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THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 9 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

XVII.    Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. This island [ʹaɪlǝnd] (остров) (to discover, to find) two hundred years ago. 2. You will (to discover, to find) this book in many of the Moscow book-shops. It’s worth buying. 3. I looked for the boy everywhere and finally (to discover, to find) him in a far corner of the garden. 4. The two sisters (to look like each other; to be alike) so much that it is easy to take one for the other, even their voices (to look like, to be alike). 5. Is it raining outside? I have to go out. What shall I (to put on, to wear, to have on, to dress)? 6. “Don’t (to put on, to wear, to have on, to dress) your shirt!” said the mother to her little son. “You haven’t washed yet and you mustn’t (to put on, to wear, to have on, to dress) before washing.” 7. Here is a good black hat. You can (to put on, to wear, to have on, to dress) it with any coat. 8. The armchair looked so big and heavy that we didn’t expect Peter to be able (to lift, to pick up, to raise) it. However, the boy was very strong and (to lift, to pick up, to raise) it like a feather (перышко) and even (to lift, to pick up, to raise) it high above his head. 9. Don’t you see the old woman has dropped her gloves? (to lift, to pick up, to raise) them for her! 10. This question has been (to lift, to pick up, to raise) many times and it is still under consideration. 11. As there were only (a couple, a pair) of pages left, the girl decided to finish the book before going to bed. 12. I saw a nice (couple, pair) of shoes in this shop the other day. 13. The librarian (to point out, to show) some new novels to me and I (to point out, to show) those which I intended to read. 14. During the summer holidays the guests are recommended (to book, to buy) rooms in advance as the hotels are usually full up. 15. You needn’t (to book, to buy) another copy of this magazine, mine is at your disposal.

XVIII. Make up situations using the following words:

1) to arrive long before

to discover

at one’s disposal

to consider it more pleasant

instead (of)

to leave the luggage

the left-luggage office

2) in spite of something

a lot of luggage

to choose

not to hire a porter

to be quite natural

to laugh at someone’s expense

at the sight (of)

3) to go shopping

to choose

for everyday wear (for better wear)

at first sight

to consider something too dear

in spite of the fact that...

4) to be short-sighted

to wear glasses


to discover

to leave something at home

not to enjoy the ballet [ʹbæleɪ]

5) to point out

to be under consideration


to be worth

to be responsible

to get something ready

6) to set a good example

one’s attitude towards

to be responsible

to be about to do something

to discover

not to improve one’s condition

to feel gloomy (hurt)

7) to see off

at one’s disposal

to get excited

to hire a taxi

to get aboard

to shake hands with

a pleasant journey

to lose sight (of)

XIX. Translate the following sentences in writing using the active of the lesson.

1.Детям рассказали, когда и кем была открыта Австралия. 2. „Освободите греческих патриотов!“ — вот требование народов всего мира. 3. Советую вам совершить это путешествие. Я уверен, что у вас будет много новых впечатлений. 4. Вы считаете справедливым, что его идеи не были приняты во внимание? 5. За последнее время в Москве воздвигнуто (поставлено) несколько памятников великим русским писателям. 6. Научная деятельность Мичурина хорошо известна всему миру. 7. Обнаружив, что мы сели не в тот (the wrong) трамвай и едем в противоположном направлении, мы прошли вперед и вышли на следующей остановке. 8. Вам бы лучше нанять носильщика. Ваш багаж настолько тяжелый, что вы едва ли сможете справиться с ним сами. 9. Хорошо обдумав вопрос, он, наконец, начал работать. 10. Пройдя пешком большое расстояние, они чувствовали себя совершенно измученными. 11. Накрыв на стол, она сидела у окна, ожидая гостей. 12. Какие у него основания говорить, что этот вопрос не стоит тщательного рассмотрения? 13. Будучи близоруким он всегда выбирал места в первых рядах. 14. Неужели эта команда проиграла вчера? 15. Мы наблюдали за пароходом, пока он не скрылся из виду.

XX. Translate the following text in writing and retell it in class using the words following the text:*


Георгий Седов родился 3 мая 1877 г. в семье бедного рыбака. Однажды, когда Георгий был еще совсем маленьким мальчиком, он услышал от одного моряка рассказы о дальних (distant) странах и великих открытиях и решил учиться, чтобы стать капитаном.

Когда Георгий сказал об этом отцу, тот пристально посмотрел на мальчика и покачал головой. Он не хотел, чтобы его сын учился. И это было вполне естественно. Старый опытный рыбак, не умевший ни читать, ни писать, был уверен, что о таких вещах не стоит и думать.

Несмотря на огромные трудности, Седов выучился читать и писать сам. Много лет спустя он получил высшее образование и стал капитаном.

Когда он приобрел достаточно опыта и знаний, он решил отправиться на Северный полюс (the North Pole). Он всегда говорил, что необходимо лучше узнать этот район. Несмотря на то, что все считали (находили) идеи Седова разумными, его планы очень долго находились на рассмотрении в различных учреждениях. Кроме того, ему было очень трудно достать деньги для своей экспедиции. После того, как деньги были, наконец, собраны, Седову много пришлось поработать, прежде чем он смог отправиться в путь...

Экспедиция Седова была событием огромной важности. Это была победа человека над природой, но эта победа была завоевана ценою жизни Седова. 5 марта 1914 года он умер недалеко от Северного полюса.

Мечта Седова осуществилась после Великой Октябрьской Социалистической революции, когда советские люди подняли флаг нашей Родины над Северным полюсом.

Word combinations to be used:

to be responsible (for), to hire a boat, to fix the date, to be worn-out, to set an example, to serve one’s country.


XXI. Retell the text trying to avoid direct speech.

XXII. Retell the text in the person of:

1. Eddie 2. Allan 3. Eddie’s mother 4. the boy who had told Eddie about the arrival of the circus

XXIII. Dramatize the following episodes:

1. The older boy telling Eddie about the arrival of the circus

2. Eddie asking his mother for money

XXIV. Retell the episodes given in ex. XXIII without using direct speech.

XXV. Describe the circus grounds:

a) at the time the two brothers got there; b) at nine o’clock before the circus arrived; c) after the arrival of the circus.

XXVI. Characterize using the words given in brackets:

a) Eddie (blue-eyed, fair-haired, rather tall, well-built, lean, to take after, by nature)

b) Alan (blue-eyed, fair-haired, to be like, to take after, good- natured)

c) Mrs. Campbell (fair-haired, lean, tall, hard-working, fair, by nature)

XXVII. Speak on the following topics using the words given in brackets:

1. Life in the Area where the Campbells Lived.

(a farming area, the demand, to increase, to get hired, under hard conditions, the reason, to make profits, at the expense of)

2. Mrs. Campbell’s Day’s Work

(skilled, to get hired, to serve somebody well, at the expense of one’s health, in spite of, conditions, to look worn-out, instead of)

3. A Day in Eddie's Life

(to manage the house, to take care of, to be responsible for, to have little fun, to get tired of, to beat)

XXVIII. Retell these stories using the words following each:


A man met his tailor (портной) in the street and stopped him. “I quite forgot to pay you for the suit which I have on now,” he said. “Why didn’t you remind me?”

“I never ask a gentleman for money,” the tailor replied. “Then what do you do if he doesn’t pay?”

“Well after some time I no longer think he is a gentleman, and then I ask him.”

Words to be used:

at the sight of, to discover, to wear, to consider.


A man with very long hair was stopped by a small boy who asked him what time it was. The boy was told it was ten minutes to eleven.

“Well, at eleven o’clock,” said the boy, “have your hair cut.” The boy immediately ran away, but the man followed him. While running after the boy, he was stopped by a policeman.

“What’s wrong?” asked the officer.

“That boy told me to have my hair cut at eleven o’clock.” “Well,” said the policeman looking at his watch, “why are you hurrying so? You still have almost ten minutes at your disposal.”

Words to be used:

to wear one’s hair long, to make fun oh to feel hurt, on hearing.


“Your children are so good! I’d like them to spend more time with mine,” a young mother said to her lady-friend. “Mine never know how to play,” she continued. “They get so terribly dirty when I send them out for a walk.”

“Oh, but children always do,” the other woman replied. “Yesterday I had to give a good washing to eight boys before I could recognize my own.”

Words to be used:

to improve, instead of, to set an example, to be alike, at first sight.

XXIX. Give situations illustrating the use of the following sentences (See Text-book part I):

Here it is! (Here they are) Don’t mention it (not at all)

Here you are!                 Can I have ..., please!

Never mind!                   Sorry!

That’s all right!              Excuse me!

You are welcome!          It’s a pity ...



Grammar: Времена группы Perfect Continuous (the Perfect Continuous Tense-forms) (§ 4)




(by Albert Maltz)

The brothers sat on the ground, close together, silent. For three weeks they had been waiting for this day and now nobody wanted them. And then after another half hour of waiting, a boy sitting near them rose to his feet to see if they were already selling tickets. It wasn’t his fault that he had the price of a ticket. But the boys turned and looked upon him as a personal enemy, and then turned and looked at one another understanding for the first time in their young lives the full and terrible power of money.

And then they were hired. Suddenly, a big cheerful-lookingman appeared before them. He cried loudly, “Do any of you, kids, want to see the circus?” Some eighty boys from five to sixteen jumped to their feet* crying “yes” at the same time. The man laughed and said, “Ithought so. Come around close.” The boys surrounded him. Each boy hoped that the man would choose him. The man pointed suddenly to Alan. “Here is a nice boy — how old are you?” Alan quickly told a lie, “Eight!” “That’s good. I just wanted to be sure you were over two; we don’t hire kids under two.”

All the boys burst out laughing. The man laughed with them, then held up a red card and said quite seriously: “When show time comes. I’m going to give everyone of you boys one of these tickets. All you are going to do for me is to help pull a few ropes, because it is a windy day, and then set up some seats. But you listen to me. I’ve been sixteen years with the circus and I’ve been pushing boys for nine. That’s my name. Pusher. I know all your tricks. And I remember faces. I’ve been studying every one of your faces and there will be no boy who is going to get a free ticket unless I see him working all the time with my two eyes. You blame yourself if you don’t work properly. Have you got

The boys shouted that they understood and were ready.

“Come on, then,” he said and started running. The Campbell brothers kept close together.

And as soon as they reached one of the tents, they began working. Rather quickly both brothers realized that it was work, hard work.

“Do your hands hurt, Eddie?” Alan asked after a while, “Mine hurt terribly.”

“Mine hurt too, but you won’t stop working, will you? We’ve done half already.”

“Oh, no, I won’t stop.”

It was a little past two. They went on working.

They had been working for about an hour and a half when Alan said that he could no longer work and stopped.

“Oh, come on,” Eddie asked, “please.”

“I can’t.”

“We’ll lose our tickets because of you Alan,” his brother cried. “Try to move along with us so that Pusher won’t know...”

“Yes, I’ll try.”

The tent was at last fixed. The boys were all dead tired. They were eager to walk over to Pusher and get their tickets. Slowly, but feeling proud, the boys made their way across the field. They compared their red hands and lied to each other that they were only a little tired. Alan whispered to his brother:

“I did well, didn’t I?”

“Sure you did.”

“Are you tired?”

“Yes, a little.”

They found Pusher near the big tent. He stood directing boys who were carrying chairs.

“Pusher, here we are,” one of the boys said. “Have you got our tickets for us?”

“Of course, I have,” Pusher replied. “Just take some chairs and carry them in.”

Eddie said in a weak voice. “Do you mean we have to work some more?”

“We have to get those seats in, don’t we? Come on, get busy. The circus is to start in fifteen, twenty minutes.”

The boys started working again, but their faces were white with tiredness.

When the last chair was set up, it was five minutes past four.

As in a dream the two brothers moved into the big tent. They reached their section, found their seats and sat side by side. The tent was filling up, the band was playing. Alan whispered, “The clowns, the dogs, that’s what I want to see.”

Suddenly the band began to play a dance tune, and several girls ran out. For what seemed a long time they danced around before them. The elephants came out and did things that Eddie and Alan tried hard to watch, but they had seen the elephants already. And then — the two brothers leaned against each other and fell asleep...

* * *

They woke up at the sound of a shot to see a man sail out from a gun high in the tent. There was a burst of applause and then on all sides the people stood up. The audience began to go home.

Since there was no more to see, the Campbell boys also went home. They cried so very quietly on their way home that no one at all noticed.


fault [fɔ:lt] n                                   1. вина, ответственность за какой-ли-

(= responsibility for smth. wrong)  бо поступок

e. g. It was my fault.                      Это была моя вина.

It is your own fault.                      Вы сами виноваты.

Whose fault is it that we are late? Кто виноват в том, что мы опоздали?

Phr. through no fault of mine (his, не по моей (его, ее и т. д.) вине

hers, etc.)

е. g . The machine broke down        Машина сломалась не по их вине.

through no fault of theirs.

                                                       2. дефект, недостаток, ошибка

е. g . There is a fault in the та-        В машине имеется дефект.


There are many faults in the book. В книге имеется много недостатков.

In spite of her faults we all like her. Мы все ее любим несмотря на ее не-


Phr . to find fault with smb. or       придираться к кому-л. или чему-л;

smth.                                              находить недостатки в ком-л. или


е. g . Don’t pay any attention to     He обращайте на нее внимания. Она

her She is always finding fault      всегда ко всему придирается.

with things.

Why does he so often find fault with Почему он так часто придирается к

her work?                                       ее работе?

faulty adj                                        имеющий дефекты, недоброкачествен-

                                                           ный, испорченный, поврежденный

W . comb . faulty goods (materials,   недоброкачественные товары (мате-

machines, etc.)                                риалы, машины и т. д.)

е. g . The company did not accept   Фирма не приняла станки, так как

the machines as some parts            некоторые части оказались недобро-

were found to be faulty.                 качественными.

personal [ʹpǝ:snǝl] adj                    личный (a person — личность, лицо,


power [pauǝ] n                               1. сила, власть

e . g . It’s not in my power to get     Я не могу получить таких сведений.

the information.

He’ll do everything in his power to Он сделает все, что сможет (все, что

help us.                                           в его силах), чтобы помочь нам.

                                                       2. сила, энергия, мощность

a power - station                              электростанция

                                                       3. держава, государство

е. g . the Great Powers                     Великие державы

powerful adj                                   мощный, могучий, могущественный,


W . comb . а powerful man               могущественный человек

a powerful machine                      мощная машина

a powerful voice                           могучий голос

Ant. powerless                                бессильный

cheerful [ʹtʃɪǝfǝl] adj                       бодрый, весёлый, жизнерадостный,

                                                           яркий, светлый

W . comb . а cheerful person (face,  веселый человек (лицо, разговор

conversation, etc.)                          и т. д. )

a cheerful room                            веселенькая комната

a cheerful song                             бодрая песня

Ant. cheerless                                  унылый, мрачный

cheer up v                                       подбодрить(ся), развеселить(ся)

е. g . I am so sorry I could not         Мне так жаль, что мне не удалось

cheer Ann up.                                 подбодрить Анну.

Why do you look so gloomy? Cheer Почему ты такой мрачный? Подбод-

up.                                                  рись.

some adv                                          зд. около, приблизительно

surround [sǝʹraund] v                    окружать, обступать

Gr. Prp. to be surrounded by smb.; быть окруженным кем-либо или чем-

by or with smth.                             либо

e . g . A Chinese house is very of-    В Китае дом часто окружен высокой

ten surrounded by (with)             стеной.

a high wall.

——— Compare: ———

Мальчики сразу же окружили    Pusher was at once surrounded
Пушера.                                         by the boys.
В нашей стране дети окружены Children in our country are taken
заботой.                                         good care of.

nice adj                                           приятный, хороший,    милый

Syn. pleasant, good, kind, friendly, fine

W. comb. a nice day (book, dress,  хороший день (книга, платье и т. д.)


е . g. The weather is nice and           Сегодня хорошая, теплая погода.

warm today.

That’s a nice boy!                           Вот милый мальчик!

It was very nice of you to help them. С вашей стороны было очень мило

                                                             помочь им.

nicely adv                                       хорошо

е . g. You did it very nicely.            Вы очень хорошо это сделали.

to burst (burst, burst) [bǝ:st] v       взорваться, лопнуть, разразиться.

e . g. The bag was so full that it       Сумка была так полна, что лопнула.


W. comb. to burst into, out of        (а ворваться в комнату, в вагон (вы-

room, a carriage, etc.)                   бежать из комнаты, из вагона

                                                             и т. д.)

to burst out crying                         расплакаться

to burst out laughing                     рассмеяться

burst n                                            взрыв

W. comb. a burst of laughter (of     взрыв смеха (аплодисментов)


hold (held, held) [hould] v *           1. держать

W. comb. to hold smth. in one’s     держать что-л. в руках


to hold smb. in one’s arms             держать кого-л. на руках, держать

                                                           кого-л. в объятиях

to hold smth. out (a hand, a docu- протягивать что-л. (руку, документ

ment, etc.)                                       и т. д.)

to hold up                                      выставлять, показывать (держать

                                                             что-л. вверху)

е . g. — Where are my glasses?       Где мои очки?

— You are holding them in your hand.              Ты держишь их в руке.

W. comb. to hold a meeting            проводить собрание

to hold a conversation                    вести разговор

Gr. to be held                                 проводиться

e. g. Where will our examination    Где будет проводиться наш экза-

be held?                                          мен?

Was the meeting held yesterday?   Собрание состоялось вчера?

hold n                                             захват

Phr. to catch hold of* smth.          схватить

to get hold of smth.                      схватить, ухватиться; найти, застать,


e g . I need this book badly, but       Мне очень нужна эта книга, но я не

I can’t get hold of it.                      могу ее достать.

I’ve been trying to speak to him on Я пытался поговорить с ним по это-

the matter, but I can’t get hold of му вопросу, но не могу застать его.


hold up (smb. or smth.) v               задержать (кого-л. или что-л.)

е. g. I am sure something has          Я уверен, что его что-то задержало.

held him up.

card n                                             карточка; визитная карточка

pull [pu:l] v                                     *тянуть, тащить (на себя)

W . comb . to pull the door open      потянуть и открыть (закрыть) дверь

(shut) *

to pull smth. or smb. up (down)* потянуть что-л. или кого-л. вверх


to pull smth out*                          вытянуть что-либо

to have a tooth pulled out*          выдернуть зуб

to pull up at                                 останавливаться (о транспорте)

to pull down a house                    снести дом

e. g. A car pulled up at the entran- У подъезда остановилась автомаши-

се and a tall young man got out.     на, и из нее вышел высокий моло-

                                                             дой человек.

The house was being pulled down Когда мы приехали сюда, дом сно-

when we arrived at the place.         сили.

Phr. to pull oneself together          взять себя в руки

rope п                                             веревка, канат, трос

push [puʃ]* v                                  толкать (от себя)

pusher п                                          толкач, погоняло

trick п                                             шутка, проделка

Phr. to play a trick on smb.           подшутить над кем-либо

unless [ʌnʹles] conj                         если только не (союз)

е. g . We’ll go to the country on      Мы поедем за город в воскресенье,

Sunday unless the weather             если только вдруг не изменится по-

changes suddenly.                           года.

I shan’t come tomorrow unless you Я завтра не приду, если только ты

ring me up.                                    не позвонишь мне.

blame v                                           винить, порицать

Prp. to blame smb. for smth.         винить кого-л. за что-л.

е. g . If anything goes wrong, don’t Если что-либо сломается (будет не в

blame me.                                       порядке), не вините меня.

You mustn’t blame her for that. It Вы не должны винить ее за это. Это

wasn’t her fault.                             была не ее вина.

I do not blame you.                        Я не виню вас.

Gr . to be to blame                          быть виноватым

e . g . The question is who is to        Вопрос в том, кто виноват в том, что

blame for the mistake.                    произошла ошибка.

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