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Put the words in the right order to make expressions which can be used inthe main part of apresentation.

2019-11-13 623 Обсуждений (0)
Put the words in the right order to make expressions which can be used inthe main part of apresentation. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Let’s / point…/ move on / the next / now to


2. My aim is / about / developments… / the latest / to inform you


3. As I mentioned / give / I’ll / a brief overview… / you / earlier


4. Moreover, / should / there are / interesting facts / we / other / take a look at.


5. In addition to / that…/ I’d like / this, / to say


6. With / regard to / need / project design, / more details. / we


7. As / see / you / on the slide… / can


8. Study how parts of the report are connected. Pay attention to the use of linking words:

The first thing to be said about these products is that they are very diverse. Well, let’s take our premium export lager, Hohenbrau. Now this product has always been positioned at the top end of the market. It has a high price and it’s only available through selected retail outlets. Altogether, it’s quite exclusive.

On the other hand, our Rutter’s bitter has an entirely different personality. It’s brewed in a traditional way. We put a lot of malt into it, which gives it a rich golden colour. As far as I know,it has always been sold at a medium price, and is available through most supermarkets.

So, as you can see, these are two very different products. One an up-market German-type Pilsener, the other a very English bitter. One point for discussion, then, is whether we should maintain such different products in our range.

Let’s move on to marketing, and I only want to raise one issue.


Notes on the text:


retail outlet - торговая точка розничных продаж

to brew - варить пиво 

malt - солод  


9. Read and say in what places one should pause and what words should be emphasized:

The third element is the people and primarily here I mean the brewery workers and the management. One of the things that shocked me when I first joined Westwood was this organization chart. It’s like something from the last century. Do you realize there are ten layers between the shop-floor workers and the Managing Director? In my view, this makes the company slow and unresponsive. I know there are many good things about Westwood , but our image is much the same as it was in, say, the times of Queen Victoria – a very traditional, paternalistic employer. Well, the very least we need to do is discuss whether this image is appropriate for the late 20thcentury, let along the 21st.


10. Fill in missing phrases:


Furthermore    however     as far as … concerned last but not least    to begin with     for example   apart from this on the other hand        I’d like to start


___________  by outlining some of the advantages of our new product. ________, it is the most advanced product of its type currently on the market. ________ , it is equipped with a number of features that are not to be found in similar devices produced by our competitors. ________ , it is guaranteed 100% waterproof. Equivalent products produced by our competitors, _______ , are water-resistant, not water-proof. _______ obvious advantage, it is also shock-resistant and dust-proof. _____ price _____, I am sure that our product is the most competitive on the market. It is not only price that makes this product attractive, _____. It is also guaranteed for no less than 20 years. _______, we can offer retailers a substantial discount on bulk orders purchased direct from the factory.


11. Complete the extract from a presentation using the following pairs of words or phrases:

a. to be frank ……. tell

b. remain……. however

c. re-think ……. accordingly

d. to give just one example ……. break into

e. target ……. in particular

f. first of all … feel

g. similarly ….. seem

h. continue ….. poor

i. in addition ….. mention

j. incidentally ….. believe

An overview of the market


1. We intend to …..the European market and ….. the German market.

2. We will therefore need to …..our marketing strategy ….. .

3. ……, I should also ……. The fact that sales in other European countries have been extremely sluggish recently.

4. Sales in the Mediterranean countries in particular …..to be …… .

5. We hope that sales in France will ….. fairly stable, …. .

6. ….. , I also …..that some of the current problems have been caused by weakness in our management structure.

7. ….. , I …..that certain people have not been pulling their weight.

8. And, ….. , I have to ….. you that a number of basic mistakes have been made/

9. ….. , the opportunity to …..the developing markets in Eastern Europe was missed.

10. ….. , we ….. to have failed to take the advantage of the export opportunities provided by the weakness of the pound sterling.

Write the number of each phrase used in presentation under the correct heading.

  1. Thank you for listening.
  2. Let’s move on to …
  3. Are there any questions?
  4. This diagram shows …
  5. So, in conclusion …
  6. As you can see …
  7. My next point is …
  8. If you look at the next slide …


Connecting the points __________

Referring to AV aids ___________




Presentation Delivery: Conclusion

Read and discuss

Do not forget that last impressions are just as important as first impressions. Your conclusion is theplace to make sure that you have planted the key ideas of your talk in your listeners’ minds. Do not missthe opportunity!

Here are some strategies of effective conclusions:

ü Summarize the main points;

ü Quote a famous person;

ü Ask a provocative question or make a surprising statement;

ü Use the “sandwich” technique, which means your introduction and conclusion are connected (liketwo slices of bread in a sandwich) and the main part is like the cheese in between.

You should have a connection between the beginning and the end of your talk. If, for example, you start telling ajoke in the introduction, stop at an exciting moment and move on to the main part. Then finish the joke in the conclusion.

As a general rule in communication, repetition is valuable. In presentations, there is a golden rule about repetition:

  1. say what you are going to say... (introduction)
  2. say it...(development)
  3. then say what you have just said. (conclusion)

In other words, use the three parts of your presentation to reinforce your message. In the introduction, you tell your audience what your message is going to be. In the body, you tell your audience your real message. In the conclusion, you summarize what your message was:

ü Briefly summarize your main points.

ü Answer any questions.

ü Thank the audience for listening.

ü Look at the audience again, smile and slow down.

The end should be on a strong or positive note – not tailing away to “well that's all I've got to say so thank you very much for listening ladies and gentlemen”. You could try something along these lines:

ü “Hang-gliding (дельтапланеризм) is brilliant, so try it – you'll believe a man can fly!”

ü “The danger is increasing – if we don't all act soon it could be too late!


Check your knowledge


2019-11-13 623 Обсуждений (0)
Put the words in the right order to make expressions which can be used inthe main part of apresentation. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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