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THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 26 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


I. Translate the sentences into Russian and analyse the forms of the Subjunctive Mood (§ 11, 12)

a) 1. It wouldn’t do you any harm if you did this exercise a second time.

2. You would never say he is ill-natured if you knew him better.

3. If this book were more interesting, it would be in greater demand.

4. If my friend were in Moscow now, he could show me round the city.

b) 1. If I had known that you would be hurt, I would never have told you about it.

2. If my grandfather had had a chance to study, he would have been a great man, I am sure.

3. I had to walk from the station. If I had had more money on me, I could have hired a taxi.

4. If he had come a minute later, he would have missed the train.

c) 1. He would feel very much hurt if you failed to come to his birthday party.

2. I could have tried to cheer her up if I had known that she was in trouble.

3. If by chance the weather were fine tomorrow, I would wear this suit.

4. If I came across a plain blue dress while shopping I shouldn’t hesitate to buy it.

5. If you had studied properly last year, you wouldn’t have made those mistakes.

6. If Petrov were more experienced, he would work better.

II. Practise aloud:

1. If she had more experience she’d do better work.

2. If I’d known that, I’d have put off the appointment.

3. If I were you, I’d give in.

III. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the use of the Subjunctive Mood:

a) 1. Would you attend to a matter yourself if you were responsible for it? Why?

2. If you had much luggage, would you hire a taxi or go by bus?

3. What would you do if you went to the country on your next day off and the weather were gloomy?

4. What would you wear if it were warmer (colder) now?

5. Where would you send your son (daughter) to study if he (she) were good at singing?

6. How would you get in touch with the company you deal with if you wanted a quick answer?

b) 1. Would the conductor have given Mark Twain a seat if the porter had known who he really was?

2. What would have happened if the porter hadn’t been mistaken?

3. Would the Campbell boys have gone to the circus grounds to work if their mother had not been so poor?

4. Would Pusher have hired Alan if the boy had given his correct age? What would have happened then?

5. The boys wouldn’t have fallen asleep if they hadn’t been dead tired, would they?

6. What would the Campbells have seen in the circus if they hadn’t fallen asleep?

7. Would Miss Posie have guessed who “Bill Summers”, was if Highsmith had acted badly?

8. Would Miss Carrington have returned to live in Cranberry Corners if Highsmith hadn’t acted so convincingly? What would have happened then?

c) 1. How would you speak English if you were brought up to speak the language?

2. Would your favourite team have won the last football championship if they had trained more?

3. Would you recognize your friend at first sight if you didn’t see him for ten years or so?

4. Where would you have gone if you had had a holiday last winter?

5. Would you still consider a film worth seeing if you heard that it was not at all interesting?

IV. Complete the following questions and answer them:

1) What would you do if to run into ... ? to mix with ... ? to complain of ... ? to be in trouble ...? to be deceived ...? to be eager ... ?


2) How would you behave if to avoid ... ? to find fault with ...? not to give in ...? to be responsible ...? not to be familiar ...? to be interested in ... ?


3) What would have happened if to fail in the examination ... ? not to make proper arrangements ... ? to put off ... ? not to keep in a cold place ...? can't arrange ...? can’t attend to ... ?


4) What would you have done if to complain to somebody of ...? to mention ...? to be pressed badly ...? to hurt one’s feelings ...? can’t get in touch with ... ? can’t keep an appointment ...?

V. Translate the following sentences using the same structure as in the models:

M o d e l: It would be good if you attended to the matter personally.

1. Я бы позвонил ему сейчас, если бы я знал номер его телефона.

2. Я бы зашел к нему на следующей неделе, если бы у меня было свободное время.

3. Если бы он завтра сюда пришел, мы бы все обдумали вместе.

4. Я бы извинился, если бы чувствовал себя неправым.

5. Мы бы примирились с такими результатами, если бы не имели сейчас возможности их улучшить.

6. Если бы вы убедили Петра принять участие в нашем концерте, мы бы отложили вечер до следующей недели.

M o d e l: I should give in if I were wrong.

1. Я бы погостил здесь подольше, если бы не был так занят.

2. Мы бы не настаивали, если бы дело не было срочным.

3. На вашем месте я бы связался с опытными инженерами.

4. На вашем месте я бы не колеблясь принял предложение.

5. Если бы платье было простое, она носила бы его каждый день,

6. Если бы вы были более внимательны, вы не путали бы эти имена.

M o d e l: The party wouldn’t have been spoiled if you had made all the necessary arrangements.

1. Если бы. вы оставили мне записку, я бы зашел к вам вчера.

2. Он бы сам уделил внимание этому вопросу, если бы не заболел.

3. Я бы пошел вчера в кино, если бы у меня было желание это сделать.

4. Работа была бы испорчена, если бы мы не приняли срочные меры.

5. Если бы Хайсмит играл свою роль плохо, Мисс Поузи догадалась бы, что ее обманывают.

6. Хайсмит не сделал бы попытки получить роль, если бы антрепренер не посоветовал ему убедить Мисс Поузи.

M o d e l: a) I could have attended to the matter myself if I had known that it was urgent.

            b) I would ask Peter to do it if I could rely on him.

1. Если бы он не подвел меня, я смог бы сделать работу за неделю.

2. Мы могли бы ее убедить, если бы она последовала нашим советам.

3. Я был бы вам признателен, если бы вы могли отложить нашу встречу до понедельника.

4. Вы могли бы приобрести больше опыта, если бы вы работали на заводе.

VI. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood:

1. He would not have failed to come to the party if ... (not to be held up).

2. If my director turned up now ... (to attend to, personally).

3. I shouldn’t dare to bother you at such a late hour if ... (urgent).

4. If you took part in the forthcoming sporting events ... (to do a lot of good).

5. I should have bought that coat without any hesitation if ... (to have money with me).

6. If you gave in... (not to be praised).

7. I would tell you about it if ... (can, to speak in private).

8. If this play had been put on at our club ... (to be a success).

9. If you had kept this fruit in a cool (прохладный) place ... (not to spoil).

10. He wouldn’t behave so if he ... (an honest man).

VI I. Translate, then complete each sentence using the words given in brackets:

1. Если бы его телефон был занят тогда ... (to leave a message).

2. Я бы купила это модное платье тогда, если бы ... (to have money with me).

3. Если бы у меня было плохое зрение ... (to wear).

4. Вчерашний матч отменили бы, если бы ... (to change).

5. Вы бы ничего не перепутали, если бы ... (in a proper way).

6. Мы обменялись бы с ними впечатлениями ... (to be out of touch).

7. Я не возражал бы против этих изменений ... (to be reasonable).

8. К кому бы вы обратились, если бы ... (reliable information).

9. Я уверен, что если бы он обдумал мое предложение как следует ... (not to turn down).

10. Если бы вы хвалили своего ребенка слишком много (to spoil).

VIII. Change the subordinate clauses omitting the conjunction if(§ 12):

1. If I were in Leningrad now, I should also be able to hear the famous Italian singer. 2. You would not make these foolish mistakes if you were more attentive to your work. 3. If that engineer had had a greater sense of responsibility, this question would not have been under consideration so long. 4. This question would have been raised long ago if they had attended to the matter properly. 5. If there had been many schools in the area, the Burnells would not have sent their girls to mix with poor children.

IX. Combine the following parts of sentences using the Subjunctive Mood:

M o d e l: Comrade Petrov didn’t work hard and didn’t gain a proper knowledge of English. He failed in the examination.

                If Comrade Petrov had worked hard and gained a better knowledge of English, he wouldn’t have failed in the examination.

1. She trained hard. That’s why she became an excellent ballerina. 2. You failed me. I didn’t take the necessary steps in time. 3. The weather is bad. We can’t go to the country. 4. Our secretary is a good-natured woman. She is pleasant to deal with. 5. I keep a diary. I never forget my appointments. 6. I couldn’t get him on the phone. I left a message for him. 7. The director couldn’t attend to the matter himself. He was engaged with the firm. 8. The boy behaved badly. We made him apologize. 9. I’ll be frank with you. You can keep secrets. 10. He didn’t find me at home. We couldn’t exchange opinions on the matter. 11. There were no plain dresses at the shop, I left without buying one. 12. There was no railway connection between the two villages. We took a car to get from the one to the other. 13. Myfriend went in for sports at the expense of his health last winter. Now he has to give it up.

X. Make up sentences having the same structure as in the models; use the words given in brackets;

а) I’d feel awkward if I didn’t know the language.
b) You would have got into trouble if you had put off doing the work.
с) If my son were musical, he would continue music lessons.

(to move about, to shake with cold; good (ill-) -natured, pleasant (difficult) to deal with; to travel a lot, to gain knowledge; to complain, to be hurt; not to follow the doctor’s advice, to be in poor condition; to point out one’s mistakes, to improve; to have more time at one’s disposal, to attend lectures on; to change one’s attitude, to fail somebody; to be urgent; to insist on; to be worth seeing, to enjoy)

XI. Translate into English. Pay attention to the use of the Subjunctive Mood:

1. Я бы не возражал против того, чтобы отложить встречу, если бы дело не было срочным. 2. Я бы взял такси, если бы знал, что в нашем распоряжении было так мало времени. 3. На вашем месте я бы не настаивал на том, чтобы эти меры были приняты немедленно. Это было бы неразумно. 4. Ваша работа не окончилась бы неудачей, если бы вы обменялись мыслями с вашими товарищами, прежде чем приступать к ней. 5. На вашем месте я бы не примирился с такими результатами. Вы могли бы выиграть следующий матч, если бы больше тренировались. 6. Этот ученик не провалился бы на экзаменах, если бы вовремя были приняты необходимые меры. 7. В прошлом месяце результаты были бы гораздо лучше, если бы все поняли преимущества нашего предложения. 8. Она не жаловалась бы на головные боли, если бы ежедневно гуляла перед сном. 9. Было бы неплохо (a good idea) как можно скорее связаться с заводом. Специалисты сказали бы нам, чем можно объяснить такие дефекты. 10. На вашем месте я как следует все бы обдумал, прежде чем принимать окончательное решение.

XII. Continue the story in the Subjunctive Mood as shown in the model. Use the words given in brackets:

M o d e l: If I were on a holiday now, I ... .

First student: If I were on a holiday now, I should go to the South.

Second student: If I went to the South, I would bathe in the sea and lie in the


Third student: If I bathed in the sea and lay in the sun, Ishould lose weight

                      (вес), etc ... .

a) If I were leaving Moscow on a business trip, I ... .

(to have to go to the railway station, to hire a taxi

to get to the station in no time

to have an hour or so at my disposal

to go to the newspaper-stall (киоск)

to buy a fresh newspaper

to read it in the train to kill time)

b) If my friend had been in Moscow last week, he ... .

(to take part in our amateur performance

(it) not to be a failure

not to spoil the party

(we) to be praised for putting it on

(everybody) to have a lot of fun)

c) If I were responsible for the matter, I ... .

(to get in touch with

to make an appointment

to give the matter proper consideration

to make final arrangements

not to have to deal with the matter again)

XIII. Make up stories on the basis of the answers to Ex. XII.

XIV. Make up sentences using the same structure as in the models (§ 13);

a) It was my sister who I meant to go to see tomorrow.
b) It was in the park that I ran into Peter.


XV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense- forms (See Revision Table No. 7):

David was blind (слепой). He (to be) blind ever since he could remember himself, but now all that was to be changed. After several unsuccessful attempts the doctor finally (to succeed). Soon, very soon he (to be able) to see.

The doctor and the nurse (to stand) by the side of his bed. He (to feel) that they (to be) quite near. The doctor (to tell) him to open his eyes. The boy (to hesitate) for some time before he (to have the courage) to do so. At last he (to obey) the doctor, and for the first time he could see.

He (to lie) in his bed looking up at the ceiling not daring to move because he (to be) so afraid to lose this wonderful new thing — sight.

The doctor (to speak) now to the nurse, and he (to hear) him say what a brave boy David (to be). The operation that (to give) him sight (to be) a very painful one, but David (not to show) any fear before the operation or while it (to make). David’s heart (to fill) with pride as he (to hear) the doctor’s words.

The nurse (to be) very kind to him and (to give) him a perfect description of everything around him, and now he (not to be) afraid of the new world which he (to be going) to see.

“I (to think) he (to be) all right now,” he (to hear) the doctor say, “I (to come) and look at him again tomorrow. Meantime, put him out in the sunshine for a while. It (to do) him good.”

The nurse (to put) him in a chair and (to take) him outside into the garden.

For a while he (to sit) there looking at nothing in particular. Suddenly he (to start) and (to sit up), nearly unable to move with horror (ужас), then he (to make) an attempt to rise in his chair, his hands spread out and his eyes fixed on the big black thing that (to dance) in front of him, down at his feet. Stiff with fear David (to let out) a short loud cry and (to fall) down near the chair. The nurse (to run) out to him.

“So you see Doctor,” she (to say), when he (to call) her to his office the next morning, “though David (not to be) afraid of anything else, he (to be) of that. For the fact is I (to forget) to tell David about his own shadow. I am sure he (to take) it easily if I (to do) so at the proper time.

(from Eckersley)


XVI. Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. Would the Colonel have succeeded in learning the serenade if he hadn’t worked hard?

2. Do you think the teacher’s advice was discouraging? Why?

3. Where was Linda’s house situated?

4. What attempt did Colonel Green intend to make? Would he have thought of serenading Linda if he hadn’t known she was alone?

5. Where did the Colonel run into Porcharlester? Why was the meeting inconvenient? Would Colonel Green have started the conversation himself if he hadn’t felt awkward?

6. Do you think Porcharlester would have sung the serenade to Linda in private first if he had had the courage to do so?

7. Would Colonel Green have stayed in the shadow for such a long time if he hadn’t been eager to serenade Linda?

8. Why did Linda say, “I’ll forgive you?”

9. What was Linda’s reaction to the first note produced by the Colonel’s horn? Would she have started if the impression had been good?

10. What did Colonel Green mean by saying, ‘‘I succeeded fairly well?”

11. Where did the servant find Colonel Green when he wanted to hand him the letter?

12. Why did the Colonel open the letter only at home? Did he think it was inconvenient to do so before the servant?

13. What made Linda think that Porcharlester did not respect her love for Schubert’s serenade?

14. Why did Linda think that the sounds had been produced by a human throat? Would she have thought so if the instrument hadn’t sounded like a man’s voice?

15. Did the Colonel really think that to be frank with Porcharlester would be useless? Would he have behaved in a different way if he had not thought so?

16. Why did Green give up horn-blowing? Do you think he would have continued the lessons if he had had more ability?

17. Why did Linda refuse to see Porcharlester?

XVII.    Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. If I were you, Colonel, I ... .

2. I had already bribed the servant ... .

3. The meeting was most inconvenient. I ... .

4. If I could be sure that ... .

5. “Thank you,” he said, “it’s ... .”

6. “I never dare sing it before her, but ... .”

7. “I have no doubt it will be,” I said, ... .

8. “Yes,” she said, “It’s ... .”

9. I saw her start and listen ... .

10. “...” I heard him say ... .

11. I ran all the way to Hamilton Place, ... .

12. I am sorry that you respect my love for Schubert’s serenade ... .

13. I felt that ... .

14. He has given his word ... .

XVIII. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. Colonel Green had been trying hard for several weeks to play the serenade and finally he managed to do it very successfully. 2. One evening at the end of June the Colonel took up his horn and drove to the Marble Arch where he got down and walked to the place where Linda’s house stood. 3. “I’ll try to play the serenade,” thought Colonel Green. 4. It was very far from being a good time to meet Mr. Porcharlester. 5. Porcharlester was going to surprise Linda with the serenade at a party because he was afraid to sing it for her in private. 6. After the two men parted, Porcharlester entered the house, and Green found a place in the garden which was darkened by the trees so as tolook up at them as they sat near the open window. 7. Linda promised not to be angry with Porcharlester any longer. 8. At the first note Green saw Linda make a sudden movement and listen. The instrument was like ice and his lips were hardly able to move, but in spite of all that, he was rather successful. 9. The letter continued thus: “I am sorry that you pay so little attention to my love for Schubert’s serenade as to make fun of it.” 10. Green felt that his teacher was right and he had notthe lip for the horn. So he never studied horn-blowing again. 11. When Green asked his wife to explain why she did not wish to see Porcharlester, she would not give her reasons.

XIX. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) я оставил бы эту мелодию для себя 2) я не последовал этому совету 3) в конце июня 4) где я сошел и пошел пешком к ее дому 5) вы знаете, какая она хорошая 6) не может быть, чтобы это был ваш голос 7) это очень любезно с вашей стороны 8) разве ей не нравится, как вы поете ее 9) не говорите ни слова об этом 10) он на день опоздает 11) вам пора идти 12) если вы хотите сделать мне сюрприз 13) мы увидимся у Миссис Локсли Холл 14) когда он ушел 15) при первой ноте 16) он протянул мне письмо 17) я бежал всю дорогу 18) я сел в такси 19) он ничего дурного ей не сделал

XX. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text) :

to discourage, to be situated, to make an attempt, inconvenient, to have the courage, in the shadow, to forgive, to start, to hold out a letter, to respect, to produce, uselessly, to refuse.

XXI. Correct the following statements. Use the Subjunctive Mood:

M o d e l: Mr. Porcharlester was convinced that Miss Linda would enjoy his singing the serenade, and he did not hesitate to perform it in her presence.

I’m afraid you are wrong. On the contrary Mr. Porcharlester was not at all sure whether Miss Linda would like his singing. As a matter of fact he put off performing it because he did not have the courage to sing it in Linda’s presence. If he had felt sure of himself, he would have sung the serenade long before.

* * *

1. The teacher was glad to encourage the Colonel in his intention of playing the serenade and he pressed him to do so in spite of the fact that his pupil had paid him nothing.

2. The Colonel decided to make an attempt to serenade Linda. He relied on Mr. Porcharlester’s help, and on seeing him near Linda’s house, thought that the meeting was very convenient.

3. Porcharlester was convinced that it was himself and not his voice that Linda liked, but he hesitated whether to tell Green about it or not as he knew that the Colonel was in love with Linda too and hated to hurt him.

4. The two men parted, and Colonel Green remained in the shadow of the house, stiff with cold and fear. It was hard for him to hold out very long because not a sound came from Linda’s open window.

5. Linda had been listening to the Colonel playing for quite a time before she showed that she had recognized the serenade.

6. When the servant saw the Colonel in the shadow of the tree, he held out the letter to him without saying a word and the Colonel quietly walked home.

7. Colonel Green realized that Miss Linda had made a mistake and he decided to get in touch with Mr. Porcharlester to let him know the truth.

XXII. Vocabulary activization exercises:



1) The scientists succeeded in making a number of new discoveries. 2) Frankly speaking, I don’t think she will succeed as an actress. 3) If he had made another attempt, he would have succeeded.

2. Use a synonym:

1) Ann will do well at the job. I’m sure. 2) If Jack could have more training, he would win the forthcoming event 3) If you had tried harder to get in touch with the professor, you would have done it long ago. 4) After a long discussion Peter managed to persuade his fellow-workers to accept his suggestion.

3. Translate :

1) Он долго работал над этой проблемой (a problem), прежде чем добился успеха. 2) Я не уверен, что моя сестра преуспевает, как врач. 3) Вашему брату удалось бы занять первое место в соревнованиях, если бы он больше тренировался,


1. Answer these questions:

1) What kind of news can discourage a person?

2) Why do people sometimes discourage their friends from doing something?

3) In what way do you encourage your child to go in for sports?

4) In what way can we encourage people to work better?

5) Did the manager try to discourage Highsmith from getting the part of a country-fellow? Did the young actor feel discouraged after his conversation with the manager?

6) Why did Uncle Seneca try to discourage the boy from leaving school at sixteen? Did he encourage the boy’s interest in money? In what way did he do that?

7) Why did the teacher try to discourage Colonel Green from playing Schubert’s serenade? Was it easy to discourage him?

2. Translate:

1) Ничего не могло его обескуражить. 2) Почему он выглядел таким обескураженным? 3) Я бы попытался отговорить его от поступления в этот институт, если бы знал тогда, что он собирается это сделать. 4) Успех ободрил его. 5) На вашем месте я бы поощрял интерес мальчика к истории. 6) Анна очень застенчива. У нее не хватит смелости выступить (спеть) на нашем концерте самодеятельности. 7) Он не осмелился бы сделать это без разрешения.


1. Translate :

1) Где расположен этот музей? 2) Вскоре мы обнаружили маленький домик, расположенный недалеко от дороги. 3) Я надеюсь, что обстановка будет приятной. 4) Положение на фронте в 1942 г. было серьезным. 5) Он очутился в неловком положении.


1. Complete:

1) He succeeded in entering a dramatic school after ... (an attempt),

2) If I were to blame, I ... (to make an attempt to apologize).

3) Don’t feel so discouraged. In your place I (to make another attempt).

2. Translate :

1) На вашем месте я предпринял бы еще одну попытку уговорить его. 2) Мы сделаем еще одну попытку связаться с фирмой. 3) Ваша попытка исправить положение не удалась.


1. Make up sentences or situations using the Subjunctive Mood where possible:

1) to consider, time, convenient

2) to seem, an arrangement, most inconvenient

3) honestly speaking, not to be convenient, to put off

4) this kind of transportation (the train, the tram, the bus), convenient, to be situated


1. Translate :

1) Какая странная тень! 2) He хотите ли отдохнуть в тени этих деревьев? 3) Как жаль, что у вас в саду так мало тени! 4) Я предпочитаю никуда не ходить. Сегодня жарко даже в тени. 5) Мне нравится этот цвет, но я выбрала бы другой (different) оттенок.

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