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2020-02-04 654 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 10 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

You alone are to blame.                  Виноваты только вы.

——— Compare: ———

He was found guilty of stealing the Его признали виновным в краже
books.                                             книг.
(признать виновным в судебном порядке)
I am not to blame lor what has      Я не виноват в том, что произо-
happened                                        шло.

proper [ʹprɔpǝ] adj                         соответствующий, должный, подходя-

                                                           щий, надлежащий

е . g. That’s the proper thing to do. Это именно то, что следует сделать.

Не is not at all a proper person to Он совсем не тот человек, с которым

speak to on the matter.                   можно поговорить по этому вопросу.

I hope you will give the matter       Надеюсь, что вы уделите этому во-

prop е r attention.                            просу должное внимание.

I asked him many times, but he      Я несколько раз спрашивал его, но

never gave me a proper                  он ни разу не дал мне должного

explanation.                                    объяснения.

Phr. in the proper sense of the       в полном смысле слова


properly adv                                   как следует, должным образом

W . comb . to do smth. properly (in сделать что-л. как следует (долж-

а proper way)                                 ным образом)

е. g . I can’t say you’ve prepared    Я не могу сказать, что вы как сле-

the lesson properly.                       дует приготовили урок.

keep (kept, kept)* v                        держать (не отдавать), хранить, со-


е . g. I keep my books in a book-    Я храню книги в книжном шкафу.


My hands were cold, and I kept      У меня замерзли руки, и я держал

them in my pockets.                       их в кармане.

Please, keep this seat for me.          Посмотрите, чтобы мое место не за-


— Shall I give you back the maga- — Вернуть вам журнал? — Нет, пусть

zine? — No, keep it.                       он останется у вас.

W . comb . to keep one’s promise*   держать обещание (слово)

(= to keep one’s word)

to keep silent (silence)                    хранить молчание, молчать

to keep to the point (to the subject) придерживаться темы

to keep smth. in order                    сохранять (содержать) что-л. впо-


to keep away from smth. or smb.  держаться в стороне от чего-л. или


to keep smb. waiting                      заставлять кого-л. ждать

——— Compare: ———

Он держал мою книгу в руках        Не held my book in his hands.
(имел ее в руках).
Он держал (не отдавал, не воз-        Не kept my book for a long time.
вращал) мою книгу очень долго.

because of prp                                из-за (предлог)

W. comb. because of smb. or smth. из-за кого-л. или чего-л. (из-за пло-

(bad weather, the noise, etc.)          хой погоды, шума и т. д.)

е. g . We went back home because Мы вернулись домой из-за дождя.

of the rain

dead [ded] adj                                 мертвый

W. comb. to be dead tired               быть смертельно усталым

to make one ’ s way (to, across,        направляться, пробираться к како-

through) v                                       му-л. месту (через что-л.)

compare [kǝmʹpɛǝ] v                      сравнивать

Prp. to compare one thing with     сравнить одну вещь с другой


e g. The teacher compared Com-   Преподаватель сравнил перевод тов.

rade Petrov’s translation with        Петрова с моим.


comparison [kǝmʹpærɪsn] n           сравнение

in comparison with prp                 по сравнению с, в сравнении с (пред-


lie (lied, lied, lying)* v                    лгать

Prp. to lie to smb.*                         лгать кому-л.

Syn . to tell a lie                               сказать неправду, солгать

Ant. to tell the truth                        говорить правду

do* v                                               делать

Phr . to do (be doing) well              иметь успех в каком-л. деле, пре-


е. g . The doctor says the sick boy   Доктор говорит, что больной мальчик

is doing very well.                          хорошо поправляется.

Although the young actor was very Хотя молодой актер очень волновал-

excited before his first performance, ся перед своим первым представле-

everybody was sure that he would нием, все были уверены, что он хо-

do well.                                           рошо справится с ролью.

do smb . good                                 приносить кому-л. пользу

Ant. to do smb. (a lot of, little,        приносить кому-л. вред (большой, не-

no) harm                                        значительный, никакого)

е. g . Take a walk before going to    Прогуляйся перед сном, это будет

bed, it’ll do you good.                    тебе полезно.

Read the story again, it won’t do   Прочитайте рассказ еще раз, это вам

you any harm.                               не повредит.

goods [ɡudz] п                                товары

section [sekʃn] п                              секция

band п                                            оркестр (духовой)

lean [li:n] v                                      наклоняться

W. comb. to lean on smth. (a table, опираться на что-л. (стол, стул,

a chair, somebody’s arm, etc.)        чью-л. руку и т. д.)

to lean against smth. (a wall, a door, прислониться к чему-л. (стене, двери

etc.)                                                  и т. д.)

to lean forward                              наклониться вперед

to lean back                                   откинуться назад

to lean over                                    наклоняться над чем-л.

shot п                                              выстрел

gun [ɡʌn] п                                     ружье, пушка, орудие

since conj                                        поскольку (союз)


I. State the tense-form of the verbs in black type, then translate the sentences into Russian (§ 4):

A. 1. How long have you been doing this translation? 2. Iʹve been waiting for you for an hour and a half. 3. He’s been working here since 1940. 4. He says he had been studying English for two years before he joined the courses. 5. I was told your friend had been waiting half an hour before you telephoned to him. 6. I haven’t seen him since last month. What has he been doing? 7. Since when has the man been sitting here? 8. Have you been waiting long for the director? 9. How long has this question been under consideration? 10. Though my friend had long been out of practice, he won the Institute Chess Championship. 11.— Have you known Comrade Sedov long? — Yes, I’ve known him since 1950.

B. 1. Why didn’t you look for the journal yourself? 2. What were you all looking for when I came in? 3. He said he had looked for the magazine everywhere, but could not find it anywhere. 4. I had been looking for my note-book the whole morning before I finally discovered it under the newspaper. 5. The tickets haven’t been booked yet. 6. Call the children in! They’ve been playing outside since morning. 7. The passengers could not go into the compartment because their berths were being set up. 8. When the passengers came into the compartment, the porter was fixing a new lamp for them. 9. For a long time Mark Twain had been trying to get some poor little corner in the sleeper when suddenly a conductor came up and offered (предложил) him two good seats. 10. You have chosen a book, haven’t you? 11.When I saw her last, she was wearing a well-cut sleeveless dress. I don’t think she had been wearing it long. It looked quite new.

II. Practise these sentences aloud:

1. — How long have you been waiting for me here? 2. — It seems to me it’s been raining for ages. 3. This hat isn’t new at all! I’ve been wearing it for years!

III. Form as many sentences as you can using the following table. Translate the sentences into Russian:

He She has


looking for





looking through

this book

that news-paper

this magazine

these articles

those stories

these letters


a long time

half an hour

an hour and a half

a week






SINCE 5 o’clock the morning I came here

IV. Answer the following questions paying attention to the use of the Perfect Continuous Tense-forms:

1. How long have you been studying English?

2. What English book are you reading now? Since when have you been reading it?

3. Can you play chess? Since when have you been playing it?

4. When was this grammar rule explained to you? How long have you been studying it?

5. Is your son learning to skate (to ski, to play the piano, to play chess, etc.)? How long has he been learning?

6. When did your son (daughter) graduate from the Institute? Where has he (she) been working since then?

7. When did you buy your suit? How long have you been wearing it?

8. Is Comrade N. away on business now? How long has he been away?

9. Is Comrade N. a friend of yours? How long have you known him?

10. When was Anna Karenina first staged? It has been a success ever since, hasn’t it?

11. How long had the Campbells been waiting before the circus arrived?

12. How long had Mark Twain been looking for a seat before the porter noticed him?

V. Маке questions to which these sentences are answers:

1. We’ve been discussing this matter for two hours already. 2. My friend had been serving in the army for ten years before he came to work at the factory. 3. The film has been running for a month, but tickets for it are still very hard to get. 4. We had been showing the new engineer around the factory for three hours before he said: “That’ll do for now.”

VI. Маке up sentences using the same structure as in the models:

1. How long have you been wearing this suit?

2. They had been discussing the plan for half an hour when I joined them.


VII. Ask and answer questions as in the model; pay attention to the tense-forms. Use these verbs:

to translate, to read, to write, to discuss, to learn something byheart, to prepare, to correct, to look through.

M o d e l: 1. A. What are you doing now?

                B. I am translating an article.

2. When did you begin translating it?

3. How long have you been translating it?

4. How much have you translated?

5. Were you translating it when your friend rang you up?

6. How long had you been translating it before your friend rang you up?

7. Did you say you had translated the whole article?

8. Will you still be translating it an hour from now?

9. By what time will you have translated it?

10. Do you often translate such articles?

VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms:

1. Don’t let the boy stay out so long. He (to run about) for three hours, and may catch cold. 2. That young singer has had very good training. He (to sing) for half an hour and never (to stop) for a moment’s rest. 3. It is unfair of you to be so cross with the man. He (to be) away for two weeks and you can’t blame him for the few mistakes that (to make) during his absence (отсутствие). 4. Our reply (to send) to you as soon as all the dates (to fix) finally. At the moment some of them (to consider) still. 5. — I (not to see) Ann lately. What she (to do)? — She just (to take) her final examinations and (to get ready) to go for a holiday. 6. — Why you (to wear) that strange-looking suit? You (to look) quite a sight in it! — Why, I (to wear) it for a month and nobody (to say) a word against it all this time. 7. It won’t do to call for the documents now. They (to prepare) when I (to leave) the office, but I don’t think they (to be) ready yet. 8. There (to be) considerable changes in this area in the last five years. The main part of it (to build up) already, and several new factories (to set up) now. In another three years it (to turn) into a large industrial area. 9. Jesse (to be unemployed — быть безработным) for five months before he (to manage) to get hired as a driver at a small factory. lO. Comrade Nazarov is a wonderful actor. When they (to perform) a play at our concert, I (to watch) him for 20 minutes before I (to recognize) him in the country boy he (to play). 11. The travellers (to walk) through the forest for several hours when they (to discover) that they (to lose) their way. 12. Where is the new engineer? — He (to take around) the factory. He already (to show) the main shops (цеха), but he (to go) over the whole factory only by the end of the day. 13. Last Sunday my friend and I decided to go fishing. When I came to my friend’s place at four o’clock in the morning, all his things, (to pack) and last minute preparations (to make). My friend (to look) cross and (to say) he (to wait) for me for half an hour although we (to fix) four o’clock as our meeting time.

IX. Translate the following sentences, using the Perfect Continuous tense-forms where necessary:

1. — Что вы здесь делаете? — Я жду трамвая. — Вы давно его ждете? — Да, я здесь уже 15 минут, и ни один трамвай еще не появился (to come round). 2. — Интересно, что делает сейчас Анна? — Она просматривает утреннюю почту. — Сколько времени она этим занимается? — Мне кажется, она работает с 9 часов. Она уже прочитала все телеграммы и сейчас просматривает письма. 3. а) Он давно начал изучать английский язык. б) Он давно изучает английский язык. 4. а) Ваш младший сын давно окончил институт? б) Его старшая дочь уже давно работает? 5. Я почти два часа искал свой учебник, когда вы позвонили и сказали, что обнаружили мой учебник в своем портфеле. 6. — Давно ли ты носишь свои ботинки? Почему у них такой поношенный вид? — Я ношу их всего около двух месяцев. Они выглядят такими поношенными, потому что во время отпуска я надевал их почти каждый день, когда ходил в турпоходы (to go camping). 7. Ни одна из этих статей сейчас не используется (to use). Мы все очень заняты, поэтому все эти материалы полностью в вашем распоряжении. 8. Когда товарищ Петров впервые поднял этот вопрос? Сколько времени вы его рассматриваете? 9. После того как комнаты были заказаны, мы отправились осматривать город. 10. За последнее время нашими учеными сделано много важных открытий. 11. К тому времени, когда мы, наконец, добрались до леса, дождь прекратился, и снова ярко светило солнце. 12. Мы наблюдали за самолетом, пока он не скрылся из виду.

X. Illustrate by sentences of your own the use of the pronouns(See Revision Table No. 4).


XI. Read the following words aloud:

power, cheerful, surround, hold, compare, comparison.

XII. Practise the words and word combinations given below, then read aloud the paragraphs of the text from “The tent was at last fixed” to “Yes, a little” paying attention to pronunciation and intonation.

wereall      ʹdeadʹtired           ʹgettheirtickets

wereeager  whisperedto him  comʹparedtheirhands

XIII. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters and combinations of letters in black type:

vote, dome, toss, cloth, love, dove, other, wool, tooth, rook, hook, hold, bold, boat, toast, road, out, blouse, thou, nervous, various, clown, brow, sorrow, borrow, broil, oyster, forth, cord, core, bore, worm, worthy, worship.

XIV. Translate the following word combinations and state how words in black type are formed:

an overcrowded tram              overtime work

a powerful machine                an incapable pupil

a cheerful song                        a nice cigarette-holder

a good-looking youth             a newly-built power-station

the overfulfilment of the plan a well-dressed woman

XV. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in black type:

1. The weather in London is very changeable. 2.Everybody found the story unbelievable. 3. I think there is a noticeable improvement in this student’s knowledge. 4. The man said that he would not be answerable for the results of the work unless his advice was carefully followed. 5. This sentence is quite understandable, but it is difficult to translate. 6. “My people consider it advisable to fix the price at once,” said the manager.

XVI. Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1.Did Alan and Eddie realize it wasn’t the boy’s fault that he was able to buy a ticket?

2. What did the boys understand for the first time in their young lives when one of them went to see if tickets were being sold?

3. What did the big cheerful-looking man say to the boys?

4. Why did the boys surround him?

5. Did the man’s words cheer the boys up?

6. What did the man hold up?

7. What did the boys have to do to get free tickets for the circus?

8. Was the weather nice that day? Did the boys have to help pull the ropes because of the windy weather?

9. What did Pusher warn the boys that he would do?

10. What wasn’t he going to do if the boys didn’t work properly?

11. Why did the Campbell brothers keep together?

12. Did the hard work that Alan and Eddie had to do for Pusher do them much good?

13. Did Alan work properly or did he only pretend that he was working?

14. Did Alan look cheerful or was he about to burst out crying after they had been working for about an hour and a half?

15. Why did Eddie try to do everything in his power to help his brother?

16. Why were the boys cheerful and proud when they made their way across the field to Pusher?

17. Why did they compare their red hands?

18. What did one of the boys say when they surrounded Pusher?

19. Did the brothers burst into the big tent or did they walk in slowly after getting their tickets? Why?

20. Did they look cheerful when they made their way to their seats?

21. Why did the brothers lean against each other?

XVII. Маке a plan of the text in the form of questions (15-20).

XVIII. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

fault, power, cheerful-looking, to burst out laughing, to pull, unless, properly, to keep together, because of, to compare, to do well, to lean against.

XIX. Find English equivalents to the following and state in what situation they are used in the text:

1) прождав еще полчаса 2) поднялся, чтобы посмотреть 3) вскочили на ноги 4) я так и думал 5) подходите поближе 6) больше двух (лет) 7) меньше двух лет 8) все, что вам нужно будет сделать для меня 9) понятно? 10) пошли, тогда 11) они очень хотели пойти к Пушеру 12) у вас есть для нас билеты? 13) вы хотите сказать нам, что нужно еще поработать 14) нам ведь нужно внести эти стулья 15) ну, принимайтесь за работу 16) изо всех сил старались следить 17) со всех сторон поднимались люди 18) поскольку нечего было больше смотреть

XX. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Translate into Russian and practise aloud:

1) It isn’t my fault (I am not to blame at all). 2) Whose fault is it? (Who is to blame?) 3) It was your own fault. 4) She always finds fault with everybody. 5) Nobody is blaming you for that. 6) Don’t blame him, it isn’t his fault.

2. Paraphrase:

1) It’s somebody else’s fault. 2) Who is to blame? 3) He alone is to blame.

3. Make up sentences or situations of your own using to find fault and the words given in brackets:

(somebody, something, anybody, anything, everybody, everything, the work, the book, the film, the play, the singer, the pianist)

4. Translate :

1) Он виноват. 2) Он сам виноват. 3) Он ни в чем не виноват. 4)Кто виноват в ошибке? 5) Кто виноват в том, что работа еще не сделана? 6) Почему вам нравится ко всему придираться? 7) Я вас ни в чем не виню. 8) Не вините меня, если что-нибудь случится. 9) Не знаю, чья это вина, но я не виноват. 10) Его признали виновным (невиновным). 11) Несмотря на то, что в фильме есть недостатки, он нам понравился. 12) В телевизоре имеется дефект. 13)Этот материал недоброкачественный. 14) У него был виноватый вид.


1. Answer these questions:

1) What synonym to the word combination to do one’s best do you know?

2) Do you always do everything in your power to help your friends?

3) Why did the porter do everything in his power to please Mark Twain?

4) Why wasn’t it in Mrs. Campbell’s power to get circus tickets for her children?

5) Which of the singers you know has a powerful voice?

2. Make up sentences of your own using the following table:

We to do everything to do
He in one’s power to increase
The doctor   to help
The engineers   to save
The journalists   to improve
The workers   to expose to change

3. Make up sentences of your own using the words given in brackets:

M o d e l: It’s not in my (his, Comrade N’s, etc.) power to help you.

(to expose, to improve, to change one’s attitude to, to book a room in advance, to have the radio set fixed, to help somebody change the date)

4. Use synonymous expressions:

1) The doctor did his best to save the man’s life. 2) I believe you can still improve the situation. 3) I am afraid they are unable to change things now.


1.Answer these questions:

1) When do we have to cheer up a person?

2) What do we usually say or do when we want to cheer somebody up?

3) What kind of person (day, room) can be called cheerful?

2. Make up sentences of your own:

1) a cheerful colour — to be worth buying

2) a cheerful room — to move in

3) to look gloomy — to cheer up

4) to be unfair, to get upset — to cheer up

3. Translate :

1)Мне никогда не надоедает эта бодрая песня. 2) Ничто немогло развеселить его. 3) Мы надеялись, что наш визит приободрит больного. 4)Не унывайте (приободритесь)! Мы скоро доберемся до лагеря!

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