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Decide if the following statements are correct or incorrect

2016-09-17 730 Обсуждений (0)
Decide if the following statements are correct or incorrect 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. A WAN is a network of computers within a department, an office, or a building.

2. The Internet began as a military experiment.

3. The Internet and the World Wide Web are the same thing.

4. Web pages are stored on search engines.

5. The purpose of phishing is to send an email that designed to trick the user into giving away personal information.

6. One of the ways to stay safe online is to run and update anti-virus programs.

Match the following computer terms with their definitions.

1router aa program which allows your computer to download documents from the WWW
2spam ba method of sending many electronic messages at the same time, using a wide range of frequencies
3broadband ca specialized website that’s designed to help you find other websites
4search engine djunk e-mail
5scareware ea device for connecting computers in a network
6hub fsoftware you don’t pay for
7browser ga malicious link disguised as a security warning
8freeware ha piece of electronic equipment that makes it possible to connect different networks together


Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.

1. With a wireless router, you can ___ your broadband connection with other users.

a divide

b combine

c share

2. Looking at webpages can be called “navigating the web” but is more commonly called ___.

a ‘surfing the net’

b ‘skiing the net’

c ‘swimming the net’

3. Each time you want to connect to your ISP’s system, you have to enter a log-in name and a ___.

a security word

b safe word

c password

4. Downloading files from the Internet can ___ your computer with a virus.

a contaminate

b infect

c dirty

5. Internet cafés offer Internet ___.

a connection

b availability

c access

6. Anti-virus software can ___ viruses on removable media, such as memory sticks.

a detect

b see

c control

7. It’s essential to ___ your antivirus protection regularly.

a up-to-date

b date

c update

4. Complete the text with the following words:

Data, signals, developed, wireless, devices, telecommunications, enabled


Bluetooth® technology enables 1___ communication between 2___ such as laptop computers, mobile phones and PDAs. Bluetooth® 3___ devices use short-range radio 4___ to exchange 5___ quickly and easily. The technology was 6___ by a group of computer and 7___ companies including IBM, INTEL, Nokia and Ericsson.


5. Add the correct suffix from the box to the words in italics in the sentences. Make any necessary changes.

-less, -er, -ful, -able, -logy, -ment

1. Canon is a manufacture ___ of photographic and imaging equipment.

2. Digital techno ___ is evolving very rapidly nowadays.

3. A multi-function print _____ works as a scan ___, a fax and a photocopy ___ as well as a print ___.

4. I’ve already sent the attach ___ by e-mail.

5. A home network can be wired or wire ___.

6. A mainframe is the most power ___ type of computer.

7. A laptop can work as fast as a desktop PC, but it is port ___ and has a smaller screen.


Name a computer system or program that automatically blocks an unauthorized access to a computer when it is connected to the Internet. Put it down.



7. Add the correct prefix from the box to the words in italics in the sentences. Make any necessary changes.

de-, multi-, e-, il-, giga-, un-, cyber-

1. The OS also gives access to networks and allows ___ tasking: a user can run several programs at a time.

2. Spam is the name given to ___ wanted messages.

3. While testing the program any errors are corrected until the program runs smoothly. It is called ___ bugging, or bug fixing.

4. A hard drive can hold hundreds of ___ bytes of data.

5. ___ -learning, education via the Web, is a great opportunity for people who haven’t got time to attend classes.

6. Online shopping, i.e. ___ shopping saves you the time and gives you the comfort of buying from your personal computer.

7. Piracy is the ___ legal copying and distribution of copyrighted software, information, music and video files.


Choose the correct modal verb to fill the spaces.

1. With Java, I ___ include some attractive banners on my website.

a must

b can

c should

2. These days, you ___ learn how to use complicated HTML codes.

a can’t

b shouldn’t

c needn’t

3. To view a PDF file, you ___ have Adobe Acrobat Reader.

a should

b may

c could

4. ___ I use your laptop?I need to print out this report.

a must

b could

c shall

5. What ___ happen to the Internet in the next ten years?

a should

b must

c might

6. You ___ download any programs from the Internet onto company computers.

a mustn’t

b needn’t

c don’t have to

Keys to Test 3 (Units 8-11)

Assignment 1

1. incorrect 2. correct 3. incorrect 4. incorrect 5. correct 6. correct

Assignment 2

1. h 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. g 6. e 7. a 8. f

Assignment 3

1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. c

Assignment 4

1 wireless 2 devices 3 enabled 4 signals 5 data 6 developed 7 telecommunications

Assignment 5

1 manufacturer 2 technology 3 printer, scanner, photocopier, printer 4 attachment 5 wireless 6 powerful 7 portable

Assignment 6


Assignment 7

1 multitasking 2 unwanted 3 debugging 4 gigabytes 5 e-learning 6 cybershopping 7 illegal

Assignment 8

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a


(Units 12 -14)

2016-09-17 730 Обсуждений (0)
Decide if the following statements are correct or incorrect 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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