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What would you like to change in your school life?

2019-11-22 465 Обсуждений (0)
What would you like to change in your school life? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Александрычева Н.В., Белянкова Н.Н., Кокурина И.А., Комшина М.В.


Методическая разработка

По английскому языку

Для подготовки к О Г Э

Устная часть



Нижний Новгород


Настоящее пособие представляет собой практическое руководство к сдаче Общего Государственного Экзамена по английскому языку. Оно предназначено для учащихся девятых классов. Материал можно использовать также и на занятиях по английскому языку в рамках программы школы.

В данной работе была использована следующая литература:


Е.С. Музланова, Е.И. Кисунько «Экспресс репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ»,Москва, АСТ Астрель, 2012

Е.А.Фоменко, А.С Юрин «Английский язык. Тренинг навыков устной речи 7-9 классов», Ростов-на-Дону, Легион, 2015


Keeping fit

Why is a healthy lifestyle more popular nowadays?

What do you do to keep fit?

What sport activities are popular with teenagers in your region?


I would like to talk about keeping fit. The polluted and unhealthy world of today makes people realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The reason is that people suffer from a lot of diseases, but everybody wants to live a long healthy happy life, to look slim and young. So, healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays.

As for me, I am health-conscious. I should do something to keep fit.

Firstly, I stay healthy by getting plenty of exercise. I do sport and physical exercises regularly, because sport makes people strong and healthy, gives pleasure, develops a strong will, a quick reaction, character, stamina and keeps people fit. I usually do morning exercises and go jogging. My favourite sport is swimming and I go to the swimming pool twice a week. At school we have physical training lessons three times a week. We play sports games such as football, volleyball and basketball, do various exercises and take part in sports competitions. In winter I ski and skate while in summer I like cycling. Moreover, I go to the fitness club and train at the gym. Secondly, proper nutrition is very important. I try to eat healthy nourishing balanced diet. My food is food rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. I try to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. However, I don’t eat food rich in sugar, salt, saturated fat and cholesterol, for example, fast food.

Thirdly, I consume food in moderate amounts and drink a lot of water.

Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs are completely off the map! Furthermore, I avoid sunbathing, going to bed late and watching TV too much.

In our region teenagers like sports. They are keen on football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, tennis, skating and skiing. The most popular summer sports and activities are swimming, hiking and cycling. Yoga, aerobics and body-building are popular too.

Some teenagers who want challenge, adventure and excitement are fond of extreme sports such as snowboarding, bungee jumping, BMX riding, parkour and others. Extreme sports help overcome themselves, get adrenalin, conquer new experiences and emotions, confront fears and find out your limits but extreme sports are dangerous for health.

Various sports facilities are available in our region such as stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, football pitches, tennis courts, skating rinks, badminton courts, gyms, sports centers and fitness clubs.


To sum up, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.


My school

What do you like most about your school?

What weekday do you find the most difficult and why?

What would you like to change in your school life?

I would like to talk about my school.

School years are the most important period for everybody, as you get basic education which is truly essential for your future life and career. The aim of education is “learning how to learn” and “getting useful knowledge about the world”.

I study in the 9th form in a co-educational state school. The school has got 3 stages of compulsory education: primary school and secondary school which consists of Intermediate and Senior high school. The school occupies a four-storied building surrounded by a school yard on the bank of the river. It has got a lot of facilities such as classrooms, workshops, a canteen, a cloakroom, an assembly hall, laboratories, computer rooms, a library and a gymnasium. The school is well-equipped with necessary apparatus such as computers, CV and DVD players, tape recorders, printers, TV sets, interactive boards and sport equipment. The Internet access is available for all schoolchildren for free. Our school is known for its academic excellence and high quality of education and offers programs giving a profound knowledge in subjects such as Russian, Physics, Literature, History, Social science, Mathematics, Chemistry, English and others. I like the atmosphere at school because it is friendly. School starts at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 2p.m. After lessons pupils take part in various extra-curricular activities like subject circles and Student’s Scientific Society, drama club, sports competitions, school trips, excursions and concerts.

Another interesting fact about my school is that foreign students come to our school due to an international exchange programme.

School teachers are skillful, qualified, enthusiastic and experienced. School rules are not very strict. Students have to wear a school uniform and respect each other and school property.

I am really glad that I am one of the students of this school and I am sure that I will always remember my school years and the friendship I’ve made. 

I am very busy on weekdays because I study 6 lessons a day, 6 days a week. I have to study hard to make progress. I find Wednesday the most difficult weekday because on the timetable on this day there are some subjects on which I have to work the hardest. They are Maths, English, Russian, History, Literature and Chemistry. After classes I attend subject circles. I come home at 5 p.m., have dinner, help about the house and do my homework. It takes me about 4 hours to do my homework properly. I have little spare time. At 10 o’clock I go to bed. 

There are some problems at school to be solved:

Firstly, the schedule is hard to carry and the curriculum in the main subjects is very complicated. That’s why studying subjects properly takes students a lot of time and effort and leaves little spare time.

Secondly, students learn much factual knowledge but few social skills.

Thirdly, there are discipline and violence problems, bullying and peer pressure.


2019-11-22 465 Обсуждений (0)
What would you like to change in your school life? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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