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В том и заключена сущность закономерного бытия, что в природе нет иного проявления, кроме ее противоречивых уровней обменного взаимодействия, энергии, то есть форм движения.

2020-02-04 216 Обсуждений (0)
В том и заключена сущность закономерного бытия, что в природе нет иного проявления, кроме ее противоречивых уровней обменного взаимодействия, энергии, то есть форм движения. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Философия вместе с её набором разобщённых законов и категорий существует по стольку, поскольку философы не прониклись тем, что все вещи в природе имеют противоречивый характер и потому они состоят в причинно-следственной связи. Минуя философию, исследователи, неизбежно придут к научно обоснованному мировоззрению, которым является экспериментально установленная закономерность бытия.



Данное открытие заключает в себе новое мировоззрение в области естествознания, здравоохранения, ветеринарии, философии и науки в целом.


Результаты настоящих исследований могут быть использованы также:

- В воспроизводстве новых пород и видов животных;

- В эпидемиологии;

- В санитарном контроле животных, предназначенных для пищевой индустрии;

- В отборе методов лечения и его прогнозировании;

- В совершенстве критериев жизнеспособности;

- В армии;

- В спорте;

- В охране материнства и детства.




On the example of mammals, experimentally discovered the criterion of health, under which performs the action: natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization of infinite variants of pathology.

This criterion allows carrying out control of parental levels of viability before conception of descendants and opens a new era in prevention of illnesses at animals and people in the course of their reproduction.

In connection with absence of the criterion necessary for differential diagnostics and the control of viability of organisms, against the background of a wide range of hereditary, congenital and acquired diseases that threaten the extinction of mankind, the animal industries and public health services undergo huge losses, and therefore unable to restore the lost viability of historically:

- None at the expense of finance and technical resources;

- None through the use of a huge army of specialists and scientific institutions, who vainly try to explore the infinite diversity of individual diseases;

- Not by the grace of distorting the reality of the laws.

Disclosing of secret of natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms has specified interrelation between preservation and development of the nature, and in particular, between a quantitative constancy of individuals and the qualitative variability which is directed aside their perfection.

The indissolubility contradictory forms of being, which was discovered experimentally, radically changes representation about development and preservation of the nature, because the set of known facts confirming the presence in the nature of the phenomena of preservation and development, by mistake, that is, in the absence of justification, have been erected by science, to the rank of isolated and therefore distort the reality of the laws.

Keywords: criterion of health or viability of organisms, control levels of viability parents before conceiving children, prevention of disease in the offspring of humans

and animals.


It is known, that an infinite variety of organisms survived and prospered during many billions years in absence of modern ways of diagnostics and treatment of illnesses.

Moreover, this process proceeded steadily in the absence of substantiation of nature conservation in isolation from development in accordance with the laws, which were then invented in the science.

Very good, that in ancient times there was no need to prove the conservation of nature in isolation from the development in accordance with complete distortion of worldview and the reality in modern science.

And, because:

- In three separated laws of philosophy cannot be and really there is no concrete formulation about development of the nature;

- And about its preservation cannot be and really there is no concrete formulation in three separated laws, introductions or the beginnings of all beginnings of thermodynamics;

- Also as well as in three laws of dynamics;

Modern representation about of being resembles, more an earlier worldview, in conformity with which the World stood on three whales, three elephants and a turtle!

Time has shown that we cannot get rid separately from parasitic, bacterial, viral, immune, allergic, nervous, mental, cardiovascular, oncology, endocrine, etc. disease.

Attempt, undertaken in science for the purpose to prevent the individual variants of Pathology among its infinite diverse of manifestations, - unavoidably gave birth to the unrealizable for the financing branched profile of scientific establishments, where specialists work a specific profile:

cardiologists, TB doctors, pulmonologists, ophthalmologists, helminthological, pathologists, transplant, gastroenterologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, physiologists, pathophysiology, trauma, hematologists, immunologists, endocrinologists, bacteriology, virology, neurosurgeons, dentists, obstetricians, biochemists, biophysics, pharmacists, astrologers, psychologists, geneticists, otolaryngologists, and so on.

In particular, the penultimate seems that they lack only a few nanometers, with the purpose to deepen into the structure of chromosomes, genes, its molecules and atoms, to understand the cause of this the problem.

If you dig deeper into the structure of DNA, even in the presence of one disease is present so many violations that genetics would not be able to load them into the railroad car and small truck.

I cannot imagine to what extent a person must be stupid to find and see all this?

And as a former locomotive machinist with a steam engine, I know such loud and unpleasant knock the metal, broken boxes of eggs, blended with fragments ragged serpentine spirals, like DNA, along with bottles and snacks, in the case of unsuccessful docking of large wagons.

It turns out that in the diseased organism, as and in the affected train, all not that guys!

As a result, the treatment from of many diseases, mentioned in the list: patients along and across the rugged a under the influence of the scalpel, poisoned by the chemistry, of deep-irradiated, they will inevitably come to my colleague - the therapist, who in the course of training at university with a huge variety of medical disciplines that are inaccessible to the mind, knows a little, about everything, but specifically about anything.

So, for example, difficulty for detect changes in DNA structure and genes, as a rule, are expressed in ugliness resistant to treatment in organisms that is accessible to diagnostics and not the naked eye.

This fact indicates that modern genetics cannot provide the diagnosis and monitoring of the set variable levels of viability in the absence of overt signs of pathology. However, she obsessively tries to make it through the anti-scientific lies and advertising gimmicks designed to redemption unjustified hopes and expended wasted trillions of Finance.

For example pregnancy, in healthy rats, which takes place against a background of semi-starvation diet of protein, was escorted into childhood dystrophy, dental caries, irreversible changes in tissues and organs up and decrease the concentration of DNA in cells, not without changing its structure.

Having lost the way among two birches, in the form of purine and pyrimidine the bases: adenine - guanine and thymine – uracil, genetics exaggerate value of DNA in an organism together with own applicability in a science and a practice. Consequence of it became below mentioned a reality, perverted to the detriment of health of animals and people.


In anxiety concerning what ugliness will be born in following generation, we distinctly realize similar to researchers in the field of genetics an outstanding role of surgeons in reproduction of cardio-defects, a harelip, blindness, absence in the newborn organism from intestines of the external aperture and so it is infinite.


In the field of experimental oncology it was possible to be convinced, that the researchers can sometimes get rid of cancer cells and from a tumor how to get rid of signal light bulb by means of a hammer, but not from of cause, which have generated illness, her inevitable return after treatment and death of an organism.


Coming back to a problem of our survival and development in unity of organisms of an environment will be pertinently to mention about arisen virus epidemic at sheep’s and furiousness at cows on the Native land of cloning of mammals. In the same place, researchers have undertaken search of a nonexistent gene in the nature which would supervise health or longevity irrespective of a full set of chromosomes.

By the way, the cloning of organisms, with similar to us dystrophies on an example of brothers smaller, in the absence of quality selection, and together with and absence it variability of biological forms, that encompasses the need for their perfection, was inevitably expressed in the loss of organisms ability to their survival. In particular, the cloning was aggravated with occurrence of a congenital arthritis in sheep’s, and a birth of the person - the ugly creature.

The prevailing part of sheep’s has been destroyed in connection with virus epidemic, in consequence of that, on a fire has burned down together with wool of 10 million sheep’s. As a result, Kingdom of the Great Britain has lost 12 billion pounds sterling, besides is absolute without a guarantee to exclude relapse of epidemic. Financial losses will reach trillions, if to consider natural occurrence in the same country of a spongy encephalopathy, i.e. furiousness at the cows, in the World patients with leukemia of herd and destroyed owing to flu very much a plenty of birds which also are intended for a food of people not without damage to their health.

“Euro news” report 2002-11-29.

This problem was further exacerbated by and in all countries the World.



2020-02-04 216 Обсуждений (0)
В том и заключена сущность закономерного бытия, что в природе нет иного проявления, кроме ее противоречивых уровней обменного взаимодействия, энергии, то есть форм движения. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: В том и заключена сущность закономерного бытия, что в природе нет иного проявления, кроме ее противоречивых уровней обменного взаимодействия, энергии, то есть форм движения.

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