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The mechanism of functioning of the socio-economic relations

2019-12-29 342 Обсуждений (0)
The mechanism of functioning of the socio-economic relations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


The quality of social and labor relations discussed above material is the basis for our opinions stamp: assessment of state and rozvynenos those social-labor relations is not possible when using one or two or even several indicators. This is a task of high complexity. Understanding this long led experts to the problem of finding the system measuring instruments for evaluation and finally to the conclusion that it is appropriate as a criterion of development of social and labor relations use indicators of quality of working life.

Systematic collection of properties that characterize the working conditions in the broadest sense - the conditions of production and allow life to take into account the degree of employee interest and use his abilities (intellectual, creative, moral, organizational, etc..) Number of qualitative work life.

The basic theoretical understanding of the concept of quality of working life in 1960 oformylysya 1970rr. Although some aspects of the theory has been developed in the 20-50's. Twentieth century. works in E. Mayo, A. Maslow, D. McGregor. The basis of the concept of quality of working life in Western countries was perceived hromadskis ty at all levels up to national, neobhidnis # of radical changes in working conditions, her motivation in social and labor relations in general, which was due to a sharp increase in the level of industrial development. The basis of the concept of quality of working life is common approach to understanding the creative nature of human personality, the need for problem solving content enrichment work, because modern production worker wants to be an active party in the social and labor relations - would influence the work, plan their work, to Number of participants in decisions regarding pay, hiring, promotion, etc. The main goal in developing the concept of quality of working life in the restoration of the authors saw tsilisnos those of labor and culture, creating such conditions in which employees can best be realized as osobystos those here in terms of this concept include cultural, national, moral, domestic aspects and the terms and organization not only work, but also welfare and recreation.

The internal aspect of the theory of quality of working life is, first, the claim of the employee during his self-satisfaction in the achievements of labor as the main motivator in comparison with the salaries and careers. Secondly, the principle of work of Democracy (Democracy at work). Thirdly, the development employee in the concept of quality of working life involves the possibility of ongoing professional development. In this regard, the concept of quality of working life includes two such important areas as autonomy of the individual employee and an opportunity to develop his abilities. That is why large corporations have on their businesses not only training courses but also a system of continuous training, while corporations pay TINA training of enterprises are even beyond thy, thus encouraging their professional growth. With the same selection is concerned and such part of the wage, the cost of knowledge. In many developed countries, which have an effective system of state social support, corporations spend vill be constantly upgrading the skills more than your state.

In theoretical and empirical studies to improve the quality of working life also plays a great place working conditions, its health and safety.

Implementing the concept of quality of working life in that part of it impinges on the creation of enterprises and organizations of the network of specialized services to monitor the working environment factors and manufacturing operations that may adversely affect the health of workers. These services involved in the leadership of enterprises are developed ment programs to improve manufacturing operations and in the exam in testing and sanitary evaluation of new equipment. Because workers differ in psychophysiological characteristics, these services contribute to adapt themselves to the labor processes of these characteristics of workers. Thus, the purpose of these services - the formation of a safe and healthy working environment and promote physical and mental health workers.

The most advanced system of such services exist in Germany. With universally recognized international daddy they purchased after the entry into force of the 1985 ILO Convention number 161 on occupational health services. Implementing quality programs working life began in a number of major corporations in 70-ies with tons of pressure by unions and economic conditions, technological changes, the introduction of automated and computerized equipment. Gradually, their use spread to enterprises are TBA bilshos those of developed countries. Assessment of quality of working life began to hold the system of indicators based on statistical information and special polls, and expert evaluations. This system characterizes the quality of working life from a position of an employee, entrepreneur and society. Last position, for example, included the costs of social protection by tons of employees and their dependents, the coefficients of satisfaction with the quality of working life, etc. Measurements of quality of working life were analyzed in five groups: technology, organization, personal needs of employees, the environment and society, the workplace. How effective indicator of quality of working life of relevancy used the opportunities provided by enterprises are thy, employee expectations, given its zdibnos children and drawbacks. From November 1980. in 24 OECD countries started to use some other system of quality of working life. In this system included indicators: income distribution, use of time (duration of the paid vidpus TKI, the average hours of work time on the road to work, used work schedules) and the parameters of safety and working conditions (disturbance of normal working conditions, smertnis quantity in the workplace). All these parameters are defined and studied in two aspects: first, in the plane with trukturnoyi internal dimension (eg time on the road to work: 0-15 min, 16-30 min, 121 min and more) and, secondly in the plane of industries, occupations and so-called standard indicators (sex, age, type of household, socio-economic status, size of settlement). Much of life is at work, so the quality of working life largely determines the qualitative habitat Number of people in general. However, the quality of working life, of course, only one element of quality of life in general. In terms of stage of development of social and labor relations need a clear understanding of their relationship, the above factors of social and labor relations and the factors that determine the qualitative Number of working life, show this relationship. Quality of life - a synthetic description of the level and living conditions, which also takes into account family composition, health of its members, their social satisfaction, etc. The quality of life of the population of a territory or state is determined by the combined influence of economic, social, demographic, environmental, geographic, political, moral and other factors, both objective and subjective nature. Among them are very important zadovolenis # of work and living conditions, capabilities of the individual and his family, place of family in society, its financial condition, assessment of habitat conditions and quality of work life. Most countries use indicators and somehow those living standards recommended by the UN and its organizations (1961). Thus, ECE offers a classification in eight groups of indicators, there are different national approaches to assess quality of life. The concept of quality of life, developed by Sweden in the first place puts the work and its terms, then the economic and political capabilities of man. In the UN classification intended for any country, including developing countries, in the first place - food consumption and health. But the most complete system is quality of life of the OECD. Note that these figures became known as social indicators. The above scorecard covers nine basic aspects of human life: health, employment and quality of working life, leisure and recreation, state of the consumer goods markets, environment, personal safety, social opportunities and social activity


2019-12-29 342 Обсуждений (0)
The mechanism of functioning of the socio-economic relations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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