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Keys to Test 1(Units 1-4)

2016-09-17 1822 Обсуждений (0)
Keys to Test 1(Units 1-4) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Assignment 1


Assignment 2

1 c, 2 b, 3 c, 4 a, 5 d, 6 a, 7 a, 8 d

Assignment 3

1. are, are

2. had, doing

3. has,

4. done

5. have

6. was, had

7. is

8. be

Assignment 4

1 b, 2 d, 3 a, 4 c, 5 e

Assignment 5


Assignment 6

1. a lot of, many, a few, few

2. little, much

3. a few

4. little

5. few

6. a lot of, many, a few, few

Assignment 7

Operating system

Assignment 8

1. software 2. preloaded 3. motherboard 4. quad core 5. fan 6. embedded 7. updating 8. downloading 9. loaded 10 more reliable

Assignment 9

1. easier, more interesting 2. more efficient 3. better, worse 4. less, more reliable



(Units 5 - 7)

1. Decide if the statements are correct or incorrect.

1. Database software includes Oracle and MySQL.

2. The most common devices used to access public information points are a mouse and a keyboard.

3. Regardless of what programming language you use you eventually need to translate it into machine language.

4. Companies allow customers to download free trials from their websites because resources on the Internet are copyright free.

5. Companies use spreadsheets to predict future trends in their income and outgoings.

6. A virtual reality program is a computer game.


Choose the best word to complete the sentences.

1. A basic spreadsheet is a ___ of spaces for data.

a. grid


c. ladder

2.A spreadsheet consists of columns and ___.

a. lengths


c. rows

3.Using programming languages means that you can ___a database to do exactly what you want.

a. implement


c. predict

4.Websites with sounds and /or video clips and /or animations have ___ content.

a. mixed media

b.many media

c. multimedia

5.It is extremely ___to program directly in machine language.

a. hard-wearing


c. sophisticated

6.A number in a spreadsheet is often called a ___.

a. digit


c. value

7. Menu-driven programs are considered to be more ___than command-driven systems.

a. time-consuming


c. user-friendly

8. Spreadsheets can perform mathematical ___.

a. jobs


c. calculations


Choose the right form of the verb (Active or Passive).

1. The purpose of the program ___.

a. has defined

b. has been defined

2. The printer fault ___ now.

a. is being fixed

b. is fixing

3. Databases ___ a higher level of technical processing.

a. involve

b. are involved

4. Spreadsheets ___to calculate totals, percentages, discounts.

a. used

b. were used

5. Wi-Fi ___ for you.

a. will distribute

b. will be distributed

6. They ___ software by 5 pm yesterday.

a. had been installed

b. had installed


Complete the sentences using the correct Simple, Progressive, Perfect (Active and Passive) tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. System errors (to affect) the computer or its peripherals.

2. The letters (to email) by the secretary yet?

3. I (to surf) the Web the whole day yesterday.

4. If you (to change) the method of your experiment, you (to get) different results.

5. He (to download) all the photos by the time you (to come) tomorrow.

6. They already (to install) new software.

7. The drives (to upgrade) by John now.

8. When you first (to start) learning English?

9. What this spreadsheet (to use) for? – It (to use) to calculate totals, percentages, discounts.

10. He (not to establish) the relationships between databases yet.


Name a window that suddenly appears when you select an option. Put it down.

Match these sentence halves.


1 Databases are very powerful tools ato predict future trends in its income and outgoings.
2 A company can use a spreadsheet b to be user-driven and not restricted by time.
3The power of multimedia c used to organize data and control data using query language.
4 Nowadays multimedia in education allows the programs dan extension is added to the filename when it is saved on disc.
5 To identify the type of file e resides in interactivity, hypertext and hypermedia.
6 High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements fwhich shows the successive logical steps of the program.
7 A flowchart is a diagram g utilizing words and syntax from human language.


Complete the following sentences with the words below.


to convey, font, commonplace, interactivity, to edit, demanding, to compile, to interpret, time-consuming, alignment


1. SQL language can be used ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___ a database.

2. One can choose ___, ___and borders in the format menu.

3. The benefit of an educational multimedia software package is its ___.

4. Multimedia is now ___ and it is used ___information to people effectively.

5. There are two ways to translate a program into machine language: ___or ___ it.

6. Our work would have been very ___ and ___without programming.

Keys to Test 2 (Units 5-7)

Assignment 1

1. correct 2. incorrect 3. correct 4. incorrect 5 correct 6 incorrect

Assignment 2

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. c

Assignment 3

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b

Assignment 4

1. affect

2. Have the letters been emailed

3. was surfing

4. change, will get

5. will download, come

6. have already installed

7. are being upgraded

8. did you first start

9. is this spreadsheet used, is used

10. hasn’t established

Assignment 5


Assignment 6

1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d 6. g 7. F

Assignment 7

1. to edit

2. font, alignment

3. interactivity

4. commonplace, to convey

5. to compile, to interpret

6. demanding, time-consuming



(Units 8 -11)

2016-09-17 1822 Обсуждений (0)
Keys to Test 1(Units 1-4) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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