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Уровень, 60 вопросов (6 ответов, 3 правильных- ABC )

2019-05-24 305 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов (6 ответов, 3 правильных- ABC ) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


381. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Look! The girls ….. in the park. 

a) are playing   

b) are skating   

c) are walking 

d) will skate  

e) has skated 

f) were skating


382. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

She … ….since last week. 

a) had been free

b) had been busy  

c) had been ill   

d) was ill

e) has been ill    

f) will be ill  


383. Find the correct time expression to fill the gap: 

Where is the secretary … ? 

a) Now     

b) currently  

c) at the moment      

d) yesterday     

e) tomorrow    

f) few minute ago  


384. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Look! The cat … your cutlet . 

a) is eating    

b) is getting  

c) is stealing   

d) was eating 

e) ate  

f) eats  


385. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Don’t enter the classroom . The students …. A dictation.

a) are keeping record

b) are writing   

c) are noting down   

d) write 

e) have noted  

f) were recording  


386. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

she is really beautiful girl I … ever … . 

a) have / seen    

b) have / meet     

c) have / faced  

d) - / seen   

e) have/ heard    

f) had / faced 


387. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Pete …. lessons. When he finishes them, he will watch TV.

a) is doing school 

b) is doing his 

c) is doing university 

d) did his   

e) has done school  

f) does  

388. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Do you …. That man in the corner ? She ….. her coffee .

a) see/is having 

b) notice / is having

c) see / is drinking

d) to see / is having  

e) see/has  

f) saw/ had  


389. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

It is going to rain . I …glad . I …. my umbrella with me today.

a) am /take  

b) am / get  

c) am / grab  

d) is/ taken 

e) is/ takes 

f) are/ took  


390. Find the correct form of time expression :

What positions are occupied by the youth of our country … ?

a) at the moment   

b) nowadays  

c) now     

d) later     

e) yesterday     

f) tomorrow  


391. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

She …. a journalist nowadays .

a) is  

b) is working as   

c) has a job as

d) was working as  

e) was 

f) were 


392. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

It is evening . People …. to their house and …TV now.   

a) come / are watching  

b) come back / are watching

c) arrive / are watching   

d) has come / are watching 

e) come back / have watched  

f) arrived / watched 


393. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

His situation ….. since spring . Now he …. much better.

a) has changed / feels 

b) has improved / finds  

c) has improved/ feels  

d) has improved / find  

e) improve / is feeling 

f) improved/ has felt 


394. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Stop a minute, think what you …… 

a) are saying  

b) are telling   

c) are talking   

d) say   

e) is saying   

f) were telling  


395. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

 I …. never …. the USA.

a) have / seen  

b) have / thought about

c) have / been to  

d) am/been   

e) has/been  

f) having …. Thinking about   

g) was/ being  


396. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

You …. very thoughtful . What …. you …. about ?

a) seem / are thinking  

b) look / are thinking  

c) look/ are doing   

d) looked/was thinking  

f) seemed / think  


397. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

She ….. at school since 1984.

a) has been working 

b) has been teaching  

c) has been studying 

d) taught 

e) teach  

f) was studying


398. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

 Look at the little boys ! They …. stones.

a) are getting  

b) are collecting   

c) are playing with  

d) play   

e) will play  

f) played  


399. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

 I …. never …. him before .

a) have/ faced  

b) have / seen

c) have / met  

d) ---/ meet  

e) has / face   

f) --- / sees  


400. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

He …. never … him sing .

a) has / seen 

b) has/ heard   

c) has / listened  

d) had/ heard  

e) have / heard   

f) has / saw  


401. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Hamid says he is 25 years old , but nobody … him. 

a) finds  

b) believes  

c) trusts

d) is believing  

e) had believed 

f) don’t believe 


402. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

the weather is awful. it …. all day.

a) is snowing  

b) is raining  

c) is clouding  

d) rains  

e) snowed 

f) has rained   


403. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

How long … he … here ?

a) has been sitting  

b) has been waiting 

c) has been working  

d) are/working 

e) was/waiting 

f) are / sitting  


404. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

If you … he … a liar why do you consult him ?

a)think / is 

b) know / is 

c) guess / is

d) be 

e) to be 

f) being 


405. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

I cant make a phone call. … any change .

a) I don’t have   

b) I haven’t got  

c) I didn’t have   

d) I hadn’t  

e) there is no

f) there is had no  


406. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Turkey …. in the West of Asia and in the South of Europe .

a) is situated 

b) is sited

c) is located  

d) was situated  

e) situate

f) situated 


407. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

The Atlantic Ocean ….. four countries.

a) washes  

b) is related with 

c) is connected with  

d) is washing 

e) is washed 

f) related   


408. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

My parents …. to the USA many times . We have relatives there .

a) have been  

b) have traveled

c) have visited

d) having been 

e) are  

f) were    


409. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

 Bob …. inform her friend for the last few weeks .

a) hasn’t heard  

b) hasn’t get any 

c) has received any

d) hadn’t heard  

e) didn’t receive  

f) doesn’t hear any  


410 . Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Tom and Mike … any book from bookstore yesterday .

a) didn’t get 

b) didn’t buy 

c) didn’t purchase 

d) didn’t run 

e) wasn’t get 

f) wanted  


411. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

He…already… his … before you came.

a) had … done … homework 

b) had…finished … work

c) had … done .. work

d)….finishes … works

e) has….finish … work

f) finish … homework  


412. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Why …he …London last week ?

a) did .. travel to

b) was .. in 

c) did … visit  

d) does  

e) will … travel to  

f) was    


413. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Mother … dinner by 2 o’clock yesterday .

a) had cooked 

b) had made

c) had had  

d) was cooked 

e) was cooking 

f) would cook  


414. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

I …. the apartment , while my mom was coming in .

a) was sweeping  

b) was cleaning 

c) was mopping up

d) mop up   

e) would cleaned 

f) am cleaning 


415. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

The boy…. and ran way.

a) got frightened 

b) got scared 

c) was terrified  

d) get frightened

e) is getting scares

f) will get 


416. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

She ….. at school since 1984.

a) has been working 

b) has been teaching  

c) has been studying 

d) taught 

e) teach  

f) was studying


417. Countable nouns:

a) Chair

b) Map

c) Window

d) Snow

e) Rain

f) Rice


418. Irregular verbs:

a) Know

b) Let

c) Give

d) Play

e) Cook

f) Celebrate


419.Idioms connected with parts of body.

a) Button one’s lip

b) Apple of one’s eye

c) To have a sweet tooth

d) How on earth

e) To be out of tune

f) Blow your own trumpet


420.Superlative adjectives:

a) The most interesting

b) The cheapest

c) The heaviest

d) Cleaner

e) Beautiful

f) The cold


421.Choose constructions in the question plural form:

a) Are there any animals in the forest?

b) Are there any cups in the kitchen?

c) Are there any pens on the table?

d) There aren’t any pupils in the classroom

e) There is much juice in the bottle

f) There are some pillows in the room


422.Possessive case:

a) The Askarovs’ house is big.

b) These are children’s books.

c) What’s Mark’s sister’s name?

d) What was the man’ name?

e) Tomorrows’ meeting has been cancelled.

f) How old is the child of your aunt?


423.Irregular verbs:

a) Gave

b) Thought

c) Won

d) Enjoy

e) Translated

f) Played


424. Use the write variant to the article “a”

a) car

b) ball

c) book

d) umbrella

e) apple

f) engineer


425. Find the right variant of Passive:

a) have been taken

b) are built

c) will be finished

d) have written

e) shall go

f) is go


426. Find the right adverb:

a) ever

b) hardly

c) always

d) dangerous

e) beautiful

f) difficult


427. Find the right variant:

Name three parts of London:

a) The East End

b) The City

c) The West End

d) Trafalgar Square

e) Downing Street

f) The Tower bridge


428. Find the right variant:

What is Selfridges famous for?

a) Lifts

b) Departments

c) Windows displays

d) Furs

e) Furniture

f) Shoes


429.Find sentences with correct word order:

a) Our children often go to school on foot.

b) Our children usually go to school on foot.

c) Our children sometimes go to school on foot.

d) Our children go to school often on foot.

e) Our children often go on foot to school.

f) Often to school our children go on foot.


430. Find incorrect sentences:

a) It’s her which helped you.

b) There weren’t some flowers there.

c) He didn’t see some things.

d) Which of you can do it?

e) He couldn’t see anything.

f) We guess you shouldn’t worry about that.


431. Choosing the correct answers.

Some pupils making noise at the lessons have been brought to the director by the teachers. Interrupting a lesson is forbidden at school. The teachers complained to the director.

What problems would you suggest for discussion at the director’s?

a) being polite

b) doing best at lessons

c) following school rules

d) government policy

e) leading by the nose

f) breaking grandmother’s vase


432. The appropriate variant with “mind”:

a) Would you … if I close the window?

b) It’s OK. Never ….

c) … your steps. The floor’s wet.

d) Thank you. I’ll never … it.

e) I would like to … a cup of tea.

f) Be …. The road is icy.


433. The meaning of the word (quick):

a) Rapid

b) Fast

c) Speedy

d) The best

e) Magnificent

f) Own


434. Find the meaning of the word numerals (Fifty):

a) Ten and forty

b) Twenty and thirty

c) Fifteen and thirty –five

d) Twenty and fifteen

e) Forty-five and fifteen

f) Thirty-five and ten


435. Choose Conditionals:

a) I will do it if I have the time.

b) If I saw her, I would tell her the truth.

c) He would ask me if I had free time.

d) My parents went abroad.

e) Children like to play toys.

f) I had had the time.


436. Find the ordinal numerals.

a) The second lesson

b) The fifth floor

c) Henry the Eighth

d) A quarter past nine

e) Eighteen twenty

f) Three hundred dollars


437. Find the ordinal numerals.

a) The twenty-first

b) The second

c) The thirteenth

d) Nine

e) Ten-one

f) Five


438. Find general question:

a) Did you buy a new computer?

b) Did he like the film?

c) Have you been to the USA?

d) How much does your iphone cost?

e) There is a plate over there, isn’t there?

f) Where do you live?


439. Find comparative degrees:

a) Bigger

b) Shorter

c) Less

d) Kind

e) tall

f) King


440. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

She ….. at university for 5 years.

a) has been working 

b) has been teaching  

c) has been studying 

d) taught 

e) teach  

f) was studying


2019-05-24 305 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов (6 ответов, 3 правильных- ABC ) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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