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2016-09-17 1664 Обсуждений (0)
MAKING a DECISION on a CAREER 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок



Discuss the following questions.

a. Why did you choose a career in science?

b. What field of science are you currently working or studying in?

c. What do you enjoy most about working in your scientific field?

Have a talk with someone on the area of your specialization.

A:Are you planning your scientific career? What is your field/ area of specialization?

B: I would like to take up … as my special field / to make…my specialist field / I’d like to do/to carry out/to conduct research in … .

A: What sort/kind/type of research would you like to do?

B: I’d like to do research in … .

A: Why? Would you really?

B:It seems very interesting /exciting /important /promising.


A:What is a graduation paper?

B:It is a small research project carried out by a student under the guidance of a supervisor / scientific adviser. In many cases the graduation paper contains results valuable enough for a professional journal and such publication is then recommended.


to provide a broad and solid foundation for professional training

to have ample time to discover one’s interests before choosing one’s special field

to specialize in …

The syllabus (programme) offers a wide range of specialized (specialist) courses.

to acquire skills in research

to do research mainly for one’s graduation paper

to successfully defend a graduation paper before an examination board

to become a graduate

to get a graduation diploma

to acquire practical skills in one’s field of knowledge

to do thorough/careful practical training in …

to apply one’s knowledge and display initiative

to work on one’s graduation paper

to choose the subject of a graduation paper

to submit/hand in a graduation paper

to introduce students to the latest achievements in science and engineering and help them to learn modern research methods and handle the most sophisticated equipment

Read the text and speak about advantages and disadvantages of doing science.


Making a decision on a career is not easy. Every university graduate is faced with it. There are many opportunities that are worth trying, and one of them is doing science.

The idea of taking up a post-graduate course is certainly very appealing and inviting, and no graduate can help being tempted by it. But not everyone is capable of withstanding all the difficulties involved in doing research. If you intend to become a post-graduate, you are advised to weigh all pros and cons, to look close into the advantages and disadvantages of the scientific career lest you should regret taking the step later.

It is no use asking other people’s advice in this matter. Tastes differ, and one man’s meat is sometimes another man’s poison. People may have various hobbies: some are fond of dancing and light music, whereas others may be seriously interested in collecting stamps or match-box labels, still others may enjoy breeding or painting. By asking your friends for advice you may find yourself in a predicament, not knowing whose advice to follow. Remember the English saying: So many men, so many minds. Also your friend may not be interested in doing science at all, and you will be ill-advised.

Do not depend on your parents advising you either: they would naturally be tempered and flattered by such a prospect; they would insist on your doing science. Who would not like to see his son or daughter become a famous scientist? Most parents prefer their children choosing the career of a scientist rather than any other. Hence avoid consulting other people and try to make up your mind. And think hard.

You should realize there are many aspects of the problem. First of all, you should be absolutely sure that you will make a dedicated researcher, that you will give all your time and efforts to studying.

Then you must ask yourself if you are capable of doing scientific work, if you are interested enough in doing research to be ready to sacrifice all pleasures of life for science. It is the disadvantage of the work that you should consider first. They are numerous. And it is no good to deceiving yourself that they do not matter. They do. And very much so.

Try to analyze where your interests lie, make sure you will enjoy dedicating your life to science. Having embarked on the field of science, you will know no peace of mind, no leisure, no rest , day after day; your work will prevent you from visiting friends, from doing out, from playing with your children, from seeing relatives.

Moreover, your wife might (unless she is also a scientist) misunderstand your infatuation for work and take it for something else. She may start being jealous and unhappy, she might wish you would stop staying up at night, coming home late or not at all, wasting (as she would put it) your time, making all these numerous and pointless experiments of yours. In fact she might wish you gave up dong science altogether and took up some other trade or profession.

If you are a true scientist and enjoy working and living like that, if you do not mind sacrificing your life for science, if your work means everything to you, you will not give way, you will not give it up, you will carry on doggedly doing your job, you will aim at solving the problem concerned, until one day you will succeed in finding the solution you have been searching for all this time.

When the day comes, you will be the happiest man on Earth till you recognize another urgent problem awaiting its solution.

Whatever happens, you will never regret having chosen the career of a scientist. You will keep saying to your folks at home and to your friends: “It was worthwhile making all the efforts.” But… There is always a but. The day of success may never come and you might be disappointed.

Now is the time for making a decision, for making your mind, for thinking it over. Once you have started, you must keep going, never resting, never satisfied with yourself, always busy, worried and very often tired.

And still I am saying this: “It is worthwhile trying.”

What do you think?

But when you’ve made up your mind, if you’re sure that you’re capable of doing science, if you’re interested in research, stick to the strategy: 1) collect information, 2) put forward a hypothesis, 3) make experiments, 4) confirm your theory with experimental data, and 5) submit your thesis to the Academic Board.


People take graduate courses for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, acquiring new knowledge). Why have you decided on taking a graduate course? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write an essay using no more than 300 words.

2016-09-17 1664 Обсуждений (0)
MAKING a DECISION on a CAREER 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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