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Формы личных местоимений

2020-02-04 377 Обсуждений (0)
Формы личных местоимений 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
I you he she it we they me you him her it us them
He (she) drinks milk sometimes. Who is it? Give it to him (her). He likes it. It’s me (him, her, them).

Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительных местоимений:

what — что, какой? which — который? who — кто? whom — кого? where — где, куда? when — когда? why — почему? whose — чей? how — как? how many, how much — сколько? how long — как долго?

Структура специального вопроса: I shall do it tomorrow → Whenwill you do it?

Различие между what и which:

What color shall we choose? — Какой мы выберем цвет (краски)? (вообще).

Which color did you like: blue or white? — Какой цвет тебе понравился: синий или белый? (конкретный выбор)


1. Найдите в тексте местоимения и определите их тип:

My friends and I are all having trouble with our cars. My best friend Charlie is having trouble with his. The brakes don’t work. He tried to fix them by himself, but he doesn’t know anything about cars. Finally, he took the car to his mechanic. The mechanic charged him a lot of money, and the brakes still don’t work! Charlie is really annoyed. He’s having a lot of trouble with his car. And he can’t find anybody who can help him.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту :

1. What trouble is Charlie having?

2. Why can’t Charlie fix his car?

3. Who did he take his car to? (To whom did he take his car?)

2. Заполните пропуски в тексте:

My name’s Helen. … ’m 23 years old. I’ve got a sister. … name’s Sandra. She’s an economist. She’s married and …’s got two children. … names are Jan and Rob. …’re twins. … husband’s a doctor. … works in the central hospital.

3. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:

1. A: What does Judy do today?

B: She goes to the movies.

A: Oh. Who does she go to the movies with?

B: Nobody. She goes to the movies by herself.

2. A: What did Susan and Robert do yesterday?

B: They had a picnic.

A: Oh. Who did they have a picnic with?

B: Nobody. They had a picnic themselves.

4. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свои диалоги по образцам из упр. 3, используя данные слова. Драматизируйте их :

You / go to the beach, Mr. Brown / take a walk in the park, Mom and Dad / play cards

5. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте диалог, обратите внимание на употребление неопределенных местоимений:

A: Armstrong Plumbing Company. Can I help you?

B: Yes. There is something wrong with my kitchen sink. Can you send a plumber to fix it as soon as possible?

A: Where do you live?

B: 13 Main Street in Centerville.

A: I can send a plumber tomorrow morning. Is that okay?

B: Not really. I’m afraid I won’t be home tomorrow morning.

A: How about tomorrow afternoon?

B: Tomorrow afternoon? What time?

A: Between one and four.

B: That’s fine. Somebody will be here then.

A: What’s your name?

B: Jane Brown.

A: And what’s the address again?

B: 13 Main Street in Centerville.

A: And the phone number?

B: 587-5110.

A: Okay. We’ll have someone there tomorrow afternoon.

B: Thank you.

6. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свой диалог, пользуясь данной моделью, попробуйте вызвать электрика ( an electrician ), механика ( a mechanic ), сантехника ( a plumber ), специалист по ремонту видеотехники ( a repair person ). Драматизируйте его :

A: … . Can I help you?

B: … Yes. There is something wrong with my … . Can you send a … to fix it as soon as possible?

A: … Where do you live?

B: … in … .

A: I can send a … tomorrow morning. Is that okay?

B: Not really. I’m afraid I won’t be home tomorrow morning.

A: How about tomorrow afternoon?

B: Tomorrow afternoon? What time?

A: Between … and … .

B: That’s fine. Somebody will be here then.

A: What’s the name?

B: … .

A: And what’s the address again?

B: … in … .

A: And the phone number?

B: … .

A: Okay. We’ll have someone there tomorrow afternoon.

B: Thank you.

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

Give sb a bell — to telephone someone.

Pick up the tab (for) — to pay (for something).

Drive sb up the wall — to annoy someone a lot.

Bite off more than you can chew — to try to do more than you can.

Cut the (umbilical) cord — to stop relying on your parents for help or money.

Lesson 10

Quantitative pronouns — SOME, ANY, NO, MUCH, MANY, FEW,

many much a lot of few some several Много (употребляется с исчисл. сущ.) Много (употребляется с исчисл. и неисчисл. сущ.) Много (употребляется с неисчисл. сущ.) Несколько (употребляется с исчисл. сущ.) Несколько Несколько


Утвердительные  предложения



Немного Мало Нет совсем
с исчисляемыми существительными many a lot of a few few

None / not any

с неисчисляемыми существительными much a lot of a little little

и отрицательные предложения

Употребление Вопросительные Отрицательные  
с исчисляемыми существительными How many not many

not any

с неисчисляемыми существительными How much not much

— How much sugar have you got?     — Have you got any eggs?

— Not much.                                            — Yes. Two dozens.


Неопределенное местоимение some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях; any — в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях; no — только в отрицательных; not any — предпочтительно в разговорной речи: I ’ ve met some people , but I don ’ t have any real friends . I’d like to ask you for some advice. Have you any idea what time it is? There were no tomatoes left.


1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях местоимениями some, any, no, none, not any, one или неопределенным артиклем :

1) Have you got … relations? — No, I haven’t … .  

2) Has she got … nephews or nieces? — Yes. She has… .

3) She has … sister, she has only … brother.

4) They have got … cousins in Minsk.

5) Have you got ... interesting books? — Yes. I have… .

6) I have … good friends.


2. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:

1. A: How much juice do you want?  2. A: How many biscuits do you want?

B: Not too much. Just a little.               B: Not too many. Just a few.

A: Okay. Here you are.                         A: Okay. Here you are.

B: Thanks.                                               B: Thanks.


3. A: How much does a head of let        tuce cost? B: Seventy-five cents. A: Seventy-five cents?! That’s a lot   of money! B: You’re right. Lettuce is very ex              pensive. 4. A: How much does a pound of        oranges cost? B: A dollar thirty-five. A: A dollar thirty-five?! That’s a       lot of money! B: You are right. Oranges are        very expensive.


5. A: Excuse me. I’m looking for a bunch of bananas.

B: Sorry. There aren’t any more bananas.

A: There aren’t?

B: No, there aren’t. Sorry.


6. A: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Smith?

B: Yes, please.

A: What do you prefer: beef or lamb?

B: Beef, please.

A: What about some steak? Here is a nice piece.

B: Give me that piece, please.


3. Работайте с партнером. Составьте диалог по образцам
упр. 2, используя собственные слова, и драматизируйте его:


4. Задайте вопросы к предложениям:

Model : How many / How much … .

1. There is a lot of paper in the box. 2. There is little money in the pocket. 3. There is much salt in the soup. 4. There are many mistakes in his report.
5. There are a lot of children in the room. 6. There are some books on the table.

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

In a big way — a lot.

Be much of a muchness — to be about the same, and not very good.

A fat lot of good — not helpful or useful in any way.

Play to the gallery — to do something for its effect on other people.

That’s / it’s news to me! — I’m surprised or annoyed because someone has not told me something sooner.

2020-02-04 377 Обсуждений (0)
Формы личных местоимений 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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