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Практика: Как произносить email и website addresses

2019-12-29 218 Обсуждений (0)
Практика: Как произносить email и website addresses 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1.  Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу личными местоимениями в объектном падеже:

1. Take this book and read ______at home, please.

2. Is he going to speak to _________about his new work?

3. These are very good books. Where do you get _________?

4. My sister knows English well. I often do my homework with _______.

5. Read these words and lean ______well.

6. I don’t know ______. What’s his name?


2. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1. I often meet this violinist here.

2. You go to the university every day.

3. I read English books every morning.

4. His sisters always give me books to read.

5. They often go there.

6. I usually read the newspaper at home.

7. They do their homework every day.

8. We play the piano at home in the evening.  

3. Измените предложения, заменяя местоимение I на she/he:

1. I work at school.

2. I go to the musical school every day.

3. I write many English exercises every day.

4. I study musical psychology.

5. I get much information from my teachers.

6. I don’t like pizza.

7. I usually watch TV in the evening.

8. I never wake up at 6 at the weekend.

9. I always go to bed at 9.30 p.m.

10. I play the guitar very well.


4.  Задайте общий вопрос к данным утверждениям:

1. The students read many books.

2. Mr. Brown speaks very fast.

3. My friend always gets good marks.

4. You sleep very much!

5. Children ask a lot of questions.

6. They know many French words.

7. My sister flies to the USA ever year.

8. He understands that lesson.

9. He drives to the office every morning.

10.  They spend a lot of money.


5. Скажите как часто вы:

o listen to music

o watch TV

o play computer games

o visit your granny

o go to a club

o speak English

o smile

o cry

o see UFOs

o go to the university

o enjoy your life

Используйте: once (a day, a week, a month, a year), twice (a day, a week, a month, a year), never, every day, sometimes, from time to time.

6. Инсценируйте диалоги:

§ 1.

- Do you like coffee, Betty?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you want a cup?

- Yes, please, Jane.

- Do you want any sugar?

- Yes, please.

- Do you want any milk?

- No, thank you. I don’t like milk in my coffee. I like black coffee.

- Do you like biscuits?

- Yes, I do.

- Do you want one?

- Yes, please.

§ 2.

- I haven’t any small music books. I only have large ones. Do you want one?

- Yes, please. I want a large box of chalk, too.

- I only have small boxes. Do you want one?

- No, thank you.


7. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:Is Anna a very busy person ?

Слово Транскрипция Перевод Пример
a timetable ['taɪmˌteɪbl] расписание Do you know the timetable for today?
to go to bed [gəu tə bed] ложиться спать I usually go to bed at midnight.
to get up [get ʌp] вставать I don’t like to get up early.
a major duty ['meɪʤə 'djuːtɪ] главная обязанность What is the major duty of a teacher?
to take a shower [teɪk ə 'ʃəuə] принимать прохладный душ Do you often take a cool shower in the morning?
jogging ['ʤɔgɪŋ] пробежка My friend and I go jogging every day
to do some exercises. [duː sʌm 'eksəsaɪzɪz] делать зарядку They never do exercises
to have breakfast [hæv 'brekfəst] завтракать What time do you have breakfast at the weekend?
to leave home [liːv həum] уходить из дома When do you leave home?
to get to the university by [get tə ðə ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsətɪ baɪ] добираться до университета на… Do you get to university by car or by bus?
spare time [spɛə taɪm] свободное время I don’t have much spare time
to surf the Net [sɜːf ðə net] бродить по сети I surf the Internet every evening
except [ɪk'sept] кроме At my university I like everything except classes
to rehearse [rɪ'hɜːs] репетировать When do you rehearse with your band?


My day

As many people I have different timetables on weekdays and weekends. I think that it is very important to go to bed before midnight and to get up quite early in the morning, especially (особенно) on weekdays. So you can do everything you plan to do. My major duty is to study at the university. My classes usually begin at 8.30 o'clock.

Every day I get up at half past six. I take a cool shower then go jogging to the park near my place. So I do jogging for about thirty minutes and then do some exercises.

I return home at about 7.15, take a shower and then have breakfast. I like to talk with my parents while having breakfast.

After breakfast I put all the necessary books into my bag and get dressed. I leave home at 8.05. I get to my university by tram. My classes usually finish at 3.30 p.m. When classes are over I go to the music teacher and take guitar lessons.

I come home at 6 o'clock. I have dinner and start doing my homework at 7 o'clock. If I have some spare time after doing homework, I play the guitar, read some books or surf the Net. I go to bed at about half past eleven. On weekends I usually get up at 8 o'clock and do the same things I do on weekdays except going to the university. At 12 o'clock I rehearse with the rock band where I play the guitar. Our rehearsal ends in the evening.

On weekends I can stay at home and read books, or go somewhere with my friends.


8.  Подставьте подходящее по смыслу слово из словаря к тексту:

1. Does he know the train ______________?

2. Oh, they play so well! How often do they ___________?

3. When she ___________________, she usually tries to find some information about celebrities.

4. Does she __________in the morning or only wash her face?

5. I like all the subjects we study at university ________Math.

6. If you ___ late, it’s very difficult to _______ in the morning.

7. If you ____________________, we could go to the cinema.

8. Where does she _______________________?


9. Задайте вопросы по тексту и ответьте на них. Что Анна делает в:

o 12 o'clock on Sunday;

o 9 o'clock on Wednesday;

o 4 p.m. on Monday;

o 6.30 on Tuesday;

o 7 o’clock on Friday;

o 8 o'clock on Sunday


10.  Следуя тексту, поставьте пункты плана в правильном порядке:

v guitar lessons

v going to university

v morning exercises

v classes

v evening activities

Is it Anna’s plan for a weekend or weekday?

11. Опираясь на предложенный план, расскажите о своем распорядке дня.

12. Пройди тест: “ Are you a sleepy sloth ”  и прокомментируй результат:

Sloths are very lazy animals. They spend most of their time sleeping and move very slowly.

1. How many hours do you sleep every night?

a) 11-12 hours (2)

b) 8-10 (3)

c) 6-7 (4)

2. Do you remember your dreams?

a) Yes (4)

b) No (3)

3. At the university, what do you do during classes in the afternoon?

a) You are bored, but you try and do your work (3).

b) You fall asleep on your desk (2).

c) You work hard because you are very interested (4).

4. What’s your ideal Saturday evening activity?

a) Going out with your friends to a disco or skateboarding (snowboarding) (4).

b) Lying on the sofa watching TV (2).

c) Going to your friend’s house to play computer games (3).

5. Which is your favourite animal?

a) Giraffe (4).

b) Koala (2).

c) Cat (3).


17-20 points: You are NOT a sloth. You are very active and you always like to be outside doing sport and activities.

13-16 points: You are often active, but sometimes you act like a sloth. Don’t get too lazy!

10-12 points: You are as sleepy as a sloth. You are VERY lazy and always prefer to sleep and lie down than be active.

13. Из материала ниже узнайте, как произносить email и website addresses:

[email protected]

Значок @ будет произноситься «at».


Точка произносится «dot»

Знак «-» называется hyphen


Знак «/» называется slash

bestsongs – all one word (одно слово)


14. Поработайте в парах. Студент А диктует адреса и названия сайтов из первой колонки, студент Б записывает их, не глядя в книгу. Затем поменяйтесь. Студент А записывает вторую колонку:


www.goodpianomusic.com    www.onepageenglishstory.net/

www.geocities.com/index      [email protected]

[email protected]       

[email protected] www.aol.co.uk/msgview.adp

Test yourself

1. Используя таблицу, составьте как можно больше предложений. Обратите внимание на употребление местоимений:


  I We You They



  ask tell



































  He She   asks tells










    to future profession friend parents wife children teacher

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой местоимений:

1. I usually ask (их) ______ about ______ work.

2. She often tells (нам) _____ about (ее) ______ music studies.

3. Take this book and read (ее) ____ at home.

4. He often speaks with (ними) ______ about new songs.

5. I see (ее) _____ every day.

6. Introduce (меня) _____ to (своей) _____ girl-friend, please.



Текст: Свободное время                                                                          

2019-12-29 218 Обсуждений (0)
Практика: Как произносить email и website addresses 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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