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Уровень, 60 вопросов (6 ответов, 1 правильный-А)

2019-05-24 269 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов (6 ответов, 1 правильный-А) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Иностранный язык. 500 вопросов. ВОУД по уровням


1. Nouns used in the plural form:

A) trousers

B) men

C) cities

D) ladies

E) gardens

F) plants

2.Nouns used in the singular form:


B) desk

C) pen

D) wages

E) advice

F) method

3.Find correct pairs of plural nouns:

A) women/teeth

B) geese/leafs

C) children/cityies

D) women/foot

E) keys/cargos

F) ladies/man

4.Find compound nouns:

A) policeman

B) salary

C) passer by

D) beach

E) coauthor

F) password

5.Uncountable nouns:

A) bread

B) telegram

C) honesty

D) country

E) animal

F) pan

6.Choose correct plural form:

My mother has got white___________.

A) teeth

B) tooth

C) toothes

D) teethes

E) tooths

F) teeths


7. Find which belong the word to the theme “Furniture”:

A) drawer

B) lunch

C) board

D) running

E) window

F) desk


8.Material nouns:

A) salt

B) writer

C) flat

D) chair

E) desk

F) table


9.Correct possessive nouns:

A) akim’s work

B) sisters’s book

C) Sallys’s opinion

D) today’s newspaper

E) men’ trousers

F) brother-in-law’ car


10.Find correct sentences with possessive nouns:

A) Next week’s meeting has been postponed.

B) The children are in the yard.

C) The garage door is being painted.

D) What’s the name of this street?

E) The month’s beginning will be warm.

F) Have you met Mary and Dans son?


11.Articles of nouns are:

A) a-an-the

B) up-to-on

C) at-down-before

D) these-ths-at-to

E) with-without-on

F) that-those-it


12.Choose adjectives with irregular comparative forms:

A) bad

B) fine

C) slow

D) kind

E) beautiful

F) hungry


13.Choose adjectives:

A) late

B) early

C) usually

D) well

E) hardly

F) seldom


14.Synonyms to the adverb «seldom»:

A) rarely

B) very much

C) almost not

D) usually

E) very often

F) never


15.Adjectives describing appearance:

A) handsome


C) reliable

D) kind

E) cheerful

F) confident


16. Find correct comparative adjective:

He is much … than Aruzhan.

A) taller

B) tall

C) the tallest

D) short

E) tallest

F) slim


17. Find correct comparative adjective:

The student’s answer was…. than it was yesterday  .


B) -

C) bad

D) the worst

E) much

F) good


18. Find correct comparative adjective:

This new chair is …than that one.

A) more comfortable

B) most comfortable

C) least comfortable

D) much expensive

E) as comfortable

F) not expensive


19. Find correct relative pronouns:

A scuba diver is someone _____dives in the ocean and ________job is very dangerous.







20. Find correct comparative adjective

My skirt is … than yours, isn’t it ?

A) shorter

B) shortest

C) long

D) longest

E) long

F) short


21. Find correct comparative adjective:

This is … rule in this book.

A)the most difficult

B) more difficult

C) important

D) the most 

E) much difficult

F) expensive


22. Find correct comparative adjective:

The play I saw yesterday was … than this one.

A) worse

B) bad

C) worst

D) the worst

E) good

F) boring


23. Find correct superlative adjective:

Yesterday it was … day we’ve had this summer.

A) the hottest

B) the dry

C) the hot

D) hottest

E) much hotter

F) the cold


24.My hobby is __________on the guitar now.

A)singing a song

B) to sing a song

C)to sing a songs

D)sings songs

F)to singing a songs


25.Find sentences with interrogative pronouns:

A) What are all those people looking at?

B) Who you invite is your business.

C) He told me when he was arriving.

D) You are talking about.

E) It doesn’t matter where we stay.

F) This is the city where I was born.


26.Find reflexive pronoun:

A) itself

B) mine


D) our

E) it

F) I


27.Find personal pronoun:

A) they


C) us

D) this

E) their

F) our


28.Choose adjectives describing a house:

A) new

B) late

C) kind

D) polite

E) newer

F) far


29.Choose compound adjectives:

A) kind- hearted

B) sensitive

C) dark

D) generous

E) expensive

F) first


30. Find an adjective in the comparative degree:

A) quieter

B) quiet

C) harmful

D) clever

E) young

F) funny


31. Put the appropriate preposition:

How much do we have to pay…advance?

a) In

b) A

c) For

d) By

e) At       

f) On


32. Put the appropriate preposition.

I arrived…the airport in time …catch my flight.

a) At/to

b) To/for

c) In/for

d) By/on

e) For/in

f) In/in


33. Put the appropriate preposition.

The cat ran …the road and hid…a parked car.

a) Up/down

b) Through/around

c) Across/under

d) Onto/beyond

e) Before/beneath

f) Around/around


34. Find the plural form of the noun “Baby”

a) Two babies

b) Two baby’s

c) Two babyish

d) Two babes

e) Two babe’s

f) Two babbles


35. The ending of the plural form is exceptional:

a) Safe

b) Life

c) Half

d) Wolf

e) Stay

f) Down


36.Complete the sentence. Some letters …. sent to London last month

a) Were

b) Was

c) Is

d) Am

e) To be

f) Will


37. Complete the sentence. His work…. finished by 3 o’clock yesterday

a) Was

b) Were

c) Is

d) Am

e) To be

f) Will


38. Complete the sentence. The windows … opened every morning.

a) Are

b) Were

c) Is

d) Am

e) To be

f) Will


39.The synonym of the word «opportunity” is:

a) Chance

b) Purpose

c) Pitch

d) Facility

e) Syllabus

f) Cloud


40. Compound word: “rain”

a) Coat

b) Cloud

c) Wind

d) Snow

e) Sun

f) Blow


41. Demonstrative pronoun:

I like…book.

a) This

b) His

c) Our

d) Her

e) My

f) It


42. The right variant.

Don’t…the new words.

a) Make me learn

b) Is learning

c) Was learning

d) Learning

e) Learns

f) Learned


43. Fill in the gaps. She ……. be Italian with the name like Smith! 

a) Can’t

b) Can

c) Should

d) Must

e) May

f) Mustn’t


44. Fill in the gaps. When I first came to Kazakhstan I ………. speak only a few words of Kazakh.


a) Could

b) Couldn’t

c) Needn’t

d) Must

e) Mustn’t

f) Didn’t have to


45. Find out the variant:

Washington is the … of the USA.

a) capital

b) district

c) main district

d) territory

e) region

f) street


46. Find out  the variant:

Whose T-shirt is this? (Andy)?

a)  it's Andy's

b) its Andys

c) it's Andys

d) the're Andy's

e) its Andy

f) its Andiis


47. Find out  the variant: ... people don't like rock music.

a) Some

b) Any

c) None

d) An

e) Same

f) few


48. Find out  the variant: In winter the days are … than in summer:

a) shorter

b) short

c) shortest

d) most short

e) more short

f) more shortest


49. Find out  the variant: Close the window, please ... .

a) I am cold

b) I cold

c) I have cold

d) It has cold

e) It will cold

f) It will coldest


50. My hobby is ... It’s great because … is good for health.

a) dancing/dancing

b) dance/dance

c) dancing/dance

d) to dance/to dance

e) dancing/to dance

f) dancing/to dancing


51. Find out  the variant: What ... on the table? 

a) is there

b) there was

c) there are

d) be there

e) it is

f) it is be


52. Find out  the variant:: … time is it?

a) What

b) Why

c) Where

d) When

e) How

f) Who


53. Find out  the variant: The 22nd of December is the ... day of the year.

a) shortest

b) short

c) most short

d) more short

e) shorter

f) shorterst


54. The greatest rivers of Great Britain are ...

a) The Thames and Severn

b) The Colorado, the Columbia

c) Audson and Missouri

d) The Mississippi, die Potomac

e) The Gulf of Mexico

f) The Esil and Arys


55. Find out  the variant:

… usually run from September to Early January and late January to late May.

a) Semesters

b) Weeks

c) Disciplines

d) Academic years

e) Subjects

f) Subjects of the year


56.  She ... listens to music.

a) often

b) quickly

c) already

d) just

e) yet

f) just yet


57.   Find the right variant. If he … time he would help me.

a) had

b) has had

c) have

d) have had

e) has

f) has have


58.  Complete the sentence

The Republic of Kazakhstan is … in the centre of Eurasian landmass.

a) located

b) stretched

c) laid up

d) putup

e) placed

f)  street


59.  Find the right variant.

The U.S.A centre for art and business is ... 

a) New York

b) Atlanta

c) Denver

d) Colorado

e) Colifornia

f) Kazakhstan


60.  Complete the sentence.

When my grandmother … young, she … an actress.

a) was / was

b) was / were

c) were / were

d) was / is

e) were / was

f)were /I am


2019-05-24 269 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов (6 ответов, 1 правильный-А) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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