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Уровень, 60 вопросов, (5 ответов, 3 правильных)

2019-05-24 235 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов, (5 ответов, 3 правильных) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


141. Reflexive pronouns are:

A) himself

B) herself

C) itself

D) mine

E) our


142. Sentences with reflexive pronouns:

A) Kate is going to buy herself a new car.

B) If nobody helps us, we’ll do it ourselves.

C) John organized the whole party by himself.

D) Ours is the second house on the right.

E) Some friends of ours are coming to visit.


143. Personal pronouns are:

A) me

B) we

C) you

D) my

E) their


144. Sentences with possessive pronouns:

A) He’s got a parrot on his shoulder.

B) How’s that brother of yours?

C) She told them to open their books.

D) I am thinking of going to London tomorrow.

E) Maybe I’ll go for a walk now.


145. Indefinite pronouns:

A) nothing

B) anywhere

C) somebody

D) herself

E) itself


146. Interrogative pronouns:

A) whose

B) whom

C) where

D) anybody

E) itself


147. Correct indefinite pronouns:

There is _____cheese in the fridge.

A) much

B) little

C) no

D) many

E) few


148. Correct indefinite pronouns:

There are ____flowers in the garden.

A) some

B) few

C) many

D) any

E) none


149. Possessive pronouns are:

A) our

B) mine

C) his

D) I

E) it


150. Correct sentences with indefinite pronouns:

There aren’t any ______in this street.

A) banks

B) hospitals

C) buses

D) mouse

E) passer by


151. Reflexive pronoun myself isn’t used after verbs:

A) concentrate

B) relax

C) meet

D) hurt

E) help


152. Correct negative sentences with indefinite pronouns:

A) I didn’t say anything.

B) We had nothing to eat.

C) There is nobody living there.

D) I didn’t say nothing.

E) She didn’t told nobody.


153. Correct sentences with pronouns:

A) She has lived there most of her life.

B) Are any of those letters for me?

C) None of this money is mine.

D) Some of the people watch too much TV.

E) Most of days I get up before seven o’clock.


154. Correct sentences with both/neither/either:

A) Both my parents are from Astana.

B) Both my sisters are still at school.

C) Neither of Tom’s parents is English.

D) Both these restaurants are expensive.

E) Both us were tired.


155. Correct sentences with both…and/neither…nor/either..or:

A) He neither wrote nor phoned.

B) We can leave either today or tomorrow.

C) Both Nurlan and Arman were late.

D) My father either watches TV or reads papers.

E) The film was neither boring or long.


156. Indefinite pronoun some in questions:

A) Can I have some cold water?

B) Why didn’t you buy some cheese?

C) Won’t you have some soup?

D) Would you like any coffee?

E) He asked for some stamps.


157. Correct variants of pronouns:

______built the house______

A) They/themselves

B) We/ourselves

C) He/himself

D) My/myself

E) Her/herself


158. Suffixes of numerals are:

A) - teen

B) -ty

C) - th

D)- ful

E) -ity


159. Ordinal numerals are:

A) fifth

B) second

C) third

D) eighty

E) nine


160. Cardinal numerals are:

A) fifty five

B) forty

C) a hundred

D) sixtieth

E) third


161. Fractional numerals are:

A) a half

B) one sixth

C) nought point one

D) a hundred

E) a million


162. Types of numerals are:

A) Fractional

B) Cardinal

C) Ordinal

D) Personal

E) Digital


163. Correct written cardinal numerals:

A) seven hundred and forty five

B) four hundred and ninety six

C) three hundred and sixty five

D) two hundreds and seventy

E) forty hundred and seventy


164. Correct chronological dates are:

A) nineteen forty

B) nineteen ninety-nine

C) eighteen forty-five

D) nineteenth forty

E) twentieth twenty


165. Correct written monetary units are:

A) twenty -five pounds

B) thirty- four dollars and one cent

C) a thousand pounds

D) fifteenth pounds

E) a hundredth cents


166. Correct written dates are:

A) January the first

B) the fourteenth of February

C) the sixteenth of April

D) May the twenty

E) the March twenty two


167. The numerals answer the questions:

A) how much

B) how many

C) which

D) why

E) how


168. Present Simple is used to express:

A) things that happen repeatedly

B) general time

C) permanent situations

D) continuing actions

E) recent actions


169. Sentences in Present Simple are:

A) Alice works for an insurance company.

B) I play tennis every Wednesday.

C) It always rains here in November.

D) I promise I won’t smoke anymore.

E) We’re all waiting for you.


170. Adverbs used in Present Simple:

A) usually

B) hardly ever

C) sometimes

D) just

E) yet


171. Find ordinal numerals

a) Seventy-third

b) Seventh

c) Sixty-second

d) Sixty-one

e) Ten


172. Find out Gerund in the following sentences

a) Our teacher suggests writing test next week

b) I really appreciate being given this opportunity. I will do my best

c) She strongly objected to our making a fire

d) Vyatcheslav does not much

e) It is impossible to jump so high


173. Find out Passive Voice in the following sentences:

a) The work has been completed well by him.

b) The letter will be written by her tomorrow.

c) The door is opened.

d) I will prepare for English exams.

e) The Japanese firm mades the TV sets.


174. Find out Present Simple:

a) We don't have a party on this week .

b) Our premiere is in a week, I need a full crew.

c) We have a movie premiere tomorrow.

d) The work has been completed well by him.

e) The letter will be written by her tomorrow.


175. Find out Present Simple:

a) The party starts at 6 o'clock.

b) We get on the plane soon

c) I usually go to school by bus.

d) She is watching TV.

e) We will visit our grandmother next month.


176. Find out Passive Voice in the following sentences:

a) The game is usually played by children.

b) All the documents of my firm are typed by the secretary.

c) How often is this tool used?

d) She works in a hospital.

e) He speaks Japanese and Spanish.


177. Find out Passive Voice in the following sentences:

a) I am always invited to her concerts.

b) I was told to do my homework.

c) The British Museum was founded in 1753.

d) The skirt maches the colour of your eyes.

e) Edward always turns to me when he needs advice.


178. Find out Passive Voice in the following sentences:

a) All my documents were lost yesterday.

b) A parcel was delivered very quickly.

c) Where were your paintings sold?

d) It often snows in January.

e) It goes in one ear and out through the other.


179. Find out Indefinite Articles:

a) I am tired of talking to them. Let’s go for a walk.

b) Mary has been looking for you for more than an hour.

c) What a wonderful day!

d) He is the busiest person in this group.

e) Pet shop is on the third floor.


180. The articles are used incorrectly:

a) More than 200 people died on the Everest since 1953.

b) I am in the hurry. Lets try to catch a taxi.

c) It is an only telephone number he left.

d) The Medical center was built for the deaf.

e) There is not an airport in the Hague.


181. The articles are used incorrectly:

a) What a delicious berries!

b) An United Arab Emirates is very rich in oil.

c) There are not many countries in world which produce a great deal of cotton.

d) Do you like Spanish? I don’t like it I want to learn the English language.

e) The Duma consists of 450 deputies.


182. Find out Infinitive in the following sentences:

a) I want to buy a bicycle.

b) I am glad to see you.

c) My friend began to study German.

d) Molly goes to Mike every day and simply wonders at him.

e) Science and technology play a key role in sustainable use of water.


183. Find out Infinitive in the following sentences:

a) Is it necessary to read all articles in this book?

b) Unfortunately, I forgot to take an umbrella.

c) Weliketo sing.

d) The High Commissioner visits the region again and again.

e) I plan to go on fighting.


184. Find out Infinitive in the following sentences:

a)  I can play the piano.

b) They ask you to speak loudly.

c) I had to come at six o’clock but I couldn’t.

d) Zoya doesn’t know anything about this letter.

e) Jill doesn’t have enough money to move to another town.


185. Find out Present Simple:

a) Zoya doesn’t know anything about this letter.

b) Jill doesn’t have enough money to move to another town.

c) Vyatcheslav does not read much.

d) It is impossible to jump so high.

e) Is it necessary to read all articles in this book?


186. Find out Present Simple:

a) The High Commissioner visits the region again and again.

b) I plan to go on fighting.

c) Government plays a leadership role in developing crime prevention strategies.

d) I can play the piano.

e) They ask you to speak loudly.


187. Find out the articles used Incorrectly

a) He has got a two children : the boy and the girl

b) What is that a noise ? Is it an helicopter?

c) Exam will take a place in a January?

d) My little brother is afraid of dogs

e) Alga is a small town indeed


188. Put the pronoun «mine» into appropriate sentences/

a) These pens are mine.

b) He is a friend of mine.

c) These books are mine.

d)   Help mine! Don not be so shy, Peter!

e) You must do the homework mine.


189. Find out the verbs not used in continuous tenses.

a) It costs 5000 tenge.

b) The soup tastes nice.

c) I prefer coffee with milk.

d) She is going to the concert.

e) The students are translating the sentences.


190.Choose the right form of irregular verbs.

a) swim/ swam/swum.

b) Fall/ fell/ fallen

c) Hold/held/held

d) Beat/beaten/beat

e) Feel/fall/felt


191. Find out verbs+preposition.

a) Look at that strange man over there. 

b) He arrived at the airport.

c) They were talking about politics.

d) I am waiting to you.

e) The price of the holiday depends at when you travel.


192. Put the appropriate forms of adjectives or adverbs.

Who is cooking in the kitchen? It smells … .

a) tasty

b) good

c) delicious

d) betterly

e) nicely


193. Put the appropriate pronouns.

Neither of … came to the ceremony.

a) them

b) us

c) her

d) we

e) you


194. Find out the right form of be going to +infinitive

a) Which train are you going to catch?

b) He is running towards the goal and he is going to score.

c) It is not going to rain today.

d) I keep sneezing.

e) Where are you going?

f) I am going to the club.


195. Find out the right sentences of Present Perfect with already or yet.

a) I haven`t read today`s newspaper yet.

b) Has she decided which one to buy yet?

c) Their baby son has already started talking.

d) She has gone already.

e) The game has yet finished.


196. Write these facts about various types of people into sentences with

if + Present Simple, + Present Simple

a) Doctors treat people who are ill. – If you are a doctor, you treat people who are ill.

b) Vegetarians don`t eat meat. – If you are a vegetarian, you don`t eat meat.

c) Mechanics understand engines. – If you are a mechanic, you understand engines.

d) People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy. - If you did a lot of exercise, you will be fit and healthy.

e) People who live in a hot country don`t like cold weather. – If you lived in a hot country you didn`t like cold weather.


197. Complete the table of degrees of adverbs

1.   better the best
2. bad   the worst
3. little less  
4. far   Furthest
5.   more  


2019-05-24 235 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов, (5 ответов, 3 правильных) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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