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B) Write a story using all the words you have just guessed

2016-09-16 609 Обсуждений (0)
B) Write a story using all the words you have just guessed 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

10. Complete the sentences:

1. It can be difficult to be a student because …

2. Our grant is not enough to …

3. Students from other places have to …

4. Our University provides good sport conditions so …

5. If you miss lessons …

6. Young people enter the University to …

Work in groups. Discuss characteristics of a good and bad student (make a table) and present your ideas to the class.

Write a composition «Advantages and disadvantages of student's life».


Make up and tell the topic «My student's life».





You are going to read the text about Siberian Federal University. What can the following figures present?

8 mln 3,000 41,000

2. Read and compare your ideas about the figures with the information in the text:


The Russian Federation is a state where education is accessible to everybody. Every citizen has a right to education according to the constitution of the Russian Federation. The network of schools has grown in our country. Now there are 500 higher schools. Over 8 million students study at institutes and universities.

The growing economy of our country needs specialists in all fields on science and all branches of industry. To meet these needs many of our cities were turned into educational centres. Krasnoyarsk is one of them. At the disposal of our youth there are many higher schools in Krasnoyarsk. One of the parts of the city is called «Students Township». Here on the Afontov hill the Siberian Federal University stands. It is the biggest higher school of our city. Today the Siberian Federal University is considered as one of largest education and scientific centers of Siberia and the Far East.

The Siberian Federal University was founded in 2006. The university was founded by merging 4 major Krasnoyarsk institutions of higher education. Today the University consists of 19 institutes. Besides, there are correspondence and evening departments for those, who wish to combine work with study. Our university also has the post-graduate course. About 3,000 teachers work at the university. The staff has some professors and many candidates of science.

Over 41,000 students study at the Siberian Federal University. They have good conditions for their study. The university has 22 buildings on its territory. All the university buildings have spacious classrooms, many laboratories and workshops provided with the educational equipment. The university library and reading-rooms provide students with all necessary text-books and specialized periodicals. Each institute has its own hostel. The university has sport halls, a stadium and a swimming pool.

The students of the Siberian Federal University also carry on research work. There are various students’ scientific societies for those who are interested in sciences. Moreover, amateur clubs and sport circles are at the disposal of students.

The graduates of the university actively solve all problems confronting the industry.



accessible citizen to have a right network to turn fields on science scientific society branch of industry to meet needs at the disposal to be considered as to be founded correspondence department evening department post-graduate course to combine conditions workshop to carry on research work доступный гражданин иметь право сеть поворачивать (превращать) область науки научное общество отрасль промышленности соответствовать потребностям в распоряжении рассматривается в качестве ч-то. быть основанным заочное отделение вечернее отделение аспирантура совмещать, объединять условия мастерская проводить, исполнять (функцию) научная работа



3. Make up phrases, using these words:

accessible right to to carry on research disposal to study correspondence evening post-graduate to graduate problems school education educational industry science scientific training turned department text-books course field equipment centre higher societies university founded academic considered building of to be at the from with year to solve to provide brunch

4. Match the words and their definitions:

  accessible education science to be founded post-graduate course academic building graduate to provide amateur equipment to combine need · a branch of knowledge
· a place where students study
· a person who has finished his study at the university
· to give something to somebody
· a person who is not a professional in a particular sphere
· the process of learning and teaching
· technical things that are necessary for doing something
· something that is necessary for you, something that you want
· something that is easy to have
· to join together, to unite
· to be built
· the course of training for those who have got a higher education

5. Translate the text from Russian into English:

Меня зовут Вика. Я студентка – заочница. Я учусь в педагогическом университете. Мой университет находится в Благовещенске. Этот университет самый старый на Дальнем Востоке. Он был основан 16 октября 1930 года. Университет большой. Он расположен на улице Ленина. Во главе университета стоит ректор. В университете 11 факультетов. Здесь учатся 6000 студентов – очников и заочников. Во главе каждого факультета стоит декан. Учеба в высшем заведении длится 5 лет. Ежедневно у студентов лекции и семинары. Они изучают различные предметы: русский, немецкий, английский, французский, китайский, историю, педагогику, психологию и другие. В университете работают профессора, доценты, ассистенты и кандидаты наук. Здесь много аудиторий, лабораторий, 4 спортивных зала, 2 библиотеки, 4 читальных зала, столовая, Интернет-центр.

Make up a dialogue between a student of Siberian Federal University and a pupil who is going to enter this university and wants to get to know about this university as much as possible.

7. Make up an advertisement for school-graduates, choose one of these topics:


• your University

• your faculty

• your student's life


8. Read and translate the text:


The Belarusian State University is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Belarus. It was founded in 1921 and 1,010 workers and peasants entered its 2 faculties that year.

At present the University has 12 faculties: Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Philology, Journalism, History, Economy, Law which train specialists in 17 professions and 50 specializations. It has day, evening and correspondence departments where thousands of students study. There are more than 16,000 students at the University. They attend lectures and seminars.

The University course lasts five years. An academic year is divided into two terms each ending in an examination session. Those who pass the exams successfully get a scholarship.

All the students study foreign languages. The students who have advanced knowledge in foreign languages work on a special curriculum and receive a special diploma which gives them the right to use a foreign language in their future work.

Students’ practical work is given much attention to. The students of the teachers’ training faculties give lessons at secondary schools and work as leaders in children’s summer camps.

The students of the University can do any sport they like. A lot of students carry out research work in various laboratories which are equipped with up-to-date devices.

The University is a member of the International University Association and actively co-operates with the Universities of Sofia, Lyublyana, Warsaw and Krakow, Yena, Berlin and others. These Universities constantly expand the exchange of students, post-graduates and scientists.

Every year hundreds of young specialists begin working in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, prosecutor’s offices and courts.




9. Match the words and their definitions:

  to attend classes bachelor’s degree distance learning face-to-face classes a graduation ceremony higher education an intensive course to learn something by heart to meet a deadline private language school a single-sex school to sit an exam subject specialist to take a year out tuition fees · an event where a successful student receives his or her academic degree · to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed · a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach. · a school where only boys or girls attend (as opposed to a mixed-sex school) · the money paid for a course of study · to go to classes · to spend a year working or travelling before starting university · to memorize it · to take an exam · as opposed to distance learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom with colleagues and a teacher · a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as possible · an independent school run as a business concern · a way of studying where tuition is carried out over the Internet or by post · education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or secondary school · an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years


10. Translate the text from Russian into English:


С прошлого года я являюсь студентом Санкт-Петербургского технического университета. В настоящее время я учусь на дневном отделении. Многие молодые люди работают и учатся одновременно, поэтому в нашем университете существует вечернее и заочное отделение.

На первом курсе у нас девять разных предметов. Это физика, химия, информатика, математика, история, немецкий язык и физическая культура. Учеба мне очень нравится.

Обычно у нас три пары в день. В воскресенье мы не учимся. Наши занятия могут проводиться в форме лабораторных работ, лекций, семинаров или практических занятий. В нашем университете много факультетов: химический, электротехнический, машиностроения, математический, физический, экономический и др.

Мой факультет – архитектурный. После окончания университета я стану архитектором. Моя будущая профессия мне очень нравится.

Я надеюсь, я найду в будущем интересную и хорошо оплачиваемую работу.



2016-09-16 609 Обсуждений (0)
B) Write a story using all the words you have just guessed 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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