacks are on holiday. They are traveling round Europe. Now they are staying in France. They are staying in the Hilton Hotel. The Blacks are having a lovely time. They are doing much sightseeing. They are spending most of the evenings out. They are eating at local restaurants. They are sitting outside a café and enjoying themselves. The weather is fine. The sun is shining brightly.


Exercise III. Imagine you are on holiday. Write where you are and what you are doing.



Remember, please, the verbs which are not used in continuous tenses (but there are exceptions):

want, need, prefer, like, love hate, belong, see, hear, know, realize, believe, mean, understand, remember, forget, seem, have, think, smell, taste, own, posses.  



Hurry, the bus is coming. I don’t want to miss it.

Do you believe in God?

Martin doesn’t understand it.

It is raining. I need an umbrella.

My children like ice cream very much.

Mr. White belongs to Liberal Party.


Exercise I. Put the verbs into the correct form.


1. I (hear) somebody try to open the front door. 2. He (not to know) the man who (sit) at the table. 3. I (watch TV) while my father (have dinner). 4. (not to believe) him. He (tell a lie). 5. Mr. Garten (own) some mines in South Africa. 6. What (mean) this sign? 7. You (sneeze). You (need) warm clothes. 8. Our manager (seem) to catch a cold. 9. His friend (want) to become a famous scientist. 10. He (say) he (love) her very much.



Exercise II. Correct the mistakes.


1. It often snowing here in December.

2. I am belonging to a Labor Party.

3. They now travel abroad.

4. He is wanting bananas.

5. The children are play football now.

6. Mrs. Smith doing shopping at a local shop at the moment.

7. The boys shout at each other.

8. We often are eating at a local restaurant.

9. He drive too fast.

10. I am not understanding what you are talking about.



Exercise III. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or continuous.


Tom: Do you (love) holidays?

Bob: Sure, I do. And you?

Tom: Me too. Can you (see) Mary and Roy?

Bob: Yes, I can. Look, they (swim) and (look) very happy.

Tom: It (be) very hot today, isn’t it?

Bob: It (be). You (want) an ice cream?

Tom: I really do. Let’s go and buy some ice cream and a bottle of cola.



Exercise IV. Look at the pictures. Describe them to your partner. Use the present simple or present continuous.





Exercise V. Read the text. Underline the verbs in the present continuous tense and circle the ones in the present simple.


Dear Lucy, I love Greece! I am having a lovely time. I’m not doing much sightseeing. Every day I swim in the morning but today I’m just relaxing by the pool. What about you? Are you working hard? The weather is great here. The sun is shining. What’s the weather like with you? Is it raining? I hope it’s not too cold. I spend most of my evenings out. I often eat at local restaurants or go to a pub. Tonight, I’m going to a beach party. Come to Greece! It’s lovely and warm. Write soon! Rachel  



2015-11-27 793 Обсуждений (0)
PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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