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Уровень, 60 вопросов, (6 ответов, 3 правильных)

2019-05-24 295 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов, (6 ответов, 3 правильных) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

81. Maryismuch … thanAnn.

A) taller

B) shorter

C) slimmer

D) tall

E) the tallest

F) tallest


82. Both of them are skiing very badly ut she is skiing even … than she is .

A) worse

B) better

C) more

D) -

E) the worst

F) good


83. This new chair is …than that one.

A) more comfortable

C) less comfortable

D) more expensive

B) most comfortable

E) as comfortable

F) not expensive


84. My dress is … than yours, isn’t it ?

A) better

B) longer

C) shorter

D) long

E) shortest

F) longest


85. This is … rule in this book.

A) the most important

B) the most difficult

C) the easiest

D) difficult

E) more difficult

F) much difficult


86. The Thames is … river in Great Britain.

A) the longest

B) the deepest

C) the most important

D) -

E) longer

F) much long


87. The play I saw yesterday was … than this one.

A) worse

B) better

C) more boring

D) bad

E) worst

F) the worst


88. Yesterday it was … day we’ve had this summer.

A) the driest

B) the hottest

C) the coldest

D) hotter

E) hottest

F) much hotter


89. He works … but earns …than his brother:

A) harder/less

B) less/more

C) many/much

D) more/most

E) hardest/least

F) least/harder


90.Adjectives describing houses:

A) young

B) new

C) comfortable

D) old

E) kind

F) polite


91. Compound adjectives:

A) black-bearded

B) dark-blue

C) first-class

D) sensitive

E) generous

F) expensive


92. Abstract substantivized adjectives:

A) invisible

B) future

C) possible

D) unemployed

E) young

F) middle aged


93. Differentiated adjectives:

A) News

B) Greens

C) Goods

D) Grants

E) Looks

F) Arrangements


94. Suffixes of adjectives:

A) –al

B) –ent

C) -ful

D) -en

E) -ize

F) -ly


95. Suffixes of adjectives which form nationalities:

A) –an

B) -ish

C) -ese

D) -ous

E) -ible

F) -ness


96. Partly substantivized adjectives:

A) the blind

B) the rich

C) the old

D) cheerful

E) sensible

F) easy going


97. Adjectives in the comparative degree:

A) more practical

B) cleverer

C) funnier

D) quiet

E) harmful

F) young


98. Adjectives in the positive degree:

A) good

B) fresh

C) easy

D) thinner

E) less

F) worse


99. Adjectives in the superlative degree:

A) the worst

B) the highest

C) the best

D) the quicker

E) the earlier

F) the cheap


100. Correct sentences with adjectives:

Astana is the______city in our country.

A) coldest

B) youngest

C) the most beautiful

D) bright

E) expensive

F) practical


101. Correct sentences with adjectives:

English is the ______language in the world:

A) the most necessary

B) the most useful

C) the most important

D) more important

E) less useful

F) more famous


102. Correct sentences with adjectives:

This poet is ____ ____than that poet.

A) more talented

B) more famous

C) more gifted

D) least famous

E) most talented

F) talented


103. Correct sentences with adjectives:

The weather is _____than it was yesterday.

A) warmer

B) worse

C) better

D) worst

E) best

F) cheap


104. Correct sentences with adjectives:

This exercise is ___ ____than that one.

A) more interesting

B) more difficult

C) easier

D) more easy

E) less easier

F) least interesting


105. Correct sentences with adjectives:

Turkestan is ____than Shymkent.

A) more ancient

B) more famous

C) older

D) most important

E) more great

F) the best


106. Sentences with demonstrative pronouns:

A) This is my dictionary.

B) I like those flowers.

C) He lives in that white house.

D) I have broken my pencil.

E) She hurt herself.

F) They gave us their books.


107. Sentences with interrogative pronouns:

A) What are all those people looking at?

B) What are you talking about?

C) Where are you going?

D) Who you invite is your business.

E) He told me when he was arriving.

F) It doesn’t matter where we stay.


108. Sentences with indefinite pronouns:

A) If anything happens, ring me up immediately.

B) Why didn’t you ask somebody to help you?

C) Somebody has taken my dictionary.

D) The article which translated yesterday was easy.

E) The watch that I lost was a very good one.

F) What books did you buy?


109. Sentences with related pronouns:

A) Who has done it is unknown.

B) We invited everyone whom we knew.

C) That is not what I want.

D) This is my dictionary and that is yours.

E) I am busy at the moment.

F) He bought himself a new book.


110. Sentences with personal pronouns:

A) Dogs don’t like me.

B) It’s ten miles to the nearest station.

C) John and me are going skiing this weekend.

D) Is your mother coming tomorrow?

E) What does the boss want?

F) This money is yours.


111.Choose the sentence with “used to” in the Past:

a) My mother used to cook tasteful pies on my birthday

b) In the childhood my father used to take me for fishing

c) I used to see him often

d) My mother use cooked tasteful pies on my birthday

e) I use to read this novel

f) She used to worked at this factory


112.Correct reflexive pronouns

a) I’ll pay for myself

b) If you want more to eat/ help yourselves

c) I repaired it myself

d) I’ll pay for me

e) He wants his own room

f) They don’t like each other


113.Find the suffixes which mean the quality of an object

a) –able

b) –ish

c) –ful

d) –er

e) –ity

f) –or


114.Irregular adjectives (Degrees of comparison)

a) Good

b) Little

c) Far

d) Hardworking

e) Enjoyable

f) Young


115.Possessive pronouns:

a) Mine

b)  theirs 

c) Hers

d) She

e) Himself

f) Them


116.Uncountable nouns:

a) Sugar

b) Milk

c) Coffee

d) Friend

e) Bottle

f) Book


117. Countable nouns:

a) Chair

b) Map

c) Window

d) Snow

e) Rain

f) Rice


118. Irregular verbs:

a) Known

b) Let

c) Given

d) Play

e) Cook

f) Celebrate


119.Idioms connected with parts of body.

a) Button one’s lip

b) Apple of one’s eye

c) To have a sweet tooth

d) How on earth

e) To be out of tune

f) Blow your own trumpet


120.Superlative adjectives:

a) The most interesting

b) The cheapest

c) The heaviest

d) Cleaner

e) Beautiful

f) The cold


121.Choose constructions in the question plural form:

a) Are there any animals in the forest?

b) Are there any cups in the kitchen?

c) Are there any pens on the table?

d) There aren’t any pupils in the classroom

e) There is much juice in the bottle

f) There are some pillows in the room


122.Possessive case

a) The Askarovs’ house is big.

b) These are children’s book.

c) What’s Mark’s sister’s name?

d) What was the man’s name?

e) Tomorrows’ meeting has been cancelled.

f) How old is the child of your aunt?


123.Irregular verbs:

a) Gave

b) Thought

c) Won

d) Enjoy

e) Translated

f) Played


124. Use the write variant to the article “a”

a) car

b) ball

c) book

d) umbrella

e) apple

f) engineer


125. Find the right variant of Passive

a) have been taken

b) are built

c) will be finished

d) have written

e) shall go

f) is go

126. Find the right adverb

a) ever

b) hardly

c) always

d) dangerous

e) beautiful

f) difficult


127. Find the right variant:Name three parts of London:

a) The East End

b) The City

c) The West End

d) Trafalgar Square

e) Downing Street

f) The Tower bridge


128. Find the right variant

What is Selfridges famous for?

a) Lifts

b) Departments

c) Windows displays

d) Furs

e) Furniture

f) Shoes


129.Write the correct sentences:

a) Our children often go to school on foot.

b) Often our children go to school on foot.

c) Our children go to school on foot often

d) Our children go to school often on foot.

e) Our children often go on foot to school.

f) Often to school our children go on foot.


130. Find the right variant of Reported Speech:

a) Daniel said he was going to visit Astana again.

b) Daniel said he would go to Astana the following year.

c) Daniel said he had visited Astana the previous year.

d) Daniel said he is going to visit Astana tomorrow.

e) Daniel says he had been in Astana last year.

f) Daniel is saying he were in Astana last year.

g) Daniel said he is in Astana last year.


131. Find incorrect sentences:

a) It’s her which helped you.

b) There weren’t some flowers there.

c) He didn’t see some things.

d) Who of you can do it?

e) He couldn’t see anything.

f) We guess you shouldn’t worry about that.


132. Choosing the correct answers.

Some pupils making noise at the lessons have been brought to the director by the teachers. Interrupting a lesson is forbidden in school. The teachers complained to the director.

What problems would you suggest for discussion at the director’s?

a) being polite

b) doing best at lessons

c) following school rules

d) government policy

e) leading by the nose

f) breaking grandmother’s vase


133. The appropriate variant with “mind”:

a) Would you … if I close the window?

b) It’s OK. Never ….

c) … your steps. The floor’s wet.

d) Thank you. I’ll never … it.

e) I would like to … a cup of tea.

f) Be …. The road is icy.


134. The meaning of the word (quick)

a) Rapid

b) Fast

c) Speedy

d) The best

e) Magnificent

f) Own


135. Find the meaning of the word numerals (Fifty)

a) Ten and forty

b) Twenty and thirty

c) Fifteen and thirty –five

d) Twenty and fifteen

e) Forty-five and fifteen

f) Thirty-five and ten


136. Choosing of Conditionals.

a) I will do it if I have the time

b) If I saw her, I would tell her the story

c) He asked me if I had the time

d) My parents went abroad

e) Children like to play toys

f) I had had the time


137. Find the ordinal numerals.

a) The second lesson

b) The fifth floor

c) Henry the Eighth

d) A quarter past nine

e) Eighteen twenty

f) Three hundred dollars


138. Find the ordinal numerals.

a) The twenty-first

b) The second

c) The Thirteenth

d) Nine

e) Ten-one

f) Five


139. Find general question.

a) How much does your iphone cost?

b) Did he like the film?

c) Where do you live?

d) Did you buy a new computer or iphone?

e) There is a plate over there, isn’t there?

f) Have you been to the USA?


140. Find comparative degrees

a) Bigger

b) Shorter

c) Less

d) Kind

e) tall

f) King


2019-05-24 295 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов, (6 ответов, 3 правильных) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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