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What do you dislike most about TV?

2019-11-22 861 Обсуждений (0)
What do you dislike most about TV? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

I would like to talk about television.

In my opinion, watching TV is still popular with teenagers. There are several reasons.

Firstly, television is Mass media - a source of information. It informs viewers of the latest international and local events, brings real scenes of life and forms public opinion.

Secondly, TV’s a cheap and convenient form of entertainment and relaxation. There are a lot of programmes for entertainment such as sports programmes, reality shows, TV games and feature films.

Besides, television provides great opportunities to educate.

It gives us a chance to ‘travel’ all over the world without leaving our room. It helps us to enrich our experience, introduces us to new ideas and activities, spreads cultural values and gives us food for thought.

It is even possible to learn foreign languages and study different subjects. 

Moreover, watching TV can bring families and friends together, stimulate conversations and provoke discussions.

As for me, I don’t often watch TV because I am busy with other useful activities. I watch TV selectively, only necessary programmes. I am interested to find out what is happening in the world or to relax.

In my opinion, if you spend a lot of time watching TV, it is harmful and useless. 

Firstly, TV has the grip on many people. TV begins to dominate and shape our life and people become telly addicts.

Secondly, violence on television contributes to aggressive behavior and makes people fear the world around them.

Thirdly, television makes people lazy. The more time they watch TV, the less time they have for physical activity and social interaction.

Moreover, watching TV may lead to poor health. TV can ruin eye-sight, causes obesity and heart problems.

To add to this, people stop thinking. TV is called “chewing gum for men’s brains”. TV captures the attention of the viewers and then distracts it. It changes not only habits but our brain too. Deep thought, the ability to focus and analize gives way to skimming.

Besides, television distracts us from school homework, our family and everyday chores.

What’s more, commercials are often misleading and unhelpful. They encourage children to spend much money on clothes, fast food, electronic devices and entertainment.

Finally, the information provided on TV can be unreliable and may be even harmful to people. 

To sum up, on the one hand, TV gives people a possibility to be well informed, educated, to entertain and enjoy ‘civilized pleasures’. TV broadens our horizons by bringing worldwide events and faraway places into our homes. On the other hand, watching TV can be bad for teenagers. It can result in risky behavior, poor grades, and lack of communication, depression and obesity. I think, parents must pay attention to the programmes their children watch and limit the amount of time teenagers spend in front of the screen.


Free Time


 1. Have you got a lot of free time? Why, or why not?

 2. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

 3. What are your Sunday afternoons like?


Nowadays teenagers don’t have enough leisure (free) time as they have to study hard at school. The curriculum is rather difficult and I need much time to do my lessons. More than that this year I am especially busy because of the exams. Every day I have to do my homework, revise the material for exams on my own and what’s more I attend some extra classes. In addition, I usually have to help my parents about the house. These are all sorts of cleaning, washing, going shopping and babysitting with my younger sister.

After a hard work we should have a rest. As they say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Today we have lots of possibilities to spend our free time with pleasure. First of all, I think we must do sports such as swimming, jogging, skateboarding, bike riding, BMX, playing football, hockey and so on. Sport helps us to keep fit. As for me I am good at basketball. Then I prefer watching TV, listening to music and playing the guitar. My favourite singer is ( Dima Bilan). Once or twice a month I go to the theatre or concert with my family or classmates. Next I am fond of playing computer games, e-mail texting, chatting with my friends in the Internet and reading.

I think it’s the best time for me to spend my free time and not to feel bored.

On Sundays I get up later than usual. Then my family and I have breakfast. I adore my mum’s pancakes, cookies and salads. After that I do my homework if I have, watch TV, read a book or help my mum about the house. Next I meet my friends and we go to the cinema, sport club or just walk in the park. What’s more there is a very cool Zoo in our city. You can wander there and enjoy watching funny monkeys and raccoons, beautiful peacocks or graceful deer. Sometimes I either visit my grandparents or relatives or they come to our place. We like to be together as we are a really friendly family.

That’s how I spend my Sunday afternoons.


Your Favourite Season


Which of the four seasons you like the most? Why?

How has the Earth’s climate changed recently?

2019-11-22 861 Обсуждений (0)
What do you dislike most about TV? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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