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Read the text paying special attention to its structure.

2019-11-13 338 Обсуждений (0)
Read the text paying special attention to its structure. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Identify the main compositional parts.

Good morning everyone.

It is a great pleasure for me to speak to such a distinguished audience. I am Mr Brown, your new personnel manager. As you know the problem of management approaches used in business is both important and interesting one. So we are here today to discuss what system of management should be used in our company. I have divided my presentation into three parts. Firstly, I shall speak about existing theories of management, then I shall speak about advantages and disadvantages of each of them and finally, I shall try to make some conclusions. I am planning to be brief and take just ten minutes of your time. If you have any questions, fill free to interrupt me. Well, let/s come to the point.

In fact, there are currently three types of management theories in use. They are theory X and theory Y by Douglas McGregor, and theory Z by William Ouchi. We will try to present the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

So, firstly, let us have a look at theory X. It was developed by Douglas McGregor. The essence of the theory is the fact that managers tend to take a pessimistic view of their people, and assume that they are naturally unmotivated and dislike work. As a result, they think that team members need to be prompted, constantly rewarded or punished to make sure that they complete their tasks. Work in organizations that are managed like this can be repetitive, and people are often motivated with a "carrot and stick" approach. Performance appraisals and remuneration are usually based on tangible results, such as sales figures or product output, and are used to control staff and "keep tabs" on them.

This style of management assumes that workers:

a) dislike their work

b) avoid responsibility and need constant direction

c) have to be controlled, forced and threatened to deliver work

d) need to be supervised at every step

e) have no incentive to work or ambition, and therefore need to be enticed by rewards to achieve goals.

According to McGregor, organizations with a Theory X approach tend to have several levels of managers and supervisors to oversee and direct workers. Authority is rarely delegated, and control remains firmly centralized. Managers are more authoritarian and actively intervene to get things done. Although Theory X management is largely out of fashion in recent times, big organizations may find that adopting it is unavoidable due to the sheer number of people that they employ and the tight deadlines that they have to meet.

Now a few words about theory Y. With theory Y managers have an optimistic, positive opinion of their people, and they use a decentralized, participative management style. This encourages a more collaborative, trust-based relationship between managers and their team members. People have greater responsibility, and managers encourage them to develop their skills and suggest improvements. Appraisals are regular but, unlike Theory X organizations, they are used to encourage open communication rather than control staff. Theory Y organizations also give employees frequent opportunities for promotion.

This style of management assumes that workers are:

ü happy to work on their own initiative

ü more involved in decision making

ü self-motivated to complete their tasks

ü enjoy taking ownership of their work

ü seek and accept responsibility, and need little direction

ü view work as fulfilling and challenging

ü solve problems creatively and imaginatively.

Presently theory Y has become more popular among organizations. This reflects workers' increasing desire for more meaningful careers that provide them with more than just money. It's also viewed by McGregor as superior to Theory X, which, he says, reduces workers to "cogs in a machine," and likely demotivates people in the long term.

And finally Theory Z. Theory Z developed by William Ouchi stresses the need to help workers become generalists, rather than specialists. It views job rotations and continual training as a means of increasing employees’ knowledge of the company and its processes while building a variety of skills and abilities. Since workers are given much more time to receive training, rotate through jobs, and master the intricacies of the company’s operations, promotions tend to be slower. The rationale for the drawn-out time frame is that it helps develop a more dedicated, loyal, and permanent workforce, which benefits the company; the employees, meanwhile, have the opportunity to fully develop their careers at one company. When employees rise to a higher level of management, they are expected to use theory Z to “bring up,” train, and develop other employees in a similar fashion. As you see, theory Y is more people-oriented theory.

Now I’ll pass over to the theory Z. As I see it, theory Z makes assumptions about company culture. If a company wants to realize the benefits described above, it need to have the following:

a) A strong company philosophy and culture: The company

philosophy and culture need to be understood and embodied by all employees, and employees need to believe in the work they’re doing.

b) Long-term staff development and employment: The organization and management team need to have measures and programs in place to develop employees. Employment is usually long-term, and promotion is steady and measured. This leads to loyalty from team members.

c) Consensus in decisions: Employees are encouraged and expected to take part in organizational decisions.

d) Generalist employees: Because employees have a greater responsibility in making decisions and understand all aspects of the organization, they ought to be generalists. However, employees are still expected to have specialized career responsibilities.

e) Concern for the happiness and well-being of workers: The organization shows sincere concern for the health and happiness of its employees and their families. It takes measures and creates programs to help foster this happiness and well-being.

f) Informal control with formalized measures: Employees are empowered to perform tasks the way they see fit, and management is quite hands-off. However, there should be formalized measures in place to assess work quality and performance.

g) Individual responsibility: The organization recognizes the individual contributions but always within the context of the team as a whole.

It is clear from the above mentioned that all three theories have their own place in business. And it is "the head of the company" who decides what theory to adhere. But, I’d like to highlight one key issue: to be a success, any company head should hear the point of view of their managerial staff.

Thank you very much for your attention and if there are any questions feel free to ask.  


2. Study various ways of:


a) stating the problem and its importance


In my paper I am concerned with… . As is known, in recent years a considerable number of works have appeared on various problems of … . However, no detailed information is so far available on the phenomenon of … which is very important for … . Our research has been undertaken with a view to understand the mechanism of … . Now I will report the data we have obtained.


The purpose of my talk today is to consider … . In recent years much interest has been centered around the phenomenon of … because it is very important for clarifying the nature of … . We have performed a series of experiments in order to determine … . Now I will present the results obtained from the experiments.


My task today is to report about … . Consideration of these phenomena is highly important as it may help to clarify the nature of … .


In this paper I would like to raise some questions related to …


2019-11-13 338 Обсуждений (0)
Read the text paying special attention to its structure. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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