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With a partner, explain what you think each quotation means. Which ones do you agree with? Which ones are true in your experience?

2018-06-29 1113 Обсуждений (0)
With a partner, explain what you think each quotation means. Which ones do you agree with? Which ones are true in your experience? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

3. Match the activities and their descriptions:

a) fishing

b) shopping

c) watching television

d) football

e) entertainment

f) going to the nightclubs

1) Well, I go to the match on Saturday afternoon, and then go out with my mates for a drink in the evening. It’s a home game; I can usually get back to watch Match of the day on television. Then on Sunday we all meet up for a game of football. I belong to the Southfield Superstars, which is a part f the Southern Sunday League. We play every Sunday from September to May.

2) We always have people for dinner on Sunday nights, or we get invitations to have dinner with friends. Sometimes we go out to restaurants. We like Chinese food, and there are plenty of good Indian restaurants.

3) I go shopping. I adore it and I go shopping for clothes at least twice a month. And I haven’t got any money, I go window shopping and decide what I’m going to buy when I’m rich.

4) I go round the clubs, meeting friends, dancing, listening to music, that sort of thing. I try to go out every night if I can, because, I can’t stand staying at home. I usually stay out until about two or three, unless I’m going to work. Then I try to be in bed by midnight.

5) I go down to the river at least once a week, usually on Sunday because that’s when I want to get away from children at home. I don’t mind spending Saturday with the children, but I get bored if it’s the whole weekend. My wife doesn’t mind. She says she prefers me out of the house. But she’s pleased when I catch enough fish for supper.

6) In the evenings we watch television, monthly. We don’t go out much because our children are still quite young. We’ve got satellite TV so there’s plenty of programs top watch. And it gives you something to talk about when you’re at work the next day.


Which of the following do you like doing in your free time?

Example:I’m really into wrestling. Or I am fond of listening to classical music.

Tell your partner about something you’re really into.


going clubbing

going to art exhibitions

going to an evening class

eating out

going round junk shops

horse riding

riding bikes


scuba diving






bungee jumping

kick boxing



table tennis



listening to classical music

playing an instrument


working out in a gym

watching videos

playing computer games

working with computers



visiting museums

Find out what you have in common with your partner.

Example: - Do you like/enjoy going clubbing?

- Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

- So do I /Neither do I.



Look quickly at the title and the headings in the text. Answer these questions

1. How many sections does the text have?

2. Look at the types of friends in each heading (A-D). Can you predict what characteristics each kind of friend might have?

Example:A. The Party Partner might be a lively person who likes going out a lot.

Read the text


A small circle of good friends is better than one best friend

A: The Party Partner

There is a time in most children's lives when they have just one “best friend”. This is the only person they are interested in and the only person they need. But as we get older, most people realise that it's actually much healthier to have a small circle of good friends with different personality types. Firstly, a “party partner” is essential. You need at least one wild friend who encourages you to do spontaneous things like go to a late night party or buy something really expensive. This kind of friend will put interest back in your life. He or she will make you feel more energetic and relieve a lot of stress.

B: The Workmate

Secondly, you also need a “workmate”. This friend helps you with your schoolwork or your career. He or she advises you and discusses your progress. If you have a friend like this, you're in luck. This is someone who will help push you, support you and encourage you to do your best. It's a good idea to find someone who is at a similar life stage or a bit older. But don't choose someone who is too competitive. You need someone self-confident and generous for this kind of friend.

C: The Hobby Sharer

Thirdly, one kind of friend who is fun to have is the “hobby sharer”. This is someone who you have absolutely nothing in common with, except that at the moment you share the same interest or hobby. If you start a new hobby, like going to the gym, it is much more motivating to have someone to go with. This friendship could collapse at any time but is very nice while it lasts. The great thing about this kind of friend is that you can start all sorts of new things with different “hobby sharer” friends. He or she can help you move on to a new stage in your life.

D: The “Tell-anything” Friend

Finally, almost the opposite of the “hobby sharer” is the kind of friend known as the “tell-anything” friend. He or she could also be known as your “three-in-the-morning” friend. You might never have to wake this friend up because you're in a panic about something, but you know you could. This is perhaps the only friend who you show your worst side to and with whom you can truly be yourself. The key to being a “tell-anything” friend is that even though you may not agree with your friend, you are always loyal and always on their side. This, after all, is what a true friend should be.


2018-06-29 1113 Обсуждений (0)
With a partner, explain what you think each quotation means. Which ones do you agree with? Which ones are true in your experience? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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