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Complete the following sentences. Your answers must be related to the ideas contained in the text.

2019-08-13 285 Обсуждений (0)
Complete the following sentences. Your answers must be related to the ideas contained in the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer (different diseases).

2. Governments of most countries see no big evil in tobacco companies (smoking).

3. Only a few governments take timid measures for example, government of GB provide antismoking policy, banning cigarette advertising on TV .

4. Why the reaction of authorities is so lukewarm for smoking? .

5. Authorities agree that smoking is harmful but they don’t shout about it.

6. People are not ready for drastic bun actions .

7. The tobacco industry spends a lot of money for tax or efforts for advertising.

8. But people are never shown pictures of real smokers coughing up their lungs in the morning on the contrary they are provided by picture of virile clean-shaven young men, so one can decide that smoking ins manly and attractive .

9. Among possible measures that governments can take are antismoking policy, containing in banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and conducting anti-smoking advertising campaigns of their own .


Put the jumbled sentences in the logical order to sum up the information given in the text.

1. 3)Only, a few governments have taken some measures aimed at decreasing the number of smokers.

2. 5)Tobacco brings a lot of money.

3. 1) Smoking usually results in bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer.

4. 8)Nevertheless, a number of measures should be taken.

5. 4)It can easily be explained.

6. 9)For a start governments should ban all cigarette advertising, then smoking should be banned in public places and young people should be informed about harmful effects of smoking.

7. 6)Instead of banning smoking altogether authorities discreetly point out that smoking may be harmful.

8. 2)Governments of most countries do not see, smell or hear any evil.

9. 7)In most countries cigarette advertising is allowed.


Use the following outline and key words and expressions to speak about the problem raised in the text.

1. Consequences of smoking (bronchial troubles, heart disease, lung cancer).

2. Governments’ reaction to smoking (to take timid measures, to see no evil, lukewarm).

3. A wonderful commodity (tobacco, to tax, short-sighted policy, to spend money on research, to cure people, to ban smoking altogether).

4. Measures to be taken (to ban, cigarette advertising/smoking, public places, to warn about, dire consequences of smoking).


Unit II

Pre-reading tasks

1. Look through the key words and expressions and guess what this text is about:

online shops                     shopping                      to get a refund (возврат)

to be available         to find out                     tips (чаевые)

economical                    seller’s physical address             to ensure (страховать)

convenient (удобный)       total cost                           to send cash

safe                               to save records of online transactions


Think of and write down 5 questions the answers to which this text might contain.

3. Now look through the text to see:

a) if your guess about the contents of the text was correct;

b) what questions can be answered. (Answer these questions).

Love them or hate them, online shops are here to stay, and more and more are appearing on the World Wide Web every day.

(1) d . Online stores are usually available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and many consumers (покупателей, потребителей) have Internet access both at work and at home. With a click of a mouse, you can buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase (приобрести) your favorite fashions. But sizing up (подведение итогов) your finds on the Internet is a little different from checking out items at the mall.

Shopping on the Internet can be economical, convenient (удобный), quick and no less safe than shopping in a store or by mail.

 (2) b .Know who you're dealing with. Anyone can set up a shop online under almost any name. Confirm the online seller's physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems. If you get an email or pop-up message while you're browsing that asks for financial information, don't reply or click on the link in the message. (3) c .

Know exactly what you're buying. Read the seller's description of the product closely, .especially the fine print (особенно важную информацию, напечатанную мелким шрифтом).

Know what it will cost. (4) d. Factor shipping and handling into the total cost of the order. Do not send cash under any circumstances (при любых обстоятельствах).

(5) b . Can you return the item for a full refund if you're not satisfied? If you return it, find out who pays the shipping costs or restocking fees (повторная пошлина), and when you will receive your order.

Keep a paper trail. Print and save records of your online transactions, including the product description and price, the online receipt, and copies of every email you send or receive from the seller.

These tips should ensure that you will have a safe and easy shopping experience. (6) a . If you don't feel comfortable buying an item over the Internet, or if you don't trust a website 100 per cent, then you may well be right. Happy shopping!



Post-reading tasks

2019-08-13 285 Обсуждений (0)
Complete the following sentences. Your answers must be related to the ideas contained in the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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