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Discuss the following questions

2016-09-17 640 Обсуждений (0)
Discuss the following questions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

a. Do you think the article overstates the importance of English?

b. What other languages might eventually take over English as the international language of business and science?




1. In pairs, discuss the following questions:

a. Which of these sources of scientific communication do you usually use: an academic journal, a conference, an online forum or science blog, a newspaper, a popular science book?

b. Why is it important for scientists to keep in touch with:

· other people in their field?

· people in other fields of science?

c. Have you ever been to a conference?

d. What might be difficult about attending a conference where the main language is English?



Read the text and compile a guide-paper for a conference participant.


How to participate in International Meetings? If you don’t know, here are some bits of advice. At an international meeting you do not only represent yourself, your own aspirations or even your own professional organization. You are also representing your country and should endeavor to do so with appropriate dignity. The only way of participating in an international congress is to do so whole-heartedly and intelligently. It is the behavior and active participation of the congress-goers which above all ensures the success of a congress. Don’t be the type of participant who cannot adapt himself.

Think about what you hope from the meeting. Remember that its duration is limited to a few days. Remember that the other participants expect you to contribute something. Be active, ready to listen to the ideas of others. Don’t be self-centered or quick-tempered. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the congress, but with a view to respecting them, not to causing difficulties.

Do not stay in an ivory tower, but do not take part in discussions just for the pleasure of hearing your own voice or of having your name written down in the minutes.

Make sure that by your own behavior you are helping the chairman and other organizers in their difficult task of guiding the proceedings successfully to concrete conclusions, in an atmosphere of co-operation and friendship between the participants of each country. Contact with the other participants.

If you wish to draw the greatest benefit from an international congress, make contact with persons whom you already know, but also make a point of meeting as large a number of unfamiliar faces as possible.

Take advantage of meals, receptions and excursions, change to another group instead of staying with your compatriots, or at the same table, or in the same coach.

Discretion is all very well, but timidity is useless and annoying. Remember that others are in the same position as you, and many may be even more isolated. Introduce yourself to other people and make as many introductions as possible between other participants. Taking part in a discussion be clear and brief. Don’t overstep your allotted time. This may annoy the chairman and other participants. Make use of your own notes but don’t simply read them out. A well-prepared impromptu speech will interest listeners far more than one reads from notes.

Speak in the official congress language you know best and don’t try to display your multilingual talents. It should never be necessary for you to be translated into your mother tongue.

Don’t change your mind without good reasons.



to be engaged in …

to write a paper on …

to give a talk on …

to give the floor to someone

to take the floor

to give a paper at the conference

to be a contributing participant

to have an inquisitive mind

to be highly competent in one’s field

to speak on …

to give the floor…

to take notes

to look through notes

to keep / to stick to the point

to do very well in many fields of scientific and public life


His ambition is to become …

to get acquainted with …

Mathematicians are not in great demand nowadays.

The aim of his investigations is observation of…


Participants of the Conference are invited to proceed to the Conference Hall.

The session starts in ten minutes.

The first paper is ….

It is followed by the second one …

The paper was presented in a rather peculiar way.

The speaker followed the classical principle “Stand up, speak up, shut up”

A number of slides were shown and even some jokes were told.

As to the second paper, the subject was a bit boring, the presentation monotonous, the translation poor.


A room has been booked for you at the hotel Hilton.

An official invitation and the programme have been sent to you.

Plane tickets will be booked as soon as you give your consent.

You are expected to read a paper.

The theses of your paper are to be sent to our address as soon as possible.

In case you’d like to come with your wife her expenses (plane tickets, hotel accommodation and service, excursions, receptions, etc.) are to be covered by you.


2016-09-17 640 Обсуждений (0)
Discuss the following questions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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