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Выражение долженствования, обязанности, необходимости

2020-02-04 491 Обсуждений (0)
Выражение долженствования, обязанности, необходимости 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

  Значение В настоящем (Present) В прошлом  (Past)
have to   be to должен — вынужден, обстоятельства вынуждают, обязывают строгие предписания   должен — моральный долг обязывает Sorry, I have to go now. My train is leaving in a minute. At the West Point Military Academy the cadets have to obey very strict rules.   We are students. We are to work hard. I had to go yesterday — I was missing my train. When I was a cadet I had to obey very strict rules.   We were to work hard when we were students.


Выражение умения, способности, возможности
производить действие и разрешения

Оборот Значение В настоящем (Present) В прошлом  (Past)
be able to     be allowed to     физическая и умственная способность выполнить действие   разрешение   She’s able to play the piano.   She isn’t able to play the piano because her hand hurts.   Visitors are allowed to use the car park.   Visitors are not allowed to use the car park. She was able to play the piano when she was five.   She wasn’t able to play the piano at yesterday concert because her hand hurt.   Visitors were allowed to use the car park.   Visitors were not allowed to use the car park.


1. Переведите пары предложений и объясните различие между ними:

She could not cook such big dinner . — Она не могла приготовить такой большой ужин.

She need notcook such big dinner . — Ей не надо готовить такой большой ужин.

I cannot read French books. You need not read so many books.

They could not come in time. They need not come in time.

She could not buy that dress. She need not buy a new dress.

The boy cannot lock the door. The boy need not lock the door.


2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски с помощью глагола to have to и следующих глаголов:

do, put, obey ( подчиняться ), run, look, polish, tell, stand, sit, memorize ( запоминать ), touch, get, go, tell, be.

Tom, a first year cadet at West Point, is writing a letter to his brother. West Point is the United States Army Military Academy. It is a very strict (жесткий, суровый) school, and there are many rules (правила) the cadets must obey.


Dear Joe,

How are you doing? Well, here I am at West Point. Life here is very difficult. We have to obey a thousand rules. A first-year cadet is nothing here. We  … everything that an upperclassman tells us to do. Upperclassmen always tell the new cadets to do a lot of crazy things. For example, we … down our suitcases and pick them up again about fifty times. And we … up and down the stairs ten times.

Our uniform is very important. They … perfect at all times. I … my shoes about three times a day. If an upperclassman can’t see his reflection in our shoes, we … them again.

Cadets … at attention when they speak to upperclassmen. When we stand at attention, our chins … our chests. We even … at attention when we eat our meals. You won’t believe some of the other stupid things. We … the menu for lunch and dinner every day. When an upperclassman asks «What’s for dinner?» we … him: «Roast, chicken, potatoes, carrots, salad and apple pie, Sir». Also, if an upperclassman wants a Coke, we … to the soda machine and … a Coke for him.

Honor is important at West Point. Cadets … honest at everything they do. For example, if you know that another cadet lied or cheated on a test, you … the commander.

I don’t have time to write any more. I … to class now.

Please write to me. I’m very lonely here. It’s very different from high school and home.

See you at Christmas,




Upperclassman — курсант старшего курса , reflection — отражение , stand at attention — стоять по стойке смирно , chin — подбородок , chest — грудь , honor — честь , lie — лгать , cheat — мошенничать .


3. Работайте с партнером. Ваш друг учится в университете и живет в общежитии. Расспросите о его обязанностях, используя следующие выражения:

Model :

— Do you have to come early to class ?

— Yes, I do. Our classes begin at eight.

— Do you have to cook for yourself ?

— No, I needn’t. There is a canteen at the University.

To stay late, to attend lectures, to prepare for the seminars, to study two foreign languages, to wash the clothes, to work a lot at the library, to work part time, to work hard to get ready for exams.


4. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол из списка: can , may , must , need

Why … not you understand it? It’s so easy!

You … not have bought this meat: we have everything for dinner.

We … not carry the bookcase upstairs. It’s too heavy.

We … not carry this sofa upstairs ourselves: the workers will come and do it.

5. Заполните пропуски в тексте глаголами из списка : can, can, can, must, must, required to, must not, should, allowed to, do not have to.

Overseas visitors … use their usual driving licences in New South Wales but … have proof that they are simply visiting. You are also … carry your licence with you whenever you are driving. You … drive without wearing a seat belt. Driving is not the ideal way to get around central Sydney, although a car … be very convenient for journeys into the suburbs and further afield. If you are planning to use a car you … purchase a good street directory. The city centre is often congested and it … be difficult to find a parking place. Look out for the blue and white ‘P’ signs. You … pay at a meter after 6.30 pm on weekends, on Saturday afternoons and all day Sunday.

At some intersections, which are clearly signposted, drivers are … make a left-hand turn at a red light after stopping, but … give way to pedestrians.

Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:

Clip sb’s wings — to limit someone’s freedom or power.

One-horse town — a place with few comforts and activities; a dull rural town.

Have your cake end eat it too — to spend or use something up but still have it; to have two things when you must choose one.

Go to the dogs — to decline in looks or health; to be ruined or destroyed; to ruin oneself.

Buy a pig in a poke — to buy something without seeing or examining it.

Lesson 20

Modals III

Конструкции с модальными глаголами могут использоваться в следующих ситуациях:

чтобы попросить совета :

— Shall I take the exam now or wait till later?

— Should I go by car or by bus?

— Would you accept the job if you were me?

чтобы дать совет :

— You should get your hair cut.

— You should have had to drink less.

— You ought to use a dictionary.

— You ought to have revised a bit more.

попросить об услуге :

— Can/Could I ask you to do me a favor?

— Would you do me a favor? (более вежливо)

— Would you help me carry this bag?

— May I use your telephone?

— Will you please be quiet in here.

2020-02-04 491 Обсуждений (0)
Выражение долженствования, обязанности, необходимости 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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