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Correct grammar mistakes in the following sentences. In some sentences there is more than one mistake. One sentence is correct.

2018-06-29 864 Обсуждений (0)
Correct grammar mistakes in the following sentences. In some sentences there is more than one mistake. One sentence is correct. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1) British rule were establishe in several West Indian islands during the 17th century.

2) English speaking countries is Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

3) Countries has their own history, customs, traditions, its own national holidays.

4) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

5) English and French is the official languages of Canada.



11. Ask questions to the following statements:

1) English speaking countries are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways.

2) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland consist of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

3) The USA is a highly developed industrial country.

4) Canada has the area of nearly 10 million square kilometres.

5) The population of Australia is over sixteen million people.


Fill in the gaps with prepositions if it is necessary.

1) In 1763 Canada was won … the French.

2) … his voyage in 1768 Capitan Cook discovered Australia and New Zealand.

3) English speaking countries differ … many ways.

4) The western coast of Canada is washed … the Pacific Ocean.

5) New Zealand is situated … south-east of Australia.


You are a citizen of one of the English speaking countries. Write a letter to your Russian friend and describe the sights of your country.



Find additional information about one of the English speaking countries. Make up a report.

Make up a dialogue between two or more people, representatives of different English speaking nations. You may discuss everything you like concerning the countries you live in.





1. Acklam, R. Going for gold / R. Acklam, A. Crace. – Longman, 2003. – 176 p.

2. Evans, V. Round-up Grammar practice 6 / V. Evans. – Pearson Education Limited. – 2003. – 268 p.

3. Glendinning, H. E. Oxford English for electronics / H.E. Glendinning, J. McEwan. – Oxford University Press. – 1996. – 210 p.

4. Klekovkina, E. Practice tests for the Russian state exam / E. Klekovkina, M. Mann, S. Taylor-Knowles. – Macmillan, 2006. – 248 p.

5. Sharman, E. Across Cultures / Elizabeth Sharman. – Longman, 2005. – 160 p.

6. Войтенок, В.В. Разговорный английский: пособие по развитию устной речи / В.В. Войтенок, А. Войтенко. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2007. – 480 с.

7. Гребнева, О.В. What can I tell you?: учебное пособие по английскому языку для развития навыков разговорной речи / О.В. Гребнева, С.Б. Лайпанова, С.П. Фирсова. – Йошкар-Ола: Марийский государственный технический университет, 2008. – 131 с.


Appendix I

Additional texts

Unit 1


Our homeland is the Russian Federation or Russia as it is often called. Since 1922 Russia was the largest socialist Republic of the USSR which consisted of 15 Soviet Republics. But in 1991 all republics proclaimed their sovereignty and became independent states. On June 12 1991 the first President of Russia was elected. Now this day is an official national holiday — the Day of Independence of Russia.

It is rather difficult to describe Russia because the country is very large. The territory covers over 17 million square kms stretching from the Arctic coast to the subtropics of the Caucasus and from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

Russia takes the first place in the world in water resources. It has more than 100 000 rivers and more than 200 000 lakes. The largest river of the European part of the country is the Volga which flows from north to south and falls into the Caspian Sea. The Volga with its picturesque ranks is a real beauty of Russia, many folk-songs are devoted to it.

Russia is full of large and small beautiful lakes. The Baikal Lake is the largest fresh-water lakes in Asia and Europe and the deepest in the world. It is a real pearl of Siberia and of the whole country.

Russia is rich in natural resources. It possesses large reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore. Next to them the chief minerals found in-Russia are copper, lead, zinc, nickel, marble, granite, salt, diamonds and many others. The enormous tracts of woodland are also the riches of our country. The forest covering vast areas is a real treasure of Russia which should be carefully protected from fire and useless cutting down.

Russia is so large that the climate differs from one part to another greatly. The eastern part of the country is warmer in summer than the western part, but the winter is much colder in the east. Some northern and southern parts are very cold or very hot.

The capital of Russia is Moscow with the population of 9 million people. The history of Russia is closely connected with the history of Moscow. Moscow was founded in 1147 by the Russian Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It was built as a fortress for the struggle against its numerous enemies. The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. Its walls, churches and towers are very ancient and beautiful.

Close to 142 million people live in the Russian Federation. Four fifths of its population are Russians, and they are among the most numerous people on earth. The Russian language is the third most widespread in the world and one of the official languages in the United Nations Organization. There isn't space enough to list all of the more than 100 peoples and ethnic groups inhabiting Russia. The Russian Federation includes several sovereign (former autonomous) republics, regions and districts, some of which are also multinational. You will meet such peoples in the Federation as Chuvashes, Bashkirs, Mordvinians, Udmurts, Jews and many-many others. One of them is the Mari people living in the Republic of Mari El.


2018-06-29 864 Обсуждений (0)
Correct grammar mistakes in the following sentences. In some sentences there is more than one mistake. One sentence is correct. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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