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Грамматика: Настоящее длительное время

2019-12-29 232 Обсуждений (0)
Грамматика: Настоящее длительное время 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

( Present Continuous )

Тест : What can you say about your cultural life this month?

Практика : A letter of recommendation I

1. Прочитайте  и переведите, обращая внимание на употребление времен:

1. Listen! The teacher’s explaining a very difficult thing. She always explains difficult things carefully.

2. My best friend lives a long way from me, so I can’t visit him very often, but we usually call each other twice a week.

3. - Hello! I can’t hear you. Who’s calling?

4. John speaks three foreign languages. Just now he’s speaking French on the telephone.

4. I always drive my wife to work. The road’s bad today, so I’m driving very carefully.

2. Напишитеing – форму от следующих глаголов и прочитайте:

Meet, mend, test, fetch, listen, show, explain, do, ask, answer, read, tell, work, write, translate, drive, give, smoke, take, make, have, prepare, dance, stop, put, sit, get, swim, begin, travel, study, copy, play, say, stay, pay, try, lie, die.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous:

1. My book (to lie) on the table.

3. The doctor and her patient (to talk).

4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad.

5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music.

6. My grandfather (to read) a book.

7. You (to have) a break?

8. She still (to sing).

4. Изучите новые слова, прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What kinds of art do you know and which of them do you like most?


Слово Транскрипция Перевод Пример
to enrich [ɪn'rɪʧ] обогащать Art enriches man’s mind and soul
prominent ['prɔmɪnənt] выдающийся He is a prominent writer of our century
to attract [ə'trækt] привлекать Opera attracts me more than theatre
to star [stɑː] играть главные роли Who stars in this film?
to look forward to (Ving)   ждать с нетерпением I’m looking forward to meeting you!
puppet show ['pʌpɪtʃəu] кукольное представление Frankly speaking, I hate puppet shows
It goes without saying   Не стоит и говорить, что… It goes without saying art is very important in our life
festive ['festɪv] праздничный Was it a festive event?
box-office ['bɔksˌɔfɪs] касса You must go to the box office if you need the tickets
stalls [stɔːlz] места в партере The stalls are usually not empty
upper-circle ['ʌpə 'sɜːkl] балкон

Do you want the seats in the upper-circle, in the pit or in the box?

pit [pɪt] партер
box [bɔks] ложа
conductor [kən'dʌktə] дирижер He is a famous conductor
to be keen on   увлекаться They are keen on cinema
Art in my life
Art plays an important role in our life. In the variety of its forms – cinema, television, theatre, music, and literature – it develops our artistic taste and helps to appreciate beauty, to solve the eternal problem of good and evil. It enriches our life emotionally and spiritually.
Hundreds of years ago theatre was the only attraction and enjoyed universal popularity. But with the invention of cinema, radio and TV theatre has lost its prominent position. Now it is television that attracts millions. Theatre has become the entertainment for the elite, a fashionable pastime for those who really love it. To get tickets to the best theatres where famous actors star is almost impossible.
Some people enjoy occasional visits to the theatre. They look forward to seeing an opera, a ballet, a comedy, a puppet or a mime show, a music or a variety show. It goes without saying visiting a theatre is much more a festive event than going to the cinema.
Theatres are very much the same everywhere. Passing through the door you come to the box-office, where tickets are sold. If you want to get tickets for the first night you’d better take them in advance. The best seats at theatres are in the stalls and the upper-circle. Then comes the pit and the last of all is the gallery, where the seats are the cheapest. Boxes of course are the most expensive. Most theatres have good orchestras and popular conductors.
When you go to the opera for example you can get the best of everything: an excellent orchestra, famous conductors, celebrated singers and a well-dressed audience. But if you are not fond of music and singing, opera won’t interest you. Frankly speaking I’m not so keen on opera myself. Drama and ballet are more to my liking.


5. Соотнесите слово с его определением:

Слово Определение
o prominent o conductor o box-office o to star o festive o box o orchestra o ticket o art · relating to a festival · a man who directs the performance of an orchestra · the expression of human creative skill and imagination (in forms of painting, sculpture, literature, music, etc.) · have a main role in a film, play, or other show · important; famous · a large group of musicians who play different instruments together · a separate section reserved for a group of people in a theatre · a place at a theatre or cinema where you can buy or reserve tickets · a small, official card which shows that you have paid to enter a place (a theatre or a sports ground)


6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is art so important for people?

2. What is more popular now: TV, theatre or cinema? Why?

3. Why is visiting a theatre is more festive than going to the cinema?

4. Do you often go to the theatre? What performances do you enjoy?

5. What seats do you usually choose?

6. What is the most important factor in a good performance?


7. В какой части текста можно найти информацию:

· seats at the theatre;

· the importance of art in our life;

· types of art;

· opera;

· types of theatrical performances;

· TV vs. theatre;

8. Придумайте заголовки к каждой части текста и перескажите его, пользуясь получившимся планом.


9. Пройдите тест «What can you say about your cultural life this month?» и прокомментируйте результат:

1. How many films have you seen?

a) 10

b) 4

c) none

2. How many times have you been to the theatre?

a) 4

b) 1

c) not once

3. How often do you watch TV?

a) every day

b) on weekends

c) not at all

4.    How many concerts have you been to?

a) 3

b) 1

c) none

5.    How many exhibitions have you been to?

a) 3

b) 1

c) none

6.    How many times have you been to a disco?

a) 4

b) 1

c) not once

7.    How many times have you been to a café?

a) 4

b) 1

c) not once

8.    How many parties have you been to?

a) 6

b) 2

c) none

9.    How many times have you been to the country?

a) 4

b) 2

c) not once

10.  How often have you gone skating/skiing?

a) 8

b) 4

c) 1

11.  How often have you stayed home in the evening?

a) most of the time

b) sometimes

c) hardly ever


1)    a-10, b-5, c-1      2)       a-10, b-5, c-1

3)    a-10, b-5, c-1      4)       a-10, b-5, c-1

6)    a-10, b-5, c-1       5)      a-10, b-5, c-1

7)    a-10, b-5, c-1       8)      a-10, b-5, c-1

9)    a-10, b-5, c-1      10)     a-10, b-5, c-1

11)  a-1, b-5, c-10


110-80. You have had no time for studies this month, have you? Take care. What do you think about your exams? Life isn’t only having fun.

80-40. You’ve enjoyed yourself this month, haven’t you?

40-10. Life has been a little dull this month, hasn’t it?


10. Прочитайте информацию ниже о рекомендательных письмах ( A letter of recommendation ):

Немаловажным документом, сопровождающим резюме, может стать рекомендательное письмо от вашего предыдущего работодателя или преподавателя с места учебы.

Чаще всего у нужных вам рекомендателей не хватает времени, чтобы составить шаблон письма самим, но они готовы его подписать, так что приготовьтесь к тому, что составлять письмо придется именно вам.

Рекомендательное письмо включает:

· Заголовок;

· описание, как долго и в каком качестве вас знает рекомендатель;

· подтверждение факта работы/учебы/стажировки;

· описание ваших обязанностей, оценку их выполнения и профессиональные достижения;

· важные личные характеристики (описание сильных сторон);

· причины увольнения (этот пункт заполняется по желанию), если ответ не указан в рекомендательном письме, вы должны быть готовы назвать причину вашего ухода из компании устно;

· непосредственно рекомендация;

· контактные координаты рекомендателя: Ф.И.О, должность, телефон, электронный адрес;

· если рекомендация подается на бумаге, то ее лучше сделать на бланке компании, заверив печатью и подписью.

В российской практике деловой переписки в начале документа необходимо указывать, что это “Рекомендательное письмо”. В американских же рекомендательных письмах это словосочетание указывается очень редко. Там рекомендательное письмо оформляется как сопроводительное, то есть сначала пишется адрес, потом дата написания письма и обращение (чаще всего фраза “To whom it may concern”, русский эквивалент которой “Заинтересованным лицам”).


Test yourself

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous:

1.Timothy (to feed) his dog.

2. Nancy (to paint) her kitchen.

3. Our neighbors (to wash) their car.

4. What she (to do) now? – She (to dance).

5. What he (to do) at the moment? – He (to fix) his instrument.

6. They (to have) a big dinner together.

7. I (to do) my homework.

8. John and his friends (to go) to the library.

9. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) the history of music.

10. The old man (to walk) around the room.

11. You (to have) break?

12. What language you (to study)?

13. What they (to talk) about?

14. It still (to rain). I (to open) an umbrella.

15. John (to play) computer games.



2. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:

1. raining It not is anymore. up It clearing is the is and sun shining.

2. The playing band in jazz the is park. A of lot are music people to listening the.

3. Only sitting in a shop people seven are coffee. And five are only people waiting in a queue (очередь).



Текст : Music in my life                                                                                 : Music in my life

2019-12-29 232 Обсуждений (0)
Грамматика: Настоящее длительное время 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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