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Party actors and levels of social and labor relations

2019-12-29 320 Обсуждений (0)
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The current state of social and labor relations reflects the contradiction between price and cost of labor between the interests of employees and employers, but also reflects the available labor deformation values, level of conflict in society due to the imperfect state policy, which was conducted over a decade of social cost losses.

Adjust the process of interaction of relations in the workplace - a relatively independent tasks, which affect the interests of not only employers and employees, but also society in general.

Labor Relations - a set of economic, social, psychological, administrative and legal practices and norms aimed at the inclusion of labor in the process of labor and its reproduction on the basis of market forces - supply, demand and market prices.

Complex description of social and labor relations involves clarifying the essence of such categories, as a party, subject, object relations in social and labor sphere, their types and levels and so on. Together, these elements and relationships that they represent, constitute a system of social and labor relations.

Labor Relations define the position of man in the world of work, its way of life, environment, climate in the workplace, the effectiveness of socialization of labor rights. Thus they depend not only on labor behavior of the individual but also on many factors. Formation and development of social and labor relations in society is influenced by the huge number of factors, the significance of which is subject to historical, economic, sociocultural and political content


Party actors and levels of social and labor relations


The principal components of social-labor relations is their side and subjects. And the parties, and subjects of social and labor relations are called employees, employers and the state. The difference between these concepts is that the parties of social-labor relations is the primary bearers of rights in this relationship, and actors can have both primary and delegated the primary bearers of rights.

For example, the employee side and the media as a primary law in social and labor relations can exercise their rights and interests directly (entering into employment agreement with the employer). However, employees may set up of those they delegate their rights and responsibilities. These organizations will realize the delegated rights of employees at the production, industry or other levels as subjects - party representatives of employees in social and labor relations.

The number of parties and social and labor relations can not be more than three (employees, employers and the state), while the number of subjects these relationships may be higher due to carrier delegated rights (unions of employees and employers, their representative bodies, various state agencies, etc.).

Scientists in the field of social and labor relations produce at least four groups of subjects of social and labor relations.

The first group - to be the primary bearers of rights and interests (employees, employers, state, local governments).

The second group - they are representative of their bodies that are carriers of delegated authorities (employers, trade unions, governmental bodies).

The third group - the authorities have realized through social dialogue (the National Council of Social Partnership and other permanent or temporary bodies in fields, regions, businesses or organizations).

The fourth group - a body to minimize the effects of possible conflicts prevent the aggravation of social and labor relations (conciliation, mediation structure, independent experts, arbitrators, etc.), as well as educational, informational, advisory and other units [3].

Classification of socio-labor relations on the subjects of their division to provide individual (one employee interaction with the employer) and collective (when employers and employees interact with each other). On the basis of pre-conditions, the subjects of social and labor relations are: employee, employer (Employers' Union), state.

Under-developed social market economy subjects of social and labor relations inherent in certain features that allow you to identify this subject as it is towards social and labor relations.

Employees - a citizen who entered the labor agreement (usually in writing) with the employer, manager of enterprise (organization) or the authorized body, whereby the employee agrees to perform the work specified in the agreement, in accordance with internal regulations The owner of the enterprise (organization) or its authorized body shall pay the employee wages and provide conditions necessary for the work envisioned by the labor legislation, collective agreement and the agreement of the parties. Employees - subject to social and labor relations - can act as an individual employee or group of employees different position in the socio-professional structure and orientation of interest, motivation and other characteristics. The basis of group and individual differences are: age, gender, health, education, professional, officer, branch affiliation.

Special role in the formation of new social and labor relations in Ukraine play age differences: change of generations, which differ from each other on basic social and psychological parameters, orientation and motivation, which require adequate consideration.

As an employer of social and labor relations - a person who works independently and continuously employed for labor process one or more employees. In most cases, the employer owns the means of production. However, business practices in Ukraine is the employer and supervisor in the public sector, which hires workers under a contract, though he is an employee of the state and has no means of production.

The state's role in social and labor relations is that it often performs legislative functions, forms and develops on the basis or with regard to ILO Conventions and Recommendations and other international labor standards, in accordance with national conditions and practice, national legislation and rules of social partnership between government agencies, employers and employees. Ratifying international labor standards, protect the rights of all categories of workers. State may be: the initiator, regulator, arbitrator, mediator in the process of social dialogue and collective bargaining.

The problem of interaction of social and labor relations is solved through the selection of social and labor relations.

Labor relations is important to divide them by levels of regulation, because then they take specific content and content presentation. Each level has its subjects according to their existing primary or delegated powers. By regulating levels of social-labor relations can be divided into:

National (macroeconomic):

a) State regulation - through legislation;

b) contractual regulation - through the General Agreement and the decision of



a) State regulation - through acts of central executive bodies;

b) contractual regulation - through sectoral collective agreements and decisions of the sectoral social partnership.

Territorial (regional):

a) Public utility regulation - through the decisions of executive bodies and local authorities;

b) contractual regulation - through regional agreements and decisions of the regional bodies of social partnership.

Manufacturing (microeconomic):

a) administrative regulation - through the decisions of owners and their authorized bodies;

b) contractual regulation - through collective bargaining, consultation, negotiation, individual employment contract.

This distribution is somewhat conditional, because at the regional level, for example, possible differences as the subjects of relationships and problems that are solved. Now partners solve many problems, the scale of which extends beyond the region or district as an administrative and territorial unit.

Since the regional distribution in Ukraine is not legislatively defined, such problems will be solved by combining the efforts of associations of trade unions, employers and governments of several areas or regions.

2019-12-29 320 Обсуждений (0)
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