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Choose three words from vocabulary and give their definitions

2016-09-16 474 Обсуждений (0)
Choose three words from vocabulary and give their definitions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

7. Retell the text using the key words:


to spend holidays

to discover

to go to big cities

quiet holidays

to take pictures of

to travel by

to study geography

8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1) Мы живем в современном городе.

2) Москва – современный город.

3) Я наслаждаюсь живописными местами.

4) Около города очень много живописных мест.

5) Я хочу сменить обстановку.

6) Я люблю открывать что-то новое.

7) Летом я купаюсь и загораю.

8) Когда я хочу сменить обстановку, я еду в деревню.

9) Я люблю фотографировать достопримечательности города.

10) Я люблю посещать экзотические рестораны.

11) Фотографии напоминают о лете.

12) Мы с друзьями летом купаемся и загораем.

13) В этом городе много достопримечательностей.

14) Когда я посещаю ресторан, я пробую экзотическую еду.

9. Solve the crosswords:


1. a picture which you take with a camera

2. a means of travel

4. to learn something new

5. a very beautiful place

7. to go from one place to another, to have a trip

12. a person who is travelling

13. a means of travel


3. old broken buildings

4. the place where you go while travelling

5. a means of travel

6. a place of interest

8. religious building

9. the place where you can try exotic food

10. a person who travels on foot

11. a means of travel

14. a good feature of any thing

15. a flat place between the mountains


10. Answer the questions:

1) What ancient towns do you know?

2) Do you want to see the ruins of ancient towns?

3) Where do you go if you want a change of scene?

4) What do you want to discover?

5) Do you like to try exotic food?

6) Do you like to try Greek food (English, Chinese, Russian, Georgian food)?

7) Do you have a camera?

8) Do you like to take pictures? Of what?

9) Do you plan your holidays?

11. Answer the questions, using the phrase «It is necessary»:


Is it necessary to read books?

to watch TV?

to visit museums and galleries?

to learn English?

to go to the University every day?

to visit all the classes? Why?


Write a composition «Is it necessary to travel or not?»




1. Work in groups and make a list of adjectives which can describe active and passive holidays. If it is necessary, use the vocabulary:




active passive


adventure adventurous adventurous spirit exciting peaceful successful dangerous terrible useful useless at the seaside go away on holiday skydiving to sail on silence tent camping trip enjoyment journey trip curious to get into trouble to be enthusiastic about beach to attract to be in the open air travel experience experienced приключение приключенческий дух приключений волнующий, захватывающий спокойный, мирный успешный опасный ужасный полезный бесполезный у моря уезжать из дома на каникулы прыжки с парашютом плавать под парусами тишина палатка поход с проживанием в палатке наслаждение путешествие поездка любопытный попасть в беду увлечься ч-либо пляж привлекать быть на открытом воздухе (на природе) опыт путешествий опытный


2. Do the test to find out which holiday is ideal for you. Comment the results:

1. Which means of transport do you prefer?

a) plane

b) car

c) train

2. Where would you like to spend your holidays?

a) in Central Africa

b) at the seaside

c) in the country

3. When you go away on holidays, do you:

a) forget about everything?

b) send a few postcards to your relatives?

c) wake up most mornings worrying about what’s going on at home?

4. What do you think about skydiving?

a) I think it would be really exciting.

b) I’d do it if I had proper training.

c) It’s a crazy idea.

5. Would you like to set sail on:

a) a big sailing boat?

b) a submarine?

c) a fast liner?

6. What would you rather do:

a) looking for sharks in the ocean?

b) fishing at night with a net?

c) sailing on a boat?

7. What do you like most about mountains?

a) the possibility of doing mountain climbing

b) the scenery

c) silence

8. When you go to the seaside do you prefer to:

a) go swimming among the reefs?

b) laze in the sun?

c)read a nice book?

9. If someone invites you to spend two weeks on a desert island, would you:

a) agree enthusiastically?

b) accept the invitation with hesitation?

c) refuse the invitation?

10. When you watch an Indiana Jones or James Bond film do you:

a) want to be in his place?

b) watch it because it is interesting?

c) get bored?

11. Do you think that taking along a tent on a holiday is:

a) exciting?

b) nice only in organized camping trip?

c) troublesome?

12. Which of the following words reminds you of holidays?

a) freedom

b) enjoyment

c) going for a walk


Count your score:a – 3 points, b – 2 points, c – 1 point.


Over 42 points – Adventurous

If you could you, you would always have a backpack. You are ready to leave for an adventurous journey. Holidays for you mean looking for adventure without organizing or planning before. You are enthusiastic and curious. You’d rather go to an unknown undiscovered place than go back to a place you know well. It’s your curiosity that helps you overcome every obstacle.


From 25 to 45 points – Imaginative

You have a good dose of adventurous spirit and a good deal of courage, but you don’t like to get into trouble. You are quite enthusiastic about inventing hundreds of adventurous ideas. You should leave your school books and worries behind and use your imaginative quality to make new friends and to enjoy yourself.


Less than 25 points – Peaceful

You are a calm type. For you, an ideal holiday is sitting under a beach umbrella or relaxing under a tree in the silence of the countryside. Adventure activities don’t attract you. You like to meditate for some time before acting logically. Holidays, for you, should be a way to do sports or exercises and to meet new people.


2016-09-16 474 Обсуждений (0)
Choose three words from vocabulary and give their definitions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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