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Research results and discussion

2020-02-04 215 Обсуждений (0)
Research results and discussion 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The success has brought one of many experiments, allowed to reveal long-awaited distinction. This difference consisted in the of quantity free amino acids which are present in the daily urine of individual organisms. In a consequence, correlation between change of the given parameter and quantity of the general nitrogen in daily urine has been tracked. Together they represent a level that is the rate of metabolism of nitrogen or protein, where higher settings belong to healthy, low - sick organisms.

The experts involved in cultivation of laboratory animals with surprise have apprehended the found out fact.

Perhaps by mistake, whether as humor, but happens so, that instead of healthy animals, workers vivarium have given out three groups of linear mice of the same color, a floor and age for the further researches. In these mice at two monthly age had predisposition 100 % to a cancer of a mammary gland, lungs and the blood, enshrined in the offspring by inbreeding for decades and hundreds of generations (typically, the tumor in mice occurs after the year). During registration and comparison of levels of a metabolism at mice, to surprise of the experts, the mistake has been easily detected. And that the low level of a metabolism is found out not only in parents at presence of tumors, but also at their absence at children at young age is very important.


The successful beginning of researches was interrupted with unique experiment.

It has appeared, that the found out distinction in levels is property not only oncological, but also other illnesses.

In the jungles of an uncharted path of an artifact has caused in the researcher a panic, disappointment and a shock simultaneously.

Exit out of the impasse was visible only through the upcoming confirmation of a new hypothesis in the unity of a set of the previous assumptions. In particular, it was necessary to prove, that the found out criterion is universal for various illnesses. But for a substantiation of the given hypothesis it was necessary to be convinced of absolutely opposite circumstance of things, namely that high levels of a metabolism belong to wild animals which constantly undergo natural selection.

Confirmation of the new assumptions evident in the experimentally detected in the confrontation between the high level of metabolism in wild mice and rats, compared with a low level - at the weakened animal vivarium suffering from cancer. This opposition reflects the difference found in more than 10 times and averaged 3.5-fold.

The reliability of selected areas of research confirmed in the following set of experiments (Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

In the progeny traced the continuity of levels of metabolism from parents;

Prevailing influence of levels in the offspring was dictated by the condition of the fetus during pregnancy in the womb;

It is shown that viability in the offspring gradually is lost, depending on the reduction of levels and, on the contrary, restored in accordance with the increase of parental levels of metabolism;

It turned out, that low levels of metabolism are allowed and, conversely, high - prohibit the manifestation of any pathology;

That’s why in order to prevent the weak and get viable offspring prior to conception of the latter, in laboratory animals has been made the selection of parents with high levels of metabolism.

The ability to quickly get rid of cancer, which was secured in the offspring for decades and hundreds of generations, has been provided through selection and breeding of mice with high levels of metabolism.

By studying the levels of metabolism in paddlers, swimmers and wrestlers, to the surprise of trainers, easy to identify the confrontation of individual performance sport.

Also revealed that historically people have lost high level of a metabolism and, therefore, he needs to recover. As a result we are forced to silently contemplate: and the indomitable growth of a wide range of diseases, and the probability of extinction of humanity.

During the registration of levels at different species of zoo mammals it has been shown that the high metabolism levels are typical not only for small, but also for big animals with weight of 100 kg and more.

Study have shown, that accepted as criterion of viability levels of energy, a matter, exchange interaction or a metabolism possess the contradictory affiliation and express an infinite variety of forms of movement, or attributes of being.

In particular, inconsistent character of levels belongs:

- Opposite sexes – male and female;

- Natural selection and reproduction – qualitative and quantitative;

- Onto- and phylogenetic - spatial and temporal;

- Species and individuality – universal and particular;

- Synthesis and destruction – anabolic and catabolic;

- Quiescence and motion – potential and kinetic;

- Health and disease - normal and pathological and so on.

For example, qualitative selection of the most viable organisms, that have high metabolism levels and corresponding fertileness, provides preservation of a kind, i.e. quantitative reproduction of descendants in excess. In its turn quantitative reproduction of descendants provides perfection of species, i.e. qualitative selection of the most viable organisms according to the high metabolism level. In a similar way takes place realize ontogeny and phylogeny, where spatial or intrauterine level of fetus provides the temporal, that is, level of a metabolism of an adult organism, after a birth, and on the contrary.

The same way displays inherent the for self-motion’s, the connection between the type and individual organisms, potential and kinetic, destruction and synthesis, negation and affirmation etc.



In the study of metabolism in mammals, discovered the criterion of health, under which performs the action: natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization of infinite variants of pathology.

On the example of the variability of levels of metabolism, which reflect the degree of health or viability of the organisms was traced the interconnection of such phenomena as: the preservation and development, space and time, the universal and particular, the potential and kinetic, denial and assertion (that is, synthesis and destruction, integration and disintegration), and so on.

In nature, there is the relationship and such phenomena as:

Finite and infinite;

Discontinuous and continuous;

Centrifugal and centripetal;

Ideal and real;

The divine and the diabolical;

The holy and the sinful;

Spin and invariance;

Charm and strangeness;

"Independent" from the policy newspaper;

Or, new covenants, which come to replace outdated light.

This means that in nature no other manifestation, except contradictory and therefore consisting in causal link t levels of exchange interaction, of energy, that is, forms of movement!


Disclosing of secret of natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms has specified interrelation between preservation and development of the nature, and in particular, between a quantitative constancy of individuals and the qualitative variability which is directed aside their perfection.

The indissolubility contradictory forms of being, which was discovered experimentally, radically changes representation about development and preservation of the nature.

In accordance with the set of known facts in science, it was established presence in the nature of the phenomena of conservation and development. However, as revealed in the present study, these phenomena are in error, that is, in absence of justification were raised to the rank independent of each other's laws that distort reality.

Thus the, was found a causal link, which is the basis of self-motion contradictory forms of being or natural phenomena. It means that the nature cannot undergo development without preservation, as well as preservation without development at any level of the organization. In it testify the levels of a metabolism that belong the concrete form of organisms.


Owing to misunderstanding mutual conditionality of things, philosophers by means of fiction have erected preservation and development of the nature above a variety integrated, and equal in significance opposite forms of movement. This circumstance of things promoted occurrence of the "basic" question in philosophy "about the superiority: the being - above a consciousness and, on the contrary". Incorrectly formulated question not only has perverted interrelation of ideal and real in the process of knowledge, but also has generated one-sidedly-ugly and consequently irreconcilable idealists and materialists.

This discovery contains a new worldview in the natural sciences, health, veterinary and medicine, philosophy and science in general.

As for my opinion on the policy regarding the World Health Organization, I propose to establish an International Center for Prevention of Illnesses in Progeny of humans and animals, because control of viability, is an inevitable necessity for survival and further development of mankind in the unity of organisms of the environment.

And because of levels exchange interaction or a metabolism possesses the contradictory affiliation and expresses an infinite variety of forms of movement, they is able to initiate the chain of causation.

Thus, the Law being is in the fact, that the in nature no other of manifestation, except the contradictory levels energy, of exchange interaction, that is forms of movement.

Philosophy, together with its set of disparate laws and categories will exist as long as philosophers do not imbued with the fact that all things in nature are contradictory and therefore are composed in of a causal link. In bypassing the philosophy, the researchers will inevitably be forced to adopt scientifically based worldview - experimentally established law of being.



 Results of the present researches can be used also:

- In a reproduction of new breeds and kinds of animals;

- In epidemiology;

- In the sanitary control of animals intended for the food industry;

- In selection of methods of treatment and their forecasting;

- In perfection of criteria of viability;

- In the army;

- In a sport;

- In protection of motherhood and the childhood.


There tables and pictures in English: (Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):



Please read the full article:


The law of being:

New worldview in science, philosophy and religion, which emerged on the basis open of mystery natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms



Preventing illnesses in the progeny


Закономерность бытия

science, philosophy, religion, health, of nature:

New worldview in science, philosophy and religion,

which emerged on the basis open of mystery natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms


Method of preventing illnesses in the progeny of people and animals.


New worldview in the field of natural sciences and philosophy, which emerged on the basis open of mystery natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms:








New worldview in the field of natural sciences, health, veterinary science, medicine, philosophy and science in general:


The method of preventing disease in the offspring of animals and humans:


Secret of natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms:


The mystery of the natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms:


Method of Prevention of Illnesses in Descendants:


Method of Prevention of Illnesses in Descendants


Absence of the substantiation in laws of preservation and nature development


The law of confrontation the levels energy:


The method of preventing disease in the offspring of animals and humans:


The mystery of the natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms:


The lack of justification in the laws of conservation and development of nature:


The Law of Confrontation the Levels Energy:


Absence of the substantiation in laws of preservation and nature development:


Absence of the substantiation in laws of preservation and nature development:


Раскрыта тайна естественного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов независимо от генетики!:


Критерий отбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов:


Способ предотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей:


Способ предотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей:


Способ Предотвращения Болезней У Потомков Животных И Людей:


Способ предотвращения болезней у потомков животных и людей:


Национальный проект здравоохранения, способ предотвращения болезней у потомков (Автор исследований и обладатель патента Российской Федерации №2111660 Валентин Павлович Долженко):



Отсутствие обоснования у законов сохранения и развития природы:


Отсутствие обоснования в законах сохранения и развития природы:



Открытие тайны природного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов:


Выживание согласно открытию в области медицины и биологии:


Способ предотвращения болезей у потомков:


Способ предотвращения болезней в потомстве: 



Открытие тайны естественного отбора и репродукции жизнеспособных организмов:


Новое мировоззрение в предотвращении болезней:


Новое научно обоснованное мировоззрение:


Новое мировоззрение в здравоохранении и ветеринарии:


Новое мировоззрение в здравоохранении, ветеринарии, философии и науке в целом:


Научно обоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский»


Научно обоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский»

Новое мировоззрение в биологии, здравоохранении, ветеринарии, физике, философии и науке в целом:


Новое мировоззрение в здравоохранении, философии и науке в целом:






Научно обоснованная закономерность бытия:


Научно обоснованная закономерность бытия «Иван Русский»:



Обращение к Президенту Академии Наук России Осипову Юрию Сергеевичу

С предложением создать центр предотвращения болезней в потомстве


Критерий здоровья:


Природный критерий здоровья:



Критерий отбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов:


Новое мировоззрение в естествознании:


Новое мировоззрение в области естественных наук, здравоохранении, ветеринарии и медицины, философии и науке в целом:



Новое мировоззрение в естествознании, философии и религии:

основанное на открытии в России тайны природного отбора и воспроизводства жизнеспособных организмов






2020-02-04 215 Обсуждений (0)
Research results and discussion 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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